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    • Centering Prayers For Women


      Centering Prayers for Women is a collection of 365 daily prayers for moments of silence and meditation, in a beautiful new edition especially for women. In the midst of busyness and noise, and being pulled in many different directions, Centering Prayers for Women provides a moment of deep quiet, to draw closer to the love of God. The love, warmth, and peace that radiate from these brief daily prayers spring from the ancient Christian practice of contemplative prayer.

      Centering Prayers for Women is:

      *A book of simple, gentle daily devotions to grow our awareness of God’s presence

      *An invitation to find peace and stillness, to listen and just be

      *Ideal for centering your mind and heart at the beginning of the day, or at bedtime, to calm anxiety

      *An ideal gift for anyone who feels lost, doubting, or fearful, anxious, or needs reassurance of the intimate love of God

      *A helpful tool for letting the noise of the world recede and entering a prayerful space

      *Structured by the natural seasons of the year, and includes special prayers for holy days

      Rooted in Scripture and timeless Christian wisdom, these open-hearted prayers are rich in imagery, helping us connect with God as Living Water, Source, Sustainer, Living Gate, Love, Wisdom, Beauty, Strength in Life, Abba, Eternal Listener, Grace-giver, God of Gentle Power, Beloved Source of Security, and more. Centering Prayers for Women is a perfect companion for a personal retreat, or to pray with others in community.

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    • Image RESTored : Tear Down Shame And Insecurity To Experience A Body Image


      Esther Press Presents Image RESTored by Rachael Gilbert

      Includes Six-Session Video Series


      Have you ever concealed your body image struggles or disordered diet behaviors from others?

      Wife, mom, and fitness instructor Rachael Gilbert struggled with shame and insecurity when she didn’t measure up to her dream body image.

      Then, as a licensed counselor, she realized how many women bury the same painful secrets … feeling as if we’re the only ones who see ourselves as fixer-uppers in need of improved curb appeal.

      We need restoration.

      In Image RESTored, Rachael gives the blueprint for a body image renovation that grounds us in God’s love and helps us appreciate the only body we’ll ever call home in this life.

      See your whole self in a new way with an inside-out approach that includes:

      *Scripture, prayer, and journaling prompts
      *Creative coloring sheets
      *Reflection guided by therapist insights

      This step-by-step body image renovation leads to the big reveal we long for: freedom to show up fully as ourselves, just as God created us.

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    • Worry Less Pray More (Large Type)


      Worry-Free Devotional Guide for Women Offers You Calm for an Anxiety-Filled Soul

      This purposeful devotional guide features 180 readings and prayers designed to help alleviate your worries as you learn to live in the peace of the Almighty God, who offers calm for your anxiety-filled soul. Inspired by this promise from God’s Word: “Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life” (Philippians 4:6-7 MSG), Worry Less, Pray More reinforces the truth that with God, you can live anxiety-free every single day–whether you worry about your work, relationships, bills, the turmoil of the world, or something else.

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    • 3 Minute Prayers For The Worried Heart


      Got 3 minutes? . . .

      You’re guaranteed to find just the encouragement and assurance your heart needs in 3-Minute Prayers for the Worried Heart. This practical book packs a powerful dose of comforting inspiration into 3 short minutes.

      Minute 1: scripture to meditate on
      Minute 2: a just-right-sized devotional prayer
      Minute 3: a question for further reflection

      Each day’s prayer meets you right where you are and is a great way for you to begin or end your day.

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    • Resolution For Women New Revised Edition (Revised)


      A common thread runs through the life of those women who leave a lasting impact on others. Resolve. It doesn’t make them perfect women, just purposeful women-women who are intentional about charting the pathway of their lives in the direction of God’s promises.

      Living with this kind of intentionality is what this book is all about.

      Quickly a New York Times bestseller when it was first published, The Resolution for Women returns in this newly revised edition, updated with ten years’ worth of fresh insights and reflections on what it means to chart a steady course through disruptive, conflicting times.

      Be part of another generation inspired to anchor each day and each part of their lives in the bedrock of biblical truth. Together, these resolutions become not only the commitments we make but the legacy we create, the treasures we strategically place in the path for others to follow.

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    • Reignite Your Leadership Heart


      How can a woman who has it all-a happy family, an effective ministry, a thriving business, and the respect of her community-detour into a wilderness journey and a secret that threatens to cost her everything? Ann Griffiths is a successful leader and a woman of faith. But when she experiences deep loss and God’s calling takes a backseat to her business ambitions, she finds herself in a dark place that she can navigate only with God’s amazing grace.

      A passionate mentor to women who are called to positions of leadership, Ann Griffiths encourages others who may be lost in their own wilderness and in need of that same hope and grace. Through biblical examples and her own story of struggle and restoration, Ann invites you to ignite-or reignite-your full potential and leave a timeless fingerprint that inspires others. Here, you will find hope in your own situation, discover what it is to be an effective leader, and learn practical skills to help you grow.

      If you are a woman who wants to Reignite Your Leadership Heart, this book will inspire you to unleash your full potential.

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    • Woman After Gods Own Heart Bible Companion Journal


      Spiral-bound partner piece for the best-selling A Woman After God’s Own Heart(R) Bible

      Woman everywhere love Elizabeth George’s A Woman After God’s Own Heart(R) Bible, designed just for them! Now in this beautifully illustrated companion journal, they can take the rich wisdom found in her daily devotions throughout the Bible and apply it more directly to their own lives.

      All 365 days of the year can be found in these spiral bound pages. Each entry includes the page number that corresponds to the devotional in the Bible, and offers the scripture passage for those who want to reach their goal of reading the entire Bible in one year. With spaces to write new thoughts on the devotion of the day and to include a personal prayer, it offers a deeper connection to each passage and a fuller understanding of the Word. Elizabeth also includes a spot to write a note of gratitude each day, and then offers her own Thought of the Day.

      It’s the perfect partner for any woman who wants to grow in her faith–and all with Elizabeth’s wisdom to bring readers closer to God every day!

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    • Take Back Your Joy


      Have you ever been devastated by a traumatic experience and wondered, Where is God in all of this? Whatever joy you may have had seems long gone and shows no hope of returning.

      You’re not alone.

      In Take Back Your Joy, Nicole Jacobsmeyer tells how she felt defeated and ill-prepared for a decade of relentless trials, from assault and depression to miscarriage and cancer.

      With a heart full of questions about the God she was raised to love, Nicole began to doubt.
      Had God given her more than she could handle?

      But there is always more to the story with Christ.

      Through trial after trial, Nicole allowed God to strengthen her faith, and now she shares biblical strategies that carried her through:

      *Stay grounded in God’s Word
      *Serve others
      *Choose forgiveness
      *Give up control

      Take Back Your Joy gives readers a renewed sense of hope and reassurance that we’re not alone in our sufferings, doubts, and questions. We can discover a clear sense of purpose even in hard times.

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    • Quiet Prayer : 31 Days Of Meditation For Women


      Gods peace is waiting for you.

      Many women long for God’s presence in their lives. Although they try to find time for God, they still find themselves distracted by a busy world and even busier minds.

      Based on an ancient and biblical Christian practice, Quiet Prayer meditation reveals how the power of Jesus-centered silence suppresses distractions, igniting your prayer time and revitalizing your relationship with God. Quiet Prayer will help you:

      *learn the history and importance of Christian meditation,
      *develop the daily practice of Quiet Prayer through thirty-one guided meditations,
      *increase your awareness of God and yourself, and
      *see God’s living love and power move in your life.

      Begin your journey of embracing God’s transformative peace through Quiet Prayer.

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    • Best Of You


      Dr. Alison Cook delivers life-changing strategies for helping women develop their voices, forge healthy relationships, and embrace the holy, sacred work of becoming their true selves in God.

      As a counselor, Dr. Alison Cook has met with thousands of women who feel stuck in an endless cycle of people-pleasing and permission-seeking. Even after learning to say no more frequently or after setting better boundaries, many women still feel lost and unsure of how to create the whole-hearted life and authentic relationships they crave. In response, Dr. Cook developed transformative strategies to help them discover what they really need and want.

      In The Best of You, Dr. Cook reveals the hurtful impact of childhood wounds, the negative effects of certain church messages, and the misguided influences of cultural biases. Readers walk with her through these tough questions:

      *How can I find my God-given voice and begin to express my needs?

      *How do I put a stop to painful patterns that keep recurring in my life?

      *How do I trust myself to make healthy decisions when I’m in the midst of difficult circumstances?

      *How do I stand up for myself and yet still be a loving person?

      *How do I deal with a toxic parent, friend, or spouse?

      With real-time reflection that prompts readers to embrace their own stories–even the painful parts–Dr. Cook points women to a loving God who truly sees them and wants their good. With God’s help, they discover a path to healing that includes the holy, sacred work of learning to pay attention to themselves. The Best of You teaches women how to move from the exhaustion of managing perceptions to the joy of true connection with themselves, God, and other people.

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    • Can You See Me Now


      Smartphones…social media…video chats. If women are more connected than ever, why do so many suffer from isolation and loneliness?

      We all want to belong and be loved. But, what happens when you get passed over, left out, or seem invisible?

      How do you make new friends, navigate drama, and enjoy authentic connections?

      Can You See Me Now? reveals how you were handpicked by God to express love, thrive in community, and enhance the world around you. Cheri Strange’s scriptural approach combined with captivating stories will show you how to:

      * Cultivate the courage to connect with others
      * Find people who fill your heart rather than drain your soul
      * Counter the nay-sayers who prefer you remain quiet
      * Kiss goodbye to the old tendencies to blend into the wallpaper


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    • Moments With God For Women


      To-do lists are long and time runs short, but a moment with God each day brings peace to even the fullest of schedules. Designed for busy women, this devotional makes it simple to find space in the day for time with the Lord. It connects stories and Scripture, making His Word relevant to your life and faith. Each entry also includes options for further reflection on Scripture and renewal through prayer.

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    • Stress Less Pray More


      What do you stress about most? . . .

      No matter your age, there’s likely one thing (probably more!) that stresses you to your very core.

      Whether you stress about piles of laundry, troubles at work, difficult relationships, finances, or something more, this devotional guide will help alleviate your anxiety-inducing thoughts as you learn to live in the freedom of Almighty God, who offers tranquility for your stressed-out soul. As you read the devotions and prayers, you’ll grow ever closer to the Stress-Reliever Himself, who will transform your tense heart into a heart of serene faith.

      Inspired by this promise from God’s Word: “Make sure that you don’t get so absorbed and exhausted in taking care of all your day-by-day obligations that you lose track of the time and doze off, oblivious to God. . . . Be up and awake to what God is doing! God is putting the finishing touches on the salvation work he began when we first believed.” (Romans 13:11-12 MSG)

      Read on. . .and discover the stress-free life today.

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    • God Loves Her


      You need to be reminded that you are loved. God Loves Her, by women for women like you, shares personal stories of how special you are to God and how you can share this love with others. Beautifully packaged and tote-sized, this book is perfect to take on the go or to curl up with in your favorite spot at home. Wherever you are, you can know that God hears you, He knows you, and He loves you beyond compare.

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    • Exodus : Stop Walking In Circles


      We all carry habits and hang-ups that can sometimes stop us from getting that promotion, hurt our relationships with those closest to us, or stunt our growth toward deeper levels of intimacy. You know who God is calling you to be, but sometimes wonder how you’re ever going to get there. This journey through Exodus is designed to give you tools to help you break those bad habits and move you into your promised land: that place God is calling you to.

      We will dive deep into Exodus 12-18, the journey out, and unearth what kept the children of Israel from reaching their dreams. After 400 years of captivity, they walked in circles for 40 years and only a few actually made it into the land flowing with milk and honey. What did they do that stopped them? Why were they unable to make it? God had so much to offer them and yet they could not break out of the same old habits, the slave mentalities, that halted their destiny.

      God has a plan for your life and wants to see you reach it just like he wanted the children of Israel to reach Canaan. Similarly, we must break some habits in order to sustain the calling and develop the character along the way. So, stop walking in circles, girl, and let’s reach those promises!

      Women will walk away with tools and tips to break the habits that are stopping them from moving into more. By diving into the way Egyptian culture influenced the children of Israel, we can draw parallels to today’s modern culture and how that may be influencing our thinking and way of life. Using hermeneutical interpretation, we will help readers to better grasp the way generational inheritance can impact “ways of life” that have just seemed normal for far too long. From personal experience, Rebecca will draw on neurology and the brain and how just because it’s always been, does not mean it is God’s way, and the children of Israel are a great example of that.

      Women will learn more about one of the most important parts of God’s story-the exodus of His children out of captivity with the world ahead of them. What stopped them? It will leave readers leaning in, asking what is stopping me?

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    • Far From Ordinary


      Your Journey to Extraordinary Starts with One Word-Yes

      If you have a desire deep inside your heart to be sold out to the Lord and do amazing things for Him, you are not alone.

      Lysa TerKeurst and her daughter Hope have felt that passion too, and they’ve learned that only God can satisfy the craving to go beyond just making it through the day. Why? Because God is the one who created that need inside of you and He’s using it to draw you closer to Him!

      As you begin your journey to extraordinary, this book will help you:

      *overcome your fear of saying yes to God by focusing on the life-changing results of obeying Him

      *understand that you have been uniquely designed by the Lord to play an important part in His plans

      *learn how to grow in your relaitonship with Him by digging deep into encouraging Bible verses

      *listen for what the Lord wants to speak to you with practical ways to recognize His voice in your everyday life

      When you say yes to God, you will see your faith grow and bloom. Will you accept His invitation and start your journey today?

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    • 101 Prayers For Women


      People have always turned to prayerbooks when they struggle to find the words to pray. The 101 Prayers for Women Teal Hardcover Gift Book will provide fresh inspiration for intimate conversations with God.

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    • Everyday Prayers For Joy


      Jesus promises us that the world will give us trials and tribulations, but our hearts should not be troubled. James urges us to “count it all joy…when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” In Everyday Prayers for Joy, author Gina L. Smith shares the life-changing lesson she learned to lament in prayer in order to find joy during hard times and changing circumstances. When she found herself in a difficult season and cried out to God, “He opened my eyes to the fact that often I find joy in the blessings He has provided for me more than I find joy in Him, the provider of the blessings. I needed to begin the process of learning what it meant to find joy in Christ alone.” Biblical joy, Gina explains, “is something that exists even when we are suffering or going through a heavy trial because it’s based on the knowledge that God is present, walking with us in our trials, and is producing good fruit in us as we go through them.” In this thirty-day devotional, Gina offers powerful prayers of lament to move past our problems and focus on the source of all love and goodness. “The prayer of lament is the prayer for a suffering soul,” she says. “It is our fight with our soul to remember there is a future….God gave us the prayers of lament to help us process the suffering we face in this life. When we don’t use or understand them, we’re actually missing out on the experience of going to the One who loves us most and can actually heal our hearts and help us to get to the point where our gaze breaks through to eternity. Lamenting is the way we come to God when life is overwhelming.” Each daily entry includes something to think about, space for journaling thoughts, prayer, and praise, and questions for deeper reflection.

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    • Lets All Be Brave


      A call to embrace the God-given courage living inside you from host of the That Sounds Fun podcast and bestselling author Annie F. Downs.

      How often does fear hold you back from the very things you most want to taste, touch, and experience? New York Times bestselling author, podcast host, and speaker Annie F. Downs admits she’s not exactly the bravest woman in the world. Even as an adult, she still cries sometimes when she leaves her parents’ home in Georgia, she’s never jumped out of a plane, and she only rides roller coasters to impress guys. But Annie knows that courage resides inside each and every one of us, and she’s on a mission to conquer her own fears while encouraging you to do the same.

      Let’s All Be Brave is more than a book; it’s a battle cry. Annie uses honest and often humorous illustrations from her own life, contemporary real-life examples from the lives of others, and fascinating biblical stories to challenge you to:

      *Discover God’s surprising answers to overcoming fear, uncertainty, and anxiety

      *Let go of the things that hold you back–relationships, comfort zones, expectations, and more

      *Say yes to both small and big things

      *Live boldly and sacrificially for God and others

      *Hold on to hope, trust God, and be brave no matter your circumstances

      This book is your call to step into those places that require courage, giving you the help you need to take the next step forward–even when it’s scary.

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    • Proverbs Volume 1


      In eight weeks, women will learn what the proverbs say about daily life, how they apply to modern times, and how they reveal the wisdom of God for all readers.

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    • Mustard Seed Faith


      Tiny Faith Can Move Mountains!

      Want to increase your faith? . . .This beautiful devotional offers just the encouragement, inspiration, and biblical truth you need.

      180 full-length devotional readings touch on topics important to you, including:
      *God’s faithfulness
      *God’s love
      *And more!

      This lovely package will encourage you to bloom and bask in the light off the heavenly Creator, making your quiet time with Him more precious and purposeful.

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    • 180 Bible Verses For Conquering Anxiety


      With God’s Help, You Can Conquer Anxiety!

      God’s Word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12), and through it He speaks timeless truths to the issues we face today. The 180 Bible verses in this book will help you identify and attack the enemy of anxiety.

      No matter what you’re facing, you will learn to lean on the sustaining power of scripture. Each verse is paired with a devotional thought that is equal parts practical and encouraging. Here you’ll find the strength and renewal you’re looking for, as your heart is anchored to a solid foundation of faith.

      This compact book is a great personal pick-me-up, makes an encouraging gift, and is ideal for ministry and outreach.

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    • Praying Through Cancer


      You don’t have to face cancer alone. Praying Through Cancer is a collection of stories by women who have faced cancer and, with triumphant spirits, found comfort and sometimes even joy in the midst of it.

      Traumatized and terrified of cancer? Perhaps you have been diagnosed yourself, or you have a friend or family member who is battling with the disease. You know you must face it–but you do not have to face it alone. Praying Through Cancer is a collection of stories by women who have faced cancer and, with triumphant spirits, found comfort and sometimes even joy in the midst of it.

      For these women, cancer was a comma, not a period, in the sentences of their lives. Why? Because they put their faith in the Lord and He strengthened them beyond comprehension. You will laugh and you will cry, but best of all, you will know . . . you are not alone.

      Praying through Cancer is a daily devotional written specifically for cancer patients by cancer patients with insight, wisdom, and clarity found only through personal trial. The focus of each daily devotional is prayer – personal encounters with God – where fears and anger are transformed into confident expectation and pure worship. Readers will feel as though they are meeting kindred spirits, old friends who will come alongside them in their journey, encouraging them and understanding what no one else can. Contributors include Kay Warren, Pat Palau, Barbara Johnson, Joyce Wright, and many more.

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    • Confident Woman Journal


      Live boldly in the love of Christ with Bible teacher and #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer.

      For women who have tried every solution imaginable to be the best version of themselves, but nothing seems to be working, Joyce Meyer has the answer: Confidence.

      Joyce explains that confidence stems from being positive in your actions and living honestly, but most importantly from having faith, in God and in ourselves. By using the characteristics outlined in Confidently You, this journal gives women a place to write out their concerns and prayers.

      With encouragement from Joyce Meyer to guide us, we can work towards becoming the confident woman we were created to be.

      Ellie Claire’s LeatherLuxe(R) material plus a four-color interior design combine to make The Confident Woman a stunning journal. The rich feel of leather is finished with round corners to make this journal an extraordinary gift for any time of year.

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    • God Hears Her Creative Journaling Edition


      God is for you, God is with you, and God hears your cry is the empowering statement behind this expanded version of God Hears Her. Enjoy lines for journaling on one margin of the spread and open space on the other margin, inviting you to both write and create as God hears you. Includes three hand-lettered verses for coloring per month, thirty-six total.

      God Hears Her: Devotions by Women for Women is a collection of Our Daily Bread devotions specifically selected to bring comfort and encouragement to your everyday life. Each meditation was written by a woman to speak to a woman’s heart. The personal stories, Scripture passages, and inspirational quotes lift you up and remind you that God is bigger than the trials you face.

      The foreword was written by Elisa Morgan, an international speaker, author, and leader who was named by Christianity Today as one of the top fifty women influencing today’s church and culture.

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    • She Smiles Without Fear


      Many women live with anticipation–but also great anxiety–about what the future may bring. So they work hard to stay one step ahead of their worst-case scenarios. While they’re focused on arranging a secure tomorrow, their fear strangles the peace, joy, and purpose from today. With the Proverbs 31 woman as a guide, Katy McCown takes readers on a five-week journey to discover how to find security in God’s plans and confidence in His control.

      McCown’s Bible study provides a fresh perspective of the Proverbs 31 woman to make her more accessible than ever before.

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    • God Hears Her 40 Day Devotional Journal


      God Hears Her 40-Day Devotional Journal gives you a meaningful way to connect with God during your quiet moments. This journal is your all-in-one book to read Scripture and devotions, ponder questions and journal thoughts, and meditate on a short prayer that can launch you into your own prayer time. You’ll love the elegant design and find everything you want to enhance your devotional time.

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    • 1 Minute Bible Promises


      Barbour’s Bible Promise Books are perennial bestsellers, with millions of copies sold. And now, this lovely, one-minute volume–created just for you–features an inspiring scriptural theme for every day of the year and touches on topics like Wisdom, Faith, Prayer, Encouragement, Love, Joy, and more. Each scripture speaks directly to your heart, drawing you ever closer to your heavenly Father. Scripture selections are complemented by a brief devotion and prayer, for a refreshing blend of Bible promises and encouragement!

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    • Belonging Project Study Guide With Leader Helps (Teacher’s Guide)


      Discover true community.

      Has the pursuit of the “perfect life” left you feeling depleted, disappointed, dissatisfied, and disconnected? Are you tired of being lonely and left out at work, home, church, and online? Are you hungry for true community, deeper connection with God, and friendships that are greater than just “likes” on social media? Are you ready for real connections with those around you?

      In this four-week Bible study, Amberly Neese provides biblical and practical help for cultivating meaningful relationships that glorify God through an exploration of four “one another” sayings in the New Testament:
      *Love one another
      *Serve one another
      *Build up and strengthen one another
      *Forgive one another

      In her trademark style, Amberly combines Bible study with delightful humor to create a refreshing and engaging experience that will encourage and equip women to pursue deeper relationships and true belonging.

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    • Comparison Girl Journaling Workbook


      Women compare constantly–on social media, in their neighborhood, at church, even in the school drop-off lane. They glance sideways and ask themselves, How do I measure up? All this assessment feels like a natural way of finding a place in the world. But it pulls them into feelings of inferiority or superiority, guiding them into a trap of antagonism by the enemy. Satan would like women to strive to measure up, constantly adding to a tally sheet that can’t ever be balanced. The way of Jesus is completely upside down from that philosophy. Instead, he says the last shall be first–and the greatest are those who empty themselves, lay down their lives, and serve each other. Through conversations Jesus had and parables he shared, Shannon Popkin has created a seven-week Bible study to address this tendency to compare and judge ourselves and others. Each chapter is divided into lessons, allowing women on a time budget to read a Bible passage, engage in a complete train of thought related to the topic, and then make the content personal–all in one sitting. And the informal teaching tone will make women feel like they’re meeting with a trusted friend. Suited for both individual and group study, Comparison Girl will guide women to leave their measure-up ways behind, connect with those around them, and break free from the shackles of comparison!

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    • Grace Guide


      A guide for extending God’s grace to yourself and others.

      What would you like to say to your younger self?

      *That God loves you.
      *To love the woman you are becoming.
      *To not be so hard on yourself and others.

      With The Grace Guide Live Your One Beautiful Life, Susie Davis invites readers to experience the grace upon grace God has for their life. It is a spiritual guide for women to grow in the Lord by reflecting on memories both joyful and hurtful with challenges like writing a letter to your younger self, questions of self-examination, and prayers to consider how God showed up for them in special times.

      The Grace Guide shows readers how to love themselves like their good Father has always loved them and how to live their one beautiful life.

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    • God Sees Her


      Women want to know they matter. This beautifully styled giftbook provides story after story of God’s care for women both in Bible times and in modern day life. You will be reminded of God’s love as you daily read this collection of Our Daily Bread devotions written by female authors. And you will know the warm presence of your heavenly Father as each article reassures you that God sees you, God knows you by name, and God cares about every detail of your life.

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    • Jesus Over Everything


      As Christian women, we desire to put Jesus first. We want to prioritize him above all, knowing instinctively that when we do, everything else in our lives will fall into alignment. Yet life feels complicated, and the demands of our daily lives leave our priorities out of order and our hearts longing for more.

      Author, speaker, and Bible teacher Lisa Whittle is passionate about helping people pursue Jesus for life, grow deep roots of faith, and walk strong in a world that so often seems to have gone crazy. In Jesus Over Everything, Lisa shares eight statements of choice to help us grow in our understanding of what it means to put Jesus first amid the craziness our days bring, including choices such as:
      *commitment over mood,
      *steady over hype,
      *holiness over freedom,
      *service over spotlight,
      *and more.

      Jesus Over Everything is a practical, compelling picture of what we crave yet struggle to define as we seek to give God his rightful place in our everyday lives.

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    • Praying Women


      SKU (ISBN): 9780801078026ISBN10: 0801078024Sheila WalshBinding: Cloth TextPublished: February 2020Publisher: Baker Publishing Group

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    • His Princess Every Day


      See yourself as God sees you–as a daughter of the King. Toss aside your own insecurities and break out of the mold the media has created for you. You are a princess, and in these letters penned from God’s perspective, you’ll begin to discover just how dear you are to Him–and you were lovingly created to be in fellowship with Him. Walk your faith in confidence again as you find your rightful place as royalty.

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    • She Rises Late And Her Kids Make Her Breakfast


      Make Time for God-and Ice Cream!

      Want a deeper relationship with God, but with the clock constantly ticking down the rounds, you can’t seem to find the time? Kerri Pomarolli, a comedian and mom living life in LA, knows all about the never-ending search for more time.

      For time-crunched women longing for God, Kerri offers Devotions for the Proverbs 32 Woman. You will laugh and, perhaps cry, your way closer to the Savior through these 90 meditations. In her down-to-earth style, Kerri will teach you how to face mean girls, navigate social media, and stress eat ice cream with a fork-all while learning to put the Lord at the center of all you do.

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    • Footnotes Womens Bible Study Participant Workbook With Leader Helps (Workbook)


      Be inspired by the stories of minor biblical characters and the major lessons they teach us.
      We hear a lot about some of the “big” names in the Bible. Moses. Mary. Paul. But what about those who have a small mention, or whose names aren’t even known? What might they have to teach us about the faith journey? Footnotes is a unique four-week study that introduces us to some people who are just a brief blip on the screen of the Bible timeline, just a footnote in biblical story-people it would be easy to overlook but we shouldn’t underestimate. As you journey through this four-week study, you will be inspired by the backstories of these people of faith who show us that even minor players can teach major lessons.

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    • Romans Womens Bible Study Participant Workbook (Student/Study Guide)


      We live in a world full of bad news. The media recounts stories of natural disasters, violence, and conflict. In the midst of all this heartbreak, we can’t lose sight of the fact that God has given us good news. We call it the gospel. It reminds us that God loves us and longs to redeem our suffering. He stepped out of eternity and into time to send us His one and only Son. The gospel truths shared with the early church at Rome echo into our day, reminding us that we still have good news to embrace personally and to share with others.

      In this six-week study of the Book of Romans, we will be highlighting significant concepts regarding the good news about faith, grace, daily life, God’s plan, relationships, and eternity. Whatever bad news we may receive, in Romans we will find good news to encourage and transform us.

      Join Melissa in taking a posture of listening and learning as we approach this powerful book packed with good news? Let’s ask God to do a mighty work in and through us as we study so that we might be inspired with a spiritual renewal that spreads to those around us!

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    • Determined Participant Workbook (Student/Study Guide)


      GROUP PARTICIPANT WORKBOOK – Imagine waking up every single day convinced that the twenty-four hours ahead of you are a precious gift to be used wisely. Now imagine that you know exactly how to spend them to be a force for God’s good. All too often we wander through life without appreciating the gift of every moment we’ve been given. The result? An unsatisfying life, missed opportunities to experience the joy of being in sync with God, and days marked with apathy instead of passion. Our time on earth is measured. We should want to make every moment count-not only because we aren’t guaranteed the next one, but also because this is exactly how our Savior spent His time here. How, then, do we walk out unwavering joy-filled faith every day, determined to let go of the things that keep us from experiencing abundant life and fulfilling the plans God has for us? The answers are found in following the footsteps of the One who lived fully, because He was determined that we might do the same. In this six-week study of Luke, we will follow the life and ministry of Jesus as we consider the choices He made on His way to the cross. We’ll intimately connect with a Savior who remained laser-focused on His mission to love the world. In return, we’ll receive a model for intentional living that we can replicate to ensure we are living each day to the fullest and making a difference for God’s kingdom. And together we’ll determine to embrace the abundant life we are promised in Jesus. It’s time to stop wandering and start living!

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    • Its A Love Story


      Human beings love to be loved. And we love to fall in love. As children we pour our love into our pets and our friends. As teenagers we fall in love with musicians and actors and the boy whose locker is next to ours. As we mature, we long for romantic love that will last a lifetime. Sacrificial love, unexplainable love, familial love, desperate love. Love songs and love stories. Clearly we were created with the longing for love ingrained in our souls.

      With lots of wit and a bit of wisdom drawn from a lifetime of falling in love, Lincee Ray invites you to an unabashed celebration of that loving feeling. As she reveals the loves of her life and encourages you to recall your own, you’ll discover alongside her that there is only one who can ever truly fulfill the deepest longings of our hearts. And he made us to be part of a divine love story.

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    • Worry Less Pray More


      Worry-Free Devotional Guide for Women Offers You Calm for an Anxiety-Filled Soul

      This purposeful devotional guide features 180 readings and prayers designed to help alleviate your worries as you learn to live in the peace of the Almighty God, who offers calm for your anxiety-filled soul. Inspired by this promise from God’s Word: “Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life” (Philippians 4:6-7 MSG), Worry Less, Pray More reinforces the truth that with God, you can live anxiety-free every single day–whether you worry about your work, relationships, bills, the turmoil of the world, or something more.

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    • Freedom


      Brokenness has become a buzzword. We wear it like a badge, proudly showing off the shattered pieces of our lives–while still fighting the same desperate battles. But brokenness was never meant to be the destination. Or your identity. It was meant to be the catalyst for breakthrough.

      Inspiring, vulnerable, and powerful, this new book from Jennifer Watson helps you take your eyes off the idol of brokenness and experience the God of breakthrough. She shows how breakthrough is really hope moving forward, even when life hurts. And she gives you practical, uncomplicated ways to:
      * stop feeling shame and emptiness
      * leave the victim mentality behind
      * experience lasting restoration in your story and your soul
      * and more

      It’s okay to not be okay for a little while. But Jesus has a plan to see your scars become success stories that reflect his glory to the people around you.

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    • Afraid Of All The Things


      What does the gospel say about your fears? What does it say about the irrational ones, like sinkholes in the Target parking lot? How does it speak to the rational ones, like pet scan predictions? And does the gospel have a word for the fears you feel you’ll have for life, like the possibility of losing the one you love most?

      Growing up in the green room of SNL, being born to a fire-eater and adopted by a SWAT cop, having internal organs explode, and adopting a deaf girl from China, Scarlet Hiltibidal has been given some strange life experiences–and lived in fear through most of them.

      But life changed for Scarlet when she learned to hold the gospel up to her fears and realized that though she can’t fix herself or protect herself. Jesus walked into this broken, sad, scary place to rescue, love, and cast out her–and your–fear.

      Seeing life in light of the cross will help you avoid fear, overcome fear when you can’t avoid it, and live beyond fear when you don’t overcome it. You don’t have to be afraid of all the things.

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    • 180 Devotions For When Life Is Hard


      Life Is Good. . . Praise God!
      Life Not Going So Well? . . . Praise God! . . .

      Do you find that it’s easy to praise God when life is going well–the bills are paid, family members are healthy and thriving, and every day is smooth sailing–but difficult to muster up genuine praise when life isn’t going so well?

      With 180 Devotions for When Life Is Hard, you will discover just the comfort and encouragement your heart needs for the areas of life that truly matter to you, including family, finances, work, health, faith, and so much more. Whatever life brings your way–through every mountain and valley–you will encounter words that uplift and inspire your soul in this lovely devotional.

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    • God Hears Her Journal


      SKU (ISBN): 9781627079143ISBN10: 1627079149Our Daily Bread MinistriesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2018Publisher: Our Daily Bread Publishing

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    • Believe Bigger : Discover The Path To Your Life Purpose (Unabridged) (Audio CD)


      Reinvention strategist Marshawn Evans Daniels delivers a practical and inspirational guide for women ready to reclaim their lives and discover a higher purpose after experiencing regret and disappointment-demonstrating that through disruption, life can become sweeter than ever imagined.

      Marshawn thought she was on the right path. She was a high-powered sports attorney ready to marry the man of her dreams-until she learned he was being unfaithful six days before the wedding. After heartache flipped her seemingly perfect world upside down, she found herself craving a life soaked in purpose, not just success.

      Believe Bigger is about resilience, reclaiming your life, and how God uses disruption to awaken something greater within. Marshawn opens her heart and shares what it takes to breakthrough to a new, more confident you. She shows readers how painful or unexpected circumstances can redirect you towards what God created you to do.

      Whether you are drowning in self-doubt and regret, feeling stuck, or sensing a shift but are unable to discern what’s next, Marshawn’s five stages of divine reinvention will help you gain insight into your ultimate calling and the courage to pursue it. You’ll see that disruption is not designed to devastate or destroy, but to develop and redirect.

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    • Embraced : 100 Devotions To Know Gods Is Holding You Close


      Embraced is the beautiful new devotional from Lisa TerKeurst, the president of Proverbs 31 Ministries and the New York Times bestselling author of Uninvited, The Best Yes, Unglued, and Made to Crave. Embraced features 100 devotions that will resonate with women in all stages of life.

      Lysa’s Most Powerful Insights
      Together for the First Time
      in a Devotional

      Lysa TerKeurst is one of the world’s most influential Christian authors and speakers. She is president of Proverbs 31 Ministries and the New York Times bestselling author of more than 4 million books, including Uninvited, The Best Yes, Unglued, and Made to Crave.

      Favorite themes from Lysa’s bestselling books have been brought together for the first time in a beautiful new devotional. The 100 readings were chosen for their relevance to the issues women face in matters of faith, marriage, motherhood, career, and church.

      The devotions include Lysa’s trademark “sticky statements” on a variety of topics such as:

      personal identity
      our gifts and God’s glory
      intimacy with God
      cleaning clutter from our lives
      negative thoughts
      the Holy Spirit
      feelings of isolation
      making good decisions
      A handy topical index gives you the freedom to flip directly to areas of interest, or you can read chronologically each day. Lysa’s hope is that with every devotion, you will know God’s love exactly where you are, no matter where that may be.

      With an exquisite cloth cover, highly designed interior, ribbon marker, and stained page edges, Embraced will be a treasured keepsake for you as well as a meaningful gift for those you love.

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    • Mornings With God


      Good mornings are guaranteed when you start the day off in prayer.

      Dozens of faith-building prayers are accompanied by inspiring devotional thoughts and scripture selections-just for you. Featuring just-right-sized readings to fit into your busy morning routine and scripture selections from the beloved King James Version of the Bible, you’ll start your days off right with Mornings with God!

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    • God Hears Her


      You need to know that God hears you. The story of Hannah in 1 Samuel tells of one woman’s personal heartache and trust in the One who could fulfill her desires. She poured her heart out to God, and He heard her. The Our Daily Bread devotionals selected for this collection reassure you that God is with you, God is for you, and God hears you. The personal stories, Scripture passages, and inspirational quotes lift you up and remind you that God is bigger than the trials you face.

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    • Numbers Participant Workbook (Workbook)


      Something in us aches for more-more hope, more joy, more freedom. All around us people are dancing to the steps of bigger, better, and faster, and we can easily join in without even realizing it. Before long complaining and comparing accompany our desire for more, yet we’re not any closer to filling the ache inside. God offers us another way. In this study of the Book of Numbers, we’ll find a group of people that wandered in the desert for forty years, unable to enter the Promised Land because of their complaining, grumbling, and lack of faith. The New Testament tells us that their story was written to warn us (1 Corinthians 10:6) so that we would not make the same mistakes and suffer the same consequences. God sent His only Son to die to buy our freedom from the sin that leads to discontentment, and we find our own promised land of peace and contentment in the life He gives us. By exploring Numbers we can come to identify the reasons for our complaining, learn contentment while being authentic about the difficulties of life, accept short-term hardship in light of the greater good of God’s ultimate deliverance, recognize the relationship between complaining and worry, and discover how to realign with God’s character and promises. Together we will learn contentment as we discover more of our incredible God who truly is more than enough. Only He can fill that ache inside and help us focus on His provision and purpose in the midst of life’s joys and pains. The participant workbook includes five days of lessons for each week, combining study of Scripture with personal reflection, application, and prayer. Other components for the Bible study, available separately, include a Leader Guide, DVD with six 20-25 minute sessions, and boxed Leader Kit.

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