Tabernaculo Folleto – (Spanish)
If you have an unsusual appetite for knowledge, the Themes of Faith collection provides simple easy-to-use information on a variety of topics right at your fingertips. Fully illustrated.
Sized to fit perfectly in the back of a Bible or study notebook. A knowledge-retention booster.
7 in stock
SKU (ISBN): 9780805465983
ISBN10: 0805465987
Language: Spanish
Compiled by: Rose Publishing
Binding: Trade Paper
Published: January 2007
Publisher: Rose Publishing
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Fans of C.S. Lewis will enjoy this great historical work with commentaries on letters between great ecclesiastics on the subjects of divinity, war, the church and prayer.
In September 1947, after reading C.S. Lewis’s The Screwtape Letters in Italian, Fr. (now St.) Giovanni Calabria was moved to write the author, but he knew no English and assumed (rightly) that Lewis knew no Italian. So, he wrote his letter in Latin, hoping that, as a classicist, Lewis would know Latin. Therein began a correspondence that was to outlive Fr. Calabria himself (he died in December 1954, and was succeeded in correspondence by Fr. Luigi Pedrollo, which continued until Lewis’s own death in 1963).
Translator/editor Martin Moynihan calls these letters “limpid, fluent and deeply refreshing. There was a charm about them, too, and not least in the way they were ‘topped and tailed’ — that is, in their ever-slightly-varied formalities of address and of farewell.”
More than any other of his published works The Latin Letters shows the strong devotional side of Lewis and contains letters ranging from Christian unity and modern European history to liturgical worship and general ethical behavior.
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