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    • Stories Of Faith And Courage From The Vietnam War


      In Stories of Faith and Courage from the Vietnam War Larkin Spivey shows real people fighting and living through a difficult conflict and confusing era of American history. His stories are presented in a daily devotional format with scripture readings each day, revealing the amazing ways in which God acts to empower believers and answer doubts. Every person of faith will come closer to God through these pages, and religious skeptics will see many of their own questions explored in depth.

      Spivey also presents a concise history of the Vietnam War with overviews, maps, and photographs to give new insights into why America fought this war and how American, Allied, and South Vietnamese warriors in effect won it on the battlefield. Each month a different aspect of the conflict is emphasized, including the history after World War II, early U. S. involvement, guerilla fighting, conventional warfare, civic action, the Tet Offensive, Vietnamization, prisoners of war, air and helicopter operations, and finally, the long post-war road to reconciliation for Vietnam veterans.

      By combining the drama of front line action with the broader historical context of the conflict Spivey gives a picture of war and combat unavailable in other histories. Indexes enable readers to search stories by name or topic, including a wide range of life issues such as addiction, anger, anxiety, doubt, fear, forgiveness, hearing and understanding God, hope, leadership, miracles, post traumatic stress, salvation, suffering, trust, and much more. Readers can find stories specifically relating to corpsmen, medics, children, prisoners of war, missing in action, nurses, refugees, wives, women, and many other relevant topics.

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    • Stories Of Faith And Courage From Cops On The Street


      Stories of Faith and Courage From Cops on the Street is a 365-day devotional book in the Battlefields and Blessings series. Stories one for each day of the year come from members of the law enforcement community who have sensed God’s presence in some event relating to their work. The contributors represent every phase of law enforcement work and demonstrate that something happened relating in their particular stories that simply cannot be attributed to anything other than God’s hand.

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    • Stories Of Faith And Courage From Firefighters And First Responders


      Stories of Faith and Courage From Firefighters and First Responders is a 365-day devotional book in the Battlefields and Blessings series. With many stories from first responders who have been there, this book serves as a daily reminder that God is with you in even the most tragic calls. When armed with God s protective shield and grounded in His word and prayer, you are never alone, because God is with you.

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    • Jesus Te Llama – (Spanish)


      Jesus te llama is a devotional filled with uniquely inspired treasures from heaven for every day of the year.
      After many years of writing in her prayer journal, missionary Sarah Young decided to “listen” to God with pen in hand, writing down whatever she believed he was saying to her. It was awkward at first, but gradually her journaling changed from monologue to dialogue. She knew her writings were not inspired as Scripture is, but journaling helped her grow closer to God. Others were blessed as she shared her writings, until people all over the world were using her messages. They are written from Jesus’ point of view, thus the title Jesus te llama. It is Sarah’s fervent prayer that our Savior may bless readers with his presence and his peace in ever deeper measure.

      Jesus te llama es un devocional lleno de tesoros excepcionalmente inspirados del cielo para cada dia del ao.
      Despues de muchos anos de escribir en su diario de oracion, la misionera Sarah Young decidio “escuchar” a Dios con pluma en mano, poniendo por escrito cualquier cosa que creyo que El le decia. Fue embarazoso al principio, pero poco a poco sus encuentros diarios cambiaron de monologo a dialogo. Ella sabia que sus escritos no eran inspirados como lo son las Sagradas Escrituras, pero estos encuentros escritos le ayudaron a crecer en su acercamiento a Dios. Otras personas han sido bendecidas al ella compartir sus escritos, de tal manera que personas por todo el mundo estan usando sus mensajes. Estos estan escritos desde el punto de vista de Jesucristo, de ahi el titulo Jesus te llama. Es la oracion ferviente de Sarah que nuestro Salvador bendiga a los lectores en abundancia con su presencia y su paz.

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    • Stories Of Faith And Courage From The War In Iraq And Afghanistan


      Stories of Faith and Couragefrom the War on Terrorism is a 365 day collection of inspiring stories of courage perseverance and faithbased on Frst hand accounts of more than seventy who have served in the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.Through multiple, never-before-told stories, readers will uncover the personal challenges of the battlfield. In Battlefields & Blessings: Stories of Faith and Courage from the War on Terrorism you ll end the experiences and perspectives of deployed soldiers, chaplains, military wives and parents,
      organizers of humanitarian ecorts, veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

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    • Stories Of Faith And Courage From The Revolutionary War


      Consider how God “shed his grace” on the birth of our nation! Featuring inspiring accounts from America’s Revolutionary War, this unique devotional highlights the lives of patriots who looked heavenward during the time of conflict. Through Revolution-era letters, diaries, and sermons—plus a Scripture verse and brief prayer—each day’s selection explores a timeless theme such as loneliness, contentment, fear, and God’s will.

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    • Stories Of Faith And Courage From The Civil War


      The period from 1861-1865 proved to be one of the greatest periods of trial and suffering in our nations history. A significant lapse of time had passed since America had engaged in the horrors of war. After the war of 1812, little memory remained of the fact that war could be “hell.” A veteran of the war with Mexico, General “Stonewall” Jackson wrote to his wife and said, “People who are anxious to bring on war don’t know what they are bargaining for; they don’t see all the horrors that must accompany such an event.”

      When the prospect of a War Between the States became a reality, the average age of a young soldier was twenty-two. To an aspiring young man who was bored with “life on the farm,” the romanticism and exhilaration of battle was an allurement that soon tried the faith and physical stamina of all who crossed war’s threshold. The threat of losing life and limb from a hailstorm of bullets and shrapnel was compounded by the ever-present danger of dysentery, and all sorts of diseases with little means for treatment. In spite of these frustrating circumstances, many of the soldiers found great consolation and relief through prayer and reading the Bible.

      Battlefields and Blessings Stories of Courage and Faith from the Civil War is a devotional book that opens a rare treasure chest of intimate thoughts and feelings illustrated from the private letters and diaries of both men and women of faith during the Civil War period. The courage and faith examples of these “soldiers of Christ” will inspire both the mind and heart of every reader who desires to have a closer walk with God.

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    • Jesus Calling : Enjoying Peace In His Presence


      After many years of writing in her prayer journal, missionary Sarah Young decided to “listen” to God with pen in hand, writing down whatever she believed He was saying to her. It was awkward at first, but gradually her journaling changed from monologue to dialogue. She knew her writings were not inspired as Scripture is, but they were helping her grow closer to God. Others were blessed as she shared her writings, until people all over the world were using her messages. They are written from Jesus’ point of view, thus the title Jesus Calling. It is Sarah’s fervent prayer that our Savior may bless you with His presence and His peace in ever deeper measure.

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    • Gotta Have God Cool Devotions For Boys Ages 6-9 Volume 1


      Hey, Guys, did you know that God wants to be your best buddy? And this book can help you learn more about Him! Use Gotta Have God to get to know your heavenly Father better. As you read each devotion you will find out more about God and how to be a Christian. After you read, there is a cool activity each day to help you understand the Bible. Start today and learn why you Gott Have God!

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    • Believers Absolute Surrender (Revised)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780871238276ISBN10: 0871238276Andrew MurrayBinding: Trade PaperAndrew Murray Christian Maturity LibraryPublisher: Bethany House Publishers

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    • God And Me Devotions For Girls Ages 6-9 Volume 1


      We are pleased to introduce “God and Me”, a new series of three books from Legacy Press. From toddlers trhough pre-teens, girls need to know that God is the friend they can count on as they mature. This book teaches them to rely on Him as they learn more about the Bible and themselves. Each age-based book includes over 100 devotions and activities to help girls establish a dynamic Christian life. “God and Me” is part of Legacy’s Criss Cross Collection, a series of books written specifically for Christian girls. PUBCOMMENTS: This is one in a series of three dynamic devotional journals for girls. Each book is geared toward the interests of that specific age group. Every devotion includes a memory verse, theme statement, contemporary reading, prayer, and questions with space to write answers.

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    • Gotta Have God 3 Cool Devotions For Boys Ages 6-9 Volume 3


      Did you know that God wants to be your best buddy? Our best-selling series is back with even more devotions and activities to help your boy learn about the Bible and discover God’s plan for his life. Gotta Have God will inspire him to grow in his relationship with God!

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    • God And Me 3 Devotions For Girls Ages 6-9 Volume 3


      God and Me 3 is packed with fun stories and activities that will help girls draw closer to God every day! Each devotion will show girls how to walk with God and discover His promises for their lives.

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    • Echoes Of Eternity Volume 2 Listening To The Father


      Our oldest Christian traditions invite us to listen as well as speak when we pray, yet often the Voice seems barely audible, drowned out by the cry of our own wishes or thoughts that call for immediate attention. Echoes of Eternity, Volume 2 invites readers to continue that process with 365 short devotions. Each meditation includes a Scripture verse and encouraging words that speak of Christ as our anchor, the treasure of God’s love, his abiding peace–and more. Every entry opens the door for the reader to meditate further and hear what God is saying. Sized to slip into a pocket, Echoes of Eternity can facilitate a quiet moment alone with God at any tiume or place. This is the second and last volume of Echoes of Eternity as the Rev. Hal M. Helms died in 1997.

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