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    Social Issues

    • Jesus And Gender


      Loving one another as sisters and brothers in Jesus

      Many Christian women and men carry heavy burdens. Much teaching on gender relations, roles, and rules binds the conscience beyond what Scripture actually teaches. Gender has become a battleground for power. But God created men and women not to compete for glory but to cooperate for his glory.

      In Jesus and Gender, Elyse Fitzpatrick and Eric Schumacher paint a new vision for gender-Christ’s gentle and lowly heart. The centrality of the gospel has been lost in gender debates. Our ultimate example is Jesus, our humble king, who used his power to serve others. So we must rethink our identities, roles, and relationships around him. Christ transformed enemies into family. Men and women are allies in God’s mission.

      Drawing from Scripture and experience, Fitzpatrick and Schumacher show how Jesus’s example speaks to all areas of our lives as men and women, including vocation, marriage, parenting, friendships, and relating to each other as sisters and brothers in Christ. Real–life testimonies from a variety of Christians-including Christine Caine, Justin Holcomb, Karen Swallow Prior, and others-show a variety of men and women freed to pursue their gifts for God’s glory.

      Fitzpatrick and Schumacher’s perspective untangles what God has said about gender from what he hasn’t. By coming to Jesus, women and men can find rest.

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    • Neighborliness : Love Like Jesus. Cross Dividing Lines. Transform Your Comm


      Do you want to love your neighbor as yourself but don’t know where to start? This practical, accessible guide to bridging the dividing lines of politics, race, and economics, both individually and as the church, will help you amplify Jesus in your community and build God’s kingdom.

      When asked what the greatest commandment is, Jesus gave a two-part answer: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength” and also “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

      Love God. Love others.

      Jesus’ simple command to love your neighbor can feel overwhelming when your neighbor looks, lives, and votes differently than you do. Racial and economic tensions across the country have resulted in deep dividing lines that seem really intimidating to cross.

      Docusen breaks down these lines in approachable chapters, including topics like these:

      *how to actively seek out people you can benefit and encourage,

      *what it means to find a diverse and supportive community that fulfills needs,

      *examples of real-life experiences, including highlights and missteps of Docusen’s ongoing journey, and

      *how churches can teach on difficult topics with grace and truth.

      Neighborliness is a practical guide to bridging those dividing lines and learning to recognize and amplify the beauty of God in our communities. Backed by David’s speaking and training through the Neighborliness Center, this book will help individuals and churches reach out to their neighbors, love them through Christ, and build God’s kingdom.

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    • How Should We Think About Homosexuality


      Gain an informed perspective on Christianity and homosexuality.

      There are many misconceptions about Christianity and homosexuality. Christians are often perceived as being simply reactionary or behind the times. We can sometimes speak where we do not understand. We can do better. Do you have an informed and biblical view on homosexuality?

      In How Should We Think About Homosexuality?, Mark. A. Yarhouse brings his expertise to bear on this question. If we are to speak with clarity and conviction, we must first be informed. Christianity has long held a sexual ethic regarding creation, family, and sexuality, and Christians must know how to relate to other views of sexuality. Yarhouse considers how to think about recent scientific findings and sexual identity language before suggesting avenues of fruitful discipleship for same–sex attracted Christians.

      The Questions for Restless Minds series applies God’s word to today’s issues. Each short book faces tough questions honestly and clearly, so you can think wisely, act with conviction, and become more like Christ.

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    • Recovering Our Sanity


      Fear may not be what you think it is. Michael Horton guides readers in diagnosing the misplaced fears we have, showing how only the fear of God can conquer the false gods that we often take too seriously as if they had the last word over our lives.

      With 24-hour news cycles and constant immersion in a world of screens and social media, we are bombarded by news reports about layoffs, the dangers of climate change, and threats to our health. Exploited by politicians who crave our alliance, fear is used to breed hatred and further divide us from one another.

      In Recovering Our Sanity, author Michael Horton argues that we need to resist the pull of our fear-driven culture. He mines the riches of Scripture and theology to help us better understand what fear is and how a good fear–the fear of God–drives out the bad fears that often rule our lives. A proper fear of God enables us to overcome the unhealthy, uncertain, and unknown fears that drive the disintegration of our society, our families, and our own lives.

      The fear of God, running from Genesis to Revelation, must once again fill the horizon of our thoughts and imaginations. As Proverbs reminds us: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. A right fear of the One who matters most leads to a lasting trust that bears a harvest of blessings for ourselves and for others.

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    • Mama Bear Apologetics Guide To Sexuality


      Raise Them to Value God’s Design

      Starting at a young age, kids are being fed damaging misinformation about sexuality, gender identity, and human biology. As a parent, it’s up to you to help your children understand God’s truth about these integral concepts in the face of the candy-coated lies that saturate today’s world.

      In the footsteps of the bestselling Mama Bear Apologetics comes this invaluable guide to training your kids to know and respect God’s design in a world that has rejected it. This book will equip you to;

      *understand God’s design for gender, sex, marriage, and family as a beautiful portrait that reveals the nature of God Himself

      *identify the tactics being used to trick children into adopting an unbiblical view of sexuality under the guise of Christian-sounding words like love, identity, tolerance, and justice

      *teach your kids to treat those who hold different beliefs with gentle, Christlike compassion without compromising biblical values

      As society continues to blur the lines of what is good, true, and acceptable, God’s standards remain clear and unchanging. This book will give you the wisdom to confidently raise your children to understand sex and gender through a biblical lens.

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    • So Much To Live For


      Suicide is the nation’s tenth leading cause of death, and in 2018 nearly 50,000 people in the US died by suicide, with thousands more attempting to take their own lives. Countless others experience suicidal ideation due to depression, anxiety, addiction, and more, living for years in silent misery. The sad truth is that someone you know may be suffering.

      With great compassion and clear, actionable strategies, So Much to Live For shows you what to do, what to say, and how to intervene if you suspect a friend or loved one is considering suicide. You’ll learn the signs and symptoms, understand the causes, and build the courage to step up and speak out.

      God heals wounds and repairs brokenness, and he often does it using people like you. You can be instrumental in saving the life of a suicidal person you know. This book shows you how.

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    • Teens And Suicide


      Many teenagers are not navigating adolescence successfully. Often, even though they have material things, the latest electronics, and spending money, they can be stressed, unhappy, and feel directionless. For an increasing number of teenagers, their struggle to manage pressures and expectations leads them to consider suicide as their only means of escape.

      Family and children’s counselor Julie Lowe takes a look at some of the reasons teenagers are increasingly vulnerable to suicide and what factors lead to it. She offers helpful advice for all those who work with teenagers to recognize suicide warning signs and shares ways to guard against hopelessness and help them find reasons to live.

      Loving, trustworthy adults (parents, mentors, youth workers, and friends) need to establish solid relationships with teenagers that will serve as the basis for the direction and instruction that they still acutely need. Teenagers long to be known and accepted.

      Giving them a solid foundation that they are known and loved by God, as well as displaying care, sacrificial giving, genuine compassion, faith in Christ, and being there for them builds a foundation that will not be easily shaken and will provide a lifeline to teens who are struggling.

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    • Christians In A Cancel Culture


      It’s not a matter of where to stand, but how to stand

      You hold truths about sensitive issues like gender, sexuality, and salvation to be biblically evident. You know friends, family members, and coworkers who hold opposing views to be self-evident. So where do you go from here?

      If you’re struggling to speak wisdom about controversial and personal subjects with compassion, conviction, and Christlike grace, Christians in a Cancel Culture is the guide you need. This book will affirm your understanding of the Bible’s views on sin, salvation, the afterlife, gender identity, homosexuality, and abortion, while teaching you…
      *why today’s world has grown so hostile to Christians and biblical values
      *the do’s and don’ts of responding to opposing beliefs
      *how you can sustain good relationships with those who feel threatened by God’s truth

      Walking in faith isn’t about fighting culture wars but witnessing Christ’s restorative love to those who haven’t yet found it. Christians in a Cancel Culture will inspire you to address today’s controversies without compromising your beliefs, and provide you with the tools to do so effectively.

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    • Hope Always : How To Be A Force For Life In A Culture Of Suicide


      Every single day, someone you know is thinking about committing suicide. It isn’t just one or two-ten million Americans will consider killing themselves in the upcoming year. Dr. Matthew Sleeth believes Christians-and our churches-should be the first to offer hope. Are we prepared to do so?

      As a physician and minister, Dr. Sleeth shares his personal and professional experiences with depression and suicide, challenging Christians to become part of the solution. With sound medical principles finding their rightful place beside timeless biblical wisdom, Hope Always offers the practical and spiritual tools that individuals, families, and churches need to help loved ones who are stressed and struggling.

      In Hope Always, you will find:
      *research-based and scientifically grounded information about the suicide epidemic,

      *biblically based information to start a conversation about the spiritual and emotional battles that so many of us face, and

      *a practical toolkit to consult when a loved one is dealing with suicidal ideation.

      After reading Hope Always, you will have the resources at your fingertips to build communities of hope that help save lives!

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    • Surviving Religion 101


      Reflections on Keeping Your Faith in College

      Preparing for college is exciting for young adults-but are they truly prepared for the intellectual challenges they will face in and out of the classroom? College is not just a time filled with new and formative experiences; it can also be an intense season of testing for a young Christian’s faith.

      Writing in the form of a letter to his college-age daughter, Michael Kruger reflects on some of the biggest stumbling blocks Christian students often encounter at secular universities. Answering questions such as How can Christianity be the only right religion?; How can we know the Bible is really from God?; and Wouldn’t a loving God save everyone?, Kruger offers biblical, theological, and logical support for the Christian faith and provides students with the tools to navigate these challenging topics. College students wrestling with these issues will be encouraged to find security in God’s unfailing word even in the face of difficult questions.

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    • Teens Guide To Social Media And Mobile Devices (Audio CD)


      Ever regret something you’ve posted?

      Just how smart are you when it comes to streaming, messaging, gaming, commenting. . .?

      The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices will help you navigate the digital world with 21 refreshingly honest and humorous tips that will not only inform, but that also just might change the way you think about your social media interaction.

      21 real-life tips including. . .
      *Know the app before you snap.
      *Don’t post anything you wouldn’t want Grandma, your boss, and Jesus seeing! (Jesus is on Insta, you know!)
      *Peek at your privacy settings. . .so you know who’s peeking at you.
      *Take more “selflessies.”
      *Press pause before you post.

      …and many more will provide just the information you need to post wisely in an insecure world.

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    • Teens Guide To Face To Face Connections In A Screen To Screen World (Audio CD)


      What if your phone truly helped you connect with people more than disconnect with those around you?

      You CAN dare to be relationally different in a screen-to-screen culture.

      But. . .honestly, I like my phone.So what should I do?

      You probably enjoy screens but don’t want them hurting your relationships with the people who matter most, right? What if you could improve your face-to-face relationships, develop deeper connections, resolve conflict, and confidently communicate with friends, parents, teachers, roommates, coworkers, potential employers…even the barista at your local coffee shop?

      What if you paused to think before you posted, avoiding some of the hurt and consequences that almost always lead to regret after?

      What if you became a master of your own screen-time instead of letting it master you?

      What if you became more screen-wise?

      40 real-life realizations including. . .
      * Your phone doesn’t have an UNSEND button.
      *Texting is a dumb way to manage conflict.
      * We all need a digital detox every once in a while.
      * Sometimes less is more.
      * Sometimes the people we love the most are the people we ignored all day.

      Author and youth culture expert, Jonathan McKee, and his daughter Alyssa McKee, uncover forty random realizations they’ve discovered over the last five years. Screens provide fun platforms to connect with faraway friends; and sometimes the people we love the most are the people we ignore all day. Jonathan and Alyssa help young adults navigate face-to-face communication in a screen-to-screen world too! Maybe they’ll help you navigate face-to-face communication in a screen-to-screen world too!

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    • We Will Not Be Silenced


      When You Want to Speak Up but Aren’t Sure What to Say

      You’ve witnessed-and experienced-how Christians are silenced or intimidated because of their beliefs. To merely uphold biblical perspectives is rejected as bigotry and even hatred. Certain segments of today’s culture are quick to shame and pressure everyone to conform to their expectations.

      If you find yourself becoming discouraged by the growing tide of hostility, We Will Not Be Silenced will lift your heart by revealing you are not alone in this battle, while also giving you guidance on how to live your faith with courage. You will learn how to…
      *identify the harmful views being normalized in America and respond to them with truth and gentleness
      *thrive in the face of persecution and display Christlike love through your words and actions
      *show genuine compassion to those who live secular lifestyles without affirming their life choices

      We Will Not Be Silenced will equip you to move beyond fear and joyfully accept the challenge of representing Christ to a watching world that needs Him more than ever before.

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    • Masters Or Slaves


      For most people Artificial Intelligence is the dream of sci-fi writers or the scaremongering of popular authors who suggest AI will soon surpass human intelligence. The rapid increase in computer power coupled with the availability of vast amounts of personal data has resulted in the widespread deployment of AI around the world. This significant uptake of current technology across a large range of industry and commerce, as well as by public institutions and healthcare, has created a range of ethical dilemmas. These include data privacy and freedom, the influence of AI on our personhood through to the use of human-like digital agents, the assignment of moral agency to self-drive vehicles, and the impact on work. Our response to these ethical issues will determine whether we become slaves to or masters of this technology.

      Masters or Slaves? lays a theological and ethical foundation for our response by considering what the Bible teaches about our being made in God’s image, moral responsibility, the dignity of work, and idolatry. A framework for evaluating the impact of AI is proposed, starting with a taxonomy of applications reflecting different influences and challenges to humanness. A virtue approach is used for determining our responses, as individuals and as a society. The book concludes with a number of propositions as a ‘Christian manifesto’ for AI.

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    • Screen Kids : 5 Relational Skills Every Child Needs In The Tech-Driven Worl


      Has Technology Taken Over Your Home?

      In this digital age, children spend more time interacting with screens and less time playing outside, reading a book, or interacting with family. Though technology has its benefits, it also has its harms.

      In Screen Kids Gary Chapman and Arlene Pellicane will empower you with the tools you need to make positive changes. Through stories, science, and wisdom, you’ll discover how to take back your home from an overdependence on screens. Plus, you’ll learn to teach the five A+ skills that every child needs to master: affection, appreciation, anger management, apology, and attention. Learn how to:

      *Protect and nurture your child’s growing brain
      *Establish simple boundaries that make a huge difference
      *Recognize the warning signs of gaming too much
      *Raise a child who won’t gauge success through social media
      *Teach your child to be safe online

      This newly revised edition features the latest research and interactive assessments, so you can best confront the issues technology create in your home. Now is the time to equip your child with a healthy relationship with screens and an even healthier relationship with others.

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    • Eve Where Are You


      Without question, having competent women in leadership can certainly enhance the vitality of any organization. Sadly, too often women are not given equal opportunities and are left doubting their sense of self and their abilities.

      In Eve, Where Are You?, Dr. Nicole Davis uniquely evaluates bias practices within one specific organization: the Christian church. You’ll learn why many women are discouraged, emotionally absent, leaving churches, or considering giving up religious pursuits altogether. Within these pages, Dr. Davis thoughtfully contemplates the scriptural significance of God’s creation of Eve; compares women’s leadership advances in the marketplace and church; and shares real-life stories and perceptions about women in leadership offered by present-day church leaders.

      As a conflict coach and resolutionist, Dr. Davis boldly addresses possible causal effects of toxic practices against women and then offers strategic solutions and guidance to both women and church organizations to facilitate reconciliation, creating opportunity for the church to regain influence and effectiveness in our culture.

      Crisp, aggressive, and truthful, this study presents a call to action for women who want more, men who want more for women, and church organizations seeking to embrace internal transformation against gender bias in the Christian church.

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    • Domestic Abuse : Help For Victims


      Do you suspect that you or someone you love is suffering from marital domestic abuse? Is there intentional harm happening to you in your home, whether physical, verbal, sexual, or emotional? What should you do? How do you seek help?

      Heather Nelson invites you to examine what is happening in your home and what steps to take if you feel unsafe and targeted for mistreatment by your spouse. She explains a typical cycle of abuse and acknowledges how difficult it can be to be honest about what you are experiencing.

      Heather urges you to understand how God sees you and thinks about you, and how he is with you to provide helpers, wisdom, and grace to see what steps you need to take to protect yourself and those you love.

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    • Opiate Related Disorders


      Is someone you love struggling in the grip of opioid addiction? Is the person you once knew now obscured by a fog of half-truths, unfamiliar behaviors, and outright lies? As the opioid crisis in the United States intensifies, thousands upon thousands of families and friends each year are left wondering what happened to their loved ones, and what, if anything, they can do to help.

      Eamon Wilson explores the nature of addiction, helping loved ones understand that addiction is at the same time biological, sinful, and painful, but it is also an opportunity for redemption. This understanding informs family members and friends of the various levels of help, healing, and repentance that need to take place in an addict’s life, and it also helps them recognize the common pitfalls of avoidance and over-control that they can stumble into as they respond to their loved one’s destructive choices.

      Wilson urges concerned readers to walk in wisdom and faith as they relate to their addicted loved one, and to seek the support of Christian community and the care of their heavenly Father as they navigate this difficult path.

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    • In Search Of The Common Good


      Common life in our society is in decline–our communities are disintegrating, our public discourse is hateful, and economic inequalities are widening. In this book, Jake Meador reclaims a vision of common life for our fractured times: a vision that doesn’t depend on the destinies of our economies or our political institutions, but on our citizenship in a heavenly city. Only through that vision can we truly work together for the common good.

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    • Mama Bear Apologetics



      The problem with lies is they don’t often sound like lies. Their attraction is their appeal. They seem harmless, and even sound right. So what’s a Mama Bear to do to protect her children and raise them in the truth?

      Mama Bear Apologetics is the book you’ve been looking for. This mom-to-mom guide will equip you to teach your kids how to form their own beliefs about what is true and what is false. Through honest storytelling and practical application, this band of Mama Bears offers tools to train your kids how to spot the lie traps intended to trip them up and the steps to take to stand strong on God’s Word.

      Are you ready to answer the rallying cry, “When you mess with our kids, we will demolish your arguments”? Join the Mama Bear movement and raise your voice to protect your kids.

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    • Kellers Heart


      A warm-hearted book for children of all ages

      This love story is not the kind with castles, dragons, and a princess trapped in a tower. But it has a special girl and a fluffy knight who rescue each other. The girl is Raven. She’s deaf. Children at school are hesitant to play with her, as if she’ll break. The fluffy knight is a dog, whose first owner, when he realized the puppy couldn’t hear or see, left him by the side of the road.

      From the moment these two meet, they understand each other. Raven asks her parents if she can adopt the dog from the local animal shelter. “She’d just read a book about an amazing woman who was deaf and blind named Helen Keller, so she called him Keller.”

      Keller teaches Raven sign language. Keller becomes Raven’s best friend. Together, they show those around them that it is OK to be different and that everyone needs a friend.

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    • 1 Blood : Parting Words To The Church On Race And Love (Unabridged) (Audio CD)


      Dr. Perkins’ final manifesto on race, faith, and reconciliation.

      We are living in historic times. Not since the civil rights movement of the 60’s has our country been as vigorously engaged in the reconciliation conversation. There is a great opportunity right now for culture to change, to be a more perfect union. However, it cannot be done without the Church, because the faith of the people is more powerful than any law government can enact.

      The church is the heart and moral compass of a nation. To turn a country away from God you must sideline the Church. To turn a nation to God the Church must turn first. Racism won’t end in America until the Church is reconciled first and then, and only then, it can spiritually and morally lead the way.

      In this his crowning work, Dr. Perkins speaks honestly to the church about the things he’s discovered to be crucial about reconciliation, discipleship, and justice… the principles vital to a complete ministry of reconciliation.”

      He offers a call to repentance to both the white church and the black church. He explains how band-aid approaches of the past won’t do. And while applauding these starter efforts, he holds that true reconciliation won’t happen until we get more intentional and relational. True friendships must happen and on every level. This will take the whole church, not just the pastors and staff.

      The racial reconciliation of our churches and nation won’t be done with big campaigns or through mass media. It will come one loving, sacrificial relationship at a time. The Gospel and all that it encompasses has always traveled best relationally. We have much to learn from each other and each have unique poverties that can only be filled by one another. The way forward is to become “wounded healers” who bandage each other up as we discover what the family of God really looks like. Real relationships, sacrificial love between actual people, is the way forward. Nothing less will do.

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    • Meals From Mars (Unabridged) (Audio CD)


      A fateful encounter late at night at a gas station in the hood brings together a white man from the suburbs and a young black man from the neighborhood. Stuck with each other for the night, they deal with their core prejudices, the walls that keep them from each other, and the discovery of their God-given humanity in one another. When talking about race, it helps to have something specific to talk about?a story we can all wrap our heads around. In Meals from Mars, Ben Sciacca provides that story: two men from different worlds forced by circumstance to see and hear and consider one another. It is a novel that demonstrates the social challenges and relational potential for racial reconciliation.

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    • Anorexia And Bulimia


      SKU (ISBN): 9781596369313ISBN10: 1596369310June HuntBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2014Hope For The HeartPublisher: Aspire Press – Hendrickson Publishing Group

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    • Bullying : Bully No More


      SKU (ISBN): 9781596369269ISBN10: 1596369264June HuntBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2014Hope For The HeartPublisher: Aspire Press – Hendrickson Publishing Group

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    • Living On Our Heads (Unabridged) (Audio CD)


      Our nation suffers from an epidemic of upside-down thinking and we are poorer and weaker for it. That is the central premise of this new book by Rod Parsley. In it Parsley opens with a references to the 1970 movie Little Big Man in which Dustin Hoffman discovers that an old acquaintance has become a Contrary, an Indian with a mental disorder that causes him to do everything backwards such as washing with dirt and drying off in the river. Also cited are the perverse, inverted Bizzaro world of certain Superman comics and the concept of Newspeak from George Orwell s 1984, which declared: War is peace; freedom is slavery; and ignorance is strength.

      In tone, the book is mildly satirical and uses humor and good-natured mockery liberally to poke fun at the absurdity of the twisted positions held by so many cultural elites. The style and tone would similar to that of syndicated columnists Mark Steyn and Jonah Goldberg.

      Structurally, this work is divided into two sections, each covering a theme that illustrates the book s premise of upside-down thinking and values. Each section will open with a brief overview of the topic; contain 8-10 chapters covering some example or point; and conclude with a clear declaration of right-side-up thinking.

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    • Hope For The Depressed


      Depression makes so many things hard. Things you used to take for granted-a good night’s sleep, having goals, responding to someone’s love, looking forward to the future-now seem beyond reach. Is there any hope and help for those who are struggling with depression?

      Edward T. Welch insightfully describes the world of the depressed person and gives a biblical perspective on the causes of depression. Then he outlines small, practical steps that will teach you to cry out to God and depend on him in the middle of your struggle.

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    • I Just Want To Die


      Are you having suicidal thoughts and feelings? Perhaps you are convinced that life is not worth living. Your life seems hopeless, like a black hole with all love, hope, and joy sucked out. David Powlison describes the various reasons you might be feeling hopeless and explains that God is not surprised or put off by your hopeless feelings.

      Are you having suicidal thoughts and feelings? Perhaps you are convinced that life is not worth living. Your life seems hopeless, like a black hole with all love, hope, and joy sucked out. David Powlison describes the various reasons you might be feeling hopeless and explains that God is not surprised or put off by your hopeless feelings.

      Your life is precious to God. He knows everything about you-even how many hairs are on your head. He wants you to bring your despair to him and cry for help. He will answer and replace your suicidal thoughts with hope for a future filled with love for him and others.

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    • Relativism : Feet Firmly Planted In Mid Air (Reprinted)


      16 Chapters

      Additional Info
      Many Christians are concerned about the tide of moral relativism that is rising steadily in our country. And rightly so: Relativism affects our education system, the legal system, and how people think about everyday issues. Yet little has been written on the topic outside academic circles.

      This void is filled by Frank Beckwith and Greg Koukl, who analyze relativism and present strategies to defend the belief in moral absolutes. Using a commonsense approach, Koukl defines relativism, traces its growth over the past few decades, and critiques the logical inconsistencies to which its supporters are led. He then presents a case for moral objectivism. Beckwith, building on Koukl’s foundation, evaluates the influence of relativism on issues including abortion, homosexuality, political correctness, multiculturalism, and tolerance. In each of these areas, he provides compelling arguments for thinking people.

      Following in the tradition of C. S. Lewis and Francis Schaeffer, Relativism is an important guide for those who are concerned about intellectual issues that challenge the Christian faith.

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