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    Books (Spanish)

    • 9780758649355 Dios Necesito Hablarte De Pres - (Spanish)

      Dios Necesito Hablarte De Pres – (Spanish)


      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Scripture examples help children apply it to their lives.

      1 in stock

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    • 9780758649348 Dios Necesito Hablarte De Last - (Spanish)

      Dios Necesito Hablarte De Last – (Spanish)


      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Scripture examples help children apply it to their lives.

      1 in stock

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    • 9780758649331 Dios Necesito Hablarte De Quej - (Spanish)

      Dios Necesito Hablarte De Quej – (Spanish)


      Delightfully illustrated, this story deals with a concern youngsters encounter in their daily lives. This book points out the Good News of God’s love and forgiveness, while the supporting Scripture verse emphasizes the point of the story. Recommended for ages 2 to 7.

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    • 9780758649324 Dios Necesito Hablarte De Ser - (Spanish)

      Dios Necesito Hablarte De Ser – (Spanish)


      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Scripture examples help children apply it to their lives.

      1 in stock

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    • 9781682161937 Pumpkin Maze

      Pumpkin Maze


      SKU (ISBN): 9781682161937UPC: 663575739036Produced by: American Tract SocietyBinding: OtherPublished: August 2014Publisher: Crossway Books/ Good News Publishers

      8 in stock

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    • 9780805497557 Guia Ilustrada Del Templo - (Spanish)

      Guia Ilustrada Del Templo – (Spanish)


      El Monte del Templo en Jerusalen es uno de los lugares mas asombrosos en el mundo. Este fue el sitio del gran Templo de Salomon, una “casa de oracion para todos los pueblos”- el centro de adoracion y celebracion.

      El Templo es importante, tanto como una obra maestra historica y arquitectonica, como un simbolo espiritual del deseo de Dios de habitar en su pueblo.

      Ahora puede observar como era el templo hace mas de 3000 aos. Este libro a todo color brinda una vision completa y facil de comprender de la historia del Templo en Jerusalen. Las personas que disfrutan del estudio de la Biblia les encantara el hecho de que responde a muchas preguntas acerca de como se veia el Templo en los tiempos biblicos. Estudiosos de la Biblia y profesores disfrutaran de este texto bien sealado. El autor es el arqueologo y profesor Dr. Randall Price. El ha pasado mas de 30 aos explorando la Tierra Sagrada estudiando el Templo.

      Este libro viene con laminas transparentes, mas de 100 imagenes, graficas, diagramas, fotos e ilustraciones, muchas de las cuales nunca han sido publicadas. Abarca el lapso de tiempo desde Abraham hasta nuestros dias.

      The Temple Mount in Jerusalem is one of the most breathtaking places in the world. This was the site of Solomon’s great Temple, a “house of prayer for all people” – the center of worship and celebration.

      The Temple is important, both as a historical and architectural masterpiece, and as a spiritual symbol of God’s desire to dwell with his people.

      Now you can see what the Temple looked like more than 3000 years ago. This full-color book gives a complete easy-to-understand overview of the history of the Temple in Jerusalem. People who enjoy Bible study will love the fact that it answers many questions about how the Temple looked during biblical times. Bible scholars and professors will enjoy the well-annotated text. The author is archaeologist and professor Dr. Randall Price. He has spent more than 30 years exploring the Holy Land studying the Temple.

      This book comes with a clear overlay, more than 100 images, charts, diagrams, photos, and illustrations, many of which have never published before. It covers the span of time from Abraham to modern day.

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    • 9780758646880 Dios Necesito Hablarte De Roba - (Spanish)

      Dios Necesito Hablarte De Roba – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780758646880ISBN10: 0758646887Language: SpanishSusan LeighBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2014Publisher: Concordia Publishing House

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    • 9780758646873 Dios Necesito Hablarte De Comp - (Spanish)

      Dios Necesito Hablarte De Comp – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780758646873ISBN10: 0758646879Language: SpanishDan CarrBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2014Publisher: Concordia Publishing House

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    • 9780758646866 Dios Necesito Hablarte De Hace - (Spanish)

      Dios Necesito Hablarte De Hace – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780758646866ISBN10: 0758646860Language: SpanishDan CarrBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2014Publisher: Concordia Publishing House

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    • 9780758646859 Dios Necesito Hablarte De La P - (Spanish)

      Dios Necesito Hablarte De La P – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780758646859ISBN10: 0758646852Language: SpanishSusan LeighBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2014Publisher: Concordia Publishing House

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    • 9780758646842 Dios Necesito Hablarte De Inti - (Spanish)

      Dios Necesito Hablarte De Inti – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780758646842ISBN10: 0758646844Language: SpanishSusan LeighBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2014Publisher: Concordia Publishing House

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    • 9780758646835 Dios Necesito Hablarte De Ir A - (Spanish)

      Dios Necesito Hablarte De Ir A – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780758646835ISBN10: 0758646836Language: SpanishSusan LeighBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2014Publisher: Concordia Publishing House

      1 in stock

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    • 9781596367364 Psalms Pamphlet : In Gods Presence

      Psalms Pamphlet : In Gods Presence


      Enrich Your Understanding of the Book of Psalms with Rose’s Psalms pamphlet. Explore this most beloved book, by learning the who, what, when and where about these favorite Bible passages. Discover the 10 different types of Psalms-from Psalms of Lament to Psalms of Thanksgiving, and learn how to effectively read these beautiful scriptures. This Psalms Bible study covers the basics everyone should know in order to fully unlock, appreciate, and learn from these heart-filled cries.

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    • 9781596364691 Book Of James Pamphlet

      Book Of James Pamphlet


      The Book of James packs a punch! Fasten your seatbelt as this pamphlet explains key topics such as * “taming” the tongue * dealing with temptation * being “doers” not just “hearers” * backing up your faith with good works * humility vs. hypocrisy * and depending on the good gifts God has given each of us. Includes an overview, key verses, and study questions for person and group use. Size: 8.5 x 5.5 inches. Unfolds to 38 inches long. Fits in a Bible. Full color, 14 panels

      2 in stock

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    • 9781433679438 Bautismo Folleto - (Spanish)

      Bautismo Folleto – (Spanish)


      B&H Publishing Group ha obtenido licencia de Rose Publishing sobre otro popular cuadernillo, facil de usar y compartir, y lo ha traducido al espanol. Tiene 14 paginas a todo color tiene abundantes ilustraciones, incluye un titulo facil de entender sobre el contenido y sirve como herramienta de referencia practica para uso personal o en el campo misionero. Tambien hay disponibles docenas de otros cuadernillos de esta coleccion, los cuales cubren una amplia variedad de temas.

      B&H Publishing Group has licensed another easy-to-use and share best-selling booklet from Rose Publishing, translating it into Spanish. Each 14-page, full-color booklet is richly illustrated, carries a self-explanatory title regarding the content, and serves as an always-ready reference tool for personal use or on the mission field. Dozens of other Themes of Faith booklets are also available covering a broad range of issues.

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    • 9781596365131 Gaining A Hopeful Spirit Pamphlet

      Gaining A Hopeful Spirit Pamphlet


      Sometimes, finding hope in a tough situation is easier said than done. Gaining a Hopeful Spirit challenges us to receive hope from the Lord. When life leaves us desolate and foggy, the Lord wants to pick us back up and show us how hopeful we really can be. Joni has helped countless people pick their heads up when the road ahead seemed bleak. As a woman who has been through a tragic accident that left her quadriplegic, she can speak first-hand about Satan’s schemes that will keep you from living a life of worship.

      How can you be a source of joy for someone else when you are going through a hard time? Joni draws you closer to God as you realize that the hope that can get you through even the toughest of times only comes from God our Father. After reading this pamphlet, you’ll be able to help pass on the hope to friends and family members experiencing hopeless times.

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    • 9781596365094 Wheres My Miracle Pamphlet

      Wheres My Miracle Pamphlet


      Where’s My Miracle?
      What to do when God doesn’t heal you

      Nothing can describe the horror of hearing doctors say, “You will never walk or use your hands again.”

      Or – “You have cancer. I’m afraid it’s terminal.”

      Like many people, you look to the Lord and pray for healing. You have friends and the pastor pray for you, but nothing happens. You read Scripture and claim the promises. You even have someone anoint you with oil or go to a healing crusade. But God doesn’t give you your miracle.

      You confess every possible sin and search your heart for any unconfessed sin. Your faith is strong and you tell everyone you will be healed, yet nothing seems to happen.

      You feel that God is playing a cruel joke or start to blame yourself for a lack of faith.

      And that’s a shame when Christians feel that way…

      The truth is that God certainly can heal and sometimes does heal people in a miraculous way. But the Bible does not teach that he will always heal those who come to him in faith.

      The big question is:
      What does the Bible REALLY teach about healing?

      The key is to understand God’s ultimate goal for your life. You need to-
      *Find joy in knowing God’s priorities for your life.
      *Know the comfort of the biblical promises.
      *Enthusiastically embrace God’s will for your life.

      You can find the joy of serving God despite unanswered prayer in this 14-page pamphlet. In just 30 minutes or less, you will unlock the door to a new attitude toward life.
      The topic of unanswered prayer is an issue that author, Joni Eareckson Tada, can speak to personally: A diving accident in 1967, when she was 17, left her a quadriplegic. She has lived 45 years in a wheelchair and she has experienced her share of ups and downs. “But,” she says, “oh, the difference the grace of God has made in my life.”

      Let Joni tell you her secrets to peace and joy, despite her wheelchair. She has spent decades studying the Word of God. She knows that God does not enjoy seeing your pain and frustration. He has compassion for you and gives you many ways to deal with life so that you can have peace.

      She has taken her most important insights on turning unanswered prayer into a life of joy (not anxiety) and has encapsulated them into this 14-page pamphlet. Whether you or a loved one is suffering. This pamphlet will bring you some help to break free from the strangle hold of fear and worry when God doesn’t seem to answer.

      In this pamphlet, you will find hope. Joni tells her sto

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    • 9780758638496 Dios Necesito Hablarte De Los - (Spanish)

      Dios Necesito Hablarte De Los – (Spanish)


      Libros super especiales, escritos a traves de las palabras y los ojos de un nino!

      Hermosamente ilustradas, estas historias tratan las preocupaciones que los mas pequenos enfrentan cada dia. Cada libro senala claramente las buenas noticias del amor y del perdon de Dios, y versiculos biblicos enfatizan el tema de cada historia.

      Asegurate de leer todos estos titulos de la serie: Dios, necesito hablarte de…
      Las malas palabras
      Los malos modales
      La tarea escolar
      Comer sano
      Ser un mal deportista

      Solo disponible en espanol.

      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Other books in the God, I Need to Talk to You about… series are
      Bad Words
      Bad Manners
      Healthy Eating
      Being a Bad Sport

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    • 9780758638489 Dios Necesito Hablarte De Come - (Spanish)

      Dios Necesito Hablarte De Come – (Spanish)


      Libros super especiales, escritos a traves de las palabras y los ojos de un nino!

      Hermosamente ilustradas, estas historias tratan las preocupaciones que los mas pequenos enfrentan cada dia. Cada libro senala claramente las buenas noticias del amor y del perdon de Dios, y versiculos biblicos enfatizan el tema de cada historia.

      Asegurate de leer todos estos titulos de la serie: Dios, necesito hablarte de..
      Las malas palabras
      Los malos modales
      La tarea escolar
      Ser un mal deportista
      Los videojuegos

      Solo disponible en espanol.

      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Other books in the God, I Need to Talk to You about… series are
      Bad Words
      Bad Manners
      Being a Bad Sport
      Video Games

      1 in stock

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    • 9780758638472 Dios Necesito Hablarte De La T - (Spanish)

      Dios Necesito Hablarte De La T – (Spanish)


      Libros super especiales, escritos a traves de las palabras y los ojos de un nino!

      Hermosamente ilustradas, estas historias tratan las preocupaciones que los mas pequenos enfrentan cada dia. Cada libro senala claramente las buenas noticias del amor y del perdon de Dios, y versiculos biblicos enfatizan el tema de cada historia.

      Asegurate de leer todos estos titulos de la serie: Dios, necesito hablarte de…
      Las malas palabras
      Ser un mal deportista
      Los malos modales
      Comer sano
      Los videojuegos

      Solo disponible en espanol.

      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Other books in the God, I Need to Talk to You about… series are
      Bad Words
      Being a Bad Sport
      Bad Manners
      Healthy Eating
      Video Games

      1 in stock

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    • 9780758638465 Dios Necesito Hablarte De Los - (Spanish)

      Dios Necesito Hablarte De Los – (Spanish)


      Libros super especiales, escritos a traves de las palabras y los ojos de un nino!

      Hermosamente ilustradas, estas historias tratan las preocupaciones que los mas pequenos enfrentan cada dia. Cada libro senala claramente las buenas noticias del amor y del perdon de Dios, y versiculos biblicos enfatizan el tema de cada historia.

      Asegurate de leer todos estos titulos de la serie: Dios, necesito hablarte de…
      Las malas palabras
      Ser un mal deportista
      La tarea escolar
      Comer sano
      Los videojuegos

      Solo disponible en espanol.

      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Other books in the God, I Need to Talk to You about… series are
      Bad Words
      Being a Bad Sport
      Healthy Eating
      Video Games

      1 in stock

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    • 9780758638458 Dios Necesito Hablarte De Ser - (Spanish)

      Dios Necesito Hablarte De Ser – (Spanish)


      Libros super especiales, escritos a traves de las palabras y los ojos de un nino!

      Hermosamente ilustradas, estas historias tratan las preocupaciones que los mas pequenos enfrentan cada dia. Cada libro senala claramente las buenas noticias del amor y del perdon de Dios, y versiculos biblicos enfatizan el tema de cada historia.

      Asegurate de leer todos estos titulos de la serie: Dios, necesito hablarte de…
      Las malas palabras
      Los malos modales
      La tarea escolar
      Comer sano
      Los videojuegos

      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Other books in the God, I Need to Talk to You about… series are
      Bad Words
      Bad Manners
      Healthy Eating
      Video Games

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    • 9780758638441 Dios Necesito Hablarte De Las - (Spanish)

      Dios Necesito Hablarte De Las – (Spanish)


      Libros super especiales, escritos a traves de las palabras y los ojos de un nino!

      Hermosamente ilustradas, estas historias tratan las preocupaciones que los mas pequenos enfrentan cada dia. Cada libro senala claramente las buenas noticias del amor y del perdon de Dios, y versiculos biblicos enfatizan el tema de cada historia.

      Asegurate de leer todos estos titulos de la serie: Dios, necesito hablarte de…
      Las malas modales
      Ser un mal deportista
      La tarea escolar
      Comer sano
      Los videojuegos

      Solo disponible en espanol.

      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Other books in the God, I Need to Talk to You about… series are
      Bad Manners
      Being a Bad Sport
      Healthy Eating
      Video Games

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    • 9780789917799 Cuatro Leyes Espirituales Pqt. - (Spanish)

      Cuatro Leyes Espirituales Pqt. – (Spanish)


      Package of 25 tracts designed to introduce people to Jesus Christ.

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    • 9780805495553 Diez Mandamientos Folleto - (Spanish)

      Diez Mandamientos Folleto – (Spanish)


      B&H Publishing Group has licensed seven more easy-to-use and share best-selling booklets from Rose Publishing, translating them into Spanish. Each fourteen-page, full-color booklet is richly illustrated, carries a self-explanatory title regarding the content, and serves as an always-ready reference tool for personal use or on the mission field. Thirty-five other booklets are already available.

      B&H Publishing Group ha obtenido licencia de Rose Publishing sobre otros siete populares cuadernillos, faciles de usar y compartir, y los ha traducido al espaol. Cada cuadernillo de catorce paginas a todo color tiene abundantes ilustraciones, incluye un titulo facil de entender sobre el contenido y sirve como herramienta de referencia practica para uso personal o en el campo misionero. Ya han salido a la venta otros 35 cuadernillos.

      5 in stock

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    • 9781602555174 Nueva Concordancia De La Bibli - (Spanish)

      Nueva Concordancia De La Bibli – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9781602555174ISBN10: 1602555176Language: SpanishJames StrongBinding: Cloth TextPublished: April 2011Publisher: Groupo Nelson

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    • 9781617479588 Beginning With Christ

      Beginning With Christ


      Beginning With Christ, designed for new believers, provides the format for telling others about salvation and the Christian life. Topics include assurance of salvation, answered prayer, victory over sin, forgiveness, and guidance. Includes Scripture memory cards.

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    • 9781609414054 Campo De Batalla De La Mente (Expanded) - (Spanish) (Expanded)

      Campo De Batalla De La Mente (Expanded) – (Spanish) (Expanded)


      Con mas de 3 millones de ejemplares vendidos, EL CAMPO DE BATALLA DE LA MENTE de Joyce Meyer ahora esta disponible en espaol.

      Preocupacion, duda, depresion, enojo y sentimientos de condenacion: todos ellos son ataques a la mente. Si los lectores sufren de pensamientos negativos, !pueden tomar aliento! Joyce Meyer ha ayudado a millones de personas a ganar estas batallas tan importantes. En su exito de ventas mas popular, la querida escritora y ministro muestra a los lectores como cambiar sus vidas cambiando sus mentes.

      Ella ensea como manejar los miles de pensamientos que las personas piensan cada dia, y como enfocar la mente del modo en que Dios piensa. Y comparte las pruebas, tragedias y victorias finales su propio matrimonio, familia y ministerio que le llevaron a una verdad maravillosa y transformadora; y revela sus pensamientos y sentimientos a cada paso del camino.

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    • 9780805495430 Tabernaculo Guia Ilustrada - (Spanish)

      Tabernaculo Guia Ilustrada – (Spanish)


      Using dozens of full-color illustrations plus six uniquely designed clear plastic overlays, Illustrated Guide to the Tabernacle allows readers to “see inside” the Old Testament tabernacle in the Wilderness of Sinai to better understand the purpose of its important events and elaborate furnishings (Ark of the Covenant, Table of Showbread, etc.). This movable tent was the place where God met with His people and is important because it shows: God’s desire to live among His people God’s original design for the world God’s plan to fix a broken creation Insight into Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection How the significance and symbolism of the tabernacle find their ultimate fulfillment in Christ.

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    • 9781628620832 Book Of Psalms NASB

      Book Of Psalms NASB


      The Book of Psalms can transform our minds by teaching us new and exciting things about our awesome God and it can transform our spirits by pointing us to the right way to praise God through our words and actions. Enjoy having all 150 Psalms in one small pocket-sized book. It is a perfect gift for someone who needs reminders of the wonderful psalms we know and love.

      11 in stock

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    • 9781602554191 Jesus Te Llama - (Spanish)

      Jesus Te Llama – (Spanish)


      Jesus te llama is a devotional filled with uniquely inspired treasures from heaven for every day of the year.
      After many years of writing in her prayer journal, missionary Sarah Young decided to “listen” to God with pen in hand, writing down whatever she believed he was saying to her. It was awkward at first, but gradually her journaling changed from monologue to dialogue. She knew her writings were not inspired as Scripture is, but journaling helped her grow closer to God. Others were blessed as she shared her writings, until people all over the world were using her messages. They are written from Jesus’ point of view, thus the title Jesus te llama. It is Sarah’s fervent prayer that our Savior may bless readers with his presence and his peace in ever deeper measure.

      Jesus te llama es un devocional lleno de tesoros excepcionalmente inspirados del cielo para cada dia del ao.
      Despues de muchos anos de escribir en su diario de oracion, la misionera Sarah Young decidio “escuchar” a Dios con pluma en mano, poniendo por escrito cualquier cosa que creyo que El le decia. Fue embarazoso al principio, pero poco a poco sus encuentros diarios cambiaron de monologo a dialogo. Ella sabia que sus escritos no eran inspirados como lo son las Sagradas Escrituras, pero estos encuentros escritos le ayudaron a crecer en su acercamiento a Dios. Otras personas han sido bendecidas al ella compartir sus escritos, de tal manera que personas por todo el mundo estan usando sus mensajes. Estos estan escritos desde el punto de vista de Jesucristo, de ahi el titulo Jesus te llama. Es la oracion ferviente de Sarah que nuestro Salvador bendiga a los lectores en abundancia con su presencia y su paz.

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    • 9781682161791 1 Minute After You Die

      1 Minute After You Die


      Once a person faces death, there will only be two choices of where they will spend eternity. They will either enjoy being in God’s presence or be separated from him.

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    • 9781596363861 Life Of Joseph Pamphlet

      Life Of Joseph Pamphlet


      Pamphlet-14 Panels, 8.5 X 5.5 In, Unfolds To 38 Inches Long. Fits Inside Most Bibles.

      Additional Info
      Is God really in charge?

      Where is he when everything goes wrong? The life of Joseph shows how God can take misfortune and evil and turn it into great good. Joseph was betrayed by people close to him and had every reason to grow bitter, yet continued to obey God. And God was working behind the scenes to change Joseph and his family. This pamphlet helps us see meaning in suffering and aids us in our own journey toward wisdom. Includes a map and time line.

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    • 9781596363847 Fatherhood Pamphlet

      Fatherhood Pamphlet


      SKU (ISBN): 9781596363847ISBN10: 1596363843Binding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2010Publisher: Rose Publishing

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    • 9781682161159 Hope For Hard Times

      Hope For Hard Times


      In hard times, it is easy to feel as if there is no hope. But Christ’s work on the cross gives reason for hope even in the darkest of times.

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    • 9781682161135 Hidden Treat

      Hidden Treat


      SKU (ISBN): 9781682161135UPC: 663575733386Binding: OtherPublished: August 2009Publisher: Crossway Books/ Good News Publishers

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    • 0081407006321 Libro De Registros Financieros - (Spanish)

      Libro De Registros Financieros – (Spanish)


      Este libro de registro, diseado para iglesias con menos de 150 miembros, es sencillo y facil de usar. Tabla con el dinero pagado y recibido mantiene un registro preciso del flujo de dinero semanal y mensual, mientras que resumenes de los gastos anuales le guiaran para preparar un presupuesto anual. Tambien incluye paginas para registrar las ofrendas semanales de cada miembro.
      Designed for churches with 150 members or less, this record book is simple and easy to use. Charts for money received and paid out keep accurate track of weekly and monthly cash flow, while summaries for yearly expenditures guide in preparing an annual budget. Also includes pages to record the weekly giving of each member.

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    • 9781596363076 Tough Questions About Christianity Pamphlet

      Tough Questions About Christianity Pamphlet


      This 14-page pamphlet is perfect for people who are questioning their faith or are skeptical about Christianity have many common objections to Christianity that may not be answered by traditional arguments, such as:

      1. Does it even matter what I believe?
      2. Aren’t all religions basically the same?
      3. Isn’t it arrogant for Christians to claim they have the truth?
      4. How can anyone say what’s right and wrong?
      5. How can Christians keep believing in God when evolution is a proven fact?
      6. How can Christianity be good for people when it has caused so much injustice?
      7. If God exists, why is there so much wrong with this world?
      8. Why does God allow bad things to happen to me?
      9. If God loves everyone, how can he send people to hell?
      10. Why be a Christian when there are so many hypocrites in churches?

      Here are quick answers to help people sort out life and faith. Useful as a discussion starter and evangelism tool. Quick, easy-to-understand,14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long.

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    • 9781596362796 Baptism Pamphlet : Why Be Baptized

      Baptism Pamphlet : Why Be Baptized


      Baptism is important for all Christians who wish to follow Christ’s teachings. This Baptism Comparison pamphlet is a quick, clear summary of the major teachings on baptism and compares methods practiced by Christians around the world.

      Learn about:
      -Symbolism that points to Christ’s death and resurrection
      -Why some Christian groups baptize infants and others baptize only believers who are able to verbalize their faith.
      -Does baptism mean that a person has “automatic” salvation? (No, neither tradition teaches this.)

      Topics include:
      Why be baptized? (Jesus’ teaching and other Bible passages)
      What does it mean?
      What happens during a baptism?
      How do I prepare to be baptized?
      Why do some Christians practice believer’s baptism only? (Includes Bible passages used to support this view.)
      Why do some Christians perform infant baptism? (Includes Bible passages used to support this view.)
      Is baptism automatically equal to salvation? (No, both traditions affirm that faith in Jesus Christ is key)

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    • 9780805465983 Tabernaculo Folleto - (Spanish)

      Tabernaculo Folleto – (Spanish)


      If you have an unsusual appetite for knowledge, the Themes of Faith collection provides simple easy-to-use information on a variety of topics right at your fingertips. Fully illustrated.
      Sized to fit perfectly in the back of a Bible or study notebook. A knowledge-retention booster.

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    • 9780800731748 90 Minutos En El Cielo (Reprinted) - (Spanish) (Reprinted)

      90 Minutos En El Cielo (Reprinted) – (Spanish) (Reprinted)


      Killed by an 18-wheeler, Piper went to heaven. Ninety minutes later, he returned to life. He tells us his experience and road to healing.

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    • 9781682162361 Through The Bible In A Year (Revised)

      Through The Bible In A Year (Revised)


      This popular Bible reading plan schedules daily readings from both the Old and New Testaments.

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    • 9781596360280 Tabernacle Paper Model Laminated

      Tabernacle Paper Model Laminated


      New! Paper Model of the Tabernacle
      Here is a full-color scale model of the Tabernacle, the Holy of Holies, the Ark of the Covenant, the High Priest, and all of the animals and furnishings. Just cut out the 60 figures. Then fold and tape or glue. Made from heavy chart paper. Perfect for ages 8 and up. Available laminated or unlaminated. Model size: Courtyard is 23″ x 13″ x 3″

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    • 9781890947491 Tabernacle Cutaway Wall Chart Laminated

      Tabernacle Cutaway Wall Chart Laminated


      Exclusive! Tabernacle Cutaway
      This new Tabernacle Cutaway wall chart was created exclusively for Rose Publishing by renowned Bible artist Stan Stein. It provides you with an inside look at the
      High Priest and His Garments Gate of the Court
      Court Fence Brazen Altar
      Laver of Bronze Tabernacle Tent
      Holy Place Golden Lampstand
      Table of Showbread Altar of Incense
      Veil Most Holy Place
      Ark of the Covenant Mercy Seat
      Golden Censer
      Cloud and the Pillar of Fire
      Offerings (burnt offering, grain offering, peace offering, sin offering, and trespass offering)
      Each part is identified by a number and is explained on a reproducible worksheet on the back of the chart. Descriptions of each item include scripture references

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    • 9789901980093 Temple Wall Chart Laminated

      Temple Wall Chart Laminated


      Know the Temple Jesus Knew!
      This is the beautiful Temple where Jesus amazed the scholars as a child, where he threw out the money changers, where he praised the widow who gave all she had, and where the veil ripped from top to bottom. Perfect for teaching about the life of Jesus and Easter. See the Temple, the Court of the Gentiles, the Court of the Women, and the Portico. Four reproducible worksheets feature cut-away and birds-eye illustrations of Solomon’s Temple, Herod’s Temple, and the Tabernacle. Available laminated or unlaminated

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    • Placeholder

      Paquete Desafio – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780789908803ISBN10: 0789908808Language: SpanishGeorge VerwerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2000Publisher: Editorial Unilit

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