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    Family Concerns

    • Family Bible Devotional Volume 2


      Do you want your family to flourish in relationships with God and with each other? What about making a difference in the world? The Family Bible Devotional helps your family do all of that. You and your crew will see the power of the gospel and learn how to effectively live it out every day. Author Sarah Wells makes complicated terms easy to understand for kids ages 6 to 16 without diluting the truth. You will be enriched and encouraged as you lead times of fellowship and discipleship. Together, the family will learn to love others with the heart of Jesus and to share that love with the world.

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    • Jesus Calling For Moms


      Give the moms in your life this beautiful gift of encouragement and reassurance from Jesus Calling (R). Jesus Calling for Moms includes selected 50 devotions to celebrate mothers and their love, comfort, and strength.

      With 50 themed selections, you’ll find devotions that include:

      *the power of love
      *the gift of strength
      *courage in any season
      *trusting Him during challenging times
      *God’s guidance and comfort
      *joyous reasons to celebrate mothers and motherhood

      This beautiful compilation of devotions from Sarah’s bestselling brand also includes:

      *a new introduction and prayer for moms by Sarah Young
      *journaling prompts and questions to encourage deeper growth
      *space to write thoughts, prayers, and reflections
      *stunning imagery
      *written-out Scripture verses

      Whether a gift for your own mom or for a mom who means so much to you, this is the perfect gift for Mother’s Day, birthdays, Valentine’s Day, and more. Jesus Calling for Moms will be a cherished favorite for years to come.

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    • Time With God For Fathers


      Grow in your day-to-day walk with your Father—and as a father! Find pertinent encouragement with 90 Bible-based devotions covering topics like forgiveness, wisdom, comfort, guidance, and strength. Subjects include “Everything Begins with Trust,” “Discipline and Love Go Hand in Hand,” “Nice Guys Always Win in the End,” “Looking Out for Number Two,” “A Father’s Legacy,” and more!

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    • Darkest Night Brightest Day


      Start a new Easter season tradition with your family by reading this beautifully illustrated “upside-down” book from Marty Machowski that includes fourteen Bible stories. The first side, Darkest Night, has seven stories that recount the events of Passion week ending with Christ’s crucifixion and burial. Flip the book over and continue by reading Brightest Day with seven more stories that progress from Christ’s resurrection through Pentecost. Children are sure to remember the contrast between the darkness at the death of our Lord and the light-filled events from Christ’s resurrection onward.

      Machowski weaves each Gospel account together into one harmonized story and provides questions for family discussion. Focusing on the main events the week of the crucifixion, Darkest Night is designed for families to read one story each day, beginning on Palm Sunday. Once the week ends, they will start with Brightest Day on Easter Sunday. The stories for the week following Easter recount appearances of Jesus after the resurrection, his ascension, and Pentecost.

      This beautiful hardback book, illustrated by Phil Shorr, is sure to become a treasured favorite of the family to be used every Easter as a reminder of how God turned the darkest night into the brightest day.

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    • Fight For Us


      Fight for Us takes couples on an inspiring journey into the challenges of battling for their marriage, through gut-wrenching times of despair, and then finally to the victory of a renewed relationship grounded in Jesus.

      Fight for Us delivers a compelling marriage challenge of “five rounds” that teach readers how to develop the never-give-up, never-quit mentality every relationship needs in order to combat the enemy’s constant attacks.

      Utilizing narrative elements from the real-life story of Chad and Kathy Robichaux, readers will learn how Chad’s deployments to Afghanistan as a Marine–and subsequent career as an MMA fighter–allowed him to disengage from his emotions, his marriage, and his children. Then, when his crippling PTSD brought him to brink of suicide, Kathy’s pastor taught him the “five rounds” of fighting that are necessary in the battle for any marriage:

      1. Believe that God loves you and has a purpose for your life.
      2. Take responsibility for your actions.
      3. Accept that you can’t change the evils that you’ve encountered.
      4. Access God’s power.
      5. Put yourself second.

      At the end of the rounds, readers will discover God’s design for marriage, which saved Chad and Kathy’s relationship. Today, they aim to pay it forward and share what they’ve learned with other couples. Fight for Us features application sections, discussion prompts, affirmations, and Bible verses, all designed to help readers apply the book’s key marriage principles.

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    • M Is For Mama


      Mother-of-10 Abbie Halberstadt helps woman humbly and gracefully rise to the high calling of motherhood without settling for mediocrity or losing their minds in the process.

      When it comes to being a good mom in today’s culture, the bar is set embarrassingly low, especially when compared to God’s standard. Mere survival is seen as a badge of honor and hanging on ’til “wine-o-clock” a goal to be strived for.

      As a daughter of Christ, you have been called to be more than an average mom. Attaining excellence doesn’t have to be unsettling but it will take committed focus and a desire to parent well according to God’s grace and for His glory.

      M is for Mama offers advice, encouragement, and scripturally sound strategies seasoned with a little bit of humor to help you embrace the challenge of biblical motherhood and raise your children with love and wisdom.

      Mom, you are worthy of the awesome responsibility God has given you. Now it’s time to start believing you can live up to it.

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    • Who Is Jesus


      Children learn from the earliest age that Jesus loves them and that they should love him back, but do they really understand who Jesus is? How do you help a child get to know someone they can’t see and hear? Thankfully, God gives us a whole Bible of word pictures to help us get to know and love Jesus. In Who is Jesus?, Joe and Kate Hox combine illustrations and deep thoughts simply shared to bring forty word pictures of Jesus to life.

      The Bible is filled with stories and symbols that point us to Jesus as the Savior, the only One who can bring us back to God. God has the best plan, and the biggest and best story. Forty pictures of Jesus-twenty stories from the Old Testament and twenty stories from the New Testament-will guide family devotions and encourage rich conversations about who Jesus is, why he came to earth, and how we can get to know him now. The pictures tell stories about arks, rams caught in a thicket, snakes, sticks, rocks, shepherds, sheep, water, bread, and so much more.

      Each picture of Jesus includes a captivating illustration, a key verse to remember, Bible passages to discuss, a family devotion to read, reflection questions, and a song. Families will explore together the rich imagery of the Bible and learn about God’s great love for his people through Jesus Christ his Son.

      Who is Jesus? can be used any time throughout the year. This book is especially helpful to guide families through the forty days of Lent leading up to Easter.

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    • Fierce Love : Creating A Love That Lasts – One Conversation At A Time


      New York Times bestselling author Susan Scott guides couples through eight must-have conversations to create a fierce love that stands the test of time and grows stronger over the years.

      Often in our romantic relationships, we long for deep connection, but we don’t know how to communicate well and sometimes withhold what we’re really thinking and feeling. This can lead to fighting, resentment, or, worse, complacency–where you are just going through the motions, more like roommates than two people in love. As Susan writes, “It’s as if we’ve pulled off our own wings.” As couples, we don’t stop to think how important our conversations are. And we certainly don’t understand that what we talk about and how we talk about it determine whether our relationships will thrive, flatline, or fail.

      In Fierce Love, New York Times bestselling author Susan Scott guides couples through eight must-have conversations that lead to deep connection and lasting commitment. Through the use of true stories and hands-on exercises, Susan helps us:
      *understand that the conversation is the relationship;
      *identify and dispel five relationship myths that mislead and derail us;
      *learn eight conversations that are critical to enriching relationships; and
      *stop fighting or ignoring issues and start connecting in a deep and meaningful way.

      After a season where many relationships were tested and tried, where some relationships thrived and others have exposed cracks couples didn’t even realize were there, or realized but didn’t acknowledge, now is the best time to learn to communicate well. By having honest, compelling conversations with our partners, we can foster true connection and a fierce love that will withstand the test of time and grow stronger over the years.

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    • Love Is : How Messy Stories Can Meet In The Heart Of God


      Retitled, repackaged, and including new content, Love Is delivers a compelling message that urges Christians to reject the distorted views of love that have damaged our hearts, minds, and souls and to embrace God’s biblical definition of what love truly is.

      So many young people enter adulthood with expectations of blissful dating followed by a romantic marriage but then discover they’ve been duped. Because they learned about love and sexuality from faulty sources-social media, their friends, Disney fairy tales, pornography, or even their own rocky past-they have no idea what healthy, lifelong love is supposed to be like. The results are often disastrous, with this generation becoming one of the most relationally sick, sexually addicted, and divorce ridden in history.

      Looking to God’s design while drawing lessons from their own successes and failures, the Bethkes explode the fictions and falsehoods that have led to broken relationships. One by one, they peel back lies that include:
      *the belief that every person has only one soul mate,
      *that marriage will complete you,
      *and that pornography and hook-ups are harmless.

      Drawing from Jeff’s “prodigal son” personal history and from Alyssa’s “True Love Waits” experience, the Bethkes blend personal storytelling with biblical teaching to offer readers an inspiring, realistic vision of love, dating, marriage, and sex. Including a new chapter filling readers in on the Bethke’s married relationship today, this updated edition offers a solidly biblical view of romantic love.

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    • 31 Ways To Show Her What Love Is


      In Jefferson Bethke’s newly revised edition of 31 Ways to Show Her What Love Is, readers will discover practical and inspiring tips for bringing more romance, joy, and vibrancy to their marriages.

      In 31 Ways to Show Her What Love Is,Jefferson Bethke gives husbands thirty-one specific tips for strengthening and deepening their marriage relationship. Each day, readers find a new suggestion for encouraging and loving their wives. Topics include serving each other, offering forgiveness, laughing together, praying for one another, affirming each other through words, and even making a favorite snack. From serious to lighthearted, each tip challenges readers to make their marriage a priority and reminds them of the importance of a healthy, vibrant relationship. Now with new covers and revised content, these books take readers on a one-month journey to bring them closer to their wives than ever before.

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    • Raising A Body Confident Daughter


      This helpful resource equips you to have important conversations with your daughter about her identity in Christ, her self-image, and how to appreciate and care for her body according to God’s design.

      Popular culture bombards girls with messages that they are not pretty enough, not skinny enough, or just not good enough.

      How can you counter these lies and help your daughter see the truth-that she is a beautiful child of God, perfectly created to bring Him glory?

      Dannah Gresh, bestselling author and creator of the True Girl live events, shows that instilling body confidence in your daughter starts with you. Each chapter includes activities, conversation starters, and even fun recipes that will help you and your daughter engage in meaningful talks about God’s purpose for her body and how to develop a healthy, positive view of herself.

      Help your daughter develop body confidence and watch her grow and thrive.

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    • No I Cant Make Your Wife Disappear


      Your marriage can be magical.

      World-renowned illusionist Danny Ray pulls back the curtain and shares the biblical truths he has discovered in his career to expose the secrets of a successful marriage. Drawing from his own experiences of building an enduring, magical marriage, Danny, together with his wife Kimberly, will help you unlock the secrets to:

      *Experience effective communication
      *Overcome impossible situations
      *Thrive in your marriage

      No, I Can’t Make Your Wife Disappear is a lighthearted, practical, and sometimes hard-hitting guide to building a stronger relationship with your spouse. So don’t ask the magician to make your spouse vanish! Instead embrace his secrets for a magical marriage and enjoy a lifelong, loving, fun-filled relationship.

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    • Wonders Of His Love


      Advent is the perfect time for families to gather together and celebrate the birth of Jesus. Using pictures of Jesus from Isaiah’s prophecies-the Light, the Branch, the Shepherd, and the Savior-brings to life the true meaning of Christmas.

      Hundreds of years before Jesus was born, God spoke to his people through the prophet Isaiah, promising them a Savior. To communicate God’s message, Isaiah used striking, stunning, and surprising imagery-the “wonders” of his love! Isaiah pointed God’s people to the future, when one day, through his birth, death, and resurrection, Jesus would deliver his people from sin and sorrow forever.

      Perfect for busy families with younger children, each week of Advent focuses on one of Isaiah’s images and has readings related to the week’s theme-Jesus the Light; Jesus the Branch; Jesus the Shepherd; Jesus the Savior-and, on Christmas Day, Jesus the Bread. Each week also includes fun stories, discussion questions, crafts, recipes, games, and suggestions for family service projects.

      Illustrated by Jeremy Slagle, this four-week devotional will draw families closer to Jesus and to each other.

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    • Heirloom


      SKU (ISBN): 9781496447449ISBN10: 1496447441Kathy HowardBinding: Cloth TextPublished: October 2021Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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    • Mama Bear Apologetics Guide To Sexuality


      Raise Them to Value God’s Design

      Starting at a young age, kids are being fed damaging misinformation about sexuality, gender identity, and human biology. As a parent, it’s up to you to help your children understand God’s truth about these integral concepts in the face of the candy-coated lies that saturate today’s world.

      In the footsteps of the bestselling Mama Bear Apologetics comes this invaluable guide to training your kids to know and respect God’s design in a world that has rejected it. This book will equip you to;

      *understand God’s design for gender, sex, marriage, and family as a beautiful portrait that reveals the nature of God Himself

      *identify the tactics being used to trick children into adopting an unbiblical view of sexuality under the guise of Christian-sounding words like love, identity, tolerance, and justice

      *teach your kids to treat those who hold different beliefs with gentle, Christlike compassion without compromising biblical values

      As society continues to blur the lines of what is good, true, and acceptable, God’s standards remain clear and unchanging. This book will give you the wisdom to confidently raise your children to understand sex and gender through a biblical lens.

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    • Healthy Kids Happy Moms


      In Healthy Kids, Happy Moms, integrative pediatrician Sheila Kilbane, MD, shares the methodology she’s developed over almost twenty years of practicing medicine: a seven-step process that can begin to heal your child’s chronic illness from the inside out.

      This book will equip you with the information and tools you need to transform your child’s health, including:
      *how to understand your child’s medical history and how seemingly different issues are related

      *the role of inflammation in recurrent childhood illnesses

      *how to uncover the root of your child’s inflammation, which drives recurrent illnesses

      *the important role gut health plays in overall health

      *what nutrients your child might be deficient in and what foods he or she may need more of

      *how to find good quality supplements for your child when needed

      *thirty-two kid-friendly recipes to help even the busiest families make significant changes

      If you’re weary from dragging your child to endless doctor appointments and administering medication after medication, let Dr. Kilbane help you take control of your child’s health.

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    • Helping Children With Body Image


      The world is streaming messages to children about what makes them valuable. Children learn early from TV, media, friends, and classmates that if they don’t have the right size, weight, strength, and appearance, something is wrong with them.

      Children struggling with shame or discomfort about their bodies feel tremendous pain. They don’t feel normal or accepted, and their world is often cruel and judgmental. Counselor Jocelyn Wallace helps parents and caregivers give comfort to children who are hurting and confused about the false messages they have believed about their bodies. By unpacking the truths of Scripture, parents can help children see and understand the character of their loving Creator God, who designed them with care and accepts them unconditionally. As they turn to Christ in their struggle, they can be comforted by his care and love and even learn to reach out in love to others who are struggling.

      The struggle to live in a world that places such heavy emphasis on outward beauty and strength will not disappear, but its damaging messages can be better discerned and rejected in the context of a relationship with God that is genuine and never faltering.

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    • How To Love Difficult Parents


      We are used to having our parents help us, but how do we handle it when the tables are turned and our parents are the ones who need help? Declining health, financial needs, divorce, relational issues-what’s an adult child’s role when their parents are struggling? Or when there is conflict with them because of differing lifestyles and parenting philosophies?

      Counselor Jim Newheiser understands the many types of challenges adults may face in their relationship with their parents, whether it be their parents’ financial strain, a struggle to properly care for their home or their health, conflict related to care for the grandchildren, or destructive relational choices. He helps readers understand their responsibility to honor their parents, and to be prepared to help with their needs, but also to recognize their first responsibility to their relationship with the Lord and their own marriage and children. He also gives guidance on what offenses to graciously overlook and what offenses to handle with gentleness and love. Ultimately, there may be some bad situations that are out of your control, but you can always be a loving representative of the Lord in how you respond.

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    • 10 Choices For A Better Marriage


      SKU (ISBN): 9780800740108ISBN10: 0800740106Ron WelchBinding: Mass MarketPublished: July 2021Publisher: Revell

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    • 8 Secrets To Raising Successful Kids


      Want children who are patient, kind, humble, thankful, and respectful? Who have a good work ethic, strong character, and a healthy self-image? Who succeed in all areas of life–personally, professionally, and relationally–to the best of their ability?

      You can’t force your kids to be grateful for everything you do, but you can raise successful, responsible kids who grow into adults you can be proud of. With his signature wit and wisdom, international parenting expert Dr. Kevin Leman reveals eight no-nonsense strategies that build on the foundations of character, good behavior, respect, discipline, and a winning attitude.

      He shows you how to
      – expect the best to get the best
      – minimize friction and optimize solutions
      – put your relationship first
      – and much more

      It is possible to raise a successful child in a “whatever” generation. Dr. Leman shows you just how simple it can be.

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    • Marriage : 6 Gospel Commitments Every Couple Needs To Make


      Best-Selling Author Paul David Tripp Offers 6 Practices for a Christ-Centered Marriage

      When two people say “I do,” they begin the journey of a lifetime-and they expect that journey to be perfect. Expectations of the perfect marriage are sure to fade away in the struggles of everyday life, but many are shocked when their marriage morphs into something they didn’t intend it to be. A long-term, gospel-centered marriage needs to be grounded in something sturdier than romance.

      In this rebranded edition of What Did You Expect?, popular author and pastor Paul David Tripp encourages couples to make 6 commitments to one another; commitments such as practicing forgiveness, appreciating differences, and actively working toward a relationship that is built on trust. Through each chapter, Tripp encourages readers to be motivated by grace as they strive to make Jesus Christ the center of their marriage.

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    • Midnight Dad Devotional


      For the new daddy changing diapers at 3 in the morning, for the dad of tweens who wonders if he is enough, for the father of teenagers who feels disconnected, Midnight Dad Devotional offers the encouragement and biblical grounding that has made the Midnight Mom and Midnight Dad Devotional Facebook Communities a help to parents around the world.

      The Midnight Mom Devotional Community has become a global movement of prayer and encouragement for mamas everywhere, launching Midnight Mom Devotional to bestseller lists and into over a million moms’ hearts. Now author Becky Thompson and her dad, Dr. Mark Pitts, offer a new book for dads who need to know God is with them on the parenting journey. Midnight Dad Devotional gives dads in all seasons of life:
      *A sense of connection with other fathers
      *Strength for each night and the day ahead
      *Wisdom from the Bible for tough situations
      *Affirmation of the importance of their role
      *Reassurance that God is with them

      With its handsome cover and a presentation page, this devotional is a great gift for new daddies, Father’s Day, or any dad needing a little extra encouragement. As the Midnight Dad community says every evening, “Tonight we pray for the dad who . . .”
      *Is trying to balance long work hours and a desire to be with family
      *Wants to set a good example for his children
      *Sometimes feels distant from his kids
      *Is navigating a separation or a divorce
      *Desires to pass on his faith in authentic ways

      Just as Midnight Mom Devotional has equipped so many moms to love their kids well, Midnight Dad Devotional helps each dad find courage in the calm of the night, knowing that men around the world are joining him in prayer–and that God is more than capable of guiding him into the morning.

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    • Sacred Search : What If It’s Not About Who You Marry, But Why (Revised)


      In the revised edition of his hit book The Sacred Search, author Gary Thomas helps single people of all ages make wise marital choices, in large part by rethinking what basis those choices should be made on.

      Readers are encouraged to think beyond finding their “soul mate,” an idea that has its roots in the philosophy of Plato, and instead adopt a more biblical search for a “sole mate”– someone who will walk with them on their spiritual journey.

      Thomas asks, What if we focused on why to get married more than on who to marry? What if being “in love” isn’t a good enough reason to get married? And most of all, what if God designed marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy?

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    • Strengthen Your Marriage


      Bestselling authors and trusted relationship experts Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott help you strengthen and enhance your unique marriage with the perfect companion to your SYMBIS+ Assessment Report.

      The SYMBIS+ Assessment is a powerful and personalized marriage insight tool that covers 17 key areas in your marriage, including well-being, social support, finances, personality, sex, communication, conflict, spirituality, time styles, and more.

      Whether you are debriefing your SYMIBS+ Report one-on-one with your certified Facilitator or in a small group or class, this guidebook is an ideal companion to the SYMBIS+ Assessment. Each chapter perfectly correlates to a page of your report–and they are sure to enhance your experience by helping you deepen your understanding of your results, personalize the concepts, and apply the valuable insights you learn.

      Chock-full of real-life action steps, no-guilt exercises, and fun discussion starters, you’ll discover how to:

      *Utilize the strengths you and your spouse bring to your marriage
      *Navigate your hot-button issues
      *Cultivate deeper intimacy and lifelong passion
      *Kick financial worries to the curb
      *Engage in heartfelt and meaningful conversations free of the usual tension

      Whether you have already debriefed your SYMBIS+ Report with a certified SYMBIS Facilitator, or you are about to, don’t miss out on what Strengthen Your Marriage will do for your relationship.

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    • God Cares For Me


      Why do we have to wear a mask? Why can’t we see Grandma and Grandpa today? And what if I get sick? Children have lots of hard-to-answer questions, and Dr. Scott James uses the true-to-life story of Lucas to help with the answers. As children follow Lucas through his sick day, they will discover how God cares for them and how they can care for others when they are sick.

      When Lucas wakes up with a sore throat, his parents show that God is always caring for him even when he doesn t feel well. They remind Lucas that Jesus is with him even during difficult days, and he can always go to Jesus and ask for help. When he visits the doctor, Lucas also learns how important it is to care for those around him and to make sure that everyone does their best to not let others get sick.

      This timely book helps parents and caregivers talk with children about illness and how to keep themselves and others safe when sick. Children will learn that although anyone can get sick, that God is caring for them and will be with them through whatever they face. They will also learn how they can show God s love to their friends and family by helping to keep them safe.

      God Cares for Me is part of the God Made Me Series which equips parents to have important, impactful conversations with their children, helping them to grow in understanding of God, themselves, and others. Each book in the series contains a special section just for parents and caregivers that provides biblical guidance and offers additional information and resources for talking about the topic addressed in the story.

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    • Countdown To Christmas


      SKU (ISBN): 9781546037095ISBN10: 1546037098Carol GarborgBinding: Cloth TextPublished: October 2020Publisher: Ellie Claire Gift And Paper Corp

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    • Screen Kids : 5 Relational Skills Every Child Needs In The Tech-Driven Worl


      Has Technology Taken Over Your Home?

      In this digital age, children spend more time interacting with screens and less time playing outside, reading a book, or interacting with family. Though technology has its benefits, it also has its harms.

      In Screen Kids Gary Chapman and Arlene Pellicane will empower you with the tools you need to make positive changes. Through stories, science, and wisdom, you’ll discover how to take back your home from an overdependence on screens. Plus, you’ll learn to teach the five A+ skills that every child needs to master: affection, appreciation, anger management, apology, and attention. Learn how to:

      *Protect and nurture your child’s growing brain
      *Establish simple boundaries that make a huge difference
      *Recognize the warning signs of gaming too much
      *Raise a child who won’t gauge success through social media
      *Teach your child to be safe online

      This newly revised edition features the latest research and interactive assessments, so you can best confront the issues technology create in your home. Now is the time to equip your child with a healthy relationship with screens and an even healthier relationship with others.

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    • Grandparenting Screen Kids


      Things aren’t what they once were. As younger generations become increasingly immersed in the endless presence of tech, older generations struggle finding common ground to relate.The gap between grandparent and grandchild may feel wider than ever.

      Grandparenting Screen Kids is a grandparent’s guide to start bridging this gap. Relationship expert Gary Chapman along with coauthor Arlene Pellicane will help you understand this different (and often troubling) world of iPads, YouTube and video games. They will offer activities to keep your grandkids occupied without screens and assist you in navigating differences with your adult children.

      It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, under informed, and physically unable to meet the demands of active grandkids. That’s why this companion guide to the book Screen Kids has been written to connect you to information and encouragement. Technology isn’t going anywhere and your grandkids need you more than ever to teach them what computers can’t.

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    • Praying The Scriptures For Your Children 20th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


      This expanded edition of the bestseller features updated content on issues like technology and identity, and comes with new material designed to invite children into the family prayer circle.

      There is not a need we will face in parenting–or that our kids will confront in their lives–that God has not already thought of, and provided for, in his Word. And there can be no greater privilege than partnering with him, through our prayers, to accomplish his best purposes in the lives of the people we love.

      But where to begin?

      In this updated and expanded edition celebrating the 20th anniversary of a modern classic, you will discover how using the Bible to shape your desires and requests opens the door to God’s provision–and frees us from things like worry and fear in our parenting!

      It teaches you how and what to pray for your child(ren) in the following areas:


      Plus, all-new material includes sections on praying for a child’s sense of identity, praying for their use of technology, and building a prayer legacy with specific strategies and a collection of child-friendly Bible verses designed to help children anchor their hope in God’s Word.

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    • Emmanuel God With Us


      ”Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.” –Matthew 1:23 KJV

      Celebrate God’s greatest gift, Jesus with the entire family this Christmas.

      Emmanuel, God With Us advent ornament book is a fun, interactive board book to involve young children with Christmas decorating while celebrating the gifts God gave us in His son, Jesus Christ. There are six removable ornaments for your child to hang on the Christmas tree. To go with each Christmas ornament, there is a short advent devotion, a promise from scripture and a short prayer. It’s the perfect way for the whole family to share the greatest story ever told together this Christmas!

      Simply pop out the die-cut ornaments, then add ribbon or hooks and hang them on anything from a Christmas tree to holiday garland! At the end of the Christmas season, simply place the ornaments back into the book and easily pack away. Whether used as a daily countdown or read in one sitting, this advent activity can be reused year after year so you can start a new family Christmas tradition. It’s a meaningful gift for sharing and celebrating Jesus, Emmanuel, the promise spoken, the promise hoped for, and the promise fulfilled with friends and loved ones.

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    • Healing Family Relationships


      Every family is hurting, and the wounds that come from our relatives can be deeper than all others. Conflict within a family can range from daily frictions and annoyances to rage and hatred and eventually estrangement. We want things to be different but have no idea where to start.

      After 25 years of ministering to families, Rob Rienow believes reconciliation is at the heart of the gospel–reconciliation with God and one another. You will come away with specific steps you can take in your relationships with your family members to pursue peace and healing in your homes. Each chapter includes key biblical examples as well as present-day stories of families who have experienced God’s help and healing–including the author’s own miraculous healing of his relationship with his father.

      Our families can bring out the best, as well as the worst, in all of us. May this book guide you in making your home and family a blessing in a broken world.

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    • Hope Lies Ahead


      People who love prodigals often struggle in silence. This book lets you know that you are not alone and that there is hope. Pastor and author James Banks and his son Geoff Banks each write from their perspective, sharing their story of redemption and offering you hope while you are in the struggle. No matter what your prodigal is going through-addiction, turning from faith, worldly pursuits-you’ll find encouragement to pray deeply, love generously, and cling to God for comfort, healing, and restoration during the difficult journey.

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    • Bible Promise Book For Fathers


      Fatherhood really should come with an operator’s manual.

      Our world sends many conflicting signals on the important issues of life. How should we approach anger? Is discipline a good thing, or not? Why speak with honesty? Is prayer for real? What is true wisdom?

      In His kindness, God has answered all these questions–and many more–in the pages of His Word, the Bible. Whatever our needs, we can find in scripture the principles we need to address the issues we face.

      This collection of Bible verses is a handy reference to some of the key issues that all people–and especially fathers–face. In these pages, you’ll find carefully selected verses that address more than five dozen topics like adversity, courage, family discipline, duty, labor, prayer, and temptation.

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    • Moment In Time Book 2


      Is a 365 day devotional that was written with parents in mind. After four decades of ministry to children and youth, it is obvious that parents need encouragement as they seek to
      raise their children to honor and live for the Lord.

      Each day a passage is applied to that God honoring task of raising Godly children; with a teaching moment concluding each day. It is Carl’s prayer that as each day is read that you will receive a word of truth that will assist in the life of your children or grandchildren. God’s Word is as alive and relevant as it was when your parents read you these same verses. Let’s live by it.

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    • Surviving Sorrow : A Mother’s Guide To Living With Loss


      Practical advice from one grieving mom to other grieving moms

      When Kim’s three-year-old son died, she found plenty of resources on grieving. She says what she really needed, though, “was someone who would give me advice for living, not just grieving . . . How do I get through the grocery store without crying? What do I do with my son’s things? When will my mind stop replaying the emergency room scene?”

      Now, ten years later, she’s written that book. With raw vulnerability, a deep well of wisdom, and the practical knowledge of someone who’s been there, she walks grieving moms through the life-after-death process from how to plan the funeral to how to deal with friends, family, holidays, and birthdays.

      This is a profound and powerful resource that’s invaluable for the mom who has lost a child–and her friends and family who want to love her well.

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    • Talking With Your Kids About Jesus


      Christian parenting is hard work–and it’s getting harder. Parents have a deep desire to pass on their faith but fear that today’s increasingly skeptical and hostile world will eventually lead their kids to reject the truth of Christianity. This practical and timely resource gives parents the confidence of knowing what to discuss with their children and how to discuss it in order to facilitate impactful conversations that will form the basis of a lifelong faith.

      In a friendly, parent-to-parent voice, Natasha Crain identifies 30 specific conversations about Jesus that parents must have with their children. Chapters are sequenced in a curriculum-oriented way to provide a cumulative learning experience, making this book a flexible resource for use in multiple settings: homes, church classes, youth groups, small groups, private Christian schools, and homeschools. Every chapter has a step-by-step conversation guide with discussion questions and tips, and content is readily adaptable for use with kids of any age (elementary through high school).

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    • Staying Power : Building A Stronger Marriage When Life Sends Its Worst


      Too often, when a life crisis hits, a marriage suffers–even a healthy one–and all the personality profiles and couples’ therapy in the world won’t keep your marriage from experiencing the tough stuff. So how do you and your spouse face the stresses put on your marriage and not only stay together but come out on the other side even more loving and committed?

      In Staying Power, two longtime couples offer insights, skills, and clear direction so that you can respond to trials in a way that strengthens rather than weakens your marriage. They show you how to:
      – handle anger creatively, forgive freely, and persevere together
      – nurture one another in powerful ways
      – learn new techniques for connecting both verbally and nonverbally in the midst of crisis
      – and much more

      Don’t let financial trouble, infertility, health challenges, parenting cares, addiction of a loved one, or heartbreaking loss destroy your marriage. Instead, learn how through your strong relationship you can overcome all of life’s curveballs–together.

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    • Guiding The Next Great Generation


      It’s cliche to say today’s adults hope the best for the next generation, yet fear the worst. As the gap between generations widens and our shared experiences dwindle, adults find it increasingly difficult to connect with and remain relevant to today’s young people. So the question is, what values can we pass on that will help them to become the next great generation? And how do we communicate those values effectively?

      In this paradigm-shifting book, Jonathan Catherman shares with adults raised in the 1900s a fresh look at guiding 21st-century youth to become confident and capable adults. With relevant research and real-world examples, Catherman shows us the benefits of practicing and teaching four principles that will unite and empower us all:
      – build bridges between generations
      – transform raw talent into valued strengths
      – practice stewardship before leadership
      – live with purpose

      Whether the emerging generation knows it or not, they need you. Their greatness tomorrow begins with your guidance today.

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    • Power Of A Praying Grandparent (Large Type)


      Praying for Your Grandchildren Brings Blessings That Can Last a Lifetime

      Now in easy-to-read 18-point font!

      As a grandparent, you have a special role in your grandchildren’s lives. You can love them and influence them for good, but you will also touch them in amazing ways every time you lift them up in prayer before the Lord.

      In this book, each prayer covers an important aspect of your grandchildren’s lives, including:

      *their relationship with God, parents, friends, and other key people who care for them
      *their health, safety, direction, and purpose
      *their development into wise, happy, productive, and faith-filled adults

      Prayer for your grandchildren is the greatest gift of love you can give them. And every time you invite God to work powerfully in their lives you will experience…The Power of a Praying(R) Grandparent

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    • With These Words


      Every couple knows they need to talk with each other. Every couple knows they need to pay attention to how they can communicate better.

      This practical marriage resource by Christian pastor and author Rob Flood not only explores why couples should grow in communication, but it addresses the how of communication.

      With These Words offers in-depth, theologically rich tools that will also help flourish relationships outside of your marriage your relationship with your kids, your friendships, and your coworkers.

      In this Christian Scripture-based marriage book, you will learn that God is for you and on your side as you press toward helpful, biblical communication based on Christian values. In the face of many emotions and obstacles, there is a clear purpose and a clear method for words.

      But in the midst of this shift toward communication and biblical change, Flood shares how you can retain your unique personality, remaining as God made you while honoring him with your words.

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    • When Your Kid Is Hurting


      As parents, we have a strong impulse to protect our children, but that very protection can end up handicapping them for life. Rather than seek to save them from the hard things, we must teach our kids how to cope with and rise above their problems. In one of his most important books to date, internationally known psychologist and bestselling author Dr. Kevin Leman shows parents how to:
      – be good listeners
      – tell the truth, even when it’s difficult
      – find balance between being protective and being overprotective
      – approach hurt and injustice as a learning experience rather than fostering a victim mentality
      – and much more

      Whether a child is dealing with a difficult family situation, bullies, the loss of friends, the death of a loved one, discrimination, abuse, a teen pregnancy, or even just trying to make sense of what they see in the news, this compassionate and practical book will help parents equip them to process, learn from, and rise above their situation.

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    • Moment In Time Book 1


      Is a 365 day devotional that was written with parents in mind. After four decades of ministry to children and youth, it is obvious that parents need encouragement as they seek to raise their children to honor and live for the Lord.

      Each day a passage is applied to that God honoring task of raising Godly children; with a teaching moment concluding each day. It is Carl’s prayer that as each day is read that you will receive a word of truth that will assist in the life of your children or grandchildren. God’s Word is as alive and relevant as it was when your parents read you these same verses. Let’s live by it.

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    • Grandparenting With Grace


      In this practical and biblical resource for grandparents, Larry McCall helps readers confidently carry out their mission of gospel-focused grandparenting. Grandparenting with Grace explores how to build a legacy of a life worth following and how to faithfully pray for grandchildren.

      What does God say about grandparents and grandchildren? Rather than relying on personal stories and ideas alone, Grandparenting with Grace seeks to explain from Scripture the what, why, who, and how of grandparenting.

      Readers hungry to know more about God s calling for this role will find inspiration, encouragement, and gospel hope. As a parent to three and grandparent to six, the author shares his personal experiences coming alongside his children in supportive ways as they seek to raise their kids his grandkids in the ways of Christ.

      Many people in our culture look at grandparenting primarily as an opportunity to make occasional fun memories with their grandkids. There s often little thought given to the idea of intentionally and spiritually pouring into grandchildren.

      McCall urges readers to look at grandparenting from an eternal perspective, considering how to be involved in their families in God-honoring ways. By applying biblical wisdom, grandparents can also strengthen the local church as they continue to see and pursue God s calling to present the gospel to the coming generations.

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    • Mama Bear Apologetics



      The problem with lies is they don’t often sound like lies. Their attraction is their appeal. They seem harmless, and even sound right. So what’s a Mama Bear to do to protect her children and raise them in the truth?

      Mama Bear Apologetics is the book you’ve been looking for. This mom-to-mom guide will equip you to teach your kids how to form their own beliefs about what is true and what is false. Through honest storytelling and practical application, this band of Mama Bears offers tools to train your kids how to spot the lie traps intended to trip them up and the steps to take to stand strong on God’s Word.

      Are you ready to answer the rallying cry, “When you mess with our kids, we will demolish your arguments”? Join the Mama Bear movement and raise your voice to protect your kids.

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    • 5 Things To Pray For Your Kids


      Praying That God Will…
      Save My Child
      Fill My Child With Spiritual Fruit
      Watch Over My Child
      Praying That My Child Will…
      Have Confidence In Jesus
      Experience God’s Greatness
      Delight In God’s Word
      Live In Harmony With Others
      Be Wise
      Prayerfully Seek God
      Be Content In All Things
      Love Others
      Stand Firm
      Praying That I Will…
      Share The Goodness Of God
      Create A Home Of Patience And Kindness
      Trust The Lord With My Child
      Praying For My Child When They Are…
      Suffering From Disappointment, Loss, Or Hurt
      Making Friends
      Experiencing Change, Uncertainty, Or Fear
      Making A Difficult Decision
      Grown Up

      Additional Info
      Our culture says that the most important things for children are education, good health, treats, entertainment, and material things. Yet as Christians, we know that children’s spiritual health is the most important thing. So we need to pray for them, but where do we start?

      This little guide is both deep and do-able. Melissa Kruger takes us back to the Bible to show us what God’s will for children is, so we can pray in line with it. She selects 21 key areas of spiritual growth and character development. For each one, there are five short prayer prompts drawn straight from the Bible.

      When we pray in line with God’s priorities as found in his word, our prayers are powerful and effective (James 5 v 16)-and that’s a truly thrilling prospect.

      This book can be used in any number of ways: work through it as part of your daily quiet time, or pick it up whenever a particular need arises. Either way, its worth stepping out of the busyness of daily life for five minutes to pray meaningfully for your child, grandchild, godchild, or kids in your church-from tots to teens, and every age in between.

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    • Start With The Heart


      Parenting strategies you can be proud of

      You know the feeling. You got frustrated, desperate, or overwhelmed and you reacted before you could think it through. Whether it’s a one-time thing or it becomes a habit, we all parent in ways we don’t like. But it doesn’t have to continue. Whether it’s bribery, yelling, counting to three, or threats of punishment you didn’t mean to make, reacting never feels good. But if you can learn to act with intentionality, you’ll feel better about your choices and be grateful for the results.

      Dr. Kathy Koch (pronounced “cook”), author of Screens and Teens and 8 Great Smarts, will teach you proven strategies for training your child’s heart and parenting in a way that honors God. She’ll help you move your child from, “I can’t, I won’t,” to “I can, I will, and I did.” We can do better than “Because I said so.” or “No screen time for 3 days.” We can do better than mere behavior modification. We can change our children’s hearts and teach them to do what is good, godly, and right even when we’re not around. Once you’ve learned to put these motivation strategies in place there’s no more need to nag, you’ll be astounded at what your kids will do without being asked. Dr. Kathy doesn’t offer a quick-fix. Starting with the heart is all about changing what children believe in order to change their behavior. And learning to use this kind of motivation takes effort, consistency, and strategy, but it works. And it’s never too late! If you’re willing to commit to a little hard work up front, you’ll enjoy your kids, your life, and yourself much more when you learn to start with the heart.

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    • Kellers Heart


      A warm-hearted book for children of all ages

      This love story is not the kind with castles, dragons, and a princess trapped in a tower. But it has a special girl and a fluffy knight who rescue each other. The girl is Raven. She’s deaf. Children at school are hesitant to play with her, as if she’ll break. The fluffy knight is a dog, whose first owner, when he realized the puppy couldn’t hear or see, left him by the side of the road.

      From the moment these two meet, they understand each other. Raven asks her parents if she can adopt the dog from the local animal shelter. “She’d just read a book about an amazing woman who was deaf and blind named Helen Keller, so she called him Keller.”

      Keller teaches Raven sign language. Keller becomes Raven’s best friend. Together, they show those around them that it is OK to be different and that everyone needs a friend.

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    • Love Talk : Speak Each Other’s Language Like You Never Have Before


      Love Talk is like no other communication book you’ve ever read. The fruit of years of research by two foremost relationship experts (who also happen to be husband and wife), this book forges a new path to the heart of loving conversation. You’ll begin by identifying your security need and determining your personal communication style. Then you’ll put together everything you discover to learn how the two of you can speak each other’s language like never before.

      This very day, you can begin an adventure in communication that will draw the two of you closer, and closer, and closer…consistently, in a way that creates the depth and connection you long for in your relationship.

      Love Talk includes:
      *The all-new Deep Love Assessment
      *The secret to emotional connection
      *When not to talk
      *A Communications 101 primer
      *Practical help for the “silent partner”

      Designed for use with the companion men’s and women’s Love Talk workbooks (sold separately).

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    • Parenting First Aid


      In this uplifting and faith-strengthening devotional book for parents, best-selling children’s author Marty Machowski encourages parents in the midst of parenting trials. Full of Scripture, testimonies of faithful parents, and insightful meditations, Parenting First Aid equips parents to run to God and trust his ability to do what they can’t.

      Parenting isn’t getting any easier, especially with the introduction of insta-porn on electronic devices, the ease of access to drugs, and the ever-increasing blurring of sexuality. This parenting resource is for weary parents overwhelmed with parenting, their children’s choices, and the culture that wars against their souls.

      For parents with small struggles or weighty parenting trials-such as children involved with drugs, sexual sin, and teenage rebellion-Parenting First Aid is full of personal, real testimonies of God’s faithfulness to parents experiencing hardship.

      The easy-to-use format provides parents with encouraging and faith-strengthening words to trust God in his work in the midst of family difficulty. While God does not promise happiness and ease in parenting, all parents can find comfort in God and peace beyond understanding through the Scriptures and meditations found in Parenting First Aid.

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    • Your Marriage Today And Tomorrow


      Build a marriage now that your kids will thank you for later

      Your parents’ marital choices have greatly affected your own attitudes and actions in marriage, for better or worse. Your choices will affect your children, and grandchildren, and so on. It’s time to get proactive about your marriage legacy.

      Dr. Crawford and Karen Lorritts have been married 45 years and have spent the last 30 years speaking on marriage. This book contains their most successful, proven material. Interlaced with personal stories and letters from their four children this book will teach you:
      –the biblical and theological foundation for marriage
      –godly disciplines and habits that will improve your marriage
      –how to use your marriage to shape future generations

      Whether you’ve been married 40 years or just got engaged, this book is for you. Your marriage will change the lives of countless people. Start thinking about the kind of legacy you’ll leave, today.

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