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    • Historia De Jesucristo 2024 25 – (Spanish)


      Adapted from the bestselling Action Bible, this comic book-sized Bible storybook uses vivid illustrations to tell the incredible stories of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.

      Millions of people around the world have seen God’s Word come alive in The Action Bible. Now in The Action Bible: Story of Jesus, readers of all ages can discover the incredible stories of Jesus’ ministry in a comic book-style size. This updated edition of the colorful 16-page book includes:

      *Sergio Cariello’s vivid illustrations from the expanded Action Bible

      *Fast-paced stories of Jesus’ life, from his birth to his baptism, his miracles to his death, his resurrection to his ascension into heaven

      *An emphasis on Jesus’ love and forgiveness, with a call to faith at the end of the book

      Available in packs of 25 for easy distribution, Story of Jesus depicts the real-life details and relationships of Jesus’s time on earth. This unique resource will draw readers closer to the God who came to us so that we might always be with him.

      40 in stock

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    • Mi Biblia Portatil – (Spanish)


      !Una Biblia ideal para llevar a todas partes! !Es la hora de leer la Biblia!

      En este libro encontraras las historias biblicas mas conocidas contadas para pequeos lectores.

      Las ilustraciones coloridas, junto con un texto sencillo y fiel a la Biblia, hacen que sea un regalo perfecto para nios de 1 a 6 aos, y una herramienta util para los padres y maestros.

      !A los pequeos les encantara la manija incorporada y llevaran su propia Biblia a todas partes!

      Mi Biblia portatil incluye una buena cantidad de historias tanto del Antiguo como del Nuevo Testamento, lo que proporciona una descripcion bastante completa de la Biblia. Las lecturas se han mantenido fieles a la Biblia, sin embargo, se ha usado un leguaje claro que la hace comprensible para los nios pequeos, quienes necesitan entender que Dios los ama y se preocupa por ellos.

      Este es un producto versatil, una herramienta util para el tiempo devocional en familias y un excelente recurso para la escuela dominical. Todo, desde el formato y la durabilidad hasta el texto y las imagenes, hace de esta Biblia portatil un regalo especial para nios de 1 a 3 aos.

      It’s Bible story time!

      My Toddler Bible includes a good number of stories from both the Old and New Testaments, providing a fairly complete overview of the Bible. The readings have remained faithful to the Bible, however, clear language has been used that makes it understandable for young children, who need to understand that God loves them and cares about them.

      This is a versatile product, a useful tool for family devotional time, and an excellent resource for Sunday school. Everything from the format and durability to the text and images makes this portable Bible a special gift for children ages 1 to 3.

      2 in stock

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    • Oraciones Y Promesas Para Las – (Spanish)


      Oraciones y promesas para las nias incorpora mas de setenta temas que ayudaran a guiar a su preciosa nia a como conectarse con su Creador en todas las diferentes areas de su vida.

      Ademas, la ayudara a comprender las promesas de Dios acerca de la fidelidad, la confianza, la sabiduria, el valor, la belleza, la fortaleza, y mucho mas, al mismo tiempo que la animara a orar.

      Vera que al mantenerse conectada con Dios y creer en las promesas de su Palabra, puede vivir una vida plena y bendecida en estrecha relacion con su Padre celestial.

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    • Mi Biblia Mas Grande De Buscar – (Spanish)


      Un excelente recurso para la clase de escuela biblica.

      Esta colorida Biblia de “buscar y encontrar” viene con un giro sorprendente: el libro se vuelve casi cuatro veces mas grande cuando se abre. Eso tambien hace que las escenas biblicas sean grandes y todo se magnifica.

      Ofrece colores superbrillantes, ilustraciones lindas y un texto basado en la Biblia, apto para nios. El texto enfatiza la grandeza de Dios en las historias biblicas. Para nios de 1-6 aos.

      This colorful “seek and find” Bible comes with a surprising twist: the book becomes almost four times larger when opened. This also makes the biblical scenes larger and everything becomes magnified.

      It offers super-bright colors, cute illustrations and Bible-based, kid-friendly text. The text emphasizes the greatness of God within the Bible stories.

      An excellent resource for Bible school classroom. For children ages 1-6.

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    • Biblia Para Principiantes Prim – (Spanish)


      Buscas una forma divertida de ensear a tus hijos pequeitos acerca de la Biblia? Los primeros lectores aprenderan sus primeras palabras, en el marco de las historias biblicas clasicas con La Biblia para principiantes, Primeras 100 palabras de la Biblia.

      Este libro de carton bellamente ilustrado, que presenta imagenes de gran atractivo para los nios, ofrece:

      *Dar a los lectores principiantes de 0 a 4 aos la oportunidad de aprender palabras de las historias biblicas mas queridas.

      *Un formato resistente y perfecto para las manos pequeas de los nios.

      *Atractivo arte en 3D con hermosos detalles para mantener la atencion de los pequeitos.

      La Biblia para principiantes, Primeras 100 palabras de la Biblia es ideal para:

      *Cumpleaos, canastas de Pascua, bautismo, dedicacion y regalos de vacaciones.
      *Viajes por carretera, para romper el aburrimiento y para el tiempo de actividades.
      *Uso en la escuela, en casa y en el ministerio de nios (escuela dominical).

      La Biblia para principiantes ha sido la Biblia ilustrada favorita de nios y padres desde su lanzamiento, con mas de 25 millones de productos vendidos en ingles y espaol.

      The Beginner’s Bible First 100 Bible Words

      Are you looking for a fun way to teach your toddler about the Bible? Early readers will learn their first words set within classic Bible stories with The Beginner’s Bible First 100 Bible Words.

      Presenting child-friendly illustrations, this beautifully illustrated board book offers:

      *Gives emerging readers ages 0-4 an opportunity to learn words from beloved Bible stories
      *A sturdy format that is perfect for toddlers’ little hands
      *Engaging 3D art with plenty of details to hold a young child’s attention

      The Beginner’s Bible First 100 Bible Words is great for:

      *Birthdays, Easter baskets, Children’s Baptism, and holiday gifting
      *Road trips, boredom busters, and activity time
      *Home school and Children’s Ministry (Sunday school) use

      The Beginner’s Bible has been a favorite illustrated Bible with young children and their parents since its release in 1989 with over 25 million products sold in English and Spanish.

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    • Biblia En Accion – (Spanish)


      With more than 230 chronological biblical narratives in the form of a graphic novel, The Action Bible Spanish Expanded Edition has gained a reputation for sparking excitement in kids, teens, seekers, and comic book lovers alike as they discover an adventurous life with God.This popular expanded edition of The Action Bible builds on the original to include: * Additional Old Testament, stories about Hagar’s journey, the world-changing choices of the midwives in Moses’s day, and other ways God worked through His people * Fascinating connections between David’s story and his psalms * A refreshed New Testament including previously unexplored parables and miracles * More empowering information and illustrations about women in the Bible * Enhanced maps for easier reference

      An additional 19 stories and 22 expanded narratives, along with bold new illustrations from Sergio Cariello, make The Action Bible Expanded Edition a unique way to dig into God’s Word.

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    • Deja Ir A Mi Pueblo – (Spanish)


      Chris, Joy y Gizmo no logran decidir cual aventura del Superlibro es la mas emocionante de todos los tiempos, !hasta que fueron llevados a una nueva!

      Unete a la emocion mientras el Superlibro lleva a Chris, su amiga Joy y su robot, Gizmo a conocer a Moises, un principe que huye para convertirse en pastor. Descubre como Dios lo llama a retar a Faraon y a sacar a los israelitas de la esclavitud en Egipto. Se testigo de los milagros, las plagas y hasta cuando se abrio el mar Rojo.

      Reune a tu familia y preparate para un viaje inolvidable mientras nuestros heroes aprenden que con Dios con nosotros, !todo es posible!

      Chris, Joy, and Gizmo can’t decide which Superbook adventure is the most thrilling of all time-until they are whisked off on a new one!

      Join the excitement as Superbook takes Chris, his friend Joy, and his robot, Gizmo, to meet Moses-a prince who runs away to become a shepherd. Discover how God calls him to challenge Pharaoh and lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. Witness the miracles, the plagues, and the parting of the Red Sea.

      Get ready for an unforgettable journey as our heroes learn that when God is with us, all things are possible!

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    • Arca De Noe – (Spanish)


      Chris y Joy estan felices de faltar a la escuela para irse a pasar tiempo con una pandilla de patinadores. Despues de todo, a quien le importa si rompen las reglas?

      Unete a la aventura mientras el Superlibro lleva a Chris, su amiga Joy y su robot, Gizmo atras en el tiempo. Conoce a Noe, el unico hombre justo en un mundo malvado. Se testigo de como su fe se convierte en un poderoso milagro; el, su familia y los animales de la tierra son salvados de un diluvio catastrofico.

      !Nuestros heroes descubren que Dios cuida de aquellos que confian en El!

      Chris and Joy are excited to skip school and hang out with a gang of tough skateboarders. After all, who cares if they break a few rules?

      Set sail on an exciting adventure as Superbook takes Chris, his friend Joy, and his robot, Gizmo, back to ancient times. Meet Noah, the only righteous person in an evil world. Witness how his faith results in a mighty miracle-as he, his family, and the earth’s animals are saved from a catastrophic flood.

      Our heroes discover that God cares for those who trust in Him!

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    • Primera Navidad – (Spanish)


      Chris estaba tan ocupado en obtener regalos que no le interesaba adornar con la escena del pesebre, !hasta que descubrio el mejor regalo de todos los tiempos!

      Unete a la aventura mientras Chris, su amiga y su robot, Gizma son llevados a Belen por el Superlibro, la Palabra de Dios empoderada por su Espiritu. Se testigo de todo lo que pasaron Jose y Maria para encontrar alojamiento antes de que naciera su bebe. Siente el asombro de cuando los angeles anunciaron al Rey recien nacido que estaba acostado en un pesebre.

      !Reune a tu familia para que juntos experimenten un viaje maravilloso en el que nuestros heroes aprenden que el verdadero significado de la Navidad es mas que fiestas y regalos!

      Chris is so busy trying to get presents, he won’t set up a manger scene-until he discovers the greatest Christmas gift of all time!

      Join the adventure as Chris, his friend Joy, and their robot, Gizmo, are taken to ancient Bethlehem by Superbook-God’s Word empowered by His Spirit. Witness Mary and Joseph’s frantic search for lodging before their baby is born. Feel the wonder as angels herald the newborn King lying in a manger.

      Gather your family for an exciting journey as our heroes learn that the true meaning of Christmas is far greater than parties and presents!

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    • Dios Necesito Hablarte De Mi M – (Spanish)


      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Scripture examples help children apply it to their lives.

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    • Dios Necesito Hablarte De Pres – (Spanish)


      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Scripture examples help children apply it to their lives.

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    • Dios Necesito Hablarte De Last – (Spanish)


      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Scripture examples help children apply it to their lives.

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    • Dios Necesito Hablarte De Quej – (Spanish)


      Delightfully illustrated, this story deals with a concern youngsters encounter in their daily lives. This book points out the Good News of God’s love and forgiveness, while the supporting Scripture verse emphasizes the point of the story. Recommended for ages 2 to 7.

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    • Dios Necesito Hablarte De Ser – (Spanish)


      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Scripture examples help children apply it to their lives.

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    • Dios Necesito Hablarte De Roba – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780758646880ISBN10: 0758646887Language: SpanishSusan LeighBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2014Publisher: Concordia Publishing House

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    • Dios Necesito Hablarte De Comp – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780758646873ISBN10: 0758646879Language: SpanishDan CarrBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2014Publisher: Concordia Publishing House

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    • Dios Necesito Hablarte De Hace – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780758646866ISBN10: 0758646860Language: SpanishDan CarrBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2014Publisher: Concordia Publishing House

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    • Dios Necesito Hablarte De La P – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780758646859ISBN10: 0758646852Language: SpanishSusan LeighBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2014Publisher: Concordia Publishing House

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    • Dios Necesito Hablarte De Inti – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780758646842ISBN10: 0758646844Language: SpanishSusan LeighBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2014Publisher: Concordia Publishing House

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    • Dios Necesito Hablarte De Ir A – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780758646835ISBN10: 0758646836Language: SpanishSusan LeighBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2014Publisher: Concordia Publishing House

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    • Dios Necesito Hablarte De Los – (Spanish)


      Libros super especiales, escritos a traves de las palabras y los ojos de un nino!

      Hermosamente ilustradas, estas historias tratan las preocupaciones que los mas pequenos enfrentan cada dia. Cada libro senala claramente las buenas noticias del amor y del perdon de Dios, y versiculos biblicos enfatizan el tema de cada historia.

      Asegurate de leer todos estos titulos de la serie: Dios, necesito hablarte de…
      Las malas palabras
      Los malos modales
      La tarea escolar
      Comer sano
      Ser un mal deportista

      Solo disponible en espanol.

      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Other books in the God, I Need to Talk to You about… series are
      Bad Words
      Bad Manners
      Healthy Eating
      Being a Bad Sport

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    • Dios Necesito Hablarte De Come – (Spanish)


      Libros super especiales, escritos a traves de las palabras y los ojos de un nino!

      Hermosamente ilustradas, estas historias tratan las preocupaciones que los mas pequenos enfrentan cada dia. Cada libro senala claramente las buenas noticias del amor y del perdon de Dios, y versiculos biblicos enfatizan el tema de cada historia.

      Asegurate de leer todos estos titulos de la serie: Dios, necesito hablarte de..
      Las malas palabras
      Los malos modales
      La tarea escolar
      Ser un mal deportista
      Los videojuegos

      Solo disponible en espanol.

      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Other books in the God, I Need to Talk to You about… series are
      Bad Words
      Bad Manners
      Being a Bad Sport
      Video Games

      1 in stock

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    • Dios Necesito Hablarte De La T – (Spanish)


      Libros super especiales, escritos a traves de las palabras y los ojos de un nino!

      Hermosamente ilustradas, estas historias tratan las preocupaciones que los mas pequenos enfrentan cada dia. Cada libro senala claramente las buenas noticias del amor y del perdon de Dios, y versiculos biblicos enfatizan el tema de cada historia.

      Asegurate de leer todos estos titulos de la serie: Dios, necesito hablarte de…
      Las malas palabras
      Ser un mal deportista
      Los malos modales
      Comer sano
      Los videojuegos

      Solo disponible en espanol.

      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Other books in the God, I Need to Talk to You about… series are
      Bad Words
      Being a Bad Sport
      Bad Manners
      Healthy Eating
      Video Games

      1 in stock

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    • Dios Necesito Hablarte De Los – (Spanish)


      Libros super especiales, escritos a traves de las palabras y los ojos de un nino!

      Hermosamente ilustradas, estas historias tratan las preocupaciones que los mas pequenos enfrentan cada dia. Cada libro senala claramente las buenas noticias del amor y del perdon de Dios, y versiculos biblicos enfatizan el tema de cada historia.

      Asegurate de leer todos estos titulos de la serie: Dios, necesito hablarte de…
      Las malas palabras
      Ser un mal deportista
      La tarea escolar
      Comer sano
      Los videojuegos

      Solo disponible en espanol.

      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Other books in the God, I Need to Talk to You about… series are
      Bad Words
      Being a Bad Sport
      Healthy Eating
      Video Games

      1 in stock

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    • Dios Necesito Hablarte De Ser – (Spanish)


      Libros super especiales, escritos a traves de las palabras y los ojos de un nino!

      Hermosamente ilustradas, estas historias tratan las preocupaciones que los mas pequenos enfrentan cada dia. Cada libro senala claramente las buenas noticias del amor y del perdon de Dios, y versiculos biblicos enfatizan el tema de cada historia.

      Asegurate de leer todos estos titulos de la serie: Dios, necesito hablarte de…
      Las malas palabras
      Los malos modales
      La tarea escolar
      Comer sano
      Los videojuegos

      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Other books in the God, I Need to Talk to You about… series are
      Bad Words
      Bad Manners
      Healthy Eating
      Video Games

      1 in stock

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    • Dios Necesito Hablarte De Las – (Spanish)


      Libros super especiales, escritos a traves de las palabras y los ojos de un nino!

      Hermosamente ilustradas, estas historias tratan las preocupaciones que los mas pequenos enfrentan cada dia. Cada libro senala claramente las buenas noticias del amor y del perdon de Dios, y versiculos biblicos enfatizan el tema de cada historia.

      Asegurate de leer todos estos titulos de la serie: Dios, necesito hablarte de…
      Las malas modales
      Ser un mal deportista
      La tarea escolar
      Comer sano
      Los videojuegos

      Solo disponible en espanol.

      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Other books in the God, I Need to Talk to You about… series are
      Bad Manners
      Being a Bad Sport
      Healthy Eating
      Video Games

      1 in stock

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