Conversaciones Con Jesus – (Spanish)
Jesus amaba hablar con la gente. En los Evangelios, podemos ver multiples ocaciones en las que sostuvo profundas conversaciones con personas muy diversas. En Conversaciones con Jesus, el pastor Otto Sanchez, nos ensea la esencia del mensaje de Jesus, a traves de una clara aplicacion de estos dialogos con personas a traves de su propia vida.
Jesus loved to talk to people. In the Gospels, there are multiple occasions where we find Him having a profound dialogue with people from different backgrounds. In Conversations with Jesus, pastor Otto Sanchez shares the essence of Jesus’ message through a vivid application of these dialogues with people in his own lifepath.
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SKU (ISBN): 9781087728544
ISBN10: 1087728541
Language: Spanish
Otto Sanchez
Binding: Trade Paper
Published: February 2021
Lectura Facil
Publisher: B and H Publishing Group
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In September 1947, after reading C.S. Lewis’s The Screwtape Letters in Italian, Fr. (now St.) Giovanni Calabria was moved to write the author, but he knew no English and assumed (rightly) that Lewis knew no Italian. So, he wrote his letter in Latin, hoping that, as a classicist, Lewis would know Latin. Therein began a correspondence that was to outlive Fr. Calabria himself (he died in December 1954, and was succeeded in correspondence by Fr. Luigi Pedrollo, which continued until Lewis’s own death in 1963).
Translator/editor Martin Moynihan calls these letters “limpid, fluent and deeply refreshing. There was a charm about them, too, and not least in the way they were ‘topped and tailed’ — that is, in their ever-slightly-varied formalities of address and of farewell.”
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The Reading Life
The revered teacher and bestselling author reflects on the power, importance, and joy of a life dedicated to reading books in this delightful collection drawn from his wide body of writings.
More decades after his death, revered intellectual and teacher C. S. Lewis continues to speak to readers, thanks not only to his intellectual insights on Christianity but also his wondrous creative works and deep reflections on the literature that influenced his life. Beloved for his instructive novels including The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, and The Chronicles of Narnia as well as his philosophical books that explored theology and Christian life, Lewis was a life-long writer and book lover.
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