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    Bible Studies

    • Blacksmiths Discipline : Honing Godly Men



      This five-lesson Bible study empowers men with five crucial disciplines–prayer, Scripture, brotherhood, accountability, and ministry–so they can hear and obey God with joy.

      A disciplined, godly man is a beacon of hope and strength in this haphazard world. His life is a testament to Jesus, the Master Blacksmith. But the Blacksmith’s forging doesn’t happen by chance. It happens when we intentionally use the tools He provides.

      The latest book in Vince Miller’s Forged Bible study series, The Blacksmith’s Discipline explores five spiritual disciplines–or tools–that form godly men:

      *Prayer: How to maintain a continuous dialogue with God and follow his guidance.
      *Scripture: How to overcome barriers to reading the Bible using the PASS method.
      *Brotherhood: How men can encourage, challenge, and support one another.
      *Accountability: How to build nurturing relationships that facilitate obedience to God’s will.
      *Ministry: How to embody God’s message and fulfill God’s good works.

      This engaging guide empowers men to move beyond spiritual inertia and develop a habit of disciplines as they are forged into the men God created them to be.

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    • Romans : The Glory Of The Gospel


      A 10-Week Study for Women on the Book of Romans

      Why is Romans considered the greatest letter ever written? In this New Testament epistle, the apostle Paul provides the clearest explanation of the gospel and the eternal hope for a humanity marred by sin and death. Through King Jesus, God reveals his righteousness, redeems his people from their sins, and unlocks the floodgates of his mercy.

      In this 10-week Bible study for women, Lydia Brownback examines Romans verse by verse to explore how God works through his Son and in the hearts of his people. Written for individuals or groups, each lesson helps women understand important doctrines of the faith, such as justification, propitiation, and redemption, on a practical and accessible level.

      10-Week Bible Study for Women: Offers an in-depth, exegetical look at the book of Romans

      Quick, Engaging Weekly Resources: Helpful reading plans, sidebars, timelines, and more to help busy readers get the most out of Scripture

      Perfect for Individuals or Small Groups: Includes discussion questions and additional verses for further reading

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    • Sweeter Than Honey


      Connect with God by Delighting in His Word

      Our lives feel stuffed to the brink, overrun by work and home responsibilities, overwhelmed by jam-packed schedules, and overly distracted by the siren call of our smartphones. It’s no wonder that we struggle to spend time in God’s Word, or that when we do, we don’t know where to start. Instead of a momentary delight, we need soul-satisfying sustenance from our Bible reading that fuels our deep longing to grow in godliness.

      In Sweeter than Honey, Gretchen Saffles and Maggie Combs of Well-Watered Women teach us the value of studying God’s Word while providing the tools to apply it to your life. Discover three principles that can be applied every time you open God’s Word: gather knowledge, digest the big ideas, and grow in godliness. As you develop these principles, you’ll experience the challenging but transformative work of building a deeper relationship with God through the pages of his Word.

      In this Bible study, designed for both individuals and groups, readers will:

      *Learn how to study Scripture to build trust and intimacy with God
      *Find different study methods for the various seasons of life
      *Understand the importance of context, genre, and Biblical theology
      *Grow in their love for God’s life-changing Word

      Sweeter than Honey will encourage you to cultivate both discipline and delight in God’s Word, growing your confidence to engage with Scripture in a refreshed and transformative way.

      “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” (Ps. 119:103)

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    • Story Of Abraham


      Inductive Bible Study Helps Readers Understand the Story of Abraham

      “I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven” (Genesis 22:17). God’s covenant not only promises Abraham many descendants but also initiates the unfolding of his redemptive plan. Through Jesus Christ, the most significant descendant of all, we are given the opportunity to join the family of God. Abraham’s story marks the beginning of our story.

      This addition to the Meet Me in the Bible series presents a practical 5-step framework for examining the story of Abraham. Accessible for personal use and Bible study groups at any level, this inductive study helps readers observe and interpret Scripture and apply it to everyday life. Through Abraham and Sarah’s failures, great faith, and deep heartache, readers will see the covenant nature of God and the historical context necessary for reading and understanding the rest of the Bible. You can learn more about Meet Me in the Bible books and workshops at colleensearcy.com.

      *The Meet Me in the Bible Series: Offers a simple 5-step framework for studying any book of the Bible, individually or in a group

      *Additional Study Tools: Each book in this series comes with a bookmark, ample space for note-taking, discussion questions, and helpful appendixes for further study

      *Unique Combination of Scripture Journal and Bible Reading Guide

      *Inductive: Helps readers observe and interpret the story of Abraham, and apply it to their everyday life

      *Spiral-Bound: Pages lie flat to make reading and writing more comfortable

      *Foreword by Jen Wilkin: Author of the bestselling books Women of the Word; None Like Him; and Ten Words to Live By

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    • Knowing Jesus As God


      Grow Your Knowledge of God, as Revealed in Jesus

      Jesus is God. This is revealed throughout Scripture, but no book makes this truth clearer than the gospel of John. The entire book is a revelation of God’s character as witnessed by the man he was closest to. Knowing Jesus as God, the final Bible study in this series on the four Gospels, is designed to walk individuals or small groups through John.


      *Daily study sessions that don’t overwhelm
      *Passage-by-passage teaching
      *Thought-provoking questions and writing space
      *Weekly challenges to help you live out what you’re learning
      *Scripture memorization

      Whether it’s your first time studying John or your hundredth, the simplicity and complexity of this gospel account make it a never-ending source of encouragement. Written “so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God” (John 20:31), the book of John demonstrates page after page that He’s where the joy is!

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    • 10 Women Of The Bible Updated Edition (Student/Study Guide)


      Do you ever feel like a second-class citizen in this world?

      Do you wonder how God could possibly use you to change lives?

      For women in Bible times, these weren’t even questions they thought about. Being overlooked, marginalized, having your contributions discounted because you’re a woman… it’s just the way things were. In this ten-lesson workbook, Max Lucado tells some of his favorite accounts of women in Scripture and the remarkable way God broke down cultural barriers to use them in the unfolding of His story.

      You will discover…

      *Sarah, the woman whom God promised would give birth to a nation, but who tried to rush things when God’s promises didn’t seem to be coming to pass.

      *Rahab, a prostitute in the Canaanite city of Jericho, who would save herself and her family through her faith in the one true God of the Israelites.

      *Abigail, a woman forced to play peacemaker by the barbaric behavior of her husband.

      *Esther, a young queen whom God placed in the Persian court for “such a time as this” to prevent the genocide of the Jewish people.

      *Mary, the young virgin pledged to Joseph, whom God would choose to give birth to Jesus, the promised Messiah who would save the world.

      *The Samaritan Woman, who would meet this Messiah at a well one day. His words would forever after change her life.

      *The Canaanite Woman, who made God smile with her wit and faith, and who received from Jesus an answer to her prayer.

      *Mary of Bethany, a friend of Jesus who witnessed the resurrection of her brother, Lazarus, and then anointed Christ in anticipation of his death and resurrection.

      *Mary Magdalene, who followed Jesus despite the injustice of a world that judged her for her past and said she would always be considered a failure.

      *Sapphira, a woman in the early church who, along with her husband, made the unfortunate (and deadly) decision to lie to the Holy Spirit.

      These stories show us there is a God who sees us where we are and loves us for who we are. He is the one who hovers over all the pages of the Bible, shaping lives, rescuing hearts, healing sicknesses, raising what was dead to life, and passing out high callings to those who choose to follow him and have faith in him.

      Each lesson includes:

      *Five daily in-depth Bible studies to help you explore the stories in Scripture
      *Daily points to remember to help you summarize the key points
      *Daily prayers to help you focus your thoughts and move into your quiet time
      *Weekly m

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    • Ezekiel : Redemption Of God’s People


      The MacArthur Bible Studies provide intriguing examinations of the whole of Scripture and continue to be one of the bestselling study guide series on the market today. These latest studies join the ranks of previously released guides in the series, offering readers a comprehensive selection of Old Testament Bible studies by bestselling author and theologian John MacArthur.

      Sections in each lesson include:

      *Drawing Near: An opening question based on the key theme or topic of the lesson
      *The Context: Background information on the passage of Scripture being studied
      *Keys to the Text: Detailed commentary on the passage being studied
      *Unleashing the Text: Application questions on the passage highlighted in the lesson
      *Exploring the Meaning: Three key takeaways from the passage
      *Reflecting on the Text: Reflection questions on the passage highlighted in the lesson
      *Personal Response: A journaling section to help readers apply the principles

      As readers go through these studies, they will gain insights into the Old Testament text, understand the background and context of the material they are reading, and discover new ways to apply what they learn to their everyday lives.

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    • Jesus Calling Practicing Thankfulness


      Each of us has a choice in the type of “lens” we use to view our lives. Some of us view our lives through a lens of “lack.” We keep a mental inventory of everything we don’t have and worry there won’t be enough for us in the future. Others among us view our lives through a lens of “abundance.” We notice everything that we do have, thank God for providing those things for us, and then choose to live our days depending and trusting in him to keep on providing for us in the future.

      In Practicing Thankfulness, based on the bestselling book Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, you will explore how you can switch your perspective to view your life more through the lens of abundance than of lack. You will explore what the Bible has to say about the many ways that God provides for you, learn why you should give thanks to him (in every situation) for this abundance, and discover how to truly make thankfulness a part of your daily life. This Bible
      Study includes:

      *6 in-depth sessions
      *devotional readings from Jesus Calling(R)
      *selected passages of Scripture for reflection
      *Bible study questions
      *bonus questions to help you apply the material
      *and beautiful 2-color interiors to highlight the sessions.

      This study can be used for personal reflection and Bible study or in a small-group setting.

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    • Following God Life Principles From Prophets Of The Old Testament


      This book is a part of a series of books designed to provide a personal look at the lives of some of the key prophets found in the Bible. The fact that there were prophets points to God wanting to speak to us-then and now. The theme Following God is one that emphasizes the importance of building a relationship with God, living a life totally surrendered to Him and His leading. Examples are given of those who received blessing from a surrendered walk with God as well as those who did not follow Him and His direction. This Bible study is designed in an interactive format, incorporating scriptural points of interest. Other features include a look at the characters from an historical perspective, as well as interesting facts about the time when these characters lived.

      While this interactive book can lead an individual in growing in knowing and walking with God, we are also including a Leader’s Guide for Small Group interaction. The Leader’s Guide walks through each Lesson (Scripture Adventure) seeking to help guide discussion and application to one’s daily walk Following God. Individually or with others, one’s walk Following God can be enriched and encouraged.

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    • Essential Elements : Forging Godly Men



      Ideal for men’s small groups, this five-lesson Bible study explores what it means to be a strong man of God, ultimately answering the soul-deep question: “What makes a man?”

      Defining true manhood has never been more challenging. In this first book of the Forged: Godly Men series, popular Bible teacher Vince Miller offers a clear, compelling look at what it means to be a man of God.

      Designed for small group or individual use, Essential Elements offers the practical encouragement and answers men are looking for. As he shares from his own story and digs deep into biblical truths, Vince explores:

      *What Jesus’s life teaches us about true masculinity
      *How living out authentic manhood brings purpose and joy
      *Why real strength never comes from popular opinion
      *How to discern God’s design in a confusing culture
      *Why the journey from sin to salvation is not about us but about Jesus

      Emphasizing the internal journey men experience, Essential Elements offers them a solid biblical foundation to grow in faith and step into their role as strong men of God.

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    • Knowing Jesus As Savior


      Offering a rich, in-depth study series, the team behind the bestselling The Bible Recap takes your study of God’s Word to the next level. Continuing with the book of Luke, the Knowing Jesus series dives deep into the transformative truths found in the four gospels.

      Perfect for small groups or individual study, this comprehensive, 10-week Bible study explains and connects the story of Scripture in the gospel of Luke. Through daily readings, biblical teachings, thought-provoking questions, weekly challenges, Scripture memorization, and personal study segments, you will:

      *learn how to dig deep into God’s Word
      *discover how Jesus’s character as Savior is revealed throughout Scripture
      *understand how to relate to Him
      *apply the truths of who He is to your everyday life

      The Gospels offer us a fourfold telling of Jesus’s story, and Luke, drawing on Jesus’s humanity, emphasizes Jesus as Savior of mankind. How you understand and live out this matchless gift will be changed through this encouraging study.

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    • Gospel 101 For Teens


      The gospel is the most powerful message in the world it’s God’s dynamite to change hearts, lives, and communities. In Gospel 101 for Teens, Jeff Dodge communicates the good news of Jesus in a clear, understanding, and compelling way, inviting students to grow in gospel fluency, community, and action.

      Gospel 101 for Teens serves as an introductory-level course on the “big picture” message of redemption. It equips teens with the language of the gospel to confidently move past the fear of sharing their faith with friends and classmates. By learning to share the gospel in their own words and explain why it matters, teens will be ready to communicate this message in a life-giving, clear, and personal way.

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    • Job Study Guide With Leaders Notes (Student/Study Guide)


      The book of Job is an agonizing journey through the suffering of a godly man. We listen to his heart-wrenching thoughts and prayers and feel his confusion. Each person inevitably reads this story out of their own experience with suffering and disappointment. What is God up to? Why is this happening? Does he even care how we hurt?

      Job: Where Is God in My Suffering? creates space for prayers, reflections, and conversations in which Job’s story, your story, and Jesus’s story all come together. All who suffer (and that’s everyone!) will find greater meaning and significance in their own experience as they encounter the God who sent his perfect Son to suffer for us.

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    • Colossians Study Guide With Leaders Notes (Student/Study Guide)


      In a culture where questions about identity are at the forefront, Christians need to remember the most important thing that defines them is being united to Christ. This truth is a daily reality that brings strength and a confident destiny that brings hope.Colossians: Becoming Who You Are in Christ helps readers better understand their connection to Christ and realize that they are becoming who they have already been declared to be in Christ fully loved and fully alive in him. Transformation is God’s good gift that comes as we cooperate with his redeeming power and learn to respond to His invitation to trust him and live out our connection with Jesus in every area of life.

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    • Live In The Light


      We are in a season of church meltdown.

      The apostle John-the beloved disciple and the author of the Gospel by the same name-wrote letters to churches caught in a turbulent season of leadership failures, divisions over interpretation and practice, church splits, and even a powerful leader stirring up dissent. Sound familiar? It seems as though the church is melting under an angry heat wave of national politics, racism, injustice, and abuse.

      Is there any hope?

      Tara Beth Leach invites us to listen for John’s guidance to the church. The same message John sent to Christians in his day is also a message for us today! Darkness seems to surround us, leaving so many without hope. But Jesus, the Light of the world, invites his followers to share that light with others and become the kind of community that brings love, hope, and healing to every darkened space.

      Join us for these next six weeks and learn to live in the light!

      A New Bible Study Experience From IVP!

      These Bible studies offer you a fresh opportunity to engage with Scripture. Each study includes:

      *weekly group sessions-for a group of any size
      *access to weekly teaching videos
      *five days of individual study and reflection each week

      The refreshing, accessible, and insightful content from trusted Bible teachers will encourage you in your faith!

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    • Knowing Jesus As Servant


      Experience the Transforming Power of the Suffering Servant

      When Jesus came to this world, His servant-like life confounded even those close to Him. Many of us today still don’t understand or appreciate this aspect of Christ enough.

      Knowing Jesus as Servant, the second of four Bible studies on the Gospels, focuses on the book of Mark. Designed for both individual and small-group study, it features daily readings, passage-by-passage teaching, thought-provoking questions and writing space, weekly challenges, Scripture memorization, and personal study segments. It will not only equip you with greater knowledge, but also help you engage in formative practices that lead to a fuller relationship with Jesus.

      The Son of God reigns as King and Savior, yet He came to serve. The deeper we know this, the more it transforms how we live and relate to others, because He’s where the joy is!

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    • Armor Of God


      Every day, an unseen battle is going on around us in the spiritual realm.

      God has provided everything we need to stand firm and resist evil, but we are called to be actively aware of both the struggle and the resources available.

      In Ephesians 6 the apostle Paul gives us the clearest description anywhere in Scripture of believers’ resources for the spiritual battle. He vividly describes them as armor, which we must repeatedly take up in prayerful reliance on God.

      In this eight-session LifeGuide(R) Bible Study, Douglas Connelly unpacks each element of the armor of God, from the belt of truth to the sword of the Spirit. Readers will explore the context of the Ephesians 6 passage along with additional texts that help them dig deeper into each theme. This guide features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, plus leader’s notes to help facilitate discussion.

      For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions-making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 130 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.

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    • Hear My Prayer


      Whether you consider yourself a prayer warrior, a prayer newbie, or even a prayer skeptic, Liz Ditty, an experienced spiritual director and retreat leader, invites you to engage with the story of Elijah and his encounters with God as she guides us toward a less awkward, more authentic prayer in this six-week Bible study experience.

      Does prayer matter?

      What we believe about prayer reflects what we believe about God. Maybe you believe God is all-powerful and wise, but not attentive to your little corner of the world? Fortunately, the Bible tells us a different story. Over and over again, we are reminded that God is both great and good, and that we are cared for and fully known by him. So God welcomes all our prayers and invites us to pray about everything-to entrust him with all things both big and small, joyful and enraging, and to pray fervently.

      Whether you consider yourself a prayer warrior or prayer newbie (or even a prayer skeptic), you are invited to join this six-week Bible study experience. Liz Ditty, an experienced spiritual director and retreat leader, invites groups and individuals to experience dozens of ways to pray alone and together. As she engages the story of Elijah and his encounters with God, she guides us toward less awkward, more authentic prayer.

      A New Bible Study Experience From IVP

      These Bible studies offer you a fresh opportunity to engage with Scripture. Each study includes:

      *weekly sessions for a group of any size
      *access to weekly teaching videos
      *five days of individual study and reflection each week

      The refreshing, accessible, and insightful content from trusted Bible teachers will encourage you in your faith!

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    • Moms At The Well


      Motherhood is hard. Really hard.

      Tara Edelschick and Kathy Tuan-MacLean know this personally. As moms who have spent decades working with and encouraging other moms, they know the struggles real moms face in our real world. Their survey of more than seven hundred moms revealed that moms experience worry, anger, comparison, escapism, a desire for control, and even heartbreak while raising children. And moms long to connect with God in the midst of it all, but even that can feel like a challenge.

      That’s why we need a well. For centuries, women met daily at neighborhood wells to draw water for their families, meeting a very significant physical need. But these wells were also gathering spaces, providing much-needed community and relationships.

      This seven-week Bible study offers a modern-day “well” for mothers-a gathering place to encourage one another, take an honest look at the challenges we face as moms, and experience the God who invites us into a process of spiritual transformation.

      Meet with moms, meet with God, and find much-needed refreshment at the well.

      A New Bible Study Experience From IVP

      These Bible studies offer you a fresh opportunity to engage with Scripture. Each study includes:

      *weekly sessions for a group of any size
      *access to weekly teaching videos
      *five days of individual study and reflection each week

      The refreshing, accessible, and insightful content from trusted Bible teachers will encourage you in your faith!

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    • Knowing Jesus As King


      Learn to Live as a Disciple of the King

      Jesus was and is looking for people who are eager to follow Him wherever He leads. In this ten-week study you’ll learn about King Jesus–His authority, His royalty, and His throne, which will last forever.

      The first of four Bible studies on the Gospels, Knowing Jesus as King focuses on the book of Matthew through daily readings, biblical teachings, thought-provoking questions, weekly challenges, Scripture memorization, and personal study segments. It will not only equip you with greater knowledge, but also help you engage in formative practices that lead to a fuller relationship with Jesus.

      While other personal identities may bring temporary happiness, life as a disciple of King Jesus is the only path to an abundant life now and for eternity. He’s where the joy is!

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    • Jeremiah And Lamentations


      The prophet Jeremiah ministered during the waning decades of Judah. The people had rebelled against the Lord through their constant idolatry and injustice of all kinds–and they were about to experience God’s wrath in the form of a conquering army. Yet even as Jeremiah described the short-term consequences of the people’s rebellion against the Lord, he also spoke of God’s long-term plan to provide salvation.

      In the twelve studies within, join John MacArthur on an exploration of this “weeping prophet”–so called because of the grief he expressed for his people–and the prophecies he faithfully related to them for more than fifty years. By working through this study, you will learn that in your life–just like in the lives of the people of Judah–God may discipline you for a season, but He will always extend His grace to you.

      The MacArthur Bible Studies provide intriguing examinations of the whole of Scripture. Each guide incorporates extensive commentary, detailed observations on overriding themes, and probing questions to help you study the Word of God with guidance from John MacArthur.

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    • Gods Goodness For The Chosen


      God’s Goodness for the Chosen is an eight-lesson Bible study for individuals or groups that follows each episode of season 4 of The Chosen.

      This study teaches readers how to reframe their hardships and see them as fertile soil for God’s goodness to grow in their lives.

      We see it over and over again in the Bible: God brings good things out of bad things for the sake of His people and for His glory. But truth be told, when we personally experience suffering, we have a difficult time actually believing it. Yet, life is challenging even for the followers of Jesus, and hardship in the twenty-first century is no exception. God’s Goodness for the Chosen takes readers through eight lessons which reveal how God uses suffering to bring about good things in the lives of those He loves.

      You’ll see:

      – Death is eclipsed by life
      – Grief is eclipsed by praise
      – Questions are eclipsed by resolve
      – Confusion is eclipsed by grace
      – Temporary things are eclipsed by eternal things
      – Heartbreak is eclipsed by love
      – Sin is eclipsed by obedience
      – Pain is eclipsed by the fullness of God’s plan

      Indeed, readers will be challenged to embrace the hard things of life, to experience more of the goodness God offers on the other side.

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    • Table In The Wilderness


      This unique six-week Bible study with companion videos is for individuals and groups hungry to be refreshed as they draw closer to the God who delights in providing everything they need.

      Stories of God’s tables of blessing are woven throughout Scripture. In addition to an introduction about why God chooses to feed us in order to teach us about His goodness, A Table in the Wilderness offers in-depth Bible study on five tables that God offers as physical and spiritual reminders of His love, mercy, and overflowing kindness:

      *Salvation (Passover)–when you need to be rescued
      *Unexpected belonging (King David’s table)–when you deserve to be punished
      *Overflowing satisfaction (the wedding at Cana)–when you feel empty
      *Remembrance (the Lord’s Supper)–when you’re likely to forget
      *Eternal celebration (the marriage supper of the Lamb)–when life is hard

      This substantive, applicable, and richly spiritual study includes a QR code for quick access to streaming videos, spiritual exercises for contemplation and prayer, a self-reflection tool, and a leader’s guide for small group study.

      Even in the most unexpected places–our weaknesses, our sins, our doubts–God loves to invite us into His presence. You are invited! Come to the table.

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    • Jesus Passion Week (Student/Study Guide)


      Over 3 million LifeChange studies sold

      LifeChange Bible studies train you in good Bible study practices as you enjoy a robust and engaging study of a topic or book of the Bible. Learn the skill as you study the Word. Your study of the Scriptures will never be the same!

      Jesus’ last days show that He was not just leaving behind a legacy: He was launching a new kingdom where all people are welcomed. As you study Jesus’ last week, may you be moved by the passion of Jesus, transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, and inspired to lead a life of sacrificial love. Jesus embodied the height and depth of God’s love in a person, demonstrated by servanthood, suffering, and sacrifice. Ultimately, He made this love accessible to us through what He accomplished on the cross.

      The LifeChange Topical studies are optimized for small group use. This study is broken down into 8 sessions of about 45 minutes. Each session includes:

      *Stories from Jesus’ final week on earth, with a corresponding passage from the Bible
      *Questions ideal for small-group discussion
      *Cross-references and suggestions for further study
      *Historical background, word definitions, and explanatory notes

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    • 30 Life Principles Bible Study Updated Edition


      God has given you hundreds of principles in His Word to help you become everything that He designed you to be. He has provided these truths to guide you, comfort you, encourage you, and teach you how to be triumphant in Christ. These principles have never failed and will never disappoint, and God has promised that He will bless your obedience as you follow His commands.

      During his many years of ministry, Dr. Charles Stanley faithfully shared the 30 Life Principles that guided him and helped him to grow in his knowledge, service, and love of God. In this Bible study, you will explore each of these principles in depth and learn how to make them a part of your everyday life. As you do, you will find yourself growing in your relationship with Christ and on the road to the future God has planned for you.

      This guide has been designed as a ninety-day Bible study for putting the 30 Life Principles into action and is ideal for personal devotions or for study in a group setting.

      Each lesson includes:

      *Three daily in-depth Bible studies to help you explore the principles in Scripture
      *An action step to help you apply the principle in your day-to-day life
      *Summary points to help you remember the key takeaways from each lesson
      *Additional insights, re?ections, and notes on each of the 30 Life Principles

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    • Your God Knows


      This powerful Bible study about God’s faithfulness explores Nahum–a rarely studied collection of prophetic poems–to remind us that God is ever-present and always working, even when we feel alone or discouraged.

      Throughout history, God has said to His people: “I see you. I know you. And I will make this right.” This is a crucial message for women today, as we so deeply need to rest in an all-knowing God who can handle what is happening in the world and in our lives. In Your God Knows, Bible teacher and bestselling author Lisa Whittle draws on Scripture throughout the Old and New Testaments as she helps answer six critical questions for our times:

      *Am I forgotten?
      *How does good come from bad?
      *Do my desires and dreams matter?
      *Am I generationally blessed or cursed?
      *Will God make wrong things right?
      *Will I be okay?

      This interactive, video-based companion to Lisa’s book, God Knows, addresses your most pressing questions while immersing you in the truth of God’s promises so you can know deep in your soul that a sovereign God understands your pain–and will one day make all things new.

      Presented by Esther Press: Books for Courageous Women

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    • She Belongs An Interactive Bible Study


      Katy McCown knows how it feels to try to handle life all on your own. Through her struggles to keep up and catch up, she’s discovered that our quest to keep it together will eventually cause us to fall apart.

      This six-session Bible study with included videos shows us the key to keeping it together is coming together in the body of Christ.

      Find a true sense of belonging by:

      *Shifting our identity from our scars to our Savior

      *Pressing into the body of Christ instead of pulling away from it-especially when life falls apart

      *Understanding that we’re never safer isolated

      *Cultivating conditions that move us from “fine” to flourishing

      Diving deep into God’s Word, She Belongs includes practical illustrations, companion videos, and questions for individual or group study.

      Find the peace, security, and purpose Jesus promises when we engage with other believers. This is the way to a life of belonging.

      Presented by Esther Press: Books for Courageous Women

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    • Mary : Becoming A Girl Of Faithfulness


      Mary wasn’t perfect . . . but she was faithful.

      Mary was living the life of an ordinary girl. But all that changed when an angel came to her with an invitation to be a part of God’s super big, ginormous plan to save the world. Sounds cool, right? Well, to be a part of God’s big plan she had to give up her plans. And she didn’t understand everything, but she knew it was going to be difficult. Even so, Mary said yes! Do you know why? She was faithful.

      In Mary, a six-week Bible study, you’ll enter Mary’s story and learn how you can become a girl of faithfulness. God doesn’t need the best athletes, the most beautiful girls, or the exceptionally talented to do great things for Him. He just needs an ordinary girl who is willing to say, “Yes.” Mary’s life proves to us that when a True Girl responds with faith in the moment, it brings a beautiful, forever blessing.

      True Girl Bible Studies feature important women from the Bible so that from their examples, we can learn what it looks like to be a True Girl. Each study is designed to help moms lead their daughters deeply into the Word of God so they can develop a steady love for Scripture. Together, moms and daughters can discover what it means to be a True Girl after God’s own heart.

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    • 1 And 2 Thessalonians For You


      We’ve been saved by Jesus… so what’s next? How do we discern good teaching from bad, what does it look like to grow in holiness, and what should our expectations be for the future? Find answers to those questions in the warm, instructive letters Paul wrote to the Thessalonian church.

      Pastor and professor Ligon Duncan unpacks these two letters verse by verse, teaching us about Christ’s future return and showing us what it means to live in the light of that, whether we’re new Christians, seasoned ministers of the gospel, or somewhere in between. Along the way we see why Scripture is so important; learn to find reasons for thankfulness; clarify our beliefs about death, judgment, and eternity; and witness Paul’s deeply pastoral attitude toward his readers.

      This accessible, absorbing expository guide is less academic and more applied than a traditional commentary. This makes it a great resource for personal devotion, as well as useful for leading small-group studies or for sermon preparation.

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    • Beyond : Finding Strength And Hope Through Unexpected Storms – A 6 Week Bib


      Unwanted, unexpected, and devastating life storms come in many shapes and sizes. They carry labels like addiction, death, infertility, divorce, bankruptcy, diagnosis, estrangement. So when the winds change suddenly and we’re caught in the middle of a downpour, where do we turn for help to survive the storm?

      In Beyond: Finding Strength and Hope Through Unexpected Storms, Cindy Saab invites us to reach for the God of hope. Insightful Bible teaching, thought-provoking questions, and stories of those who have sailed similar seas create encouraging lessons to help navigate the rough waters. Brief daily lessons break down biblical concepts into easy-to-understand pieces. Journaling prompts create space to pour out a hurting heart to the Savior. An abundance of Scripture declares the great love and care of the Father. Learn how refuge, hope, trust, love, joy, and strength can be found even under the darkest clouds.

      God has a plan for you-and it doesn’t include staying in this tempest forever. Reach for Christ and sail through this storm to something beyond.

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    • Learning About Jesus


      Who is Jesus? Why did He leave the happiness of heaven to be born as a poor baby in a stable? Why did He spend 33 years on earth experiencing life as a child, a teenager, a common laborer, a teacher, a preacher, and a physician? What did He do here? Why did He suffer and die on the cross? Learning about Jesus: An Interactive Study Guide is a creative approach to Bible study for kids. Through relatable activities, kids ages 8-12 will have fun learning all about the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Je- sus. Highlighting the names and titles of Jesus and key events from His life, this book features 26 chapters that take kids on a deep exploration of who Jesus is, what He did while He lived on earth, His teachings, and why He died on the cross for us. Kids will also grow in their ability to use, read, and understand the Bible. Most importantly, kids will grasp profound truths about Jesus, building a foundation of faith to last a lifetime.

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    • Our Father : A Study Of The Lord’s Prayer – A 6-Week Bible Study


      The Lord’s Prayer is a treasure trove for every Christian’s spiritual journey.

      Every day, Christians around the world recite the Lord’s Prayer. But could we drink more deeply from this sacred gift? Author and Bible teacher Becky Harling thinks so–after immersing herself in the Our Father prayer, she has found herself more deeply and profoundly in love with Jesus and passionate about following Him. In this 6-week Bible study, Becky shares six life-changing invitations that Jesus offers every believer through this prayer. Jesus warmly invites us:

      *to know God as Father
      *to worship
      *to surrender
      *to ask audaciously
      *to find freedom through forgiveness
      *to live victoriously

      We are living in a time of increasing fear and depression, a time of disenchantment and disappointment. But there is healing for our souls in the Lord’s Prayer. The Lord’s Prayer not only teaches deep theology about our relationship with God but also about our relationship with others. Christians will come to repeat the Our Father prayer thoughtfully and lovingly. Join Becky Harling in reclaiming the beauty, boldness, and blessing offered to every believer through the Our Father prayer.

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    • Image RESTored : Tear Down Shame And Insecurity To Experience A Body Image


      Esther Press Presents Image RESTored by Rachael Gilbert

      Includes Six-Session Video Series


      Have you ever concealed your body image struggles or disordered diet behaviors from others?

      Wife, mom, and fitness instructor Rachael Gilbert struggled with shame and insecurity when she didn’t measure up to her dream body image.

      Then, as a licensed counselor, she realized how many women bury the same painful secrets … feeling as if we’re the only ones who see ourselves as fixer-uppers in need of improved curb appeal.

      We need restoration.

      In Image RESTored, Rachael gives the blueprint for a body image renovation that grounds us in God’s love and helps us appreciate the only body we’ll ever call home in this life.

      See your whole self in a new way with an inside-out approach that includes:

      *Scripture, prayer, and journaling prompts
      *Creative coloring sheets
      *Reflection guided by therapist insights

      This step-by-step body image renovation leads to the big reveal we long for: freedom to show up fully as ourselves, just as God created us.

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    • Promises Kept : 5 Old Testament Covenants And How Christ Fulfilled Them – A


      A covenant is a bond. A promise. A token of abiding love.

      Promises ground us. With every promise comes stability and beauty. Every kept vow gives courage and hope. In Promises Kept, passionate and gifted Bible teacher Courtney Reissig takes students through five Old Testament covenants–promises–with the goal of seeing God’s beautiful storyline.

      What are the purposes of God’s covenants and how do they inform and transform the way we live? During these six weeks, we discover the meaning of God’s Covenant with Adam, Abraham, the Exodus and Passover, the Mosaic Covenant, God’s Covenant with David, and the New Covenant Promised. Participants see God’s purposes for His people, their place in His purposes, and how the entire Bible fits together. Additionally, we will see how Jesus fulfills God’s loving covenants.

      Each day of homework can be completed in 20-30 minutes, with rest days included. In the process of this study, readers learn and employ an interpretive method: observe, interpret, and apply. This simple yet indispensable tool is a gift that will equip and bless all further Bible study. As we dive into God’s precious promises to the people He loves, we’ll find our hearts strengthened and encouraged to face our days with greater love and courage.

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    • Through The Desert


      This 6-week interactive video-based Bible study of God’s faithfulness during difficult times invites you to experience a fresh move of God in your life even in spiritual deserts.

      In the midst of suffering, we often feel spiritually parched. We wonder if God is with us in this barren land or if He is simply a mirage. Yet Scripture shows us that no matter where God’s people find themselves–in battle or prison, in valley or wilderness–one thing is true: God is faithful.

      In this rich Bible study, Lina AbuJamra invites us on a journey to the desert with Abraham, the Israelites, John the Baptist, and Jesus. Lina’s teaching, companion online videos, and thoughtful discussion questions help you find:

      *A renewed sense of purpose.
      *Freedom from feelings of failure and regret.
      *A greater sense of trust in God.
      *Deeper peace as God’s promises overcome your fears.
      *Gifts of mercy, purpose, and spiritual abundance in our own deserts.

      Through the Desert shows us how we can trust in God’s presence while still acknowledging our pain. Because God longs to reveal His faithfulness to us … exactly when we need Him most.

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    • Exploring The Earliest Gospel


      Helping kids fall in love with God and His Word as they study the Bible for themselves

      Now more than ever, kids need to know and explore their Bibles.

      Getting our kids engaged with Scripture early on is vital to their discipleship. In fact, research shows that Bible reading is the number one indicator for spiritual growth. Exploring the Earliest Gospel gives kids the chance and tools to know God through His Word.

      In this kids’ Bible study, Rebecca McLaughlin and her young theologian daughters Miranda (12) and Eliza (10) guide your kids through the book of Mark. This adult-child collaboration will help your kids see themselves not just as passive recipients of teaching from grown-ups, but active participants who can engage with the Bible for themselves. At its heart, Exploring the Earliest Gospel is a study of a person: Jesus. Through sixty-six days of fun and fast-paced study, your kids will get to understand more of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.

      Mark’s Gospel was the first gospel to be written, and it’s based on the memories of Jesus’ disciple Peter. Since Peter was an act first, think later kind of guy, your kids will notice that Mark uses the word “immediately” a lot. This is an action-packed book! As your young disciples enter the stories that were written and meant for them, they will learn how to observe, interpret, and apply God’s Word to their lives.

      If you’re looking for a theologically rich, accessible bible study that helps your kids know and fall in love with Jesus and paves the way to a lifelong love of God and the Bible, give them Exploring the Earliest Gospel.

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    • Ezra And Nehemiah Study Guide With Leaders Notes (Student/Study Guide)


      The story of Ezra and Nehemiah plays out against a backdrop of ruins. There’s a ruined city, a ruined house of worship, ruined homes–ruined life with God. As is often the case in our own lives, the wreckage was largely their own fault. Their path to rebuilding, at its core, was a journey back to God. As you study Ezra and Nehemiah with Iain Duguid, you too will be encouraged to return to the God who is always faithful.

      Duguid dives into lamenting sin, facing opposition, faithfully worship, and battling discouragement. This study will renew your joy in the Lord and encourage you to turn away from your own way and toward God, ultimately discovering Jesus is the one who rebuilds and brings new life where there is ruin and decay.

      This small group guide with leader’s notes includes ten in-depth lessons that include discussion questions, a short article to read, and a practical application section that can be used for one-to-one discipleship, small group, or large group settings.

      Ezra and Nehemiah: Rebuilding What’s Ruined is part of The Gospel-Centered Life in the Bible series published in partnership with Serge. Each book in the series examines how the gospel story is revealed throughout both the Old and New Testaments.

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    • 1 Peter Study Guide With Leaders Notes (Student/Study Guide)


      Displaced–that’s what it feels like to be a Christian in an increasingly post-Christian world. You speak the language and understand the culture, yet don’t quite feel at home. How do you live as a Christian in a world that doesn’t share your convictions? Can you still hold firmly to biblical truth even as you love others? Robert Thune unpacks how the apostle Peter spoke to these issues in the first of his letters to first-century Christians.

      Thune’s study examines living a gospel-shaped life in a contrary culture. You will be encouraged by the generous grace of God and how he has called Christians to a living hope and a deep joy that can be found even in the midst of trials and opposition.

      This small group guide with leader’s notes includes ten in-depth lessons that include discussion questions, a short article to read, and a practical application section that can be used for one-to-one discipleship, small group, or large group settings.

      1 Peter: Life as an Outsider is part of The Gospel-Centered Life in the Bible series published in partnership with Serge. Each book in the series examines how the gospel story is revealed throughout both the Old and New Testaments.

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    • Discovering Good News In John


      Welcome to Your Interactive Journey Through John!

      Whether you’re a new or longtime believer, you’ll gain a wealth of wisdom when you study the Gospels! In Discovering Good News in John, authors Pam Farrel, Jean E. Jones, and Karla Dornacher encourage you to revisit the story of Jesus’s life–and be transformed along the way.

      This 10-week Bible guide illuminates John’s unique account of Jesus’s mission, ministry, and resurrection, calling you to pause and ponder each verse. You’ll be uplifted by:

      *fresh insights into the incredible book of John
      *enlightening contexts, including the culture, celebrations, and community of Jesus’s era
      *new applications from the Good News for your daily life
      *motivating devotions followed by affirmational prayers
      *creative coloring pages featuring hope-filled, worship-inspiring Bible verses

      Immerse your heart, mind, and soul in the life-giving truths of this Gospel! This new installment in the Discovering the Bible series will give you brand-new eyes that let you savor and cherish each detail John reveals about Jesus’s time on earth.

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    • Shepherd King : The Life And Times Of King David In Israel


      This Scripture Adventure is a journey through David’s life and his reign as king, a reign with its ups and downs, failures and successes. More than a list of historical facts, David’s life and legacy provide us with several life lessons, lessons that can serve to guide us daily, even moment by moment, whether we are serving only as “king” over ourselves or as leader over many. There are many “kingdoms” one can successfully rule or one can fail to rule. Which “kingdoms”? The “kingdoms” of “self” (with its many areas), as well as of home, church, school, a team, a neighborhood or community, a region, even a nation.

      Here are some crucial facts when looking at David or any other leader: simply knowing his successes will not make us successful. Nor will knowing his failures keep us from failing, but we can learn. Here is an important truth: one does not have to fail personally; one can learn from others’ failures and one does not have to succeed in the same way as other “kings” or leaders. When all is said and done, the crucial questions are these: “Have I pleased the Lord?” “Have I followed Him and His Word?” “Have I helped others connect with Him to know and follow Him?” “Have I helped others through their life journey?” David certainly knew the Lord, sought to follow Him and sought to get others to follow Him and His Word. We can learn from David, from his stands and his stumbles, his successes, and failures. After all, it ever remains a matter of the heart-seeking God’s heart as well as learning from David’s heart for each of our hearts.

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    • Unexpected Revival : Experiencing God’s Goodness Through Disappointment And


      An Unexpected Revival is an eight-week Bible study by author and speaker Erica Wiggenhorn that works systematically through the prophecies of Ezekiel. Expository in nature, it guides the reader through sample portions of the text, chronologically grouping prophecies by audience, purpose, and message. This method allows readers to understand the overall messages of Ezekiel without having to walk through every single verse. Ezekiel’s visions and word pictures prompt readers to contemplate their own obedience to God’s call and awaken to their purpose in their generation. There are five days of lessons per week, totaling 40 lessons in all. After eight weeks readers will be awakened to a need for revival in their own hearts and lives. A deep dive into Ezekiel results in greater obedience and a bolstered faith.

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    • Exodus : Stop Walking In Circles


      We all carry habits and hang-ups that can sometimes stop us from getting that promotion, hurt our relationships with those closest to us, or stunt our growth toward deeper levels of intimacy. You know who God is calling you to be, but sometimes wonder how you’re ever going to get there. This journey through Exodus is designed to give you tools to help you break those bad habits and move you into your promised land: that place God is calling you to.

      We will dive deep into Exodus 12-18, the journey out, and unearth what kept the children of Israel from reaching their dreams. After 400 years of captivity, they walked in circles for 40 years and only a few actually made it into the land flowing with milk and honey. What did they do that stopped them? Why were they unable to make it? God had so much to offer them and yet they could not break out of the same old habits, the slave mentalities, that halted their destiny.

      God has a plan for your life and wants to see you reach it just like he wanted the children of Israel to reach Canaan. Similarly, we must break some habits in order to sustain the calling and develop the character along the way. So, stop walking in circles, girl, and let’s reach those promises!

      Women will walk away with tools and tips to break the habits that are stopping them from moving into more. By diving into the way Egyptian culture influenced the children of Israel, we can draw parallels to today’s modern culture and how that may be influencing our thinking and way of life. Using hermeneutical interpretation, we will help readers to better grasp the way generational inheritance can impact “ways of life” that have just seemed normal for far too long. From personal experience, Rebecca will draw on neurology and the brain and how just because it’s always been, does not mean it is God’s way, and the children of Israel are a great example of that.

      Women will learn more about one of the most important parts of God’s story-the exodus of His children out of captivity with the world ahead of them. What stopped them? It will leave readers leaning in, asking what is stopping me?

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    • Life Principles From Unforgotten Women Of The Bible


      A quick glance at Scripture reveals the same familiar stories we’ve heard before. But when we slow down and take the time to look, other stories start to stand out to us-stories of women who played a role in God’s great story of salvation. Not all of them are named. Some of them are only mentioned in a line or a phrase, but they were significant enough for their stories to be recorded in the Book of Life. By studying them, we can learn for ourselves what it means to live a legacy of faith-what it looks like to live a life that is worthy of being remembered.

      Over six weeks, we’re going to study the stories of six of these lesser-known women of the Bible. None of them had much time in the spotlight. They are the supporting cast-the roles that get listed way down in the credits right before the makeup artists and the lighting crew. Yet they are woven into the tapestry of faith, and we should consider their stories significant because God says they are significant to him.

      *The five daughters of Zelophehad, who courageously claimed their inheritance.
      *Huldah, who valued God’s Word and helped usher in revival.
      *Abigail, whose words averted disaster and helped call King David into his destiny.
      *The Widow of Zarephath, who wasn’t searching for God but discovered God was searching for her.
      *Leah, the unloved sister who found acceptance in God’s presence and purpose
      *Gomer, who discovered the power of God’s redeeming love.

      They aren’t the women of the Bible whose names always make the Sunday School list, but their lives mattered. Their stories matter. So does yours.

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    • Blessed Are The Chosen


      Blessed Are the Chosen is an eight-lesson interactive Bible study for individuals or small groups based on season 2 of the groundbreaking television show, The Chosen. This study brings both the Old and New Testaments to life in an approachable and conversational way.

      This study guide works in tandem with each episode of the show and includes:
      *A deeper look at God’s character, power, and promises using the framework of Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount
      *Script excerpts, quotes, and illustrations from each episode
      *Scripture to provide lesson context
      *Pictures and bios of characters for increased connection
      *Conversational features to invite Bible knowledge
      *Guiding questions for group or individual discussion or reflection

      Once we belong to Him, we’re not only given a new identity; we’re ushered into a new reality–one that is sure, powerful, and life changing.

      And so–
      *We have hope no matter our circumstances.
      *We have assurances and resources, even in life’s trials.
      *We are blessed in all things because we are chosen by Him.

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    • Proverbs Volume 1


      In eight weeks, women will learn what the proverbs say about daily life, how they apply to modern times, and how they reveal the wisdom of God for all readers.

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    • Women Of The Bible


      Loaded with charts, graphs, images, and fascinating facts, the Women of the Bible: Old Testament Bible Study is easy enough that the new believer understands, but in-depth enough that the longtime churchgoer still comes away learning something new.

      This six-session Bible study explores the impact of incredible women from the Old Testament. With fascinating historical insights and engaging discussion questions, you’ll learn about Old Testament women such as:

      *The outspoken matriarch Rebecca
      *Five daughters who reshaped the law for women in ancient Israel
      *The outstanding judge Deborah and the feisty warrior Jael
      *A life-saving wise woman of a city under siege
      *The hospitable woman of Shunem
      *Lady Wisdom from the book of Proverbs who is the picture of wise living

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    • 1 Corinthians : The Grace-Changed Church – 8 Studies


      Andrew Wilson guides groups through the book of 1 Corinthians, showing how Paul’s encouragements and challenges to that church are to shape us as Christians today, both individually and as members of a local church.

      Features close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application, and questions that really open up discussion, plus a comprehensive guide for leaders in the back.

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    • Ecclesiastes Study Guide With Leaders Notes (Student/Study Guide)


      What constitutes a meaningful life? We seek fulfillment in success, prosperity, recognition, relationships, and even self-sufficiency, but we always seem to come up short. If you feel you are coming up empty in your life and need a bigger vision and greater purpose, this accessible study by David Gibson will show you that all of your hope for meaning lies in getting to know and trust your Creator.

      Listening carefully to the wisdom of Ecclesiastes will topple your false hopes in temporary comforts and achievements and steer you toward the unshakable hope you have in Jesus. Life is difficult and faith is a constant challenge, but dismantling your time-bound idols will help you look ahead to a hope-filled eternity and will equip you to live generously, wisely, and happily.

      This small group guide includes ten in-depth lessons that include discussion questions, a short article to read, and a practical application section that can be used for one-to-one discipleship, small group, or large group settings.

      Ecclesiastes: Life in the Light of Eternity is part of The Gospel-Centered Life in the Bible series published in partnership with Serge. Each book in the series examines how the gospel story is revealed throughout both the Old and New Testaments.

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    • 1 John Study Guide With Leaders Notes (Student/Study Guide)


      What do you rely on to get through your day? The things we rely on are also what define us–our family, education, job, accomplishments, money. For the apostle John, nothing defined him more than the love of God in Jesus, and that is what he relied on every moment of every day. Scotty Smith takes readers through 1 John and shows how a rich understanding of the love of God prepares us to thrive in times of great stress and strengthens us for every season of life.

      Relying on God’s love brings true joy that empowers us to be faithful in the face of opposition. Discover how we are to live in this world as children of light and how the best way to defeat spiritual warfare is to be preoccupied with Jesus. Participants will learn how knowing Jesus equals loving Jesus, and loving Jesus equals loving others. Because the Father already loves us as much as he loves Jesus, he is committed to making us like Jesus.

      This small group guide includes eight in-depth lessons that include discussion questions, a short article to read, and a practical application section that can be used for one-to-one discipleship, small group, or large group settings.

      1 John: Relying on the Love of Godis part of The Gospel-Centered Life in the Bibleseries published in partnership with Serge. Each book in the series examines how the gospel story is revealed throughout both the Old and New Testaments.

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    • Psalms Study Guide With Leaders Notes (Student/Study Guide)


      How long? Why is this happening? Where are you, God? For centuries, God’s people have learned to go to God with their real questions, struggles, and everyday needs from reading and studying the Psalms. In this practical, gospel-rich small group study, authors Barbara Juliani and Patric Knaak guide participants in learning how the Psalms give us words to pray about the real struggles in our lives.

      Faith in Christ brings us into a living relationship with God, which means we can go to God in every circumstance and with every reaction of our hearts. We don’t need to pretend things are good when they are not, or that we are strong when we are not. The Psalms are God’s gift to his people–his own words we can pray to strengthen our hearts and faith.

      This small group guide with leader’s notes includes ten in-depth lessons that include discussion questions, a short article to read, and a practical application section that can be used for one-to-one discipleship, small group, or large group settings.

      Psalms: Real Prayers for Real Life is part of The Gospel-Centered Life in the Bible series published in partnership with Serge. Each book in the series examines how the gospel story is revealed throughout both the Old and New Testaments.

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