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    Biblical Studies

    • 9780830787111 Steadfast Through Psalms

      Steadfast Through Psalms


      A six-week guide to a deeper and more joy-filled prayer life, Steadfast through Psalms guides us in prayer journaling, praying Scripture, and pouring out our hearts to God as David did.

      We often think of prayer as a last resort for a problem rather than a beautiful way to anchor ourselves in God’s heart. In fact, as Lauren Mitchell reminds us in this in-depth look at David’s psalms, prayer is not something that enhances our spiritual life; prayer enables it.

      In Steadfast through Psalms, Lauren writes to all of us who long to pray with the passion of David but don’t know how to get there. This six-week prayer guide includes:

      *Morning and evening prayers to bookend our days
      *Practical tools, such as prayer journaling, for stilling our minds
      *Insights and inspiration for praying the words of Scripture
      *Access to six teaching videos that correspond with each week’s theme
      *Ideas for developing a rhythm of prayer that increases mindfulness, purpose, and peace

      Prayer is more than an invitation to take our thoughts to God. It’s an invitation to know His thoughts toward us. As David discovered, when we renew our minds through prayer, we can stay steadfast no matter what the day holds.

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    • 9781540903396 Jesus Revealed In The End Times Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)

      Jesus Revealed In The End Times Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      The end times shouldn’t scare us–they should bring us hope

      Most books about the end times focus on the events described in biblical prophecy–wars, natural disasters, economic turmoil, and more–rather than the One who is revealed in those events. The result? God’s people end up fearful about what is to come rather than hopeful about Who is to come. But the Bible’s prophecies of the last days can fill us with joy and peace as we anticipate the return and reign of our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ.

      In Jesus Revealed in the End Times, bestselling author Dr. Robert Jeffress takes a radically different approach to prophecy, helping you see the end times through the lens of Jesus Christ. You’ll stop fretting about future events as you start to know Jesus more deeply, see Him more clearly, and praise Him more joyfully.

      This study guide helps you get the most out of the book, whether you’re studying it alone, in a small group, or as part of a churchwide initiative. With engaging icebreakers, thought-provoking questions, and activities to build on what you’ve learned, this study guide will help you face tomorrow with confidence and courage as you come to know the One who controls the future.

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    • 9781540900500 Jesus Revealed In The End Times

      Jesus Revealed In The End Times


      Most books about the end times focus on the events described in biblical prophecy–wars, natural disasters, economic turmoil, and more–rather than the One who is revealed in those events. The result? God’s people end up fearful about what is to come rather than hopeful about Who is to come. But the Bible’s prophecies of the last days can fill us with joy and peace as we anticipate the return and reign of our beloved savior, Jesus Christ.

      In Jesus Revealed in the End Times, bestselling author Dr. Robert Jeffress takes a radically different approach to prophecy, helping you see the end times through the lens of Jesus Christ. You’ll stop fretting about future events as you start to know Jesus more deeply, see him more clearly, and praise him more joyfully.

      By the time you finish this book, you’ll not only have a greater understanding of God’s plan for the future but also have a greater sense of calm and courage in the face of what is to come because you’ve come to know the One who controls the future.

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    • 9781400338849 It Is Finished

      It Is Finished


      Now available in trade paper!

      A Publishers Weekly and ECPA Bestseller

      Across forty days of vivid storytelling, It Is Finished offers you a unique and vital roadmap to trace the power and necessity of the cross throughout the Bible, from the book of Genesis all the way to your present-day reality.

      Through forty slices of the story of Calvary, master storyteller and vivid Bible teacher Charles Martin, will walk you back to the cross to look up at it from a different angle each day and ask the Father to reveal to you:

      *What exactly did he mean when the dying Jesus said, “It is finished”–what was finished at the cross?

      *When did what Jesus finish at the cross even begin?

      *What does this man’s death 2,000 years ago have to do with me today?

      *What is God offering at the cross that I so easily forget and take for granted?

      *What do I not realize about myself that the Father God has never forgotten?

      Whether it is your first, tenth, or ten thousandth time looking up at the cross of Christ, you can trust New York Times bestselling author Charles Martin, to wrap an arm around your shoulder, come alongside and walk with you as a fellow pilgrim headed in the same direction and answering the same question: “What will I do with this man, Jesus?”

      Because before we can celebrate the resurrection, we need to backtrack to where Jesus has been, how He got there, and what His presence there accomplished. And while Satan can’t change what happened on that Friday, he has been working ever since to hide what happened there. To obscure the work of the Cross. To avert our eyes. But on this 40-day pilgrimage your eyes will open wide and your heart will race as you discover the answer to the question that can change your life, Lord, why me? Why would you endure the cross and despise the shame, for me?

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    • 9781433587474 Understanding Gods Word Workbook (Workbook)

      Understanding Gods Word Workbook (Workbook)


      The Companion Workbook to Jon Nielson’s Understanding God’s Word, an Accessible Guide to Biblical Interpretation

      In his book Understanding God’s Word, pastor Jon Nielson makes biblical interpretation clear, meaningful, and practical for those looking for a highly accessible guide to studying God’s word. Part of the Theology Basics series, this companion workbook walks through each of the book’s 7 chapters, helping Christians read Scripture carefully and in context, identify its core themes and main points, discover Christ in each passage, and respond faithfully within their own lives.

      The Understanding God’s Word Workbook provides readers an opportunity to further interact with the text through Scripture passages, discussion questions, and review sections from the book, inviting them to pray, meditate on, and apply what they have learned. Designed to be used in conjunction with the book, this workbook is perfect for individual meditation or group study.

      *Clear Language and Easy-to-Follow Methods: Ideal for new Christians, students, or anyone wanting a highly accessible guide to biblical interpretation; perfect for individual or group study

      *Part of the Theology Basics Series: A collection of books, videos, and workbooks to introduce students to systematic theology, biblical theology, and biblical interpretation

      *Companion Book and Video Series Sold Separately: Invites further interaction with the text to integrate study with application

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    • 9781540904638 God Of Story

      God Of Story


      Many of us have been taught to read Scripture as a collection of information that needs to be categorized, systematized, and analyzed verse by verse, concept by concept. But the Bible isn’t a jigsaw puzzle, and it wasn’t written in just Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. It was also written in the language of story. And as with every good story, we get to meet colorful characters, unravel mysteries, and see the world from a different point of view. It all makes more sense when understood from the perspective of storytelling.

      In The God of Story, Daniel Schwabauer explores the narrative principles of theme, context, characterization, voice, and plot as a lens for understanding the cosmic story arc of God’s relationship to humanity. By including creative retellings of biblical stories, he demonstrates how to engage Scripture with imagination.

      For a fresh approach to reading the Bible and discovering how its stories connect to your own, start by learning to see God as the master storyteller.

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    • 9780825448126 Introducing Jesus : The Fourfold Gospel

      Introducing Jesus : The Fourfold Gospel


      A book for those who think they know Jesus and for those who know they don’t.

      Can anyone in our high-tech world truly understand someone who lived two thousand years ago? Can we get through twenty centuries of tradition to the real person who started it all? Andreas Kostenberger shows that the Gospels, the four earliest records about Jesus, do just that. These writings, named Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, alongside key facts about the ancient world, bring Jesus’s life, his words, and his legacy into focus.

      Introducing Jesus gets to the heart of what was–and is–important about Jesus. Kostenberger uses succinct prose, photographs, maps, charts, and more to address these questions:

      *What did each gospel writer intend to convey about Jesus?
      *What historical backgrounds help us understand Jesus better?
      *What aspects of Jesus’s life and teaching do the Gospels emphasize?
      *What does Jesus mean to people living today?

      Adapted from Kostenberger’s The Jesus of the Gospels (2020) for a younger readership, Introducing Jesus lends itself well to the typical organization of a high school year or college semester. A corresponding website includes resources for instructors.

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    • 9781433587436 Understanding Gods Word

      Understanding Gods Word


      An Accessible Guide to Biblical Interpretation by Pastor Jon Nielson

      A faithful believer will spend their lifetime interpreting God’s word. But when confused by ancient and complex texts or led astray by small-group discussion, readers are at risk of making faulty conclusions and unbiblical applications. How can Christians correctly interpret and faithfully apply Scripture to their lives the way God intends?

      This helpful guide presents 6 hermeneutical tools and demonstrates how to use them effectively in personal or small-group Bible studies. These tools are designed to help Christians read carefully and in context, identify core themes and main points, discover Christ in each passage, and respond faithfully within their own lives. Part of the Theology Basics series, this guide by author and pastor Jon Nielson makes biblical interpretation clear, meaningful, and practical for those looking for a highly accessible guide to studying God’s word.

      *Clear Language and Easy-to-Follow Methods: Ideal for new Christians, students, homeschool groups, or anyone wanting a highly accessible guide to biblical interpretation; perfect for individual or group study

      *Practical Tools: 6 hermeneutical tools to incorporate in personal or small-group Bible studies

      *Part of the Theology Basics Series: A collection of books and study guides to introduce students to systematic theology, biblical theology, and biblical interpretation

      *Companion Workbook and Video Series Sold Separately: Invites further interaction with the text to integrate study with application

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    • 9780736990233 How To Study Your Bible

      How To Study Your Bible


      Your Guide to Richer Bible Reading

      Beloved Bible teacher Kay Arthur’s inductive study method has helped millions of people discover the truth of God’s Word for themselves. This bestselling and dynamic guide, cowritten with David Arthur and Pete De Lacy, invites readers of all Bible literacy levels to dive deeper into God’s promises.

      Become an active participant in God’s Word as How to Study Your Bible helps you cultivate the skills of observation, interpretation, and application. This life-changing way of understanding and exploring Scripture will inspire you to live boldly and confidently in God’s truth.

      The Harvest Legacy Collection

      For more than 50 years Harvest House Publishers has provided high-quality books that affirm biblical values, helping countless readers grow spiritually strong. The Harvest Legacy Collection celebrates the lasting influence of select Harvest House titles with deluxe, special-edition releases. These enduring works have collectively impacted millions–and they are sure to inspire readers for years to come!

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    • 9780825445927 40 Questions About The Atonement

      40 Questions About The Atonement


      Atonement sits at the very heart of Christian doctrine, describing believers’ status as “being one again” with God through Jesus Christ. It is the culmination of God’s work of reconciliation, simultaneously defining believers’ relationship with God while also describing how that relationship is restored. Because of this, how one understands atonement has a profound impact on how one views and understands God, salvation, and human nature.

      New Testament scholar Channing L. Crisler offers a robust foundation for understanding the divine mystery of atonement, drawing on biblical and historical witnesses to answer pertinent questions, such as:

      – Why is atonement necessary?
      -What are the different theories of atonement?
      -How is atonement understood by the various Christian traditions and world religions?
      -What implications does one’s understanding of atonement have on the present?

      Through its question-and-answer format, 40 Questions About the Atonement provides an expansive introduction to the doctrine of atonement, inviting the reader to wade into this divine mystery with curiosity and awe.

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    • 9780310528906 Inscriptions Papyri And Other Artifacts

      Inscriptions Papyri And Other Artifacts


      Ancient Literature for New Testament Studies is a multivolume series that seeks to introduce key ancient texts that form the cultural, historical, and literary context for the study of the New Testament.

      Each volume will feature introductory essays to the corpus, followed by articles on the relevant texts. Each article will address introductory matters, provenance, summary of content, interpretive issues, key passages for New Testament studies and their significance.

      Neither too technical to be used by students nor too thin on interpretive information to be useful for serious study of the New Testament, this series provides a much-needed resource for understanding the New Testament in its first-century Jewish and Greco-Roman context. Produced by an international team of leading experts in each corpus, Ancient Literature for New Testament Studies stands to become the standard resource for both scholars and students. Volumes include:

      1. Apocrypha and the Septuagint
      2. Old Testament Pseudepigrapha
      3. The Dead Sea Scrolls
      4. The Apostolic Fathers
      5. Philo and Josephus
      6. Greco-Roman Literature
      7. Targums and Early Rabbinic Literature
      8. Gnostic Literature
      9. New Testament Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha

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    • 9780310139232 Bible Throughout The Ages

      Bible Throughout The Ages


      The Bible Throughout the Ages examines several crucial issues related to the Bible: its status as God’s truth and revelation, the history of reading and interpreting Scripture, and its ongoing relevance in the world today. This edited volume is the result of collaboration between English- and French-speaking scholars, who collectively address a range of issues regarding Scripture, including literal vs. metaphorical interpretations, how theologians like Augustine, Aquinas, and Calvin read the Bible, and how Scripture continues to shape the Christian faith today.

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    • 9780764243776 Jesus Book : Reading And Understanding The Bible For Yourself

      Jesus Book : Reading And Understanding The Bible For Yourself


      Despite being the bestselling book of all time, the Bible remains largely unread and unexplored. Drawing from fifty years of ministry, Dr. Jack Graham inspires you to dive deeper into Scripture and foster a profound connection with God through His Word. This guide will give you the tools you need to:

      *understand the overall narrative of the Bible
      *develop meaningful devotional practices
      *sidestep common mistakes in Bible interpretation
      *apply Scripture to your everyday life
      *and more

      Whether you are a seasoned believer or just beginning your spiritual journey, this book provides everything you need to unlock the timeless wisdom and transformative power of God’s Word.

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    • 9780310167990 Challenge Of Acts

      Challenge Of Acts


      A new and inviting introduction to the Acts of the Apostles from New Testament scholar and theologian N. T. Wright.

      Acts is a substantial book. It sits right in the middle of the New Testament, looking back to the four Gospels and ahead to the mission of the early church. It provides a framework for our understanding of the letters; but it does more than that. Acts offers a sophisticated and nuanced view of what it means to think of the gospel of Jesus, Israel’s Messiah, going out into the world over which Israel’s Messiah claims the status of Lord.

      This Christian movement and thinking, detailed in Acts, entailed confronting the wider culture of the Greek and Roman world, as well as the culture of the Jewish world, which provides us today with an important message as we ourselves face new questions about gospel and contemporary culture.

      From the renowned author of Into the Heart of Romans, N. T. Wright brings to the book of Acts his expert’s eye on theological nuance and cultural context, distilling it down into an introductory commentary, perfect for anyone looking to take their own reading a little deeper and discover the profound (and often forgotten) potential of the church and the Way of Jesus Christ.

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    • 9780310172031 10 Men Of The Bible Updated Edition

      10 Men Of The Bible Updated Edition


      The men depicted in the Bible were not perfect by any means. We find story after story marked by scandal, failure, and intrigue. Yet we also find many stories of men who were able to look beyond their circumstances, completely trust in the Lord, and follow Him wherever He chose to them. Like us, these men made both good and bad decisions along the way–and experienced both good and bad consequences–and we find our struggles and hopes in the pages of the Bible that tells their stories.

      In this ten-session workbook, Max Lucado tells some of his favorite stories of these men in the Bible. Stories include:

      1. Noah: When You’re Low on Hope
      2. Job: The Most Famous Conversation in the Bible
      3. Jacob: Wrestling with the Past
      4. Moses: The Voice from the Mop Bucket
      5. David: Colossal Collapses
      6. Joseph: Unanswered Questions
      7. Matthew: Friend of Flops
      8. Peter: The Gospel of the Second Chance
      9. Lazarus: The Final Witness
      10. Paul: Don’t Write Off Anyone

      Each session includes five insights on each character and Bible study questions to help you delve into the stories and apply them to your life.

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    • 9780785252276 Great Disappearance : 31 Ways To Be Rapture Ready

      Great Disappearance : 31 Ways To Be Rapture Ready


      Now available in trade paper!

      An Instant Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly Bestseller

      The rapture is the central event in biblical prophecy. But what does it mean for us today? How can this crucial end times event draw us nearer to God in a world that is seemingly on the brink of chaos? Political turmoil, economic uncertainty, an ideological divide that feels increasingly impassable–the signs of the times point us toward the end, and that can be disconcerting.

      But the greatest truth about the rapture is not its timing, but its reality–for blessed are all who long for His appearing.

      The Great Disappearance is a culmination of decades of Dr. Jeremiah studying end times throughout the Bible. In this definitive volume he will explain the meaning of the word rapture, the difference between the rapture and the second coming, and the joy of expecting our Savior to come at any given moment. Dr. Jeremiah will also explore key questions such as:

      *Who will be raptured?
      *When will it happen?
      *What will happen to those left behind?
      *What will believers experience when they are taken away to heaven?
      *Will non-believers still have time to repent and be saved?

      Dr. Jeremiah seeks to answer all of those questions and many more, not with sensationalism or stories ripped from the headlines but with solid, biblical truth. Because God has laid out His plan for us in His Word so that we might not be caught unaware. We may not know the exact date that the rapture will happen, but we do know it will happen. Are you ready for it?

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    • 9780736986380 Non Prophets Guide To Heaven

      Non Prophets Guide To Heaven


      Straightforward Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Heaven

      How do we know who goes to heaven? Will we have bodies? Will we recognize other people, such as our friends and family? What does having a future in heaven mean for us while still here on earth?

      In The Non-Prophet’s Guide(TM) to Heaven, author and illustrator Todd Hampson answers these questions and many more with lighthearted illustrations and faithful explorations of what Scripture reveals about heaven. As you embark on this spirited adventure, you will encounter:

      *historical understandings of heaven and a deep dive into what the Bible really says
      *an overview of what happens between now and eternity on a clear, informative timeline
      *encouragement to deepen your faith in God’s promises and make today count more than ever!

      Packed with engaging infographics and bountiful insight, this inspiring resource will transform your understanding of heaven and the afterlife while energizing you to live more boldly in the present.

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    • 9780310367949 Scandal Of The Kingdom

      Scandal Of The Kingdom


      A major new work by Dallas Willard, the highly anticipated follow-up to his seminal work The Divine Conspiracy. In this groundbreaking book based on teachings he delivered to a church community, Willard delves into the transformative power of Jesus’s parables, revealing how they show us how to live right now in the kingdom of God.

      Drawing from his extensive teachings on spiritual formation, Willard illuminates the timeless wisdom contained within each parable, revealing their profound relevance to contemporary life. With clarity and depth, he guides readers through the subversive messages embedded within these seemingly simple stories, urging us to break free from the grip of worldly values and embrace the radical teachings of Jesus.

      The Scandal of the Kingdom is not just a book–it’s a call to action. Willard challenges readers to move beyond passive acceptance of comfortable dogmas and instead to actively engage with the values of the kingdom of God. He reminds us that the kingdom is not some distant future destination but a present reality, beckoning us, as the parables of Jesus did, to live with a new purpose and intentionality in the here and now.

      Through insightful analysis and practical wisdom, Willard empowers readers to transform their lives and communities by embodying the radical love, compassion, and justice exemplified in Jesus’s parables. This book is a beacon of hope for Christians seeking to deepen their faith and live more authentically in accordance with the teachings of Christ. Willard empowers us to:

      *Become more passionate about living the gospel in the full scope of Jesus’s vision for us
      *Better share the faith of Jesus with those disillusioned with Christianity
      *Unlock the excitement of living in the upside-down kingdom of God
      *Share the gospel of Jesus in the way he did

      A significant new resource for Christians worldwide, this book offers a road map for spiritual growth and renewal in an increasingly complex and challenging world. With its profound insights and transformative message, it is destined to leave a lasting impact on the hearts and minds of believers everywhere.

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    • 9780310142454 How To Study The Bibles Use Of The Bible

      How To Study The Bibles Use Of The Bible


      How to Study the Bible’s Use of the Bible: Seven Hermeneutical Choices for the Old and New Testaments by Gary Edward Schnittjer and Matthew S. Harmon is an essential resource aimed at teaching a hermeneutic for understanding the Bible’s use of the Bible. Intended for students of both testaments, the book’s innovative approach demonstrates how the Old Testament use of Scripture provides resources for the New Testament authors’ use of Scripture. The authors provide students with a clear approach to handling the Bible’s use of itself through seven key hermeneutical choices organized into individual chapters. Each chapter introduces a hermeneutical choice and then provides several examples of the Old Testament use of Old Testament and the New Testament use of Old Testament. The plentiful examples model for students the need to ground hermeneutics in biblical evidence and provide insight into understanding why the Bible’s use of the Bible is important.

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    • 9780825447990 40 Questions About Suffering And Evil

      40 Questions About Suffering And Evil


      Multifaceted answers to the multifaceted challenges of suffering and evil.

      Both inside and outside the Christian faith, many difficult realities trouble human hearts and minds. By being equipped to answer questions about suffering and evil, Christians can persevere in faith, share their faith, and defend the faith when confronted with these inevitable challenges of living in a fallen world.

      In 40 Questions About Suffering and Evil, Greg Welty shows the necessity of exploring our vocabulary around evil and suffering so we can clearly see and express the best questions.

      Welty explores vital ideas, backgrounds, and issues, answering questions like these:

      *What is the difference between Moral Evil and Natural Evil?
      *What is the Bible’s role in helping us understand suffering and evil?
      *Does God will all suffering and evil?
      *How is the gospel relevant to counseling those who suffer?

      Welty provides biblically informed intellectual resources for answering significant questions about suffering and evil, exposing readers to a wide range of influential views articulated by Christians over the past two millennia.

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    • 9781496486417 Names Of God Devotional Study With Video Access

      Names Of God Devotional Study With Video Access


      Get refreshed and equipped with seven powerful names of God in this highly engaging and interactive devotional study (with FREE guided video content from the author) ! Packed with fresh insights, word studies, cultural context, thought-provoking reflections, and practical action steps, these studies will give you a solid understanding of God’s character so you can find peace and hope amidst life’s toughest moments.

      Our world is a scary place. Focusing on the chaos can paralyze us with fear, but instead, we can anchor ourselves in the truth of who God is, and live unafraid. The Living Unafraid devotional study will help you build an unshakeable foundation of trust in God by empowering you with God’s character as revealed through his names in Scripture. Each of the seven chapters in this devotional study book explores:

      *A powerful name of God (including pronunciation, scripture reference, translation, prayer, and a word study)

      *FREE accompanying video insights, accessible online (optional)

      *Key background information, in-depth overviews, and cultural context

      *Fresh insights, practical action steps, and eye-opening reflections questions

      *And so much more!

      How to Use the Names of God Living Unafraid Book & Video Study

      Whether you’re looking to refresh and energize your faith or seeking support and hope in a season of suffering, Living Unafraid has something for everyone within its rich studies.

      *Read this book, with a small group or a book club, or by inviting a friend to study with you one-on-one.

      *Read one session per sitting and then complete the study questions.

      *Dive into the FREE (optional) author insights video included in each chapter.

      *Meet with your group, share an ‘aha moment’ you experienced while reading the session, and then learn from one another’s insights as you share answers to the questions.

      Each session also ends with a prayer you can speak aloud so that its life-giving words nourish your soul. Then expect God to answer.

      Unpacking Seven of God’s Names in Living Unafraid

      God’s names describe who he is, revealing his holy nature, steadfast promises, unwavering protection, and fierce love. Living Unafraid equips you with the meanings behind seven of God’s names to help you overcome fears and life’s challenges:

      *Yahweh–“I am who I am.” God is self-existent and yet desires relationship.
      *Yahweh Tzidkenu–The Lord Is Our Righteousness. Jesus has redeemed us.
      *Yahweh Rohi–The Lord Is My Shepherd

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    • 9781433592867 Saved : Experiencing The Promise Of The Book Of Acts

      Saved : Experiencing The Promise Of The Book Of Acts


      Nancy Guthrie Presents a Theologically Rich and Comprehensive Guide through the Book of Acts

      The book of Acts is set within the larger story of the outworking of God’s plan to save for himself a people from every nation-the story that runs from Genesis to Revelation. Within its pages are dramatic accounts of the Spirit falling, the apostles’ preaching, conflict with Jewish opposition to welcoming in the Gentiles, and the invasion of the good news of King Jesus into the Roman Empire.

      In Saved, bestselling author Nancy Guthrie provides an accessible, theologically sound guide to the book of Acts. Over 17 chapters, she invites readers to peer into the lives of the apostles in the days following the resurrection and ascension of Jesus as they experienced new power from the indwelling Holy Spirit and a new understanding of the Old Testament scriptures. With a friendly and engaging tone, Saved covers the entire book of Acts, providing a solid and accessible study resource for individuals and groups. Additional Saved resources are available separately, including a personal Bible study, a leader’s guide for group study, and a companion video series.

      *Comprehensive: Covers the entire book of Acts in 17 short, engaging chapters, with personal application for readers

      *Context: Connects the events of the resurrection, the ascension, Pentecost, and the gospel going to Gentiles to the Old Testament, putting the events in the book of Acts in context of the whole of Scripture’s presentation of God’s salvation plans and purposes

      *Part of the Saved Suite of Products: Also includes an extensive leader’s guide for group study, a personal Bible study, and a companion video series (sold separately)

      *Ideal for Individuals and Small Groups

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    • 9780736988384 Discovering Daniel : Finding Our Hope In God's Prophetic Plan Amid Global C

      Discovering Daniel : Finding Our Hope In God’s Prophetic Plan Amid Global C


      Our Lives and the Future Are in His Hands

      While the world appears to be in dire straits, the book of Daniel paints a vivid picture of the many ways God guides our lives and world events, providing us with great reason to hope.

      Using the same deep but easy-to-understand style found in his standout seller Revealing Revelation, bestselling author Amir Tsarfati reveals how Daniel’s prophecies–and his unwavering faith amid a contentious culture–provide vital insights for living out these last days with hope and wisdom. As you explore the deep connection between Daniel and Revelation, you will learn how:

      *2,500 years of future history unfolded exactly the way God said it would, demonstrating how all things are in His hands

      *prophetic mysteries in Daniel reveal crucial insights into the signs, timeline, and events of the last days

      *God’s ability to use Daniel’s faith in powerful ways shows how He can work through us too

      Discovering Daniel reveals how the words, actions, and visions of the prophet Daniel can provide you with purpose and hope in today’s chaotic world, encouraging you to live with confidence in God’s supreme sovereignty and love in the time we have left on this earth.

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    • 9781514002988 Hear Ye The Word Of The Lord

      Hear Ye The Word Of The Lord


      Long before the words of the Bible were written, God’s communication through the spoken word rang out loud and clear. Jesus in particular commissioned representatives to speak on his behalf even during the time of his earthly ministry. And yet today we are a reading culture. It is easy for modern Christians to take for granted that the Bible was handed down in written form, but the way we receive God’s message is far different from how the original hearers would have heard it. These differences not only shape the way that we hear God’s message to his people, but they put us at risk of misunderstanding his revelation.

      In Hear Ye the Word of the Lord, biblical scholar D. Brent Sandy explores how oral communication shaped the ways that biblical writers received God’s message-and even more importantly, how the ancient and modern faithful receive it through hearing. Filled with helpful biblical insights related to oral communication and constructive ways for modern readers to become better hearers and performers of Scripture, Hear Ye the Word of the Lord provides a constructive way forward for readers interested in exploring how we can better hear God’s Word.

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    • 9780800745554 Lets Read The Gospels

      Lets Read The Gospels


      New York Times bestselling author Annie F. Downs knows from personal experience that when you start to read the Gospels, they start to change your life. As an experiment, she read all four Gospels–Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John–in 30 days. When she finished, she picked up another translation of the Bible and did it again. And again. Suddenly she realized she couldn’t keep this experience to herself, and the Let’s Read the Gospels podcast was born.

      Annie wants you to have the same life-changing experience reading the Gospels as she has, and with this guided journal, she makes it even easier. Each of the 30 entries

      – shows you what to read on that day
      – offers questions to think about and journal through
      – can be used again and again, as many times as you go through the Gospels

      Join this growing community of people who are seeing their lives, attitudes, and relationships change as they immerse themselves in the story of Jesus.

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    • 9781540903921 Are We Living In The Last Days

      Are We Living In The Last Days


      Will Jesus’s return be preceded by a single world government?

      Will every person have a government-issued ID or mark?

      Does Christ return once or twice?

      Will believers go through a Great Tribulation?

      Will there be a literal battle of Armageddon?

      Does it even matter what we believe about future events?

      Biblical prophecies about the end times have confused, confounded, and even divided God’s people for centuries. But the reason Scripture gives us hints about the future is to provide the encouragement we need to endure the present, confident that God keeps his promises.

      In this balanced look at four major views of the end times, bestselling author Bryan Chapell explains the primary ways Christians have interpreted biblical prophecy about the last days, not so that we might pick a hill to die on but so that we can cling to what unites us in Christ.
      No matter what end times view we find most compelling, in God’s plans we can find strength for today and hope for tomorrow.

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    • 9781087791357 New Testament Handbook Sage

      New Testament Handbook Sage


      Immerse yourself in the New Testament Handbook, an elegant, full-color Bible handbook that includes robust summary content, charts, maps, word studies, illustrations, and more for every New Testament book of the Bible. Constructed with high-quality cloth cover materials and a sewn binding, the New Testament Handbook is designed to last a lifetime as a valuable companion resource for Bible study, teaching, and ongoing discipleship.


      *High-quality, foil-stamped cloth cover materials and sewn binding meant to last a lifetime

      *Elegant full-color interior design, including maps, charts, illustrations, and other visual helps for every book of the New Testament

      *More than 50 in-depth word studies of key words found in each New Testament book

      *Ribbon marker for easy referencing between pages during study, teaching, or sharing

      The New Testament Handbook features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible(R) (CSB). The CSB captures the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s life-transforming message and to share it with others.

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    • 9780825448676 Ordinary Men Called By God

      Ordinary Men Called By God


      God called three ordinary people to become extraordinary men of faith, and their lives became enduring examples of courage, faithfulness, and humility.

      This classic volume examines the relationship to the Living God of each of these three men–their spiritual victories as well as their failures–and the crucial turning points in each of their lives whereby God was glorified. Boice further demonstrates that just as God was at work in the lives of Abraham, Moses, and David, he is also at work in the lives of believers today.

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    • 9780736987615 Time Of The Signs

      Time Of The Signs


      “What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” –Matthew 24:3

      The disciples could not wait. Christ had said He would bring an end to human rule and establish His kingdom. But when? Eager to learn how the future would unfold, they asked Him about the signs of His coming and the end times. What should they expect to take place?

      In The Time of the Signs, pastor Barry Stagner explores the events that will precede Christ’s return. As he describes Earth’s final days, he answers the many questions people ask, including:

      *Why is the rebirth of Israel the most significant sign that the end times are near?

      *What other important clues, evident today, reveal the closeness of the tribulation and Christ’s return?

      *Where does the rapture fit in the chronology of all that will occur in the last days?

      *After Christ returns, what is next?

      As you study the signs Jesus foretold, you’ll see amazing evidence that we are living in the very time of these signs–and gain a clear understanding of what will happen, and when.

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    • 9780736975285 Living As An Overcomer

      Living As An Overcomer


      “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” -Revelation 2:7

      The unique hardships of our modern lives can often feel insurmountable. But God’s Word reveals to us that there is no obstacle, habit, or situation we face that Jesus hasn’t already given us the power to conquer.

      In Living as an Overcomer, bestselling author Dr. Tony Evans examines how Christ’s message to the seven churches in Revelation can challenge, convict, and lead you toward emphatic victory over any difficulty in life. Through this powerful portion of Scripture, Dr. Evans helps you:

      *discover how Christ’s words to some of the earliest churches brim with enduring life and relevance, even in our contemporary context

      *rekindle your deepest convictions and strengthen your spiritual commitment as Christ’s admonitions and promises permeate your heart

      *vanquish obstacles and live triumphantly by laying claim to all God has in store for you

      As you heed God’s instructions to the early church, you will receive everything you need to experience victory over sin and prevail in your present circumstances. Reject lukewarm faith, and start living as an overcomer!

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    • 9781514007815 Knowing God Bible Study (Anniversary)

      Knowing God Bible Study (Anniversary)


      Faithful. Triune. Beyond comparison. Triumphant over all. These words barely begin to describe the God we serve, yet he invites us to have a relationship with him. What could be more important than knowing this all-surpassing God?

      These five easy-to-use Bible studies, based on J. I. Packer’s bestselling classic Knowing God, explore the character and actions of God throughout Scripture. They encourage us to look for God every time we read the Bible and to deepen our understanding, trust, and worship in response.

      In honor of the fiftieth anniversary of Knowing God, this edition of the Knowing God Bible Study helps individuals and groups explore and apply biblical truths. Each session features an insightful quotation by Packer matched with a Scripture passage, reflection questions, and application ideas that will equip readers to gain a fuller knowledge of the God we worship. A leader’s guide and list of suggested resources are also included.

      Also available: Knowing God Devotional Journal, Knowing God Study Guide, and Knowing God Fiftieth Anniversary Edition.

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    • 9781430085829 Old Testament Handbook Sand

      Old Testament Handbook Sand


      Immerse yourself in the Old Testament Handbook, an elegant, full-color Bible handbook that includes robust summary content, charts, maps, word studies, illustrations, and more for every Old Testament book of the Bible. Constructed with high-quality cloth cover materials and a sewn binding, the Old Testament Handbook is designed to last a lifetime as a valuable companion resource for Bible study, teaching, and ongoing discipleship.

      *High-quality, foil-stamped cloth cover materials and sewn binding meant to last a lifetime
      *Elegant full-color interior design, including maps, charts, illustrations, and other visual helps for every book of the Old Testament

      *More than 75 in-depth Word Studies of key words found in each Old Testament book

      *Two ribbon markers for easy referencing between pages during study, teaching, or sharing

      The Old Testament Handbook features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible(R) (CSB). The CSB captures the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s life-transforming message and to share it with others.

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    • 9780785252245 Great Disappearance : 31 Ways To Be Rapture Ready

      Great Disappearance : 31 Ways To Be Rapture Ready


      The rapture is the central event in biblical prophecy. But what does it mean for us today? How can this crucial end times event draw us nearer to God in a world that is seemingly on the brink of chaos? Political turmoil, economic uncertainty, an ideological divide that feels increasingly impassable–the signs of the times point us toward the end, and that can be disconcerting.

      But the greatest truth about the rapture is not its timing, but its reality–for blessed are all who long for His appearing.

      The Great Disappearance is a culmination of decades of Dr. Jeremiah studying end times throughout the Bible. In this definitive volume he will explain the meaning of the word rapture, the difference between the rapture and the second coming, and the joy of expecting our Savior to come at any given moment. Dr. Jeremiah will also explore key questions such as:

      *Who will be raptured?
      *When will it happen?
      *What will happen to those left behind?
      *What will believers experience when they are taken away to heaven?
      *Will non-believers still have time to repent and be saved?

      Dr. Jeremiah seeks to answer all of those questions and many more, not with sensationalism or stories ripped from the headlines but with solid, biblical truth. Because God has laid out His plan for us in His Word so that we might not be caught unaware. We may not know the exact date that the rapture will happen, but we do know it will happen. Are you ready for it?

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    • 9781496478030 Book Of Revelation Made Easy

      Book Of Revelation Made Easy


      Often considered the most complicated book in the New Testament, Revelation has proven to be an interesting challenge to scholars and lay readers alike. Its apocalyptic imagery and prophetic messages of judgment, salvation, and final redemption have captured the imagination of the church for two thousand years, giving rise to differing interpretations and confusion among Christians. Book of Revelation Made Easy presents these viewpoints in easy-to-follow charts, offering a framework for understanding how this important, final book of the canon has been historically understood. Topics include:

      *The Seven Churches: their historical context and modern-day application

      *Chart explaining four views on the book of Revelation: (1) Futurist, (2) Historicist, (3) Idealist, (4) Preterist

      *Chart exploring four views on the Millennium: (1) Dispensational Premillennialism, (2) Historical Premillennialism, (3) Amillennialism, (4) Postmillennialism

      *Helpful summaries of Revelation’s “sevens”: 7 churches, 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 symbolic histories, 7 bowls, 7 judgments, 7 visions

      These helpful explanations and comparison charts will remove the guesswork for readers who want to make sense of the many perspectives on Revelation. Regardless of interpretation, however, Revelation’s message assures Christians of God’s ultimate victory over the powers of evil and death. Explore the who, what, when, and why of Revelation in an easy-to-read format that translates complexity into clarity.

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    • 9781914273438 3 In One

      3 In One


      The question, ‘What is God like?’, is always one that will provoke discussion and debate. To get an answer, there are two possible approaches. 1. The best scenario would be for God to tell us what He is like. That would save a lot of conjecture and give us an accurate answer. 2. We could use the evidence we have available to establish that God exists, and then try to ascertain what type of being He is, how He thinks, and how He operates. This second approach has severe limitations as we are restricted by the sum total of human experience (assuming that it has been recorded and retained accurately). Also, our results will be very subjective as we will end up describing God in terms that we have chosen. They may not be accurate. This could ultimately be defined as personal speculation. I suggest that the first approach is available to us in the holy book we call the Bible. We are not left to our own personal speculations about God, for we can learn from the revelation which God has given about Himself in His book. It is, therefore, important for us to consider why we should accept that the Bible is in reality God’s message to the human race, and that it has supernatural authorship. If it is just another ‘holy book’ written by men, then it is only another form of speculation. This will be the subject of Chapter 1 which I hope you will read carefully.

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    • 9780825442759 40 Questions About The Text And Canon Of The New Testament

      40 Questions About The Text And Canon Of The New Testament


      How did the New Testament come to be?

      The ancient writings that comprise the New Testament are critical for understanding the life, teachings, and impact of Jesus of Nazareth, all of which are central to Christianity. But how were these texts circulated, collected, and given their canonical status? Is the New Testament a trustworthy source for learning about Jesus and the early church?

      New Testament scholars Charles L. Quarles and L. Scott Kellum address the most pressing questions regarding the study of New Testament texts, their transmission, and their collection into the canon, such as these:

      *What happened to the original manuscripts of the New Testament?
      *With all the variants, can we still speak of inspiration and inerrancy?
      *What is New Testament textual criticism and why is it important?
      *How do most scholars decide between the readings of different manuscripts?
      *What are the competing views on canon?
      *Did the apostles recognize contemporaneous books as Scripture?
      *Did the early councils decide the canon?

      40 Questions About the Text and Canon of the New Testament uses a question-and-answer format so readers can pursue the issues that interest them most, with additional resources at 40questions.net.

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    • 9780736987462 Girls Guide To Studying Her Bible

      Girls Guide To Studying Her Bible


      Bestselling author and trusted Bible teacher Elizabeth George shows girls (ages 8-12) how to know God better by reading and studying His Word.

      In addition to teaching the basics of Bible study, Elizabeth helps girls apply biblical wisdom to their lives in important areas, including…

      *knowing how to find good friends
      *getting along better with parents and family
      *making right choices instead of wrong ones
      *learning how to use time well
      *growing and becoming a stronger Christian

      Girls will learn that the Bible is God’s message especially for them. Help a young girl in your life take her first steps toward discovering just how much He loves and cares for her!

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    • 9780785253877 50 Final Events In World History

      50 Final Events In World History


      How much do you know about the end of the world?

      In The 50 Final Events in World History, beloved and respected pastor Robert J. Morgan takes readers on a journey through end-times prophecy, walking step-by-step through the end of the world to the dawn of the new kingdom of heaven.

      Heard of worldwide pandemics? Weapons of mass destruction flashing through the air? Global water and air contamination? The nation of Israel restored after 2,000 years, encircled by hostile nations and buffered by the nation of Jordan? Air evacuations with machines having two wings? Threats from Russia and Asia? Extremism in Turkey? Clamor for globalization? Hand implants for commerce and security? The gospel penetrating unreached places? Violent persecution? Cascading wickedness? The world falling apart?
      All of this is predicted in the book of Revelation.

      If you find yourself baffled and maybe even a little intimidated by end times and the book of Revelation, The 50 Final Events in World History will be a:

      *comprehensive yet easy-to-understand overview of the book of Revelation,
      *resource you can turn to again and again,
      *helpful tool that translates the events of Revelation both literally and sequentially, and
      *guide to interpret present circumstances as well as future events.

      Revelation is the Bible’s final words on the world’s last days. The key is understanding its simple sequence of events-one after another, clearly laid out­-the fifty final events in world history.

      This is information we need to know now since we might soon be on the doorstep of event #1.

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    • 9781636410944 Messianic Prophecy Revealed

      Messianic Prophecy Revealed



      The Old Testament isn’t just a collection of traditions from one group of people–it’s about Jesus as the key to salvation.

      After reading this book, you will have no doubts that Jesus is the Messiah, and you will be able to read the Old Testament with the newfound revelation that God has been pointing to His Son as the Savior of the world for thousands of years.

      Many times, when inquisitive readers look to see how the New Testament authors applied the Old Testament to show that Jesus is the Messiah, they become confused. When the Gospel writers quote Old Testament scriptures and say, “This is how Jesus fulfilled it,” the passage quoted doesn’t appear to be a prophecy at all. This is because understanding Messianic prophecy is often more of an art than a science.

      Messianic prophecy is not simply the measurement of specific prophecies about the future that Jesus fulfilled. In the Hebrew tradition, prophecy is not one-dimensional; it is not simply foretelling the future. In reality, the whole of Scripture is prophetic, pointing us to Christ.

      In Messianic Prophecy Revealed, Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider takes readers through the Word of God, showing them how the New Testament writers took passages out of the Old Testament to prove that Jesus is indeed the Messiah. It’s a subject that sounds simple but is, in fact, more complex than many realize.

      This book will show followers of Jesus why they can have absolute confidence that Jesus is who He claimed to be–the Messiah.

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    • 9780736987240 Bible Prophecy : The Essentials - Answers To Your Most Common Questions

      Bible Prophecy : The Essentials – Answers To Your Most Common Questions


      An Information-Packed Overview of Bible Prophecy

      The study of Bible prophecy can seem complicated or controversial, yet Christians still long to understand what God’s Word reveals about the future. Whenever authors Amir Tsarfati and Barry Stagner teach on the end times, the most popular part of their ministry is the question-and-answer session, revealing the church’s great hunger to know more about the last days.

      In Bible Prophecy: The Essentials, Amir and Barry pool their knowledge to answer some of their most commonly asked questions. Through succinct, Scripture-focused teachings, Amir and Barry address the seven biggest themes of Bible prophecy, including:

      *the Church
      *the Rapture
      *the Tribulation
      *the Millennium
      *the Great White Throne of Judgment

      When studied with wisdom and discernment, God’s Word provides all you need to know about what is to come. Amir and Barry’s thoughtful, informative, and user-friendly book is a resource you’ll return to again and again as you seek to prayerfully grow in your understanding of Bible prophecy.

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    • 9780310099710 Early New Testament Apocrypha

      Early New Testament Apocrypha


      Broaden the scope of your New Testament studies with this introduction to early Christian apocryphal literature.

      To understand the New Testament well, it is important to study the larger world surrounding it, and one of the primary avenues for this exploration is through reading related ancient texts. But this task is daunting for scholars and novices alike given the sheer size of the ancient literary corpora. The Ancient Literature for New Testament Studies series aims to bridge this gap by introducing the key ancient texts that form the cultural, historical, and literary context for the study of the New Testament.

      Early New Testament Apocrypha offers an entry point into the corpus of early Christian apocryphal literature through twenty-eight texts or groups of texts. While the majority of the texts fall within the first four centuries CE, and therefore are useful for uncovering the earliest interpretations assigned to the New Testament, select later texts serve as reminders of how the meanings of New Testament texts continued to develop in subsequent centuries. Each essay covers introductory matters, a summary of content, interpretive issues, key passages for New Testament studies and their significance, and a select bibliography.

      Whether you are a scholar looking to familiarize yourself with a new corpus of texts or a novice seeking to undertake a serious contextualized study of the New Testament, this is an ideal reference work for you.

      Essays and contributors include:

      Part 1: Apocryphal Gospels

      *Agrapha, Andrew Gregory
      *Fragments of Gospels on Papyrus, Tobias Nicklas
      *Gospel of Barnabas, Philip Jenkins
      *Gospel of Peter, Paul Foster
      *Infancy Gospel of Thomas, Reidar Aasgaard
      *Jewish-Christian Gospels, Petri Luomanen
      *Legend of Aphroditian, Katharina Heyden
      *Pilate Cycle, J. K. Elliott
      *Protevangelium of James, Eric M. Vanden
      *Eykel Toledot Yeshu, Sarit Kattan Gribetz
      *Revelation of the Magi, Catherine Playoust

      Part 2: Apocryphal Acts

      *Acts of Andrew, Nathan C. Johnson
      *Acts of John, Harold W. Attridge
      *Acts of Paul, Harold W. Attridge
      *Acts of Peter, Robert F. Stoops, Jr.
      *Acts of Philip, Christopher R. Matthews
      *Acts of Thomas, Harold W. Attridge
      *Departure of My Lady Mary from This World (Six Books Dormition Apocryphon), J. *Christopher Edwards
      *Pseudo-Clementines, F. Stanley Jones

      Part 3: Apocryphal Epistles

      *Jesus’s Letter to Abgar, William Adler
      *Correspondence of Paul and Seneca, Andrew Gregory

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    • 9780736985246 Revealing Revelation : How God's Plans For The Future Can Change Your Life

      Revealing Revelation : How God’s Plans For The Future Can Change Your Life


      God Wants Us to Know How It Ends

      Revelation is the only book of the Bible that promises a blessing for its readers. It was written because God wants us to know what the future holds and how these prophetic truths provide wisdom, reassurance, and discernment for today–more so now than ever.

      From bestselling author Amir Tsarfati, Revealing Revelation examines what the Bible’s final book makes known about the end times and beyond. With accessible teaching that allows Scripture to speak for itself, you’ll take a closer look at the:

      *timeline of God’s plan for both believers and unbelievers before, during, and after the tribulation

      *process that the Lord has uniquely and intentionally prepared for Israel in the end times

      *encouragements, challenges, and warnings Jesus gave to prepare us for His return

      Revealing Revelation will inspire you to look at the days to come with hope and excitement as you realize that this final book of the Bible is Jesus’ love letter to the church. Get ready to grow stronger in your faith as you celebrate Christ’s soon return and the magnificent eternity He has promised you.

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    • 9780310770176 Case For Heaven Young Readers Edition

      Case For Heaven Young Readers Edition


      Is heaven real? What is it really like? Award-winning author Lee Strobel tracked down the evidence and provides answers to the questions children 8-12 ask about both heaven and hell in this young reader’s edition of The Case for Heaven that is perfect for teaching your child about the biblical evidence for eternal life.

      Every child wonders at some point what happens after we die-especially after the loss of a pet, a grandparent, or another loved one. Lee Strobel (The Case for Christ) understands your child’s questions, and presents a kid-friendly examination of the evidence for heaven, packed full of research that:

      *Helps readers 8-12 understand the biblical, historical, and contemporary facts about the afterlife in a logical and easy-to-follow way

      *Explains what happens after we die

      *Explores what heaven and hell are really like, based on tested biblical truths

      *Presents what it means to have eternal life

      The Case for Heaven Young Reader’s Edition is perfect for:
      *Sunday school and homeschool education
      *Comforting kids 8-12 following a death, and reassuring those experiencing grief
      *Unpacking biblical principles in a way anyone can understand

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    • 9781949572995 Back To The Garden

      Back To The Garden


      Bill Combs had no idea when he attended seminary in the seventies that the Hebrew language he studied contained different characters than those written by Moses and other biblical authors. Their ancient script was composed of pictograms that expressed much more relational information than their corresponding Hebrew letters in a manner somewhat similar to the way we interpret emojis on the internet.

      Many words and phrases critical to our faith and ministry were initially defined by these pictograms in the early chapters of Genesis: the knowledge of good and evil, heaven, day, night, name, life, death, our flesh, sin, naked, and our spirit, soul and body.

      For example, you will discover that Moses’ original words for “In the beginning” and “day” have nothing to do with time; that “sin” and “evil” do not describe nefarious behavior; and that “naked” does not mean our first parents lived in the garden without clothing. Subjects like spiritual warfare and how our bodies can be continually renewed by the Holy Spirit also find their origins here.

      This book will help you discover many secrets hidden by the pictograms in these critical passages, providing you with foundational contexts for correctly interpreting the rest of scripture.

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    • 9781629998367 Of Kings And Prophets

      Of Kings And Prophets


      Power is only as strong as the authority that sustains it.

      This book will help you be a better leader. It will help you receive a healthy dose of accountability through applied spiritual authority.

      The biblical prophets did not live or prophesy in a contextual vacuum. They spoke into real-life circumstances to real-life leaders such as kings, queens, governors, and generals. Drawing largely on the biblical accounts, Dr. Mark Rutland shows how these interactions, sometimes in the form of advice but more often as dramatic confrontations, demonstrate the tension between heaven’s authority and the princes of this world. Readers will discover that:

      *God positions His messengers to confront and advise those who lead in the natural realm. Likewise, Satan is also working to position his own servants near the world’s leaders hoping to steer them away from the things and plans of God. To whom those leaders listen will determine, to a large extent, the fate of nations.

      *God often positions His servants at the right elbow of leaders in a wide range of disciplines, from business to education to entertainment to politics. Every believer should be open to being “God’s prophetic voice” in someone else’s life, whether that person is a child, a boss, or a town councilman. Likewise, every believer should be in constant prayer for and humbly sensitive to wise counsel sent from God as a gift of grace.

      God makes and unmakes kings. When they can discern and listen to His voice, He sustains their well-wielded authority with His supernatural power.

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    • 9781789741834 Knowing Me Knowing God

      Knowing Me Knowing God


      In the Bible, God gives us knowledge of himself and of ourselves, so that through these two intertwined strands we may receive what Calvin called ‘true and sound wisdom’. In pursuit of this wisdom, many Christians have learned to interpret Scripture chrono-logically, following the Bible’s developing story from creation, through fall, to redemption, and ultimately to restoration. But what of a complementary theo-logical approach to Scripture, one which focuses on the Bible’s main ‘characters’ ? God and human beings ? and the nature of their relationship? Richard Brash presents such an approach, introducing six theological keys to Scripture which help us better to know God and ourselves in the three fundamental areas of being, knowing, and acting. At each stage, he develops the theme of the gracious condescension of the infinite, incomprehensible, and holy God in his relation to finite human beings: creating us as his image, establishing a proportion between his own knowledge and ours, and overcoming sin to take a people for himself through the love-gifts of his Son and his Spirit. If you are looking for an enlarged vision of God and a renewed understanding of your own vocation before the Lord, take up this book and be refreshed in your love for God in heart, soul, and mind.

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    • 9781733935494 Zechariah : The Quintssence Of Old Testament Prophecy

      Zechariah : The Quintssence Of Old Testament Prophecy


      THE IMPORTANCE OF ZECHARIAH. Martin Luther called the Old Testament book of Zechariah Ausbund der Propheten, “The quintessence of Old Testament prophecy.” Because this prophecy deals with both the first and second coming of Messiah, it has a privileged spot in the heart and lives of believers. George L. Robinson described the book of Zechariah as: the most Messianic, the most truly apocalyptic and eschatological of all the writings of the Old Testament.

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    • 9780758662576 Shine : Sparkling With God's Love

      Shine : Sparkling With God’s Love


      Just as objects sparkle not on their own, but because it reflects the light that shines upon it, it’s not individual who shine. Rather, that sparkle is Christ shinking through the individual.Shine is a six-week Bible study for teenage girls, who are faced with more mixed messages – in social media, in conversations, in school situations – that ever before. By looking at different uses of light, shining, and sparking in the Bible, readers will learn the lesson of how God has given them His light, with practical ways they can shine God’s love to a world that needs it.Included in each week’s study are journal topics and discussion questions for personal or small-group use.

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    • 9781501881381 Hope For Hard Times

      Hope For Hard Times


      We’ve all been there. Rock bottom. The end of our rope. The last straw. During hard times, it often seems like the only option is to throw in the towel. In Hope for Hard Times, author Magrey deVega examines the lives of the great biblical prophets Elijah and Elisha and reveals a consistent message in their stories: Don’t give up, and don’t lose hope. Trust that God will help you find a way. When you look closely at the accounts of Elijah and Elisha from 1 Kings 17 to 2 Kings 8, you will find amazing stories of God’s provision. God provides for Elijah, as he faces down opposition in a mountaintop showdown and when he feels alone and ready to give up while hiding in a cave listening for God’s still, small voice. God provides for Elisha, when he brings healing to Naaman and when he is surrounded by enemies and praying for spiritual eyes to be opened to hope. There is hope for you in hard times. Your story of hurt, heartache, and hopelessness has been heard, and God has a message for you. Read these stories, pray through them, and listen as you receive encouragement and guidance for whatever you are facing today. Open your eyes, and open your hands. For just like ravens at the Brook Cherith, God is with you, giving you everything you need. Components for this 4-session study will include a book, leader guide, and four streaming videos available online featuring Magrey outlining each topic in an accessible and engaging way. Sessions Include: When the Odds Seem Against You (1 Kings 17 and 18) When You Feel Down and Out (1 Kings 18-21) When Life Takes a Turn (2 Kings 2) When All Seems Lost (2 Kings 4-8)

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    • 9780830852413 Lost World Of The Torah

      Lost World Of The Torah


      Our handling of what we call biblical law veers between controversy and neglect.

      On the one hand, controversy arises when Old Testament laws seem either odd beyond comprehension (not eating lobster) or positively reprehensible (executing children). On the other, neglect results when we consider the law obsolete, no long carrying any normative power (tassels on clothing, making sacrifices). Even readers who do attempt to make use of the Old Testament “law” often find it either irrelevant, hopelessly laden with “thou shalt nots,” or simply so confusing that they throw up their hands in despair. Despite these extremes, people continue to propose moral principles from these laws as “the biblical view” and to garner proof texts to resolve issues that arise in society. The result is that both Christians and skeptics regularly abuse the Torah, and its true message often lies unheard.

      Walton and Walton offer in The Lost World of the Torah a restorative vision of the ancient genre of instruction for wisdom that makes up a significant portion of the Old Testament. In the ancient Near East, order was achieved through the wisdom of those who governed society. The objective of torah was to teach the Israelites to be wise about the kind of order needed to receive the blessings of God’s favor and presence with the context of the covenant. Here readers will find fresh insight on this fundamental genre of the Old Testament canon.

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