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    Science and Faith

    • 2084 And The AI Revolution Updated And Expanded Edition (Expanded)


      Will technology change what it means to be human

      You don’t have to be a computer scientist to have discerning conversations about artificial intelligence and technology. We all wonder where we’re headed. Even now, technological innovations and machine learning have a daily impact on our lives, and many of us see good reasons to dread the future. Are we doomed to the surveillance society imagined in George Orwell’s 1984

      Mathematician and philosopher John Lennox believes that there are credible responses to the daunting questions that AI poses, and he shows that Christianity has some very serious, sensible, evidence-based things to say about the nature of our quest for superintelligence.

      This newly updated and expanded edition of 2084 will introduce you to a kaleidoscope of ideas: ?

      *Key recent developments in technological enhancement, bioengineering, and, in particular, artificial intelligence.?

      *Consideration of the nature of AI systems with insights from neuroscience?

      *The way AI is changing how we communicate, implications for medicine, manufacturing and the military, its use in advertising and automobiles, and education and the future of work

      *How data is used today for surveillance, thought control?

      *The rise of virtual reality and the metaverse

      *The transhumanist agenda and longtermism?

      *The agreements and disagreements that scientists and experts have about the future of AI?

      *The urgent need for regulation and control in light of the development of large language transformers like CHATGPT.?

      *Key insights from Scripture about the nature of human beings, the soul, our moral sense, our future, and what separates us from machines.?

      In straight-forward, accessible language, you will get a better understanding of the current capacity of AI, its potential benefits and dangers, the facts and the fiction, as well as possible future implications.?

      Since the questions posed by AI, daunting as they might be, affect most of us, they demand answers. 2084 and the AI Revolution, Updated and Expanded Edition has been written to challenge and ignite the curiosity of all readers. Whatever your worldview, Lennox provides clear information and credible answers that will bring you real hope for the future of humanity.

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    • Playing God : Science Religion And The Future Of Humanity


      Could science one day ‘defeat death’?

      What would alien contact mean for humanity?

      Has medicine finally found a cure for sadness?

      Will AI replace us?

      For too long, the ‘science and religion’ debate has fixated on creation, evolution, cosmology, miracles and quantum theory. But this, argue Nick Spencer and Hannah Waite, is a mistake. Religious belief has survived, and thrived, under many different models of the universe. It was never intended to be a competing explanation for the science of any age. Where science and religion really do come together – sometimes furiously, sometimes fruitfully – is over the status and nature of the human. And that has never been more important than today.

      Whether it’s the quest for immortality or the search for alien life, the treatment of pandemics or ‘animal personhood’, AI or mental health, abortion or genetic editing, science is making advances that are posing huge questions about what it means to be human, whether we should change ourselves, and how far we should ‘play God’.

      These developments are only going to grow in significance. Playing God brings readers up to date with the latest developments but also draws out their moral and religious dimensions. In so doing, it shows how the future of science and religion is inextricably tied up with the future of humanity.

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    • Science And Faith In Harmony


      Rather than discord between science and Christian faith, there is a harmony as grand as any choral masterpiece

      The idea that Christianity and science are inextricably in conflict is a relatively recent conception. However, with each new scientific discovery and scriptural insight, it’s an idea that’s being proved to be insupportable.

      Sy Garte has immersed himself in both science and faith and knows they work beautifully together to sing of the greatness of God. Now this respected scientist shares how God’s world (nature and science) and God’s word (made flesh in Christ) are bound together in loving harmony.

      In Science and Faith in Harmony, Garte examines modern scientific concepts and what they can teach us about theological truths, such as the dual nature of Christ. He explores the ways in which the terminology and language of science and faith consistently match each other. Despite his deep dives into theology and science, Garte does not get overly technical in his writing. Instead, he is personal and passionate, speaking directly to readers with a tone of joy and wonder, inviting them to join the chorus of praise to the Lord.

      Readers still wondering whether the truths of science and Christian faith are in conflict need this book. Following the path of Christ and holding a scientific worldview at the same time is not only possible but also leads to a fuller, richer life of harmony and truth.

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    • Maravilla De La Creacion – (Spanish)


      En este cautivador libro que da seguimiento al devocional para nios !Cuan grande es nuestro Dios!, el fundador del movimiento Passion Louie Giglio nos ofrece mas hechos cientificos fascinantes y verdades biblicas que fomentan la fe sobre la maravilla de la creacion de Dios.

      En La maravilla de la creacion, los nios encontraran un nuevo deleite en la creatividad de Dios con 100 devocionales que exploran:

      *Animales: desde pajaros guias de miel, hasta serpientes voladoras y rinocerontes blancos

      *Espacio: desde agujeros negros hasta lunas volcanicas y estallidos de rayos gamma

      *Personas: desde ilusiones opticas, hasta congelamiento cerebral y nuestro sistema inmunologico (incluyendo germenes, virus y vacunas)

      *Tierra: desde rios arcoiris y lava azul, hasta glaciares flotantes

      *!Y mucho, mucho mas!

      Con ilustraciones atractivas y fotografias impactantes, este libro divertido e informativo es ideal para nios de 6 a 10 aos. Cada uno de los 100 devocionales presenta un hecho cientifico o una actividad facil para explorar la fe, un breve versiculo biblico y una oracion para terminar. Con una cubierta en relieve brillante y un marcador de cinta, La maravilla de la creacion:

      *Es ideal para nios amantes de la ciencia, nios amantes de la Biblia y cualquier nio listo para profundizar en la fe

      *Continua una serie devocional muy querida de la cual se han vendido mas de medio millon de ejemplares

      *Es una gran adicion a un plan de estudios CTIM, (Ciencia, tecnologia, ingenieria y matematicas), de educacion en el hogar o una rutina de lectura para antes de dormir

      Mientras los nios se sumergen en este devocional impresionante, !se sorprenderan de las muchas maravillas que Dios ha hecho!


      In this captivating follow-up to the bestselling kids’ devotionals Indescribable and How Great Is Our God, founder of the Passion movement Louie Giglio offers more mind-blowing, faith-building scientific facts and biblical truths about the wonder of God’s creation.

      In this book, children will find new delight in God’s creativity with 100 devotions that explore:

      *Animals: from honeyguide birds to flying snakes to white rhinos
      *Space: from black holes to volcanic moons to gamma-ray bursts
      *People: from optical illusions to brain freezes to our immune systems
      *Earth: from rainbow rivers to blue lava to flowing glaciers
      *And much, much more!

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    • And God Said



      What if the story you’ve been told all your life, about everything coming into being through time and chance, with no real purpose except to survive, was wrong? What if instead, science pointed to a Designer, who in turn had something to say about your life? This book, written with great clarity and conviction, allows you to compare these big questions against evidence from true science, so that you can research and discover the need for an Intelligent Designer. As well as core content on subjects like the Big Bang, Dating Methods, Dinosaur Fossils, and the Flood, this updated edition includes new chapters on DNA, Unfossilised Dinosaur Bones, and C14 Dating. And God Said… will give an answer to diligent enquirers and to vociferous critics alike. It has been recommended by three science professors who, like many in their field over the last two hundred years, find no contradiction between science and faith.

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    • Wonder Of Creation


      In this captivating follow-up to the bestselling kids’ devotionals Indescribable and How Great Is Our God, founder of the Passion movement Louie Giglio offers more mind-blowing, faith-building scientific facts and biblical truths about the wonder of God’s creation.

      Well-known for his powerful messages about science and the Bible, Louie Giglio has a passion for inspiring kids to notice, enjoy, and be in awe of God’s creation. In The Wonder of Creation, children will find new delight in God’s creativity with 100 devotions that explore:
      *Animals–from honeyguide birds to flying snakes to white rhinos
      *Space–from black holes to volcanic moons to gamma-ray bursts
      *People–from optical illusions to brain freezes to our immune systems (including germs, viruses, and vaccines)
      *Earth–from rainbow rivers to blue lava to flowing glaciers
      *And much, much more!

      With engaging illustrations and striking photography, this fun and informative book is ideal for children ages 6-10. Each of the 100 devotions features a scientific fact or an easy activity for exploring faith, a short Bible verse, and a closing prayer.

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    • Science And The Bible


      Is the Bible fundamentally at odds with science?

      Science and the Bible are often pitted against each other, causing many to either defend science at Scripture’s expense, or vice versa. Instead, what if we saw them as friends? Can Christians appreciate scientific insights like they do archaeological discoveries–as a source of knowledge to illuminate the biblical world and our own?

      In Science and the Bible, David Instone-Brewer takes a refreshing and non-antagonistic approach, asking how science can aid our interpretation of the Bible. The result is stimulating on topics such as God’s omnipresence, the origin of languages, the nature of eternity, the relationship of spirit and soul, the reality of resurrection, and Jesus’ human experience.

      In short, readable chapters, Science and the Bible enables the curious layperson to reread the Bible with fresh perspectives from modern scientific insights.

      The Scripture in Context series is driven by the conviction that there is nothing as exciting, direct, provocative, and spiritually enlightening as the Bible when we read it as it was meant to be read. Each book in the series dives into the ancient cultural context behind Bible passages, examining the effect this context had on what the Bible writers were saying and how we should understand their words today. When we read the Bible in light of its context, it is anything but boring. Instead, God’s word can speak to us as powerfully as it did to those who first read it.

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    • Case For A Creator (DVD)


      Strobel, whose apologetics titles The Case for Christ and The Case for Faith have enjoyed strong popularity among evangelicals, approaches creation/evolution issues in the same simple and energetic style. The format will be familiar to readers of previous Case books: Strobel visits with scholars and researchers and works each interview into a topical outline. Although Strobel does not interview any “hostile” witnesses, he exposes readers to the work of some major origins researchers (including Jonathan Wells, Stephen Meyer and Michael Behe) and theistic philosophers (including William Lane Craig and J. P. Moreland). Strobel claims no expertise in science or metaphysics, but as an interviewer he makes this an asset, prodding his sources to translate jargon and provide illustrations for their arguments. At times, the interview format loses momentum as seams begin to show between interview recordings, rewrites, research notes and details imported from his subjects’ CVs (here, Strobel’s efforts at buffing his subjects’ smart-guy credentials can become a little too intense). The most curious feature of the book-not uncommon in the origins literature but unusual in a work of Christian apologetics-is that biblical narratives and images of creation, and the significance of creation for Christian theology, receive such brief mention. Still, this solid introduction to the most important topics in origins debates is highly accessible and packs a good argumentative punch.

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    • Answers To Evolution Wall Chart


      SKU (ISBN): 9781890947873ISBN10: 1890947873Binding: OtherPublished: September 2004Publisher: Rose Publishing

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    • Creation Wall Chart Laminated


      The Creation wall chart shows the six days of creation from Genesis 1. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth . . .” This dynamic full-color illustration shows what God created each day: light, sky, land, sea, plants, sun, moon, stars, sea life and birds, animals and people. It is also great for teaching about Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. Perfect for teaching adults or children, or just as a beautiful decoration

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    • Creation And Evolution Wall Chart


      SKU (ISBN): 9780965508278UPC: 646723000301Binding: OtherPublisher: Rose Publishing

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