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    Christian Living

    • 40 Days Of Hope


      A 40-Day Devotional on Hope from Paul David Tripp

      This series of short devotionals from popular author and speaker Paul David Tripp encourages Christians to experience the life-giving message of the gospel every day. Each book contains 40 daily readings curated from the best-selling devotional New Morning Mercies and focused on a particular theme essential to the Christian life. Short enough to read in 5 minutes or less, each meditation will encourage readers to treasure the life-changing truths of God’s word more fully.

      Everyone places their hope in something. If the object of a person’s hope is temporary, hope will be temporary. But if hope is placed in something that is immovable and unchanging, hope will be eternal. In this short devotional, Tripp explores the role of hope in a Christian’s everyday life. Through 40 daily meditations, Tripp reminds readers that hope is not a feeling, object, or place, but a person-Jesus Christ.

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    • Surviving Religion 101


      Reflections on Keeping Your Faith in College

      Preparing for college is exciting for young adults-but are they truly prepared for the intellectual challenges they will face in and out of the classroom? College is not just a time filled with new and formative experiences; it can also be an intense season of testing for a young Christian’s faith.

      Writing in the form of a letter to his college-age daughter, Michael Kruger reflects on some of the biggest stumbling blocks Christian students often encounter at secular universities. Answering questions such as How can Christianity be the only right religion?; How can we know the Bible is really from God?; and Wouldn’t a loving God save everyone?, Kruger offers biblical, theological, and logical support for the Christian faith and provides students with the tools to navigate these challenging topics. College students wrestling with these issues will be encouraged to find security in God’s unfailing word even in the face of difficult questions.

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    • Until Unity


      The Church becomes more divided each day.

      Many seek reassurance or perceived unity by creating doctrinal statements, but that misses the point. Doctrine is necessary but it is not the solution.

      In his new book Until Unity, New York Times best-selling author, Francis Chan, shows readers that the real problem is shallow or even non-existent love for each other. Do we truly understand the gospel? Do we believe in the miracle of the Holy Spirit in us? As believers, Christians are supposed to yield the fruit of supernatural love for one another. Instead, we allow jealousy and selfish ambition to prevail.

      God hates this division between His children–and our indifference to it. He has provided the solution to the Church through gifting of leaders to equip His people in a way that leads to “unity of the faith”–but not at the expense of truth or holiness. Believers have done a poor job at this, but we can hear the call and be “eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3).

      Although the Bible commands unity, some will resist these unifying efforts. We see it every day. We have to hate sin, love truth, and pursue unity for the Church . This is messy, but no matter what, Christians must give everything they have to the pursuit of a unified, restored Bride.

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    • Sacred Search : What If It’s Not About Who You Marry, But Why (Revised)


      In the revised edition of his hit book The Sacred Search, author Gary Thomas helps single people of all ages make wise marital choices, in large part by rethinking what basis those choices should be made on.

      Readers are encouraged to think beyond finding their “soul mate,” an idea that has its roots in the philosophy of Plato, and instead adopt a more biblical search for a “sole mate”– someone who will walk with them on their spiritual journey.

      Thomas asks, What if we focused on why to get married more than on who to marry? What if being “in love” isn’t a good enough reason to get married? And most of all, what if God designed marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy?

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    • Solomon Promise : The Key To Healing America And Ourselves


      “If there is anything that characterizes God’s people in America today, it is the loss of the fear of God. If America depended on your prayer life, would there be revival?” –Henry Blackaby

      Today, we have a low view of God. The church has emasculated God in a futile effort to make Him more palatable and politically correct, and, in so doing, we have grossly distorted Him.

      With unease on the rise and division causing a rift in the nation, Blackaby reminds believers that “while leaders and governments can influence a nation, there is no group of people who can determine the coming years of a nation like God’s people.”

      God’s people keep praying for God to transform Washington, Hollywood, or Wall Street, but revival always begins with God’s people themselves. If there ever was a time America needed revival, it is now. Currently, 70% of churches have plateaued or are in decline. More than two-thirds of young people who grew up attending church are leaving the faith before they graduate from college. More than 4,000 churches in America close their doors every year.

      In The Solomon Promise, bestselling author Henry Blackaby shares the path to a revival of faith in America and the restoration of holiness to God’s people.

      How will you respond? Revival waits on the holiness of His people. This book provides the path that will lead us back.

      The Solomon Promise is an excellent book for all Christians eager to deepen their spiritual lives and experience the healing of America and themselves.

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    • Kingdom Men Rising


      God is good and powerful and wants the best for your life. He has big plans for you. You believe these things are true. But what is your own responsibility as a man when it comes to becoming all God created you to be? How can you walk in victory and faith and make an impact on others for God?

      Kingdom Men Rising challenges men to foster personal discipleship and apply discipleship skills and a leadership mindset to all areas of life. Dr. Tony Evans brings his insights, stories, and wise counsel from God’s Word to clear all obstacles in your path, leading you to the abundant life you’ve been called to live. And along the way, you’ll find your heart stirred to reach for more, no longer settling for a faith that just goes through the motions. The life of King David is used as the book’s foundation, and topics include overcoming temptation, restoration from sin, how to disciple others, and finally how to leave a legacy of faith and godly influence.

      Replace helplessness, boredom, and regret with vibrancy, power, and joy. Let Kingdom Men Rising help you take the next step in your faith to become the powerful man of God you were made to be.

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    • Strengthen Your Marriage


      Bestselling authors and trusted relationship experts Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott help you strengthen and enhance your unique marriage with the perfect companion to your SYMBIS+ Assessment Report.

      The SYMBIS+ Assessment is a powerful and personalized marriage insight tool that covers 17 key areas in your marriage, including well-being, social support, finances, personality, sex, communication, conflict, spirituality, time styles, and more.

      Whether you are debriefing your SYMIBS+ Report one-on-one with your certified Facilitator or in a small group or class, this guidebook is an ideal companion to the SYMBIS+ Assessment. Each chapter perfectly correlates to a page of your report–and they are sure to enhance your experience by helping you deepen your understanding of your results, personalize the concepts, and apply the valuable insights you learn.

      Chock-full of real-life action steps, no-guilt exercises, and fun discussion starters, you’ll discover how to:

      *Utilize the strengths you and your spouse bring to your marriage
      *Navigate your hot-button issues
      *Cultivate deeper intimacy and lifelong passion
      *Kick financial worries to the curb
      *Engage in heartfelt and meaningful conversations free of the usual tension

      Whether you have already debriefed your SYMBIS+ Report with a certified SYMBIS Facilitator, or you are about to, don’t miss out on what Strengthen Your Marriage will do for your relationship.

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    • Purposeful Sexuality : A Short Christian Introduction


      If God means for us to save sex for marriage, why doesn’t he just zap us with sexuality on our wedding night? Why do most of us experience sexual feelings throughout our adult lives, not just in the safe confines of marriage? Is limiting marriage to the union of a man and a woman anything but outdated prejudice? What is our sexuality actually for? Today’s culture overwhelmingly tells us that sex is essential for human flourishing. Far too often the church perpetuates the same message – as long as you are married. But far from being liberating, this idolising of sex leaves us even more sexually broken than before. With refreshing honesty and clarity, Ed Shaw calls on the church to rediscover its confidence in the Bible’s teaching about our ability to experience or express sexual feelings. He points us to how God’s word reveals that sexuality’s ultimate purpose is to help us better know God and the full power of his passionate love. He shows us how this is surprisingly good news for all our joys and struggles with sexuality.

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    • Silent Cries : Experiencing God’s Love After Losing A Baby


      When Edith was stillborn without warning, Jonny and Joanna were stunned and confused. Why wasn’t anyone talking about this? Where could they turn for help? Who would answer their burning questions?

      When Edith was stillborn without warning, Jonny and Joanna were stunned and confused. Why wasn’t anyone talking about this? Where could they turn for help? Who would answer their burning questions? One in in four pregnancies ends in miscarriage; one in 200 in stillbirth. And yet, while the church offers resources to cope with suffering generally, there is often an echoing silence when it comes to the trauma of baby loss. ‘When we lost our daughter Edith,’ say Jonny and Joanna, ‘it was painful indeed to find the lack of biblically rooted and pastorally sensitive resources.’ Nothing really hit the mark, so, though tears, they wrote this book. It comes to you, or someone close to you, with a massive hug. It is the authors’ prayer and passion that you will be amazed by our great God as you connect with deep truths from the Bible, bringing healing to your heart, mind and soul.

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    • She Writes For Him Stories Of Living Hope


      When we go through hard times we long for those who understand, who have gone down this road before us. This is your tribe.

      In this second edition of She Writes for Him: Stories of Living Hope you will hear voices of women sharing discoveries of hope, and even joy, they’ve uncovered in the most unlikely circumstances–the hard places of cancer, addiction, abuse, mental health issues, and suffering.

      Voices of experience, empathy, and encouragement share the shock of a cancer diagnosis, the need for a support structure, and how to endure the long haul of treatments.

      When addiction reaches into a family, one woman finds a way to honor her alcoholic father, another shares how to deal with addicted family members, and a third shares her path to triumph over a very real food addiction. From mental and spiritual abuse to the often-hidden shame of mental illness, to escaping the violence of an outlaw gang, women relate their candid true-life stories.

      These transparent accounts of finding the hope Christ gives will strengthen your faith and bring you inspiration for the circumstances of your own life.

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    • She Writes For Him Black Voices Of Wisdom


      In these turbulent times when the ugly stain of racism is at the forefront of our society, bringing rampant division and mistrust, we desperately need ways to come together.

      To build bridges of understanding between allin the body of Christ, we bring you twenty-three voices of Black Christian women, authors, ministers, educators, leaders, and mothers. Their powerful life experiences and heartfelt wisdom will shake you, open your eyes, and help you understand your sisters in Christ.

      From the ways women of color are treated in our society, to raising Black daughters and sons, to how a Black woman can have a white supremacist attitude, to how to respond as Christ would have us, their stories will be a link in bridging the gap between us with love.

      As a Christian, my response to all the tension, the polarization, and toxic environments currently unfolding in America is to consistently ask the Lord, How can I best represent you? . . . Change starts with you and includes repentance, listening, being willing to move out of your comfort zone, and having empathy for someone who doesn’t look like you.

      –Mercy Lokulutu

      May this powerful volume be a part of the bridge of love and understanding we need to walk across with our sisters.

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    • Teens Guide To Social Media And Mobile Devices (Audio CD)


      Ever regret something you’ve posted?

      Just how smart are you when it comes to streaming, messaging, gaming, commenting. . .?

      The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices will help you navigate the digital world with 21 refreshingly honest and humorous tips that will not only inform, but that also just might change the way you think about your social media interaction.

      21 real-life tips including. . .
      *Know the app before you snap.
      *Don’t post anything you wouldn’t want Grandma, your boss, and Jesus seeing! (Jesus is on Insta, you know!)
      *Peek at your privacy settings. . .so you know who’s peeking at you.
      *Take more “selflessies.”
      *Press pause before you post.

      …and many more will provide just the information you need to post wisely in an insecure world.

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    • Teens Guide To Face To Face Connections In A Screen To Screen World (Audio CD)


      What if your phone truly helped you connect with people more than disconnect with those around you?

      You CAN dare to be relationally different in a screen-to-screen culture.

      But. . .honestly, I like my phone.So what should I do?

      You probably enjoy screens but don’t want them hurting your relationships with the people who matter most, right? What if you could improve your face-to-face relationships, develop deeper connections, resolve conflict, and confidently communicate with friends, parents, teachers, roommates, coworkers, potential employers…even the barista at your local coffee shop?

      What if you paused to think before you posted, avoiding some of the hurt and consequences that almost always lead to regret after?

      What if you became a master of your own screen-time instead of letting it master you?

      What if you became more screen-wise?

      40 real-life realizations including. . .
      * Your phone doesn’t have an UNSEND button.
      *Texting is a dumb way to manage conflict.
      * We all need a digital detox every once in a while.
      * Sometimes less is more.
      * Sometimes the people we love the most are the people we ignored all day.

      Author and youth culture expert, Jonathan McKee, and his daughter Alyssa McKee, uncover forty random realizations they’ve discovered over the last five years. Screens provide fun platforms to connect with faraway friends; and sometimes the people we love the most are the people we ignore all day. Jonathan and Alyssa help young adults navigate face-to-face communication in a screen-to-screen world too! Maybe they’ll help you navigate face-to-face communication in a screen-to-screen world too!

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    • Dugout Devotions 2


      Are you ready for a grand slam?

      Dugout Devotions II inspires you to stand in the batter’s box and knock the curveball out of the park in your own life. These unique interview-based devotions offer a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the spiritual lives of many of Major League Baseball players. Be inspired by these players:

      *Brian Dozier
      *Robinson Chirinos
      *R.A. Dickey
      *Clayton Kershaw
      *Francisco Lindor
      *Michael Lorenzen
      *Andrew McCutchen
      *Al Oliver, and more!

      Recounting their successes both on and off the diamond, you’ll see their struggles are real, just like yours. Their challenges could knock them down, except for their faith in God. Are you ready to join them on the field and strengthen your faith?

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    • Confident Woman Journal


      Live boldly in the love of Christ with Bible teacher and #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer.

      For women who have tried every solution imaginable to be the best version of themselves, but nothing seems to be working, Joyce Meyer has the answer: Confidence.

      Joyce explains that confidence stems from being positive in your actions and living honestly, but most importantly from having faith, in God and in ourselves. By using the characteristics outlined in Confidently You, this journal gives women a place to write out their concerns and prayers.

      With encouragement from Joyce Meyer to guide us, we can work towards becoming the confident woman we were created to be.

      Ellie Claire’s LeatherLuxe(R) material plus a four-color interior design combine to make The Confident Woman a stunning journal. The rich feel of leather is finished with round corners to make this journal an extraordinary gift for any time of year.

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    • 10 Questions Every Kid Should Ask And Answer About Christianity


      Written by Rebecca McLaughlin, Author of Confronting Christianity

      In a world of increasing ideological diversity, kids are being challenged to think through their own beliefs at an early age. Questions like How can you believe the Bible is true?; Why can’t we just agree that love is love?; and Isn’t Christianity against diversity? can seem like roadblocks for kids who are following Jesus, as well as for those who might otherwise consider faith in Christ. In this helpful book-written both for Christian kids and for those who think Jesus is just a fairy tale character-Rebecca McLaughlin invites readers ages 12-15 to dig deep into hard questions for themselves and perhaps discover that the things that once looked like roadblocks to faith might actually be signposts.

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    • Wild At Heart Expanded Edition (Expanded)


      The bestselling book that has revolutionized the lives of millions of men, revised and expanded.

      John Eldredge has revised and expanded his phenomenal bestseller, Wild at Heart, and invites men to become most complete selves by:
      *recovering their masculine heart;
      *seeing themselves in the image of a passionate God; and
      *delighting in the strength and wildness that they were created to offer.

      In this life-changing book, John Eldredge provides a look inside the true heart of a man and gives men permission to be what God designed them to be–dangerous, passionate, alive, and free.

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    • In The Grip Of Grace


      Do you live in fear of never doing enough? Do you feel like if you just work harder, work longer, work smarter, you’ll get the right results?

      In a world full of achievement, praise, and accolades, we can easily fall into the trap of thinking we can save ourselves and direct our lives with our own actions. But the way of the cross guides us toward a place where we stop striving, stop pushing, and stop self-initiating-so that we can fall into the boundless, liberating, refreshing grace of God!

      New York Times bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado urges us to exchange the pressure of accomplishment for the peace of God’s grace.

      In In the Grip of Grace, Max Lucado will help you:
      *Release a false sense of self-sufficiency.
      *Rest in God’s unbending and unending gift of grace.
      *Remember that God is for you and will carry you through every circumstance.

      Today, leap from the cliff of self-sufficiency. Step out of the gates of legalism. Walk off the pier of guilt and condemnation. That’s the only way to land in the strong arms of the Father who loves you . . . the Father who catches you-every time-in the grip of his grace.

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    • Seeing Beautiful Again


      In the middle of the pain you didn’t cause, the change you didn’t want, the reality you didn’t know was coming . . . your life can still be beautiful. We all have stories full of sorrow and celebration because of situations we’ve faced. But with God, there’s always more than we see being worked out behind the scenes. In Seeing Beautiful Again, New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst shares how she processed seasons of disappointment and heartbreak, while inviting you to hope again.

      Lysa assures us that the aching pain we feel is proof there’s a beautiful remaking already in process if we don’t give up. Through these 50 devotions, Scriptures, prayer prompts, and personal notes from Lysa, you will:

      *Gain healthier ways to process your pain and learn to see your situations through truth-based perspectives.

      *Disempower the lie that how you feel about your life is the full story by remembering with God there’s always something more true, lovely, and good right now.

      *Stop feeling alone in your struggles by spending guided time with God each day alongside Lysa, a friend who will bear witness to your hurts but also help you move on.

      While there’s no denying there are parts of our story we’d love to edit out, what if those circumstances are the unlikely ingredients God is using to weave together a greater good we’d never want to miss out on? Together we’ll discover the indescribable gift of our God, who breathes life into even the shattered pieces of our stories, creating something new and more beautiful than ever before.

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    • Give Grace : How To Embrace The Beauty Of Life’s Brokenness


      Are you traveling through a difficult season? With journaling pages, discussion and reflection questions, inspiring stories, and colorful design throughout, Give Grace, written by Megan Smalley, provides you with a safe place to process the ups and downs of life and find new inspiration to trust God’s plan as you rest in his unfailing love.

      Through her own journey with loss and hope, Megan is passionate about sharing the message of God’s grace for our lives, whatever we are experiencing today. In Give Grace, she shares her painful experience with infertility, as well as heartfelt stories of encouragement and personal growth from her own life, in order to come alongside us in our own times of questioning and waiting.

      Give Grace will help you:
      *Feel comfortable discussing the challenging times
      *Grow spiritually and reflect on deeper thoughts
      *Identify the purpose behind your pain

      Give Grace is also an ideal gift for anyone going through a challenging time to let them know that they are cared for, loved, and able to handle anything with God’s grace. If you are traveling through a difficult season–however big or small–you will find comfort in the Scripture, stories, and reflections in this beautiful book.

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    • Getting Through Grief For Youth


      In Getting Through Grief for Youth, young adults will look to the Word to wrestle and watch as God’s promise to make all things new and His promise of life transform their hope.

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    • Anxiety : Calming The Fearful Heart


      The fearful unknowns, unending what-ifs, sleepless nights, and nervousness lead to a sense of impending doom. Then muscles tense, thoughts race, hearts pound, and breath is shortened. It’s anxiety. Anxiety is complex and multifaceted, affecting every area of life. The good news is that God invites you to bring your anxiety to him. Discover how God’s word can help calm the fearful, anxious heart.

      *What causes anxiety?
      *What are anxiety disorders?
      *The connection between anxiety, stress, and depression.
      *Myths and misconceptions about anxiety.
      *How to control your thoughts.
      *How to calm your body.

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    • Sanity Of Belief


      We’ve all heard the arguments that Christianity is irrelevant, irrational and even immoral. But what if the Christian faith makes sense of all that matters? In this thoughtful, engaging book, Simon Edwards challenges the assumptions that may lead us to reject a faith and doubt something that we’ve never really had the chance to understand in the first place. From our need for meaning and significance, to our desires for truth, goodness, love and hope, he explores the things that matter to us as human beings and shows us why the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ might just make sense of them all. The Sanity of Belief is a fresh take on apologetics, faith and doubt, that will leave you with a stronger understanding of Christian belief and how it relates to today’s world. It is ideal for anyone looking for a clear, down-to-earth introduction Christianity, or for those wanting to reaffirm the foundations on which their faith is based.

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    • Your Spiritual Formation Plan (Workbook)


      My spiritual formation journey picked up speed when I repented of my sin in a fresh way and sought God. I was just a boy when God got ahold of my heart early and changed my life.

      Even in my adolescence, God used some of the core disciplines in this book to shape me, the effects of which I still carry with me today. My parents had laid the groundwork, and God used that foundation and a handful of other people to jumpstart my early experiences with God.

      It was God himself who formed me.
      In the time since those early experiences, as God has continued to form me (and even put up with me), I’ve compiled lessons along the way, and this workbook contains some of the most important ones I’ve learned thus far on my spiritual formation journey.

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    • My Utmost For His Highest Updated Language


      This limited edition of My Utmost for His Highest in updated language gives you a beautiful book to treasure for yourself or give as a gift. You’ll enjoy the distinctive contemporary yet classic design featuring a laser-cut cover. In between the covers, you will find the beloved 366 thought-provoking meditations that have resonated with millions over the years. With the timeless truths of Scripture and Oswald Chambers printed on the pages inside and the striking cover outside, this is a book you will enjoy again and again.

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    • Dying To Speak


      Jesus’s last words on the cross hold great meaning and deep redemptive significance. In this devotional work we are reminded of the implications of these words for our lives.

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    • Finding Hope In Crisis


      Life changes in a nanosecond when storms sweep in, often without warning. With minds barely able to think clearly, we often set our Bible aside. In reality, that’s when we need its comfort and strength most. This devotional is written for those in crisis, for those longing for hope but lacking the ability to focus on a lengthy Scripture passage.

      This book contains 90 devotions. Each day’s entry follows a pattern:

      *Key Verse
      *Pause (devotion)
      *Ponder (application question or action step)
      *Pray (short prayer)
      *Relevant quote

      This book is for those who are in crisis. This looks different for everyone. For some, it means facing the fallout of betrayal or divorce. For others, it means a cancer diagnosis, the death of a loved one, experiencing job loss or home foreclosure, or watching an adult child make choices that carry lifelong consequences. Some would say that hitting a relationship roadblock with a friend or family member constitutes crisis, while others would say it’s losing their family pet.

      Regardless, their greatest need is hope. They need reassurance that God’s love will never let them go, his presence will never leave them, and His strength will carry them through. Finding Hope in Crisis addresses these needs.

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    • Worry : The Joy Stealer


      “Don’t worry about it.” Too often, this is easier said than done! For some, worrying comes as natural as breathing and is easy to dismiss as a by-product of concern: “I worry about you because I care about you.” Whether it’s about passing a test, a loved one’s safety, or personal pressures, the weight of the what-ifs leave us weary and steal our joy. In Worry: The Joy Stealer you’ll discover:

      *What exactly is worry?
      *What makes people worry?
      *How is worry different from anxiety and concern?
      *What factors contribute to worry?
      *How to correct faulty thinking.
      *How to stop worrying and start living.

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    • Stories Of Faith And Courage From The Marines


      In Stories of Faith and Courage from the Marines, Larkin Spivey shows real Marines fighting and living through difficult conflicts and wars. This book will strengthen the faith of its readers by showing the power of other’s faith, that have perhaps walked in your shoes, under the most extreme circumstances imaginable.

      His stories are presentd in an 180 day devotional format with scripture readings each day, revealing both the routine and the astounding ways in which God acts to empower believers and answer doubts.

      You will also see that Spivey presents a history of events with overviews, maps and photographs giving new insights into why men and women fight for their country.

      This unique combination of front line drama, coupled with the broader historical context of conflicts, gives a picture of war and combat unavailable in other histories.

      Readers will come away appreciating those who have lived loudly for liberty.

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    • Chosen Book Two 40 Days With Jesus


      The healing of the crippled man at the pool of Bethesda. The Sermon on the Mount. The calling of Simon the Zealot.
      The Chosen – Book Two features forty brand-new devotions that each contain a Scripture, a unique look into a Gospel story, suggestions for prayer, and questions that lead you further in your relationship with Christ.

      See Jesus through the eyes of those who knew him best and explore the backstories of people like Simon the Zealot, Philip the Apostle, and the Samaritans.

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    • Libertad De Perdonar – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9781087730905ISBN10: 1087730902Language: SpanishJairo NamnunBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2021Lectura FacilPublisher: B and H Publishing Group

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    • Conversaciones Con Jesus – (Spanish)


      Jesus amaba hablar con la gente. En los Evangelios, podemos ver multiples ocaciones en las que sostuvo profundas conversaciones con personas muy diversas. En Conversaciones con Jesus, el pastor Otto Sanchez, nos ensea la esencia del mensaje de Jesus, a traves de una clara aplicacion de estos dialogos con personas a traves de su propia vida.

      Jesus loved to talk to people. In the Gospels, there are multiple occasions where we find Him having a profound dialogue with people from different backgrounds. In Conversations with Jesus, pastor Otto Sanchez shares the essence of Jesus’ message through a vivid application of these dialogues with people in his own lifepath.

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    • Turning Of Days


      Return to creation. Encounter the Creator.

      From the beginning, Scripture tells of a God who created the heavens and earth. It tells how he made the sea and land, the rosebud and beetle. But what might the heavens and earth tell us were we to listen to them? What wonders might the birds and flowers share? What might we discover of order, chaos, beauty, and unabashed grace?

      Turning of Days beckons you to a world of tree frogs and peach blossoms, mountain springs and dark winter nights–all in search of nature’s God. All in harmony with Scripture. Join Hannah Anderson, the author of Humble Roots, as she journeys through the four seasons searching out the spiritual and theological truths woven deep within the natural world. This collection of devotional essays and illustrations will feed your soul, guiding you into a life of observation and awe, a life that sees His glory everywhere.

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    • Make Their Day


      You dream of making your presence really count in the lives of others, but you don’t know where–or how–to start. You want to be remembered as a woman who scattered kindness to everyone she knew, but you feel like your busy schedule constantly gets in the way.

      In this practical and deeply touching guide–inspired by her book Reach Out, Gather In–popular author Karen Ehman gives you 101 actionable ideas you can implement today to truly make a difference in the lives of other people. Make Their Day is filled with creative ideas to connect with your family and friends on a deeper level throughout the year. This book will help you develop habits of kindness, reconnect with friends and family, and make encouraging people a priority. You’ll be able to put these ideas into action in real time with everyone in your life–even if hospitality doesn’t come naturally to you or you don’t think you have time.

      Let’s outshine the negativity and hatred in our world, and reach out to others with love, just as God intended.

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    • Brave : A Teen Girl’s Guide To Beating Worry And Anxiety


      As a parent, you can use certain strategies to help your teenage daughter when she struggles with worry and anxiety. But it is also important that she learns how to work through her emotions on her own, especially as she approaches adulthood.

      This guide–created for girls ages 13 to 18–will help your daughter understand anxiety’s roots and why her brain is often working against her when she starts to worry. With teen-friendly information, stories, and self-discovery exercises, including journaling and drawing prompts, she will learn practical ways to fight back when worries come up. She will find more of her voice and her confidence. In essence, she will find more of herself and the brave, strong, deeply loved girl God made her to be.

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    • We Will Not Be Silenced


      When You Want to Speak Up but Aren’t Sure What to Say

      You’ve witnessed-and experienced-how Christians are silenced or intimidated because of their beliefs. To merely uphold biblical perspectives is rejected as bigotry and even hatred. Certain segments of today’s culture are quick to shame and pressure everyone to conform to their expectations.

      If you find yourself becoming discouraged by the growing tide of hostility, We Will Not Be Silenced will lift your heart by revealing you are not alone in this battle, while also giving you guidance on how to live your faith with courage. You will learn how to…
      *identify the harmful views being normalized in America and respond to them with truth and gentleness
      *thrive in the face of persecution and display Christlike love through your words and actions
      *show genuine compassion to those who live secular lifestyles without affirming their life choices

      We Will Not Be Silenced will equip you to move beyond fear and joyfully accept the challenge of representing Christ to a watching world that needs Him more than ever before.

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    • Things Atheists Say


      There is a new breed of atheist in town. They’re intelligent, vocal, and sometimes very aggressive. They communicate with boldness and conviction, but are they correct? After all, many of the things they say simply make no sense. Patrick Prill examines the ideas of several modern atheists and a few atheists of the past: Stephen Hawking, Richard Dawkins, Victor Stenger, Paul Kurtz, Peter Singer, Alex Rosenberg, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, Bertrand Russell, and Friedrich Nietzsche–to name a few. Many of them are well-known and highly regarded, but does everything they say really make sense? Is their case for atheism sound? This book addresses thirty-six of the most common things atheists say when they challenge people of faith. After examining what prominent atheists passionately proclaim, in light of evidence and reason, it seems the case for God’s existence emerges stronger than ever.

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    • Masters Or Slaves


      For most people Artificial Intelligence is the dream of sci-fi writers or the scaremongering of popular authors who suggest AI will soon surpass human intelligence. The rapid increase in computer power coupled with the availability of vast amounts of personal data has resulted in the widespread deployment of AI around the world. This significant uptake of current technology across a large range of industry and commerce, as well as by public institutions and healthcare, has created a range of ethical dilemmas. These include data privacy and freedom, the influence of AI on our personhood through to the use of human-like digital agents, the assignment of moral agency to self-drive vehicles, and the impact on work. Our response to these ethical issues will determine whether we become slaves to or masters of this technology.

      Masters or Slaves? lays a theological and ethical foundation for our response by considering what the Bible teaches about our being made in God’s image, moral responsibility, the dignity of work, and idolatry. A framework for evaluating the impact of AI is proposed, starting with a taxonomy of applications reflecting different influences and challenges to humanness. A virtue approach is used for determining our responses, as individuals and as a society. The book concludes with a number of propositions as a ‘Christian manifesto’ for AI.

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    • 7 Words You Never Want To Hear


      When life is over and you stand before God, what will he say to you? There is no greater tragedy than for someone to go through their entire life thinking they are a Christian only to hear these seven fateful words at death: “I never knew you; depart from me” (Matt. 7:23). A.W. Tozer said, “It is my opinion that tens of thousands, if not millions, have been brought into some kind of religious experience by accepting Christ and they have not been saved.” How can you be sure that your profession of faith is more than just words? Seven Words You Never Want to Hear explores the mystery of salvation through the Scriptures and personal stories. Author Denise Wilson invites you to take the challenge that the apostle Paul gave to the church at Corinth-examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith. The gospel changes everything-beliefs, lifestyles, and priorities. Has it changed you? Don’t wait until death to find out if you got it right.

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    • Pray Like Jesus


      SKU (ISBN): 9781629999265ISBN10: 1629999261Mark Driscoll | Ashley ChaseBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2021Publisher: Charisma House – Charisma House

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    • How To Eat Your Bible


      Loving God means loving His Word.

      If you’re feeling distant from God, could it be because you’re ignoring His Word? But maybe you don’t know where to start. Maybe the long books and strange names feel overwhelming. Maybe you just don’t like reading. Whatever the case, How to Eat Your Bible will help you cultivate an appetite for life-long study of God’s Word. Find practical guidance for overcoming the hurdles that have kept you from making Bible study a regular part of your life. You’ll also become encouraged to pursue God’s Word by learning how other Christians throughout time maintained this crucial practice. Pastor Nate Pickowicz also includes a unique Seven Year Bible Plan so that you can apply what you’ve learned and continue drawing near to God as you consume His Word.

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    • Sacred Tears : Simple Reminders That God Sees You And Loves You


      You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. Psalm 56:8 NLT

      Whatever you are going through as you read this, you need to hear these words: God sees you, He loves you, and your story is not over. Every tear you shed is precious to Him. Your suffering is not in vain.

      This collection of heartfelt essays, eye-catching word art, inspiring Scripture verses, honest prayers, and uplifting photography will meet you in your place of pain, offering solace and refuge for your weary soul.

      Lovingly written by Lindsey Wheeler, a pastor’s wife and adoptive mom who lives with chronic pain, Sacred Tears will bring you the blessed respite you’ve been longing for and remind you that you are never alone. You’ll discover what to do when you feel far from God, how to trust Him even when you don’t understand His plan for you, and how to handle the difficult decisions that often accompany painful situations. All this and more await inside.

      Experience the hope and comfort only God can provide.

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    • Begin Again : Your Hope And Renewal Start Today


      God is in the business of fresh starts. Are you struggling with sadness, pain, or disappointment? If so, take heart. A new chapter awaits you.

      New York Times bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado celebrates God’s promise to restore and renew. Max prepares us for the journey ahead by encouraging us to:
      *Trust that God is the author of new beginnings
      *Rely on God’s love and protection
      *Hold on to enduring hope
      *Make a difference in the lives of others
      *Set our sights on our eternal home

      This compilation-which also includes original, never-before-heard content from Max-assures us of the new possibilities ahead.

      Take the next step toward hope and renewal. It’s never too late to Begin Again.

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    • Bible Recap : A One-Year Guide To Reading And Understanding The Entire Bibl


      Have you ever closed your Bible and thought, What did I just read? Or maybe you have tried to read through the Bible in a year, but quit when it felt confusing or impersonal. The Bible Recap is here to help. Tara-Leigh Cobble, host of the popular Bible Recap podcast, walks readers through a one-year chronological Bible reading plan and explains each day’s passage in an easy-to-understand way.

      Emphasizing how God’s character can be seen throughout Scripture, the recaps are simple and short yet deep enough to help you understand the hard parts and press into knowing God better. As Cobble says, The primary role of Scripture is to show me who God is, and if I behold God, my life will naturally conform around what I learn about him. The Bible Recap will not only help you understand the entire narrative of the Bible, it will fortify your faith.

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    • 8 Days In Jerusalem


      This Easter….celebrate your life in Christ!

      Jesus’ final eight days in Jerusalem changed history, the world, and all of humankind, one person at a time. In those final days, Jesus proclaimed His identity as God’s Son. He established His mission as the promised Messiah. He revealed His role as Prophet. He entered the city as King to humbly become our sacrificial offering.

      Eight Days in Jerusalem, a forty-day devotional, will help you appreciate anew the gift of Jesus’ deep love for you.

      With an accompanying four-week Bible study curriculum by the same name, Eight Days in Jerusalem will help you piece together the significance of everything that happened in those brief and redeeming days. This Easter, celebrate your resurrected life in Christ.

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    • I Am A Sheep


      If someone were to call you a sheep, you might take offense to it. However, in the eyes of God, being His sheep is meant in a loving way as one cared for by the Good Shepherd, Jesus. Author Debbie Cole learned of this truth during a period of struggle in her life.

      While practicing sheep herding with her dogs, Debbie began to notice how sheep interacted with her. Through this experience, Debbie believes God was showing her the need for her to follow Jesus as a sheep that He cares for. Her new book, I AM A SHEEP?!?!, expounds on Debbie’s journey of faith in learning who she is as a child of God, a sheep of the Good Shepherd, Jesus. She combines the truths she learned with the experiences herding sheep and witnessing how sheep respond to someone they trust, like a shepherd. Despite the valley she was in, Debbie made time for daily Bible reading and study.

      The twenty-third psalm from King David is what stood out to her as one capturing the essence of a believer trusting the Good Shepherd, as He leads us next to still waters and green pastures.

      Readers will enjoy learning the distinct characteristics and qualities that sheep have, shown through the author’s time with her flock, as well as how parallels can be drawn between a sheep and shepherd and our relationship with God and Jesus. There are also questions at each chapter’s end to inspire thought on the topics shared. Sheep may be seen by some as unwilling to follow their shepherd, but I AM A SHEEP?!?! proves sheep following after Jesus are following the one that loves and cares for them the most. Debbie Cole draws from her experience as a shepherd, sheep owner, dog handler, and devoted Christian to shed light on how our relationship with Jesus parallels His love for the sheep of this world. She has valuable experience in tending sheep and competing in sheep dog trials and thus possesses deep insight into their nature and tendencies. She is a skilled sign language interpreter and has presented many classes and lectures on this relationship to both Deaf and Hearing audiences. For many years she has spread the love she received from Christ with her husband, two daughters, ten grandchildren, and all who know her.

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    • Daily Acts : A Yearly Guide To Prayer And Praise


      A J. Westin Book Title

      Is your prayer life stuck in a rut? Do you have difficulty staying focused while praying? Do you feel like you want or need to pray, but don’t know how to begin your conversations with God?

      You are not alone. The biblical mandate, “Devote yourselves to prayer” (Colossians 4:2), is one we all have difficulty fulfilling. However, Lalla Lee Campsen’s book, Daily ACTS, will strengthen your personal commitment to prayer.

      Conceived and formulated over a span of more than twenty years, Lalla Lee’s useful and encouraging prayer guide provides direction in prayer for individuals and groups alike. With God’s Holy Word as the foundation, and the acronym ACTS (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication) as the framework, Lalla Lee’s biblical prayers have been embraced by prayer warriors across the nation. Her guide is a proven resource for cultivating a vibrant prayer life.

      Daily ACTS organizes biblical prayers, praises, and reflections by topic. Prayers are arranged alphabetically; for particular people; for the holidays; and by scriptural themes such as the fruit of the Holy Spirit, the Greatest Commandment and the Lord’s Prayer.

      Prayer is a means of grace. To partake in this means of grace, Daily ACTS provides structure for intercession enriched by devotional reflection and theological insight. By God’s grace, this systematic guide will produce a more meaningful prayer life and intimate relationship with the triune God.

      Let Daily ACTS help you “devote yourself to prayer” and reap the blessings that ensue.

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    • Forgiving What You Cant Forget


      New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst helps readers address how to stop suffering from what others have done to them while exploring what forgiveness is, what it isn’t, and how to deal with difficult relationships.

      Have you ever felt stuck in a cycle of unresolved pain, playing offenses over and over in your mind? You know you can’t go on living like this, but you don’t know what to do next. And you just aren’t sure if you’ll ever get past it.

      Lysa TerKeurst has walked this journey, wrestling with deep hurts and struggling to move forward. And she’s discovered that–to find life-giving freedom–you have to let go of bound-up resentment and resistance to forgiving people who aren’t willing to make things right. With deep empathy, therapeutic insight, and rich Bible teaching coming out of 1,000 hours of study, Lysa will help you:

      *learn how to move on when the other person refuses to change and never says they’re sorry;

      *walk through a step by step process to free yourself from the hurt of your past and feel less offended today;

      *discover what the Bible really says about forgiveness and the peace that comes from living it out right now;

      *identify what’s stealing trust and vulnerability from your relationships so you can believe there is still good ahead; and

      *disempower the triggers hijacking your emotions by embracing the two necessary parts of forgiveness.

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    • Jesus In Me


      USA TODAY, PUBLISHERS WEEKLY AND ECPA BESTSELLER * The internationally recognized Bible teacher and daughter of Billy Graham combines unique biblical insights and her own personal stories to show how the Holy Spirit guides us in our decisions, comforts us in pain, and stays by our side at all times, enriching our daily lives.

      In Jesus in Me, Anne Graham Lotz draws on her rich biblical knowledge as well as her personal journey-including her recent cancer diagnosis-to help us understand that the Holy Spirit is not a magic genie, a flame of fire, or a vague feeling. He is a Person who prays for us, guides us in our relationships and decisions, comforts us in pain, and stays by our side at all times. In this seminal teaching, she explores seven key aspects of the Holy Spirit that will revolutionize how you understand and relate to this vital third Person in the Trinity.

      As Anne writes, “One of my deepest, richest joys has been discovering by experience who the Holy Spirit is in every step of my life’s journey. Each name that He has been given-Helper, Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor, Counselor, Strengthener, and Standby-reveals another aspect of His beautiful character and has provoked in me a deep love for the One who is my constant Companion . . . Jesus in me.”

      Discover how to better love and rely on the person of the Holy Spirit-and embrace how much He loves you through His presence, power, and provision in our daily lives.

      Praise for Jesus in Me

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    • Grief The Unwanted Journey


      Grief is no stranger in life. Sometimes it strikes unexpectedly, as in the death of a child or through an accident. At other times, though expected due to age or long-term illness, it still comes bringing with it a multitude of emotions. Janet’s reflections on events that brought grief into her life and the lives of others help the reader understand there are similar emotions we all face, yet no one grieves the same. Through these reflections, readers are encouraged to journey from hurt and pain to find God’s inner joy and peace, recognizing the ability to grieve is a gift given by God to help us heal.

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