Libro De Registros Financieros – (Spanish)
Este libro de registro, diseado para iglesias con menos de 150 miembros, es sencillo y facil de usar. Tabla con el dinero pagado y recibido mantiene un registro preciso del flujo de dinero semanal y mensual, mientras que resumenes de los gastos anuales le guiaran para preparar un presupuesto anual. Tambien incluye paginas para registrar las ofrendas semanales de cada miembro.
Designed for churches with 150 members or less, this record book is simple and easy to use. Charts for money received and paid out keep accurate track of weekly and monthly cash flow, while summaries for yearly expenditures guide in preparing an annual budget. Also includes pages to record the weekly giving of each member.
1 in stock
SKU (UPC): 0081407006321
Language: Spanish
Binding: Spiral Bound
Published: May 2009
Publisher: B and H Publishing Group
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This book comes with a clear overlay, more than 100 images, charts, diagrams, photos, and illustrations, many of which have never published before. It covers the span of time from Abraham to modern day.
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