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    Christian Living

    • People Just Like Us


      SKU (ISBN): 9781527108752ISBN10: 1527108759Alun EbenezerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2022Publisher: Christian Focus Publications

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    • Making Room In Advent


      Preparation for the Christmas season can often feel busy and frantic, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

      What if we stopped and listened to the movement and unfolding of God’s plan around us? Making Room in Advent is an invitation away from the chaos and into the space where God is at work.

      The unfolding of God’s plan often happens in unlikely spaces, both in Scripture and in our own lives. Join Bette Dickinson as she moves through the story of Jesus’ birth and the stories of the many people that were part of the journey. Each page is filled with an original painting that will fill you with hope and wonder during the Advent season. The twenty-five devotionals offer spiritual practices, breath prayers, and reflection questions that allow you to truly make room for God’s work in your life, your community, and the world.

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    • Art Of Christmas


      A star, a stable, angels, shepherds, kings and, at the heart of it all, a mother and her baby. . .

      Jane Williams’ meditations on the birth of Jesus take you deep into the story of the original Christmas, as depicted in some of the world’s greatest paintings.

      These profoundly perceptive reflections on the different ways in which artists have imagined the nativity will deepen and refresh your appreciation of the real meaning of Christmas, and the message of love, joy, and peace that it speaks to all the world.

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    • Best Of You


      Dr. Alison Cook delivers life-changing strategies for helping women develop their voices, forge healthy relationships, and embrace the holy, sacred work of becoming their true selves in God.

      As a counselor, Dr. Alison Cook has met with thousands of women who feel stuck in an endless cycle of people-pleasing and permission-seeking. Even after learning to say no more frequently or after setting better boundaries, many women still feel lost and unsure of how to create the whole-hearted life and authentic relationships they crave. In response, Dr. Cook developed transformative strategies to help them discover what they really need and want.

      In The Best of You, Dr. Cook reveals the hurtful impact of childhood wounds, the negative effects of certain church messages, and the misguided influences of cultural biases. Readers walk with her through these tough questions:

      *How can I find my God-given voice and begin to express my needs?

      *How do I put a stop to painful patterns that keep recurring in my life?

      *How do I trust myself to make healthy decisions when I’m in the midst of difficult circumstances?

      *How do I stand up for myself and yet still be a loving person?

      *How do I deal with a toxic parent, friend, or spouse?

      With real-time reflection that prompts readers to embrace their own stories–even the painful parts–Dr. Cook points women to a loving God who truly sees them and wants their good. With God’s help, they discover a path to healing that includes the holy, sacred work of learning to pay attention to themselves. The Best of You teaches women how to move from the exhaustion of managing perceptions to the joy of true connection with themselves, God, and other people.

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    • Help Is Here


      God wants us to have the energizing strength of the Holy Spirit.

      There is a weariness among us. We are weary from the loads we carry and the challenges we face. We have questions we cannot answer and problems we cannot solve. We’d hoped that life would be an invigorating pilgrimage, a high-country adventure. We never expected to grow so tired, so soon.

      Yet, what if there is help? Someone to walk with us and guide us, to shoulder the load. And what if this help was heaven-sent? Not another person who, like us, is prone to blisters and leg cramps. Someone who is ever strong and powerful. Never tires. Always near. Unhindered by what hinders us. Interested? Then there is good news: the Holy Spirit is among us-help is here.

      In this book, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado will help readers:
      *Learn who the Spirit is and how the Spirit can help
      *Become joyful, enthusiastic, and empowered people as they draw closer to God *Confidently face any difficulty with the power of the Spirit

      Challenges come with life, but they need not define our lives. Help is here!

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    • Sacred Us : A Call To Radical Christian Community


      For every person who has felt lonely or isolated, The Sacred Us explores a new way of living through the practice of biblical community.

      In a world that celebrates individuality and autonomy, too many of us struggle to form deep, meaningful relationships. Loneliness is the norm, rich friendships are rare, and the church is no exception. We long for real community but often don’t know how to get there. What will it take to develop healthy friendships?

      The Bible gives us a compelling blueprint for community, but it must be built on more than shared interests or Sunday-morning smiles.

      This book explores the substance of biblical community through seven principles:

      *Proximity that provides opportunity
      *Vulnerability that creates connection
      *Discipleship that sets direction
      *Fun that amplifies grace
      *Mission that drives adventure
      *Sacrifice that matures love
      *Boundaries that sustain growth

      These principles seek to guide the reader beyond loneliness and isolation into a life of rootedness and connection.

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    • Why Did God Give My Kids Free Will


      Do you sometimes wonder about God’s plan, specifically why He gave our children free will to do the things they do? More thoughtful and holy thinkers have tackled the question.

      It’s a mystery, mostly, but in its raw form, parental mishaps help us get closer to God. Consider:

      *Learning patience while spitwads land in your drink
      *Embracing the absurdity of teens wearing shorts in the winter
      *Practicing gentleness as you explain (again) why it is important to restock the toilet paper

      Regret, humiliation, control … you can let go of these when you laugh and make peace with the idea that God may just have a sense of humor after all.

      With anecdotes, prayers, devotionals, and reflections, Why Did God Give My Kids Free Will? shows readers the hilarious, spiritual journey of life with kids sure to inspire and unite Christian parents.

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    • Joseph Principles : Turning Adversity And Heartache Into Miraculous Living


      Has life gone the way you thought it would go? Have your senses of safety, security, and confidence been replaced with fear, doubt, anxiety, and even depression and despair? By following the biblical example of Joseph and the teachings of Jesus, learn to turn your hurt and trials into a springboard for a more tangible and intimate relationship with God.

      In 2016, a year after releasing his book Jesus Speaks, bestselling author Steven K. Scott’s mentor and dearest friend, Gary Smalley, fell asleep in his bed and woke up in heaven. Steven had lost not only his best friend of forty-three years but also his most enthusiastic encourager.

      Brokenhearted, he lost his passion to write. In 2020, Steven was hospitalized, wondering if he’d survive COVID, and the Holy Spirit let him know, in no uncertain terms, that it was time to break free from past hurts and disappointments, start living in the present, and do what God had called him to do. Inspired, Steven began studying the life of Joseph, a biblical figure who suffered trauma after trauma but used his suffering as a tool.

      With so many people living in a world of hurt and uncertainty, The Joseph Principles gives you what you need to heal your hurts and successfully navigate through current trials and future adversities. By following examples from Joseph’s life and the corresponding teachings of Jesus, begin confronting your deepest hurts and find freedom, using your past trauma as a springboard to a closer relationship with God.

      Through The Joseph Principles, you will:

      *Discover a clear pathway to the joyful and abundant life that Jesus makes available to his followers

      *Find amazing hidden treasures that can truly change the course of your life

      *Experience God in the “miracle of the moment” by not dwelling on the past or jumping to the future

      *Be empowered to forgive even when you don’t want to–even the worst of your offenders

      *Discover God’s love language to become more intimately connected with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit

      *Bring miracles of God’s love, mercy, compassion, wisdom, and righteousness into every aspect of life

      In The Joseph Principles, you’ll discover specific steps to provide a clear pathway to the joyful and abundant life that Jesus provides for believers.

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    • Seasons Of Sorrow


      On November 3, 2020, Tim and Aileen Challies received the shocking news that their son Nick had died. A 20-year-old student at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, he had been participating in a school activity with his fiancee, sister, and friends, when he fell unconscious and collapsed to the ground. Neither students, nor a passing doctor, nor paramedics were able to revive him. His parents received the news at their home in Toronto and immediately departed for Louisville to be together as a family. While on the plane, Tim, an author and blogger, began to process his loss through writing.

      Nick’s death resonated through the evangelical world. His memorial service in the United States and funeral in Canada were watched by thousands. Tim’s blog posts were read by hundreds of thousands as he gave voice to his sorrow and anguish, but also to his faith and hope. Seasons of Sorrow includes a selection of those early reflections, but also many pieces Tim has written since and not shared with the public. Separated into four seasons, from Fall to Summer, and written mostly in the present tense, Seasons of Sorrow shares real-time reflections from the first year of his grief.

      Seasons of Sorrow begins in the Challies living room with the phone call every parent dreads–We did everything we could. It ends exactly one year later as Tim ponders the final first. In a year of many firsts–a first Thanksgiving with an empty chair, a first Christmas with an empty stocking, a first birthday with no gifts, the anniversary of Nick’s death is the final first and, thus, a fitting conclusion. Along the way, Tim shares the poignancy of his early grief, the doubts and fears that plagued him, the faith that sustained him, and the hope that has given him joy even through such sorrow.

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    • Can You See Me Now


      Smartphones…social media…video chats. If women are more connected than ever, why do so many suffer from isolation and loneliness?

      We all want to belong and be loved. But, what happens when you get passed over, left out, or seem invisible?

      How do you make new friends, navigate drama, and enjoy authentic connections?

      Can You See Me Now? reveals how you were handpicked by God to express love, thrive in community, and enhance the world around you. Cheri Strange’s scriptural approach combined with captivating stories will show you how to:

      * Cultivate the courage to connect with others
      * Find people who fill your heart rather than drain your soul
      * Counter the nay-sayers who prefer you remain quiet
      * Kiss goodbye to the old tendencies to blend into the wallpaper


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    • Covenant Story : Trusting The Love Of A Faithful God


      Whether you’ve spent your life in church or are a curious observer of the Christian faith, you can’t help but wonder. Is God good, and can I trust him? Can I trust the Bible? How am I supposed to read this ancient book of confusing stories? Does the God of the Bible actually make a difference in my here-and-now life?

      The Bible tells a story-and it may be one you haven’t considered. It is the story of God and humans in an unexpected relationship of faithfulness and love. It’s about people who fail and about the God who pursues them with his unrelenting covenant love. And it concludes with a miracle plot twist so astonishing, it changes everything.

      Written with beautiful prose, The Covenant Story is a breathtaking picture of the covenant relationship we all can share with the faithful God who loves us, who never ceases to be for us, and who has promised to never abandon us. This is The Covenant Story-and it is the story we are invited to enter.

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    • Be Well : Learning To Steward Your Health


      Would you like to take better care of your body but aren’t sure what to do? Focusing on our souls doesn’t mean we should neglect taking care of our bodies. But often we are so busy caring for others and keeping to our schedules that we think we can’t fit in one more thing!

      Lainey Greer helps us see that the body matters to God and Christians are called to be faithful stewards of our physical health. Our faith should inform both our spiritual and physical practices, as we are immaterial (spirit) and material (physical) beings. Taking care of our bodies by adopting healthy habits is one way we reflect their value. Learn how healthy nutrition, sufficient rest, proactive stress management, and proper exercise are all ways to honor God and remain equipped for his service.

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    • When Your Child Is Ill


      Walking with a child through health problems can be a frightening and painful process for both parents and their children, whether facing a sudden catastrophic diagnosis, a chronic condition, or even common childhood ailments. Children want to understand what is happening and why, and parents may face rising fear and anxiety when their children are in distress. How do you guide your child through this difficult experience?

      Pediatric infectious diseases physician Scott James come alongside struggling parents with guidance for walking through hard times with a hurting child. He will help you acknowledge the pain and difficulty of your child’s illness, stand on the solid ground of God’s Word as you trust his promises to care for you in any circumstance, and receive the blessing of meaningful relationships as a member of the body of Christ. As you walk through this trial, you will find Jesus to be a faithful guide to a hard-fought hope.

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    • Alongside Jesus : Devotions For Teenagers


      Have you ever considered that Jesus could actually be walking alongside you? Like right now, in this very moment even though you can’t see him. If you knew that for sure, how would it change your day? Your life? Because you can’t see or hear Jesus with your physical eyes and ears, walking with him takes a different kind of seeing and hearing. And as you learn to walk with him, your faith will grow, and your life will never be the same.

      Through a month of meditations, Drew Hill invites you to look for Jesus with the eyes of your heart and learn to hear his voice. As you encounter Jesus, you will begin to see yourself through his eyes.

      The Alongside Devotional uses a daily devotional format, and each chapter takes a look at a different truth about Jesus and invites you to establish an Alongside Practice that will help solidify this truth in your heart. Each week includes a weekend conversation with your “Alongsider” a parent, mentor, or friend who can help you process what you’re reading. These encounters with Jesus will help you see that Jesus is closer than anyone else could ever be.

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    • Moments With God For Kids


      Kids have a lot of questions about God: Does God know what I’m thinking? Do animals go to heaven? Is the Big Bang Theory in the Bible? They’ll find the answers to these questions-and more-in this engaging 100-day devotional. Each entry begins with Scripture to introduce a big question and then invites kids to think deeper about what they’ve learned. Plus, they’ll be equipped with language to talk with others about God and His amazing creation. For ages 8 to 12.

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    • Moments With God For Women


      To-do lists are long and time runs short, but a moment with God each day brings peace to even the fullest of schedules. Designed for busy women, this devotional makes it simple to find space in the day for time with the Lord. It connects stories and Scripture, making His Word relevant to your life and faith. Each entry also includes options for further reflection on Scripture and renewal through prayer.

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    • Broken And Redeemed


      Broken and Redeemed is the story of one man’s journey, beginning with John Jarman’s troubled childhood and challenges as an adult, and resolving as he finds redemption in the grace of God.

      John Jarman openly writes his challenges, failures, losses, and blessings on the pages of Broken and Redeemed. While exploring himself through counseling and mentorship, John was led to completely surrender his life to Jesus, finding strength in faith and power through the presence of the Holy Spirit in his life. He shares with readers what helped him reach this critical juncture and transformation in his life, along with relevant self-reflection and discussion questions for group or personal use.

      It is John Jarman’s desire that Broken and Redeemed guides readers through a deeper examination of their faith–one that exposes how accepting Christ is easy but walking in true obedience will place them in situations they never thought they would encounter. John knows that listening to God’s voice and following it will lead willing believers on the path He wants to take them; when they get on board with Him, that is when they truly begin to live!

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    • Chosen Book Three 40 Days With Jesus


      The Chosen Book Three features forty brand-new devotions that contain a Scripture, a unique look into a Gospel story, suggestions for prayer, and questions that lead you further in your relationship with Christ.

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    • Raising Resilient Kids


      Children need to believe their future is bright. The more disappointments they don’t recover well from, the less likely they are to dream. When they do not process challenging experiences well it can lead to defeat, rather than encourage them to grow and mature. Far too many children don’t grasp their strengths and, as a result do not believe they can overcome negative encounters. Apathy sets in. Discouragement persists. Arguments rage. Mental health suffers. Children need to be resilient and when they develop this ability and make wise choices it becomes part of their character. Furthermore, they need parents who help them to learn from negative experiences and who allow them a certain measure of struggle. In Raising Resilient Kids moms and dads will learn the power and purpose of resilience and how to parent so as to make it more likely their children will utilize this character quality.

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    • When Faith Meets Therapy


      The power of faith intersects with the practicality of counseling in this unique partnership of a faith/worship leader and a therapist as they offer a pathway for readers to find help, hope, healing, and freedom while navigating life’s struggles.

      No one is immune from life’s difficulties, yet many people are reluctant to talk about mental health or seek professional help when they are struggling. People of faith who are battling issues such as anxiety, depression, life changes, stress, or relationship problems may suffer in silence, believing things will get better if only their faith was stronger, they prayed more, or they had more self-discipline. The stigma about needing to seek help is all too real.

      But seeking professional help isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a sign that someone is serious about moving forward emotionally, relationally, and spiritually. Written by producer, artist, and author Anthony Evans, along with licensed psychotherapist Stacy Kaiser, When Faith Meets Therapy:

      *dispels the cultural myths and stigmas that surround professional therapy;

      *shares stories from the authors’ personal experiences and from others who are facing life’s challenges; and

      *provides practical steps that readers can take in the pursuit of emotional, relational, and spiritual progress.

      Anthony and Stacy met five years ago when he was seeking emotional and relational healing of his own. Stacy led Anthony through a process of internal renovation and continues as his personal therapist.

      When Faith Meets Therapy contains priceless, practical knowledge to break stereotypes that surround therapy while also offering immeasurable hope and encouragement.

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    • Everybody Fights : So Why Not Get Better At It


      Learn how to fight better and end your arguments with your partner feeling closer, more loved, and better understood.

      We take our cars in for oil changes. We mow our lawns and pull weeds. Why don’t we do maintenance on our marriages? This relationship is the most important one we will ever have, so why not get better at it?

      For the last several years, Penn and Kim Holderness of The Holderness Family have done the hard maintenance and the research to learn how to fight better. With the help of their marriage coach Dr. Christopher Edmonston, they break down their biggest (and in some cases, funniest) fights. How did a question about chicken wings turn into a bra fight (no, not a bar fight or a bra fight)? How did a roll of toilet paper lead to tears, resentment, and a stint in the guest bedroom?

      With their trademark sense of humor and complete vulnerability, Penn and Kim share their 10 most common Fight Fails and how to combat them. Throughout the book, they offer scripts for how to start, continue, and successfully close hard conversations. Couples will emerge equipped to engage and understand, not do battle–and maybe laugh a little more along the way.

      In Everybody Fights, couples will learn how to:

      *Use magic words for healthy conflict resolution
      *Address unspoken and unrealistic expectations
      *Banish the three Ds of unhealthy communication–distraction, denial, and delay
      *Carry individual baggage while helping your partner deal with theirs

      Penn and Kim want you to know you’re not alone. Everybody fights. Marriage is messy. Marriage is work. But marriage is worth it. Fight for it!

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    • Mindful Moment : 5-Minute Meditations And Devotions – Center Yourself With


      A Mindful Moment is the book you need to center yourself with God. A guide for Christian prayer, meditation, and mindfulness, this unique devotional includes guided meditations that are Biblically centered and 100% accessible to teens just like you.

      This devotional focuses on four key categories–physical sensations, negative emotions, compassion to self, and lovingkindness to others. It can be used as a guide for daily meditation and reflection but allows for flexibility, providing inspiration and God’s peace in any situation. Use it on your journey to self-love and then let it take you to a place of love for all as Jesus calls us to love.

      A Mindful Moment includes:

      *A how-to guide to simple meditation
      *A brief history of Christian meditation practices
      *A simple yet inspirational design that makes is perfect for anyone in need of time with God
      *150 Scripturally-based devotions which include a Bible verse, a short but significant reflection, and a suggested meditation practice such as cradling the breath, hearing meditation, or letting go of thought, all written especially for teens like you

      Author Irene Kraegel is a licensed clinical psychologist who brings her experience as a counselor and her knowledge of the scientific benefits of mindfulness to this collection of devotions. A Mindful Moment is a resource for living in God’s presence that you can trust.

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    • Invest Your Future


      Making big decisions can be desperately difficult. Often we end up paralysed with indecision, afraid that making the wrong choice – whether it’s going to the wrong university, applying for the wrong job, or moving to the wrong place – will ruin our lives.

      So how do we make good decisions? When does the Bible guide us, and when should we just use our common sense or talk things through with friends and family?

      Using his huge experience and pastoral heart, Paul Mallard comes right alongside us in Invest Your Future to help us practice spiritual discernment. He shows us where to find wisdom and how it works in God’s economy. He helps us find the balance in what is, for many of us, a constant challenge. He teaches us how to understand God’s purpose, so we can see what are the truly important factors in making our decisions.

      You don’t have to spend your life in indecision, confusion, guilt or regret. Drawing on examples from Scripture as well as from life, Invest Your Future shows how you can cultivate spiritual discernment in order to grow in maturity and wisdom, and know where to turn for guidance when making decisions.

      If you have ever questioned how to make good decisions, or find yourself worrying and second-guessing your choices, this is the book for you. Compassionate and grounded, Invest Your Future will leave you more confident in your own and in God’s wisdom, so that you can make sure-footed, stress-free choices in the future.

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    • Journey With Jesus Devotional


      The content of A Journey with Jesus Purple Faux Leather Devotional is focused on the hope, peace, and comfort you’ll experience when you realize that Jesus is your constant companion on the journey of life.

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    • Searching For Grace (Audio CD)


      Anxious? Burnt out? Weary? Why is it so hard for our souls to find rest?

      In Searching for Grace, Russ and his mentor, Scotty Smith, explore the contours of their lives and why embracing God’s grace unreservedly is so difficult for many of us. Their honest conversations offer priceless lessons for parched souls everywhere.

      Many of us feel anxious and unfulfilled by our everyday existence, yet deeply long for a purposeful, meaningful, and peace-filled life. That tension creates a background buzz of profound discontentment behind everything we do. There is a better way. Searching for Grace reveals the conversations between Russ and Scotty that transformed Russ’s life forever, helping him identify the mindsets that contributed to his restlessness. Straight from his little black journal, Russ shares the seven life-giving principles he learned from Scotty that unleashed him to a refreshingly new life, radically built on God’s grace.

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    • Fighting For Life


      What makes your heart break for our broken world?

      You want to make a difference in the world. You’re concerned about all the problems you see, the injustices and the suffering. But you don’t know where to begin. Designed for the aspiring activist or world-changer, this book is the key to get you started.

      Live Action founder Lila Rose says transformation begins with heartbreak–with seeing the injustices around you and allowing that suffering to light a fire in your soul. In this book, she shares raw and intimate stories from both her personal journey and pro-life activism that will inspire you to become a champion for your own cause. Along the way, you’ll discover how to:

      *determine where the need for your gifts is the greatest and begin making a difference;
      *overcome insecurities and imposter syndrome and become a leader through practice;
      *find inner courage and confidence in the face of obstacles and criticism; and
      *bounce back from mistakes to continually grow and make a long-lasting impact.

      The fight for a world that is more just, more beautiful, and more loving needs all of us. In allowing yourself to be wounded by the brokenness of our world, you’ll find the passion you need to make a difference–and draw closer to the One who truly saves.

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    • Way Of A Christian


      “God’s grace is the most incredible and insurmountable truth ever to be revealed to the human heart.”–John Bunyan

      In 1661 English writer and preacher John Bunyan was jailed for twelve years after refusing to give up his spiritual mission. During this time, he wrote his most enduring work and influential allegory, The Pilgrim’s Progress, which has since been published in over 200 languages.

      This 90-day devotional highlights the eternal truths contained in The Pilgrim’s Progress that transcend the allegory into your walk with Jesus. Through these insightful readings, you will be shown the practical help the Holy Spirit provides and how to discern the hindrances of the enemy so you can live a victorious and joyful Christian life.

      John Bunyan said, “It is always hard to see the purpose in wilderness wanderings until after they are over.” May you receive wisdom and strength from Christian’s extraordinary journey of faith as you embark on your own adventure toward the Celestial City.

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    • 40 Lives In 40 Days


      Have you ever wondered why God uses ordinary people to accomplish His work and to spread the good news? Join bestselling author and Bible teacher John MacArthur as he takes a closer look at the everyday lives of the men and women that God trusted to carry His message and lead His people.

      40 Lives in 40 Days is a brand-new devotional compilation of MacArthur’s extensive studies of the Bible characters who show us that we don’t have to be perfect to do God’s work. From the twelve disciples to the Samaritan woman, MacArthur shares that Jesus chose average people–fishermen, tax collectors, doubters, political zealots–and gave them a remarkable mission.

      These encouraging stories, based in Scripture, help shed light on these real men and women who endured struggle, pain, and heartache, just like us. They were perfectly ordinary sinners–living proof of God’s kindness–who went on to serve an extraordinary purpose in spreading the gospel.

      By tracing the lives of these unlikely heroes, MacArthur shows us that the difficulties and temptations that they lived through are the same trials that modern believers face today.

      Throughout 40 Lives in 40 Days, MacArthur will:

      *Dive deep into the stories of Jesus’ earliest disciples
      *Teach us that God continues to mold and use ordinary people today
      *Share the surprising ways God accomplishes His purposes
      *Provide an honest look at all of God’s people
      *Help you experience God’s goodness and grace

      As you get to know each of these 40 figures even better, you’ll see why the lives they led can still serve as an inspiration to believers today.

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    • In The Shadow Of His Wings


      The Perfect Devotional for Nature LoversOver the years, as nature photographer Roslynn Long captured amazing moments outdoors with her camera, she felt God bringing verses and lessons to mind. Every bird is itself a testament to God’s creativity, but the lessons we learn from them go above and beyond mere admiration of nature. From traditional and reflective to humorous and playful, each of these 40 devotions consists of a biblically based reading, stunning bird photography, and an elegant interior design.

      Whether you love birds, admire nature, or are simply looking for an encouraging read, let this book bring a daily dose of peace, connection with the Lord, and enjoyment of nature into your home.

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    • Going Higher With God In Prayer


      It’s been said that not knowing how to pray is one of the great obstacles in a Christian’s life. A.W. Tozer pointed out that the church’s greatest curse is unanswered prayer, and that we do not seem bothered by that. Many just don’t understand what answered prayer is all about. Tozer outlines this as only he can, describing the conditions that lend themselves to God’s response as well as those conditions that lead to his remaining silent.

      Ultimately, Tozer challenges you to ask: Are my prayers more powerful and effective today than they were a year ago? The book opens with Jacob’s Ladder, with the theme centering on ascending into God’s presence. What better place to begin dialoging with God! Only he can teach us what is on his heart, what is his will, and what our part in it could be. Deep inspiration and elevated understanding await readers in this new book, masterfully compiled by James L. Snyder.

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    • What Happens When Women Say Yes To God And Walk In Faith


      Become the Woman God Made You to Be

      Lysa TerKeurst’s bestselling books have inspired millions of women to uncover the purpose God has for them. Now for the first time, you can find two of her most powerful titles together in one elegant hardcover, perfect for reading for the first time or revisiting as you grow in your faith.

      What Happens When Women Say Yes to God sets you on a journey of learning how to be obedient to the Lord. You’ll see the beautiful transformation that accompanies following God’s voice in your daily life and open your eyes to the incredible ways you can experience Him today.

      What Happens When Women Walk in Faith shows you how to pursue God’s call even through times of doubt, discouragement, and pain. You’ll learn how to remain encouraged and equipped through embracing God’s promises no matter what comes your way.

      Complete with a personal Bible study at the end of each chapter, this two-book collection will lead you on a journey of spiritual renewal and revelation as you joyfully pursue the call God has created you to fulfill.

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    • Daring Faith In A Cowardly World


      Are you ready to stop wasting time and start turning your mundane life into one of adventure and blessing? Ken Harrison, Chairman and CEO of Promise Keepers, masterfully weaves together powerful stories and deep truths from Scripture to point you to the life for which God has called you.

      Ask Christians what they expect to happen to them after they die, and most will say they will go to heaven. And they’ll probably say that they will meet Jesus and hope to hear Him say, “Well done good and faithful servant.” But many believers know they are not living up to God’s calling on their lives. In fact, many might even admit their lives don’t honor God at all–at least Mondays through Saturdays.

      In A Daring Faith in a Cowardly World, Ken Harrison masterfully uses his stories as a Los Angeles police officer in one of the deadliest areas of the country to explain and illustrate deep truths from God’s Word. This isn’t your typical inspirational book–it’s a hard-hitting work that packs a lot of truth into an easy-to-read page-turner. Each chapter starts and ends with a gripping story that has a twist, a “rest of the story” at the end of the chapter, and packs intense biblical truth and wisdom in the middle. You will:

      *Have a clear picture of what being a true follower of Christ looks like and how to become one

      *Gain insightful truths that lead to genuine “Aha!” moments in your life

      *Experience stories you won’t forget and that create a lasting change to your faith

      *Learn what the Bible says about the myriad of issues in today’s culture

      Are you ready to take the first step towards a more courageous and bold life lived in Jesus? In A Daring Faith in a Cowardly World, find the motivation you’ve been longing for.

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    • After The Revolution


      Equipping the church to recover from sexual confusion

      In After the Revolution, David J. Ayers provides the Christian heirs of the sexual revolution a resource to understand their challenges and social context to find a way forward. Drawing on social sciences and history, Ayers traces recent worldview shifts in North America and Europe. The historic Christian understanding of sex and marriage has been supplanted. And sexual confusion has infiltrated the church, especially influencing younger Christians.

      The church can uniquely and compassionately support sexual faithfulness and flourishing, but we need to reject formulas, surefire methods, and judgmentalism. Instead, we must recover a positive vision for Christian sexuality, singleness, and marriage that is firmly grounded in God’s word.

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    • What Is A Christian Worldview


      How Jesus makes sense of the world.

      Everyone believes they see the world rightly. But with so many different viewpoints, it’s as though everyone were wearing different–colored glasses. How do you know which view is right?

      In What is a Christian Worldview?, Graham A. Cole asks how Christians should see the world. Everyone has a worldview, a frame of reference through which we understand our experiences. A worldview must be coherent and able to be lived. So what does it look like to have a Christian worldview? And how should Christians live? Understand how to think and live in a distinctively Christian way.

      The Questions for Restless Minds series applies God’s word to today’s issues. Each short book faces tough questions honestly and clearly, so you can think wisely, act with conviction, and become more like Christ.

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    • How Do Humans Flourish


      Experience life under Jesus’ yoke.

      Everyone wants to succeed in life. But do you know what success looks like? Is true flourishing found in a busy life pursuing money, status, and experiences? Or is there a better way?

      In How Do Humans Flourish?, Danielle Sallade argues that the Christian life leads to thriving. Many burden under the yoke of worldly success, resulting in stress, anxiety, and exhaustion. But true flourishing can be found only in peace, and that begins with a right relationship with God. Learn what true success looks like. Discover how you can value work rightly, find your identity in Christ, and live with an attitude of dependence on God. You too can flourish.

      The Questions for Restless Minds series applies God’s word to today’s issues. Each short book faces tough questions honestly and clearly, so you can think wisely, act with conviction, and become more like Christ.

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    • How Should Christians Think About Sex


      Why God cares about your sex life.Everyone is talking about sex. Be true to yourself-love whomever and however you want. The world claims to be affirming and inclusive. But Jesus says to deny yourself. Is Christianity repressive?

      In How Should Christians Think about Sex?, Christopher Ash turns to the Bible to find the wisdom and beauty in God’s good design. What is marriage? What is sexuality for? Only God’s word makes sense of it all. Jesus’ way is better, more liberating, and more affirming. Experience the freedom that comes through living not for your own gratification, but for God’s glory.

      The Questions for Restless Minds series applies God’s word to today’s issues. Each short book faces tough questions honestly and clearly, so you can think wisely, act with conviction, and become more like Christ.

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    • Are All Religions True


      How you should think about religious diversity.

      We live in a diverse world. Religious pluralism holds that each religion is of equal worth and offers a legitimate lifestyle. But Christianity claims Jesus is the only way to be saved. Is Christianity bigoted?

      In Are All Religions True?, Harold A. Netland offers a Christian response to religious pluralism. Netland considers the nature of religious claims, tolerance, and the great commission. Wisdom is needed. While Christians should support aspects of religious diversity, we also believe that Jesus is the Lord and Savior of all. Learn how you can be devoted to Christ while showing love for those of other faiths.

      The Questions for Restless Minds series applies God’s word to today’s issues. Each short book faces tough questions honestly and clearly, so you can think wisely, act with conviction, and become more like Christ.

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    • Satans Big Fat Lie


      Have you ever wondered what Satan’s biggest weapon against God’s people is?

      This book is going to help me understand shame as the root spirit that the enemy has unleased to control, dominate, manipulate, and demoralize God’s people. No longer will I be bound to the enemy’s tactics as I begin to set my eyes on the things that Jesus cares most deeply about.

      During one of his most intense spiritual battles, international evangelist Steve Foss received a series of prophetic dreams and visions that exposed the key weapon the enemy is using against God’s people–shame.

      Believers are ashamed of past mistakes. Churches are being shamed for standing for the gospel. Brother is turning against brother as the culture shames those who don’t walk in lockstep with their agenda. Cancel culture itself is a way of shaming people into submission to the status quo. Shame is transforming our culture into a godless, sin-celebrating society.

      Shame was the final attack upon Jesus when He was on the cross, and it was designed to keep Him from fulfilling His destiny. But God has given His people a more powerful weapon to overcome the enemy’s attacks. We just have to learn how to use it.

      In Satan’s Big Fat Lie, Foss exposes Satan’s great end-time strategy and how Christians can war against it. Shame is that great demon power the enemy has unleashed to control, dominate, manipulate, and demoralize God’s people. But discovering what Jesus is focused on will empower us to overcome and walk in perfect peace in the midst of the chaos of this world.

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    • Lessons From A Wandering Prophet



      What happens when God’s plans and your prophetic journey intersect?

      This book will help me grow in my prophetic gifts so that I can discover the plans that God has for me and move forward in my purpose.

      God has a plan and a future for each of us, but many people don’t know what that plan is, and if they do, they don’t know how to walk in it. Hubie Synn knows the feeling. Step by step, one adventure at a time, Synn has been discovering and growing in the prophetic gift God has given him–a gift that has taken him before celebrities, politicians, and power brokers, and even around the world.

      In Lessons From a Wandering Prophet, Synn shares the highs and lows he has experienced in ministry to teach principles of prophetic ministry:

      – How to discern when God is speaking
      – How to step out to say what God has given you to say
      – How to grow in the prophetic
      – What to do when a prophecy is not well-received
      – How to let go and let God lead you

      This book will inspire readers to receive with open hands and hearts the prophetic gifts God has given them, discover the plans God has for them, and walk fully in their calling.

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    • What If Love Is The Point


      Popular actors Carlos and Alexa PenaVega share their inspiring stories of transformation, from feeling lost and searching for meaning to realizing that living for Jesus and loving others is what life is all about.

      Despite the opportunities they gained from their successful acting roles–Carlos on Nickelodeon’s Big Time Rush, Alexa in the Spy Kids movies–the popular actors also faced many difficult challenges. Carlos was struggling with the influences of Hollywood and was reeling from a broken relationship. Alexa was healing from a divorce and an eating disorder she kept hidden. They felt lost and wondered, what’s the point of it all?

      After a mutual friend separately invited them to a Bible study, Carlos and Alexa began to see God’s answers to that question. Now, seven years of marriage and three children later, they have built a thriving relationship and a family centered on Jesus.

      What If Love Is the Point? is their shared testimony about the true joy they’ve experienced and the insights that have changed their lives, showing how:

      *putting God at the center has helped them in their marriage, their parenting, and even their career choices;

      *giving to others, instead of focusing on themselves, brought real fulfillment; and

      *surrendering themselves to Christ helped them find each other–and in the process, discover who they really were.

      In their own words, Carlos and Alexa say, We want to talk about it all. We want to write about all the junk, the ‘norms’ in society that aren’t good for us, how to navigate friendships, what it’s like becoming a parent, and how we learned to draw healthy boundaries at work. But we mainly want to ask, ‘What’s the point? What’s the point of all of this living?’ Carlos and Alexa are eager to share the truth they’ve uncovered: the more we surrender to God, the more we become who we really are.

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    • How To Be Married To Melissa


      Popular standup comedian and podcaster Dustin Nickerson delivers a hilarious and practical take on navigating marriage based on his everyday experiences as a husband, father, and an Average Joe who is still trying to figure it all out.

      Tired of the formulaic, one-size-fits-all books that reduce relationships to math equations, Dustin Nickerson decided to draw from his sixteen-year-marriage to his wife, Melissa, for insights into keeping relationships in a good spot. In How to Be Married (to Melissa), he shares that the key to his marriage’s success is laughter and offers a few lessons he learned (and didn’t learn), including:

      *our footprints in the sand are on different beaches;
      *identifying tripwires prevents accidental explosions during dinner;
      *contrary to popular belief, conceding is sweeter if it comes with a heartfelt apology; and
      *the baby is two days old–is it time to schedule the vasectomy?

      Filled with storytelling, personal anecdotes, and honest disclosures, Nickerson brings his popular and highly relatable brand of humor to topics ranging from parenting and finances to church attendance and in-laws, showing readers how to break up the monotony and break open the vulnerability as they celebrate their own one-of-a-kind marriages.

      Self-described as the world’s most average person, Nickerson offers readers the gift of peering into his own marriage’s challenges because, as he and Melissa are still discovering, those can turn into hysterical stories worth sharing later.

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    • How Did I Get Here


      Your best days are ahead of you, not behind you. It may not always seem like it, look like it, or feel like it–but it’s true.

      Bible teacher, bestselling author, and activist Christine Caine wants to see you step into a life that is greater than you could ever hope, think, or imagine – even when things are hard.

      In How Did I Get Here?, Christine invites us to press on – past our fears, past our mistakes, past our insecurities, past our comfort zones, past whatever is holding us back – to reach for more of Jesus.

      With refreshing candor, How Did I Get Here? will help you:

      *Discover 9 habits that can keep you anchored in our rapidly changing world

      *Build the strength and confidence to go after your purpose, even in the face of setbacks

      *Develop the faith to keep following Jesus, even when you can’t see exactly where He is taking you

      *Learn how to trust God even through seasons of doubt and uncertainty

      *Break through disappointment and move forward with a fresh hope for the future

      *Find a renewed passion to keep going when everything in you wants to give up

      We have all faced struggles and times of uncertainty, moments which draw us closer to God. Christine empowers readers to actively seek God through the most difficult of situations, trusting He is able to make a way, even when it seems heavy and like there is no hope.

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    • En La Oscuridad Resplandeceras – (Spanish)


      En medio de la oscuridad, !Resplandeceras!es un devocional ilustrado de cinco semanas diseado intencionadamente para acompaarte, cuidarte y guiarte a traves del duelo, la depresion y la ansiedad.

      Muchas personas saben lo que es luchar con la ansiedad y la depresion. Durante esas temporadas de oscuridad, a menudo uno siente que la luz de Dios se ha apagado en su vida y nunca volvera a brillar. No obstante, Dios conoce personalmente el dolor, la tristeza y la angustia que pueden agobiarte, y promete hacer brillar una luz en el tunel de tu desesperacion y mostrarte un camino para salir de el.

      Christy Muller, autora del best seller Una vida mejor, sabe lo que es luchar durante esas temporadas de oscuridad. En su devocional de cinco semanas, En medio de la oscuridad, !Resplandeceras!, la autora te acompaara en un camino de sanidad para consolarte, sanarte, fortalecer tu fe y llenarte de su paz.

      En medio de la oscuridad, !Resplandeceras! presenta:

      *Las estrategias que utilizo David para enfrentarse a sus mayores batallas y prevalecer

      *Las tragedias que pueden ocurrirle a cualquiera sin previo aviso (divorcio, muerte, etc.) que pueden provocar depresion o ansiedad, y como superarlas

      *La experiencia personal de la autora y como Dios la ministro en momentos de profundo dolor

      *Las promesas de Dios en medio de los tiempos dificiles y como superar el miedo

      *Tres formas de combatir la depresion y la ansiedad

      Dios dijo claramente que la oscuridad puede venir, pero la historia no termina alli. El nos da un mandato claro, aun en medio de las tinieblas: “!Levantate, resplandece!”.

      Shining in the Midst of Darkness

      Shining in the Midst of Darkness is an illustrated, five-week devotional intentionally designed to accompany, care for, and guide you through the processes of grief, depression, and anxiety.

      Many people know what it’s like to struggle during seasons of anxiety and depression. In these seasons of darkness, one often feels like God’s light has dimmed in their lives and will never shine again. But God personally knows the pain, sadness, and anguish that may be weighing you down, and He promises to shine a light in the tunnel of your despair and show you a way out of it.

      Christy Muller, best-selling author of Una vida mejor, knows what it’s like to struggle in these seasons of darkness. In her five-week devotional, Shining in the Midst of Darkness, the author will accompany you on a path of healing to comfort you, heal you, stre

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    • What If Jesus Was Serious About The Church


      Researchers have uncovered the following three trends: First, distrust of institutions, including the church, is at an all-time high. Second, young people raised in the church are leaving at alarming rates and not returning. Third, loneliness and social isolation are at pandemic levels. What’s the connection? It appears that an entire generation is starving for the very thing the church is called to provide but has chosen to look for it elsewhere. Why is this happening? Following the model set by What If Jesus Was Serious?–short readings and engaging illustrations– What If Jesus Was Serious about the Church? looks at what the Bible really says about the church, its purpose, and the impact of its modern captivity to consumer values. Rather than an event, a building, or an institution, the New Testament calls the church to be a community living in communion with God and one another for the sake of the world.

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    • Global Reset : Do Current Events Point To The Antichrist And His Worldwide


      Global Reset will open readers’ eyes and alert them to how world leaders are using the “Great Reset” agenda to seize pandemics, natural disasters and catastrophes, civil disorder, political unrest, and other current events to reshape every facet of life–all pointing toward the universal economy and godless global government of the Antichrist.

      COVID unleashed a cascade of consequences that are now reaching far beyond the pandemic itself. Governments have begun leveraging the coronavirus and even the vaccine as a power grab, setting the stage for further intrusions in the future. These accelerants are driving the world to the precipice of fundamental, irreversible transformation. The winds of change are blowing. Tectonic shifts are underway at every level.

      These realities are alarming by themselves. And yet, there remains a still deeper, more sinister agenda imbedded within. According to prophecies found in the Bible, a one-world government will indeed emerge in the end times. According to the book of Revelation, a future unified government will encompass the whole earth, and Satan himself will be behind it for the ultimate purpose of ruling over all the earth and being worshipped by its inhabitants. While we aren’t in the end times, we’re on the edge of the precipice. In Global Rest, readers will discover:

      *The “Great Reset” agenda that sets the stage for the end time scenario prophesied in Scripture

      *How China and other great nations are beginning to play a dominant role in international, socioeconomic, and political dynamics

      *Possible scenarios regarding America in the end times and what believers can do to stem the tide of decline

      *God’s great reset planned for planet earth and humanity–the millennial reign of Christ

      *Every person’s needs for an eternal personal reset that can come only through Jesus Christ

      Prepare yourself spiritually and arm yourself with information. Find answers to the questions everyone should be asking about current world events and how they may be ushering in Christ’s return.

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    • Turnaround Decrees : Disrupt The Enemy’s Plans And Shift Your Circumstance


      Interrupt the plans of darkness and shift circumstances to align with God’s will!

      In our culture, the powers of darkness have been working overtime to turn a generation away from God, discipling society in wickedness, destroying families, ravaging finances, afflicting bodies, and obstructing the advance of God’s people.

      The only solution is a supernatural turnaround. The good news is that you serve the God of the Turnaround!

      In response to a radically unexpected prophetic word, prayer leaders Jon and Jolene Hamill have launched a turnaround movement to see supernatural breakthroughs take place. In this powerful new book they equip you with prayers, decrees and activations that will render turnaround verdicts from Heaven on your behalf.

      Turnaround Decrees will empower you to:

      *Prophesy divine destiny over your children and the next generation
      *Push through the limitations preventing you from advancing in your assignment
      *See instant healings and deliverances become normative
      *Pray against the assaults of the enemy upon your nation, government and leaders
      *Invoke your rights to the Covenant of Peace
      *Speak powerful decrees that issue a Writ of Assistance in the spirit realm

      The destiny of generations are at stake… but you are the turnaround catalyst! Speak these powerful declarations over every impossibility, and watch as the God of the Turnaround brings supernatural breakthrough!

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    • Continue : Poems And Prayers Of Hope


      Continue . . .

      As Christians, we continue through hardships, through difficulties, through points where it felt like there was no hope. And, we continue through the ordinary, too: through the morning routines, through the rush-hour traffic, through Sunday services, through late-night prayers.

      This is poetry for the ordinary. For day-to-day faith.

      In Continue: Poems and Prayers of Hope, author Tanner Olson examines what it means to be ordinary in the faith. To take one step forward in simple ways: going to the grocery store, making dinner, watching TV.

      Being Christian doesn’t always mean giant leaps and brave adventures. Sometimes, it just means being an ordinary person, continuing in your ordinary day.

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    • Art Of Getting It Wrong


      Cocreator of YouTube sensation The Miller Fam Stephen Miller reveals how to turn failures, mishaps, and disappointments into a life of fun and fulfillment.

      Long before his YouTube channel The Miller Fam became a viral sensation with nearly a million subscribers, Stephen Miller endured countless failed endeavors, made too many rash decisions, and experienced deep discouragement at life not going as planned. Those experiences taught him a powerful lesson: that life will ultimately be okay, even when it seems in the moment like it won’t.

      With the characteristic authenticity, love, and humor Stephen shows in his YouTube videos, The Art of Getting It Wrong shares hard truths and never-before-told stories of misadventures that challenge you to:

      *Look for the laugh in every situation
      *Discover the power of levity, grace, and the God who created it all
      *See how God is at work in you, even when you mess up
      *See how God is at work in the world, even when the outlook appears grim
      *Believe in yourself and grow in your sense of self-worth

      Come along for the wild, hilarious, and at times, unbelievable ride and let The Art of Getting It Wrong guide you toward hope for the future and the freedom to love life where you’re at.

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    • Beautiful People Dont Just Happen


      Find the freedom from regret, hurt, and fear that God wants for you, so you can embrace a life of relief, joy, and hope in him.

      We all carry regret, hurt, and fear. These are burdens that weigh us down and make us feel trapped.

      Scott Sauls understands. In twenty-five years of pastoral ministry, he’s walked with countless individuals through weary seasons and circumstances. He’s also battled his own anxiety and depression. He knows what it’s like to be worn out and burdened by life.

      But it doesn’t have to be this way. Freedom, healing, and joy are available to us even in the midst of suffering, even when circumstances don’t change. Beautiful People Don’t Just Happen reveals how you can find a new way of living that helps you:

      *Give honest voice to your emotions through the practice of lament

      *Confront your debilitating thoughts with the divine counter-voice of the God who loves you

      *Find meaning, purpose, and “the best you” as you journey through grief and sorrow

      *Discover God’s heart for sinners and sufferers as you grow closer to him

      *Learn and live out what the Bible calls the “secret of contentment” in any circumstance

      Don’t settle for the way things are. Dare to hope for a better future. Dare to embrace the healing and freedom God wants for you–the freedom he freely offers to all who receive it.

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    • Finding Hope : A Story Of Tragedy Triumph And Redemption


      What would you do if your expectation of life changed in
      an instant?

      Finding Hope is a memoir that chronicles the journey one woman faced when she gave birth to a critically ill baby.

      This inspirational book begins in the hospital delivery room, then NICU, where the most fragile babies are treated and brought back to life. In the years to come, more struggles

      How do you find hope in adversity? Faith is the only way.

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