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Louie Giglio

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  • Indescribable Atlas Adventures


    With more than 50 infographic maps, this illustrated world atlas for kids from bestselling author Louie Giglio will stretch your children’s understanding of the world as they discover more about God, science, and His amazing world!

    Indescribable Atlas Adventures offers a self-guided tour for your favorite explorer throughout the seven continents and over 50 countries. Easy-to-read maps, more than 1,500 facts, and a world map that helps kids identify each continent and country will help your child to think globally and discover new insights into God’s incredible creation. Each map includes:

    *an overview of each country’s population, languages, and prominent features;

    *key facts about the country’s capital cities; neighboring countries; and the national bird, tree, and dish;

    *notable people and their amazing achievements;

    *the country’s terrain, climate, wildlife, contributions to space exploration, cultural hallmarks, and Christian faith traditions; and

    *biblical and inspirational pieces, like devotional thoughts, prayers, and Bible verses that highlight how amazing God and His world are.

    Indescribable Atlas Adventures is for ages 6 to 10 and spotlights several fascinating ecosystems, like the Sahara, Amazon, and Great Barrier Reef. This book has a large trim size to help kids explore fun details on each page and is a perfect “my first atlas of the world” gift for curious kids.

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  • Waiting Here For You Bible Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Guide


    The story of Christmas is one of waiting. It is a story of how the people of Israel waited years and years for the promised Messiah to arrive. But the story of Christmas is also one that reveals how God works during seasons of waiting-times in which he is developing us to carry out his plans in our lives.

    In Waiting Here for You, bestselling author and pastor Louie Giglio leads you through the season of Advent and show how your waiting is never wasted when you are waiting on God. You’ll study (video sessions and run times):

    *God Is Working While You Wait (16:30)
    *God Will Use Your Waiting (17:30)
    *Waiting on God and with God (17:00)
    *God Is Waiting for You (17:00)

    This study guide with streaming video has everything you need for a full Bible study experience, including the study guide itself, plus an individual access code to stream all video sessions online.

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  • Ver A Dios Como El Padre Perfe – (Spanish)


    Ustedes son elegidos, amados, apreciados, queridos y creidos por un Padre perfecto. En Ver a Dios como el Padre perfecto, Louie Giglio nos invita a experimentar a Dios de una manera que transforma la vida: como un Padre perfecto que quiere que vivamos bajo la cascada de Su bendicion.

    Cuando piensas en Dios, te imaginas un dictador que exige lealtad absoluta o un entrenador que espera que cumplas con sus expectativas? O incluso un asistente virtual para ayudar cuando se agotan otras opciones? Esta edicion actualizada del exito de ventas nacional Nunca olvidados desafia nuestra percepcion de quien es Dios y nos seala a un Padre celestial que no esta ausente ni es ambivalente, sino que esta disponible, es afectuoso, y esta listo para colmarnos de Su aprobacion y amor.

    No importa lo que haya pasado de este lado de la eternidad entre tu y tu padre terrenal, Ver a Dios como el Padre perfecto te ayudara a:

    *Aceptar quien es Dios y descubrir la verdad y la belleza de Su naturaleza

    *Entender que Dios te creo de manera unica y te ama incondicionalmente

    *Desatar las cadenas que te mantienen cautivo y encontrar la libertad en quien eres en Cristo

    *Caminar en la plenitud, la autoridad y la intimidad de un hijo de Dios

    Cuando nos aferremos a la verdad de que nuestro Dios ha atravesado el cielo y la tierra para alcanzarnos, ya no seremos definidos por nuestro pasado, sino por el amor de un Padre perfecto. Aprende como Dios quiere que experimentemos Su amor unico e incondicional y que vivamos en la libertad, la abundancia y la bendicion que El da gratuitamente.

    Seeing God as a Perfect Father

    You are chosen, loved, prized, wanted, and believed in by a perfect Father. In Seeing God as a Perfect Father, Louie Giglio invites us to experience God in a life-changing way: as a perfect Father who wants you to live under the waterfall of His blessing.

    When you think about God, do you imagine a ruler who demands absolute loyalty, or a coach who expects you to perform to his expectations? Or even a virtual assistant to help when other options are exhausted? This updated edition of the national bestseller Not Forsaken challenges our perception of who God is and points us to a heavenly Father who is not absent or ambivalent, but is available and affectionate, ready to shower us with His approval and love.

    No matter what has happened on this side of eternity between you and your earthly dad, Seeing God as a Perfect Father will help you:

    *Embrace who

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  • Seeing God As A Perfect Father


    You are chosen, loved, prized, wanted, and believed in by a perfect Father. In Seeing God as a Perfect Father, Louie Giglio invites us to experience God in a life-changing way: as a perfect Father who wants you to live under the waterfall of His blessing.

    A. W. Tozer wrote, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” How we view God makes all the difference in our lives. It informs everything about who we are and who we’re becoming.

    When you think about God, do you imagine a ruler who demands absolute loyalty, or a coach who expects you to perform to his expectations? Or even a virtual assistant to help when other options are exhausted? This updated edition of the national bestseller Not Forsaken challenges our perception of who God is and points us to a heavenly Father who is not absent or ambivalent, but is available and affectionate, ready to shower us with his approval and love.

    No matter what has happened on this side of eternity between you and your earthly dad, Seeing God as a Perfect Father will help you:

    *Embrace who God is and discover the truth and beauty of his nature
    *Understand that God uniquely created you and loves you unconditionally
    *Unlock the chains holding you captive and find freedom in who you are in Christ
    *Walk in the fullness, authority, and intimacy a child of God

    When we take hold of the truth that our God has spanned heaven and earth to reach us, we will no longer be defined by our past but by the love of a perfect Father. Learn how God wants us to experience his unique, unconditional love and to live in the freedom, abundance, and blessing He freely gives.

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  • Winning The War On Worry


    God is greater than fear and all its cousins–depression, anxiety, panic, and worry. And Louie Giglio reminds us that because of that truth, we can immediately start the process of resizing worry and replacing it with trust.

    Winning the War on Worry has the potential to set readers on a new path and give them the tools they need to replace worry with a greater sense of trust in the Almighty. When we experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we could ever comprehend, He will guard our hearts and minds as we live in Christ Jesus.

    Jesus has given you all that you need for life and godliness. He has already won the war on worry, defeating death, hell, and the grave once and for all. As you read this simple yet powerful book, you will begin to see more clearly how:

    *Worry is a liar, but we can choose whether we want to listen to the Enemy or our Heavenly Father

    *Fear fuels worry, which fuels our need for control, but God’s perfect love drives out fear

    *You can stand firm on the truth that Jesus both wants to and is able to carry what’s worrying you

    *We can replace anxious thoughts with thoughts that line up with the character and nature of God

    Winning the War on Worry can set you on a new path and give you the tools you need to replace worry with a greater sense of trust in the Almighty. Through the practical journey laid out in this book, allow Louie Giglio to point you to the One who is greater, to the God who encourages His people: Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life (Philippians 4:6-7 msg).

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  • Maravilla De La Creacion – (Spanish)


    En este cautivador libro que da seguimiento al devocional para nios !Cuan grande es nuestro Dios!, el fundador del movimiento Passion Louie Giglio nos ofrece mas hechos cientificos fascinantes y verdades biblicas que fomentan la fe sobre la maravilla de la creacion de Dios.

    En La maravilla de la creacion, los nios encontraran un nuevo deleite en la creatividad de Dios con 100 devocionales que exploran:

    *Animales: desde pajaros guias de miel, hasta serpientes voladoras y rinocerontes blancos

    *Espacio: desde agujeros negros hasta lunas volcanicas y estallidos de rayos gamma

    *Personas: desde ilusiones opticas, hasta congelamiento cerebral y nuestro sistema inmunologico (incluyendo germenes, virus y vacunas)

    *Tierra: desde rios arcoiris y lava azul, hasta glaciares flotantes

    *!Y mucho, mucho mas!

    Con ilustraciones atractivas y fotografias impactantes, este libro divertido e informativo es ideal para nios de 6 a 10 aos. Cada uno de los 100 devocionales presenta un hecho cientifico o una actividad facil para explorar la fe, un breve versiculo biblico y una oracion para terminar. Con una cubierta en relieve brillante y un marcador de cinta, La maravilla de la creacion:

    *Es ideal para nios amantes de la ciencia, nios amantes de la Biblia y cualquier nio listo para profundizar en la fe

    *Continua una serie devocional muy querida de la cual se han vendido mas de medio millon de ejemplares

    *Es una gran adicion a un plan de estudios CTIM, (Ciencia, tecnologia, ingenieria y matematicas), de educacion en el hogar o una rutina de lectura para antes de dormir

    Mientras los nios se sumergen en este devocional impresionante, !se sorprenderan de las muchas maravillas que Dios ha hecho!


    In this captivating follow-up to the bestselling kids’ devotionals Indescribable and How Great Is Our God, founder of the Passion movement Louie Giglio offers more mind-blowing, faith-building scientific facts and biblical truths about the wonder of God’s creation.

    In this book, children will find new delight in God’s creativity with 100 devotions that explore:

    *Animals: from honeyguide birds to flying snakes to white rhinos
    *Space: from black holes to volcanic moons to gamma-ray bursts
    *People: from optical illusions to brain freezes to our immune systems
    *Earth: from rainbow rivers to blue lava to flowing glaciers
    *And much, much more!

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  • At The Table With Jesus


    At the Table with Jesus invites readers to sixty-six days of rich engagements with the Good Shepherd, providing deeper truths, power, and connection to walk through life’s troubles.
    Through practical daily devotions, At the Table with Jesus invites readers to sit at the table with the Good Shepherd, building a habit of living life with him. The journey starts in Psalm 23 but takes the reader throughout all of Scripture to build a stronger relationship with the God of the universe.

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  • Wonder Of Creation


    In this captivating follow-up to the bestselling kids’ devotionals Indescribable and How Great Is Our God, founder of the Passion movement Louie Giglio offers more mind-blowing, faith-building scientific facts and biblical truths about the wonder of God’s creation.

    Well-known for his powerful messages about science and the Bible, Louie Giglio has a passion for inspiring kids to notice, enjoy, and be in awe of God’s creation. In The Wonder of Creation, children will find new delight in God’s creativity with 100 devotions that explore:
    *Animals–from honeyguide birds to flying snakes to white rhinos
    *Space–from black holes to volcanic moons to gamma-ray bursts
    *People–from optical illusions to brain freezes to our immune systems (including germs, viruses, and vaccines)
    *Earth–from rainbow rivers to blue lava to flowing glaciers
    *And much, much more!

    With engaging illustrations and striking photography, this fun and informative book is ideal for children ages 6-10. Each of the 100 devotions features a scientific fact or an easy activity for exploring faith, a short Bible verse, and a closing prayer.

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  • Indescribable For Little Ones


    Discover the wonders of God’s creation! Bestselling author and pastor Louie Giglio brings Indescribable for Little Ones, an interactive board book that will introduce the littlest readers to God’s amazing world. Young children will be awestruck as they pull tabs and turn a wheel to reveal that everything, from the ants on the ground to the stars in the sky, was made by God.

    Louie’s popular kids’ devotional, Indescribable: 100 Devotions About God and Science, has touched hundreds of thousands of families by sharing incredible scientific facts alongside the wonder of God’s majesty. Now this same message is made easy for little ones, focusing on four areas of creation:

    This STEM-themed board book:
    *Is perfect for little hands and motor skills development with interactive pull tabs and wheels

    *Would be a brilliant gift for baby showers, birthdays, Easter baskets, and holiday gifting

    *Includes fun facts and Bible truths

    Kids will be in awe and have fun as they discover that everything, from the ants on the ground to the stars in the sky, was made by God.

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  • Goliath Must Fall For Young Readers


    Louie Giglio, the director of the Passion Movement that has reached more than a million young people, now brings his message of courage and faith to our kids in Goliath Must Fall for Young Readers.

    Our kids face more pressure and stress than ever before. Issues such as fear, jealousy, loneliness, and anxiety seem like giants standing in the way of the joy-filled childhood and adolescence we want them to have. In Goliath Must Fall for Young Readers, pastor Louie Giglio shows kids that only God can help them defeat those giants–and He will.

    Adapted for middle-grade readers from the national bestseller Goliath Must Fall, this new edition addresses the struggles kids today have with temptation, social media comparisons, friendships, and anxiety. Brand new call-outs and prompts help kids learn practical strategies to surrender their fears, overcome bad habits, and let go of the comforts this world tells them they have to have.

    As a pastor, international speaker, and founder of the Passion Global Institute, Louie Giglio knows the heartbeat of the next generation. Drawing on decades of experience helping young people realize God’s calling on their lives, Giglio speaks with the grace and wisdom we long for our kids to hear as they grow up.

    As Giglio reminds readers, they don’t have to settle for feeling stuck in their emotions or thoughts. The God who saved David from the giant Goliath is the same God who can save them today.

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  • Indescribable : 100 Devotions For Kids About God And Science


    Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science will engage curious minds and help them discover that God’s design truly is awe-inspiring. In 100 devotions on topics such as creation, the universe, our amazing bodies, and weather, kids will understand what millions of adults have gleaned from Louie Giglio’s beloved message Indescribable.

    Pastor and author Louie Giglio invites kids to think about the questions they encounter in day-to-day life and to find God’s glory in creation in his first-ever children’s book, Indescribable.

    Full of fun four-color illustrations and amazing photography to capture the beauty and wonder of the world we live in, Indescribable promises to challenge kids’ understanding as well as encourage their faith in God the Creator. Each devotion includes a science section that can range from amazing facts to awesome experiments kids can do on their own or with the help of a parent.

    Engage the hearts and minds of the young readers in your life, and satisfy the curious questions that pepper every day with Indescribable by Louie Giglio.

    One hundred entries from Louie will cover topics from all areas of science with devotions on these issues and more:
    *Space and the universe
    *Molecules and tiny matter
    *Medical science and medical miracles
    *Our amazing bodies
    *Geology and fossils
    *Weather and the atmosphere

    This devotional will be unique, engaging, and beautifully designed. Parents will be thrilled to share the messages of both science and faith with their children, giving Indescribable major appeal for years to come.

    This is a fabulous resource for Christian families and for Christian schools and programs.

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