301 Highway 71 W Ste 100 Bastrop, TX 78602 | Mon-Fri 9am-6pm & Sat 10am-4pm | 512-321-0909




    William Smith

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    • Rest : A Student’s Guide To Rest


      Pastor and counsellor William P. Smith invites you to live in this chaotic world in such a way that you can have rest and your soul can be nourished

      We don’t rest well. The nearly unlimited opportunities and impossible expectations we are surrounded by can be exhausting. Something in us wants to do more, to be more. We’re addicted to busyness.

      But God created us to rest. William P. Smith explains the importance of rest, and why God’s people have been commanded to rest. He also works through what it actually looks like to rest, so that we can all live within divinely set boundaries, and enjoy the peace that God promises.

      Each chapter includes a summary of the main point, and questions for reflection.

      If Rest is this Wonderful … Why is it Hard to Do?

      We Rest because We’ve Been Rescued

      Learning to Live within Divinely Set Boundaries

      Reordering Your World so that it Works

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