Proyecto 52 – (Spanish)
The Spanish Project 52 invites you to experience fifty-two stories from Scripture in a one-on-one, small group, or family setting. It’s a journey through God’s story that will equip you to share it.
For every story, there is a Devotional, Discussion Guide, and a Cartoon to help you learn and share the Story with others. As you journey through this project, you will know the Bible and you will also be equipped to share the One whom the stories are pointing to: Jesus Christ.
Jesus says, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” (John 8:31b-32). Just as a student must know what his or her teacher has to say in order to learn, understand, and grow, a disciple of Jesus Christ must be rooted and equipped in the Word of God for all seasons of life. Whether you are journeying through Project 52 as a long-time disciple of Jesus, or were recently introduced to Him, may His word come alive in you and in others as you Share the Story.
24 in stock
SKU (ISBN): 9781632040640
ISBN10: 1632040646
Language: Spanish
Kyle Martin
Binding: Trade Paper
Published: June 2015
Publisher: New Hope Publishers
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