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    • Psalm 119:105 Hydraulic Pop Up Book Light


      Batteries included
      Packaged in a blister pack

      8 in stock

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    • Be Still And Know Checkbook Cover


      Interior slip pocket
      Three credit card slots
      ID window
      Pen loop
      Plastic divider for duplicate checks

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    • Bread Of Life Promise Box


      Each box contains a bread-shaped card holder made of polystone and a collection of cards, each displaying a Scripture promise for daily strength.

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    • Worlds Best Teacher Ecclesiastes 2:26


      SKU: 1220000322899 Color: Full ColorManufacturer: Christian Art Gifts

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    • Plans To Give You Hope And A Future Key Ring Jeremiah 29:11


      Gift mug, foil accents

      14 ounce capacity

      Sentiment: Plans to give you hope & a future. Jeremiah 29:11

      Abstract leaf design


      Not for microwave use

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    • Stories Of Faith And Courage From Cops On The Street


      Stories of Faith and Courage From Cops on the Street is a 365-day devotional book in the Battlefields and Blessings series. Stories one for each day of the year come from members of the law enforcement community who have sensed God’s presence in some event relating to their work. The contributors represent every phase of law enforcement work and demonstrate that something happened relating in their particular stories that simply cannot be attributed to anything other than God’s hand.

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    • Stories Of Faith And Courage From Firefighters And First Responders


      Stories of Faith and Courage From Firefighters and First Responders is a 365-day devotional book in the Battlefields and Blessings series. With many stories from first responders who have been there, this book serves as a daily reminder that God is with you in even the most tragic calls. When armed with God s protective shield and grounded in His word and prayer, you are never alone, because God is with you.

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    • I Just Want To Die


      Are you having suicidal thoughts and feelings? Perhaps you are convinced that life is not worth living. Your life seems hopeless, like a black hole with all love, hope, and joy sucked out. David Powlison describes the various reasons you might be feeling hopeless and explains that God is not surprised or put off by your hopeless feelings.

      Are you having suicidal thoughts and feelings? Perhaps you are convinced that life is not worth living. Your life seems hopeless, like a black hole with all love, hope, and joy sucked out. David Powlison describes the various reasons you might be feeling hopeless and explains that God is not surprised or put off by your hopeless feelings.

      Your life is precious to God. He knows everything about you-even how many hairs are on your head. He wants you to bring your despair to him and cry for help. He will answer and replace your suicidal thoughts with hope for a future filled with love for him and others.

      4 in stock

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    • Journey To Joy


      Journey to Joy takes its readers along twists and turns as the author walks through the tunnel of grief while dealing with the loss of her husband of 44 years. It is not easy to accept life when God takes something cherished from your grasp. As you read through the pages and the pathway traveled, you will find that God does not punish us; rather, He opens our hands and hearts to receive what He has for those of us who remain until our own journey comes to an end. You will learn that the will of God will never take you where the grace of God will not protect you.

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    • Andis Indian Summer


      In book two of the Circle C Beginnings, Andi’s friend Riley shows her a scary old dime novel that sets Andi’s mind spinning with thoughts of being captured by dangerous Indians. But when she and Riley travel a little too far from the safe surroundings of the Circle C ranch, Andi discovers the truth about the natives living nearby.

      Written for reading levels 2.0-2.8, this new story combines fun illustrations and Andi’s signature curiosity to create an enjoyable reading experience that shows both new and old Circle C fans where it all started!

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    • Tabernaculo Guia Ilustrada – (Spanish)


      Using dozens of full-color illustrations plus six uniquely designed clear plastic overlays, Illustrated Guide to the Tabernacle allows readers to “see inside” the Old Testament tabernacle in the Wilderness of Sinai to better understand the purpose of its important events and elaborate furnishings (Ark of the Covenant, Table of Showbread, etc.). This movable tent was the place where God met with His people and is important because it shows: God’s desire to live among His people God’s original design for the world God’s plan to fix a broken creation Insight into Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection How the significance and symbolism of the tabernacle find their ultimate fulfillment in Christ.

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    • Isaiah : Feeling Secure In The Arms Of God


      The book of Isaiah has been called “the Bible in miniature.” Both are comprised of sixty-six sections-chapters in Isaiah, books in the Bible. Isaiah first chronicles a holy God’s need to judge sin, reflecting the Old Testament, as latter chapters preface the New Testament, revealing the mercy to come through God’s Son. This study examines a sweeping narrative of Israel, and explores the very arch of God’s redemptive story, as sin and judgment are defeated through the grace of our Savior.

      The Wiersbe Bible Studies Series explores timeless wisdom found in God’s word. Based on Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe’s popular “BE” series, each study provides topical, relevant insights from selected books of the Bible. Designed for small groups, this eight-week study features selected commentaries from BE Comforted, engaging questions, and practical applications, all designed to help you connect God’s word with your life.

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    • Sunnie Bluebird Plushie


      Sunny the bluebird doesn’t feel like singing anymore after the death of Wren, so her mother and other forest friends help her learn to process her feelings and sing a song of lament. This plush Sunny toy accompanies Something Sad Happened and offers a soft, cuddly companion for children who are sad or grieving. You can read Sunny’s story in Something Sad Happened by Darby A. Strickland.

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    • Book Of Psalms NASB


      The Book of Psalms can transform our minds by teaching us new and exciting things about our awesome God and it can transform our spirits by pointing us to the right way to praise God through our words and actions. Enjoy having all 150 Psalms in one small pocket-sized book. It is a perfect gift for someone who needs reminders of the wonderful psalms we know and love.

      11 in stock

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    • Be Restored 2 Samuel And 1 Chronicles


      SKU (ISBN): 9781434700490ISBN10: 1434700496Warren WiersbeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2010BEPublisher: David C. Cook

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    • Be Available Judges


      SKU (ISBN): 9781434700483ISBN10: 1434700488Warren WiersbeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2010BEPublisher: David C. Cook

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    • Big Red Tractor And The Little Village


      The villagers loved the big, red tractor. It helped them grow enough food to get them through the year. But it was hard to use, and it didn’t work very well. Even with everyone helping to push and pull the tractor, they couldn’t get much done. Everyone believed that was just how things were. That is, until Farmer Dave discovered a long-lost book in a dusty attic. Could it really change everything? Farmer Dave thinks so. But the other villagers aren’t so sure.

      The Big Red Tractor and His Little Village is a contemporary parable sharing a timeless truth: God has a special purpose for you and you can fulfill it through the help of his Spirit. It’s a powerful lesson perfectly told for little hearts.

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    • Be Heroic Minor Prophets


      SKU (ISBN): 9780781403351ISBN10: 0781403359Warren WiersbeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2010BEPublisher: David C. Cook

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    • Be Successful 1 Samuel (Revised)


      With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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    • Jesus Te Llama – (Spanish)


      Jesus te llama is a devotional filled with uniquely inspired treasures from heaven for every day of the year.
      After many years of writing in her prayer journal, missionary Sarah Young decided to “listen” to God with pen in hand, writing down whatever she believed he was saying to her. It was awkward at first, but gradually her journaling changed from monologue to dialogue. She knew her writings were not inspired as Scripture is, but journaling helped her grow closer to God. Others were blessed as she shared her writings, until people all over the world were using her messages. They are written from Jesus’ point of view, thus the title Jesus te llama. It is Sarah’s fervent prayer that our Savior may bless readers with his presence and his peace in ever deeper measure.

      Jesus te llama es un devocional lleno de tesoros excepcionalmente inspirados del cielo para cada dia del ao.
      Despues de muchos anos de escribir en su diario de oracion, la misionera Sarah Young decidio “escuchar” a Dios con pluma en mano, poniendo por escrito cualquier cosa que creyo que El le decia. Fue embarazoso al principio, pero poco a poco sus encuentros diarios cambiaron de monologo a dialogo. Ella sabia que sus escritos no eran inspirados como lo son las Sagradas Escrituras, pero estos encuentros escritos le ayudaron a crecer en su acercamiento a Dios. Otras personas han sido bendecidas al ella compartir sus escritos, de tal manera que personas por todo el mundo estan usando sus mensajes. Estos estan escritos desde el punto de vista de Jesucristo, de ahi el titulo Jesus te llama. Es la oracion ferviente de Sarah que nuestro Salvador bendiga a los lectores en abundancia con su presencia y su paz.

      2 in stock

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    • Be Satisfied Ecclesiastes (Revised)


      With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

      1 in stock

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    • Be Delivered Exodus (Revised)


      With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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    • Be Ready 1-2 Thessalonians (Revised)


      With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

      1 in stock

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    • Laugh Out Loud Jokes For Kids (Reprinted)


      What happens to race car drivers when they eat too much? They get indy-gestion. Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids provides children ages 7-10 many hours of fun and laughter. Young readers will have a blast sharing this collection of hundreds of one-liners, knock knock jokes, tongue twisters, and more with their friends and family! This brand new book will have children rolling on the floor with laughter and is sure to be a great gift idea for any child.

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    • Berenstain Bears Kindness Counts


      Brother has always loved model airplanes. When he has the chance to share his hobby, he makes a young cub very happy. Will Brother’s kindness be returned?

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    • USA Map Jigsaw (Puzzle)


      This wooden 45 piece puzzle helps teach individual state names and capitals, as well as providing notable state information. The capital and state outlines are under the puzzle pieces. The back of the puzzle board features the additional state information. Also includes extension activities. Recommended for ages 5 and up.

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    • Who I Am In Christ Pamphlet


      The “Who I Am in Christ” chart and pamphlet reminds us what God has done through His Son, Jesus. We are “forgiven”, “beloved,” “new creatures,” and more. Each word has a Bible reference. Be reminded and reassured of the many qualities and characteristics you possess as a believer. You are accepted, forgiven, and made holy in Christ, and that’s just the beginning! Find dozens of promises and where they are located in the Bible.

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    • Understanding The Book Of Revelation Pamphlet


      Understanding the Book of Revelation pamphlet
      In just a few minutes, you can understand the symbolism in the Book of Revelation better. There are several ways that Christians over the centuries have interpreted these features, and each has insights for today.

      The 7 Seals
      The 7 Churches
      Mark of the Beast
      Persecuted Woman
      The 7 Trumpets
      The 7 Bowls
      Great Prostitute
      Fall of Babylon
      New Creation – New Heaven and New Earth
      Healing of the nations

      Historicist – Revelation is prophecy about church history from the time of John to the end of the world.
      Preterist – Revelation is prophecy that was fulfilled primarily in the first century AD.
      Futurist – Revelation is prophecy primarly about the future end of the world.
      Idealist – Revelation is a non-historical and non-prophetic drama about spiritual realities.

      14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long.

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    • Favorite Bible Families Ages 2-3


      SKU (ISBN): 9781584110224ISBN10: 1584110228Bonnie LineBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2010Publisher: RoseKidz

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    • John : Get To Know The Living Savior (Student/Study Guide)


      Introducing two new studies in The Wiersbe Bible Study Series that are perfect for groups or individual study, and now include John and Psalms. Each book includes interactive questions, stories, illustrations, and flexible formats. It’s all the depth and richness of Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe’s Bible teaching for a new generation of students.

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    • Be Amazed Minor Prophets (Revised)


      With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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    • Be Alert 2 Peter 2-3 John Jude (Revised)


      With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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    • Be Compassionate Luke 1-13 (Revised)


      With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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    • Be Courageous Luke 14-24 (Revised)


      With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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    • Be Counted Numbers (Revised)


      With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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    • Psalms : Glorifying God For Who He Is (Student/Study Guide)


      Introducing two new studies in The Wiersbe Bible Study Series that are perfect for groups or individual study, and now include John and Psalms. Each book includes interactive questions, stories, illustrations, and flexible formats. It’s all the depth and richness of Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe’s Bible teaching for a new generation of students.

      2 in stock

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    • Hands On Bible


      SKU (ISBN): 9781414337685ISBN10: 141433768XTranslation: New Living Translation (NLT)Language: EnglishColor: Full ColorBinding: ClothPublished: July 2010Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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    • Sweetpea Beauty A Girl After Gods Own Heart (DVD)


      Mirror, mirror on the wall, who has the truest heart of all?

      Once upon a time, there lived a royally sour blueberry, a fair rhubarb maiden and a dastardly deceptive mirror! Sweetpea Beauty knows that what’s on the inside is what matters most, but insecure Queen Blueberry can’t see past her own reflection! So, when a decree is handed down that only the most beautiful can rule the land, the Queen gets nervous and things turn ugly! Banished to the dark forest, Sweetpea’s fate seems bleak until a charming prince, a band of merry minstrels and seven snow peas come to the rescue!

      Will Sweetpea and her friends be able to warn the Queen in time to save her from the clutches of the tricky mirror – or will the crumbling kingdom and the Queen’s own heart be lost forever? Find out in this fairy “Veggie” tale about the real meaning of true beauty.

      Plus, the almost-classic tale of . . .Snoodlerella. A self- conscious Snoodlerella is the star of the ball after getting an extreme makeover. Her life of glamour is short-lived as the clock strikes midnight and her glasses, braces and insecurities return. Will she be able to see herself as the good King sees her-unique, beautiful and perfect just the way she is?

      Lesson: True Beauty
      Key Verses: 1 Samuel 16:7b
      Silly Song: “Pants”
      Bonus Show: Snoodlerella (12m)
      Run Time: 45 min

      Bonus Features:
      Art Gallery
      Pants Singalong
      More Beautiful Singalong
      Exclusive interview with Nichole Nordeman
      Sweetpea’s True Beauty Guide
      Girl Talk – Kids’ Thoughts on True Beauty
      Audio Commentary
      English and Spanish Subtitles

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    • Parable Parade Card Game


      In this exciting game, players must collect complete sets of Parable Cards. You can draw as many cards as you like, but be careful Draw an Oopsie! Card and you will pay the price! Will you be bold and fearless? Or will you be conservative and cautious?

      Collect the Cards. Complete the Story. Capture the Point.

      Jesus was a masterful storyteller. Using common objects like sheep and seeds, Jesus told short but powerful parables to help His audience grasp important spiritual truths. This game features 12 of Jesus parables. The objective of the game is to form complete sets of Parable Cards. Each set comprises 4 cards of the same parable and is identified by a colored title bar on the top-left of the cards. The first player to form 2 complete sets of Parable Cards wins.

      Ages 6+

      15-minute Playing Time

      2-6 Players

      *An exciting strategy game!
      *Learn about Jesus parables as you play
      *Play at home, in church or at small group gatherings
      *Suitable for kids, youth and adults
      *Great as gifts
      *Includes 12 Parable Summary Cards that explain each parable featured in this game

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    • 1 Minute After You Die


      Once a person faces death, there will only be two choices of where they will spend eternity. They will either enjoy being in God’s presence or be separated from him.

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    • Diamond Dotz Red Bauble Pillow


      Embroidery by Facet Diamonds

      Mini Red Bauble Pillow

      8″ x 8″

      6 in stock

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    • Lone Cowboy At Cross Vinyl Die Cut Decal


      SKU (UPC): 672388670320 Manufacturer: W.O.W. Products

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    • Be Decisive Jeremiah (Revised)


      With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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    • Be Strong Joshua (Revised)


      With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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    • Be Wise 1 Corinthians (Revised)


      With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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    • Be Encouraged 2 Corinthians (Revised)


      With over 4 million volumes in print and used worldwide, these timeless books have provided invaluable insight into the history, meaning, and context of virtually every book in the Bible. Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.

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    • Life Of Joseph Pamphlet


      Pamphlet-14 Panels, 8.5 X 5.5 In, Unfolds To 38 Inches Long. Fits Inside Most Bibles.

      Additional Info
      Is God really in charge?

      Where is he when everything goes wrong? The life of Joseph shows how God can take misfortune and evil and turn it into great good. Joseph was betrayed by people close to him and had every reason to grow bitter, yet continued to obey God. And God was working behind the scenes to change Joseph and his family. This pamphlet helps us see meaning in suffering and aids us in our own journey toward wisdom. Includes a map and time line.

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    • Fatherhood Pamphlet


      SKU (ISBN): 9781596363847ISBN10: 1596363843Binding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2010Publisher: Rose Publishing

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    • Matthew : Following The King Of Kings (Student/Study Guide)


      Introducing four new studies in The Wiersbe Bible Study Series that are perfect for group or individual study, and now include Galatians, Matthew, Proverbs, and 1-2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon. Each book includes interactive questions, stories, illustrations, and flexible formats. It’s all the depth and richness of Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe’s Bible teaching for a new generation of students.

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