Torre Oscura Y Otras Historias – (Spanish)
Publicado por primera vez en el idioma espaol, La Torre oscura revela otro lado de la mente creativa de Lewis y su fascinacion por la realidad y la espiritualidad.
Este libro imprescindible de C. S. Lewis es una coleccion de relatos futuristas publicada postumamente. En las obras se recoge su permanente fascinacion por la realidad y la espiritualidad. Muchas de ellas estan inacabadas, pero contienen una gran sabiduria sobre la naturaleza de la realidad. Esta coleccion de ficcion futurista incluye una impresionante historia de ciencia ficcion escrita al principio de su carrera en la que los intelectuales de Cambridge son testigos de la ruptura del espacio-tiempo a traves de un “cronoscopio”, un telescopio que mira no solo a otro mundo, sino a otro tiempo.
Tan poderosa, inventiva y profunda como sus obras teologicas y filosoficas, La torre oscura es una lectura ideal para los fanaticos de J. R. R. Tolkien, el viejo amigo y colega de Lewis.
The Dark Tower
Published for the first time in Spanish, The Dark Tower reveals another side of Lewis’ creative mind and his fascination with reality and spirituality.
This signature book is a repackaged edition of the futuristic collection of short stories by C.S. Lewis published after his death. The works include his longtime fascination with reality and spirituality. Many pieces are unfinished yet provide great wisdom about the nature of reality. This collection of futuristic fiction includes a breathtaking science fiction story written early in his career in which Cambridge intellectuals witness the breach of space-time through a chronoscope–a telescope that looks not just into another world, but into another time.
As powerful, inventive, and profound as his theological and philosophical works, The Dark Tower is an ideal read for fans of J. R. R. R. Tolkien, Lewis’s longtime friend and colleague.
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SKU (ISBN): 9781401607388
ISBN10: 1401607381
Language: Spanish
C. S. Lewis
Binding: Trade Paper
Published: June 2023
Publisher: Groupo Nelson
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This book comes with a clear overlay, more than 100 images, charts, diagrams, photos, and illustrations, many of which have never published before. It covers the span of time from Abraham to modern day.
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