Arca De Noe – (Spanish)
Chris y Joy estan felices de faltar a la escuela para irse a pasar tiempo con una pandilla de patinadores. Despues de todo, a quien le importa si rompen las reglas?
Unete a la aventura mientras el Superlibro lleva a Chris, su amiga Joy y su robot, Gizmo atras en el tiempo. Conoce a Noe, el unico hombre justo en un mundo malvado. Se testigo de como su fe se convierte en un poderoso milagro; el, su familia y los animales de la tierra son salvados de un diluvio catastrofico.
!Nuestros heroes descubren que Dios cuida de aquellos que confian en El!
Chris and Joy are excited to skip school and hang out with a gang of tough skateboarders. After all, who cares if they break a few rules?
Set sail on an exciting adventure as Superbook takes Chris, his friend Joy, and his robot, Gizmo, back to ancient times. Meet Noah, the only righteous person in an evil world. Witness how his faith results in a mighty miracle-as he, his family, and the earth’s animals are saved from a catastrophic flood.
Our heroes discover that God cares for those who trust in Him!
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SKU (ISBN): 9781629997803
ISBN10: 1629997803
Language: Spanish
Produced by: Christian Broadcasting Network
Binding: Cloth Text
Published: February 2020
Publisher: Casa Creacion – Penguin Random House
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