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    Bible Language Tools

    • Biblical Hebrew And Aramaic Dictionary


      Robert R. Duke’s Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary provides comprehensive dictionary entries for Hebrew and Aramaic words occurring 10 times or more for Hebrew words and 5 times or more for Aramaic words. Each entry provides a complete overview of the term and then helpfully ties the word’s meaning to references and examples from the Hebrew Bible, aiding vocabulary memorization. An essential reference tool, it includes:

      *All Hebrew words occurring 10 times or more
      *All Aramaic words occurring 5 times or more
      *Examples of the word’s usage in the Old Testament
      *Entries from several paleo-Hebrew texts, including the Dead Sea Scrolls

      The dictionary is an essential reference for beginning, intermediate, and advanced readers of biblical Hebrew.

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    • 50 Greek Words Every Christian Should Know


      50 Greek Words Every Christian Should Know is an easy-to-understand, practical quick-reference pamphlet that will immediately refresh your Bible study, covering the basics of common biblical Greek words, definitions, and more! Here’s a sample of this amazing reference pamphlet:

      Word: Apokalupsis

      *Pronunciation: ah-paw-KAH-loop-sis

      *Scripture: 1 Peter 1:13 “Set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.”

      *Definition: revelation, disclosure, apocalypse

      *Insights: The English word apocalypse is a rendering of apokalupsis, the title of the book of Revelation. Since Jesus’s return is associated with the end of the world, apocalypse evokes thoughts of worldwide disasters. However, the Greek word simply means “a revealing.” Jesus’s return is the time when he will be revealed.

      Unpack Rich Biblical Greek Words, Definitions, and Meanings in Seconds

      Diving into biblical Greek doesn’t have to be difficult or intimidating! In fact, learning basic Greek is both easy and fun with Rose’s 50 Greek Words Every Christian Should Know! Being able to understand the multiple meanings of even a single Greek word is worth the richness and depth of meaning you’ll get from God’s Word. In the highly practical, visual, and clear style of Rose Publishing pamphlets, you can now have a crash course on the top 50 Greek words every Christian should know! From “adelphos” to “zoe,” deepen your Bible study with:

      *English transliteration and Greek spelling
      *Key Scripture
      *Pronunciation and definition
      *Short explanation
      *Relevant Scripture references

      Imagine reading a Bible passage and being able to unpack and share the deeper meanings of “charizomai” or “logos” with your Bible study and friends. In just the turn of a page, you can! 50 Greek Words Every Christian Should Know is a treasure trove of information that helps readers explore the Greek meaning of important words in the New Testament. Clear and easy to read, this quick-reference pamphlet and Bible study aid will help you (and those you lead) unlock a deeper understanding of God’s Word.

      This Pamphlet Covers 50 Greek Words Every Christian Should Know

      Enjoy having an easy-to-use Bible reference source you can carry with you or hand to a friend. Learn how to pronounce, define, and understand Greek words like:

      *Agape (love, affection, warm regard)
      *Charis (grace, favor, goodwill)
      *Ekklesia (assembly, church, congregation)
      *Kairos (appointed time, seaso

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    • W E Vines New Testament Word Pictures Hebrews To Revelation


      Every key word from Vine’s famous Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words now presented in a handy verse-by-verse format.

      From Hebrews to Revelation

      Study the meaning of biblical words in the original languages without spending years learning Greek. W. E. Vine’s New Testament Word Pictures places every key word from Vine’s classic Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words in Bible book and verse-by-verse order. The text of the King James Version of the Bible is included for context, but W. E. Vine’s New Testament Word Pictures is keyed to the Strong’s numbering system and can be used with any Bible translation.

      Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words:

      *Explains key words in original Greek context
      *Does not require knowledge of Greek
      *Includes Strong’s numbers for further study
      *Is ideal for busy Bible preachers and teachers
      *Combines the features of a dictionary, concordance, and commentary

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    • W E Vines New Testament Word Pictures Romans To Philemon


      Every key word from Vine’s famous Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words now presented in a handy verse-by-verse format.

      From Romans to Philemon

      Study the meaning of biblical words in the original languages without spending years learning Greek. W. E. Vine’s New Testament Word Pictures places every key word from Vine’s classic Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words in Bible book and verse-by-verse order. The text of the King James Version of the Bible is included for context, but W. E. Vine’s New Testament Word Pictures is keyed to the Strong’s numbering system and can be used with any Bible translation.

      Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words:

      *Explains key words in original Greek context
      *Does not require knowledge of Greek
      *Includes Strong’s numbers for further study
      *Is ideal for busy Bible preachers and teachers
      *Combines the features of a dictionary, concordance, and commentary

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    • Baker Expository Dictionary Of Biblical Words


      One of the keys to effectively preaching and teaching God’s Word is a deep understanding of the meaning of biblical words in the original Hebrew and Greek. As the building blocks of language, words are the means we use to communicate with one another, and they’re also the means God has chosen for communicating with us, his people.

      To enrich your preaching, teaching, and personal study of God’s Word, this clear, accurate, and easy-to-use dictionary offers the most up-to-date evangelical biblical scholarship as well as fascinating, detailed explanations of biblical words. Whether you’re a pastor, a seminary student, or a lay student of the Bible, this expository dictionary offers a wealth of information about the original Hebrew and Greek words of Scripture.

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    • Bible Study Made Easy


      How can you dig deeper into the Bible? Enjoy a solid, easy-tounderstand overview of inductive Bible study with Rose’s Bible Study Made Easy.

      Featuring charts, simple summaries, and practical tips, this quick guide is a great introduction, going step-by-step through the basic principles of Bible study.

      Discover how to use concordances to easily navigate through the Bible, find out how to dig deeper with Bible dictionaries, and learn how to apply God’s word to your life through inductive Bible studies.

      It covers:
      * 7 “first steps” to take when beginning a Bible study
      * 8 basic principles of Bible study
      * Dozens of study tips and recommendations, including which key Bible verses, passages, and books of the Bible to explore
      * 3 keys to inductive Bible study and the S.O.I.L. four-step approach that explains how to dig deeper into the Bible

      Perfect for individual study, 1-on-1 discipleship, small groups, adult Sunday school classes, youth groups, and new believers’ classes!

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    • AMGs Comprehensive Dictionary Of New Testament Words


      AMG’s Comprehensive Dictionary of New Testament English and Greek Words covers the vast majority of common wordsand all the proper names of people andplaces found in the New Testament. It waswritten to serve as a primary referencetool for students of the New Testament,those who teach the Word of God and allthose who read it. This Dictionary takesinto consideration the terms used by sevenexcellent translations of the Bible: J. N.Darby, King James, New King James, NewInternational (1984, 2011), New AmericanStandard and English Standard versions.In this Dictionary, for the vast majority of cases, all the Biblical references for the entries of the terms listed are provided, thus allowing the work to also serve as a concordance. It contains definitions for approximately 97% of all New Testament Greek terms. The second part of the Dictionary is a glossary of all Greek terms, relating them to the entries of the corresponding English terms. Overall the Dictionary contains close to 8,000 English terms which are defined or are presented as cross-references, and more than 5,500 Greek terms.For each English term listed, the reader will find the corresponding Greek term or terms. As a general rule, each entry or subentry includes the transliteration of the Greek word, the class of word, the Greek word, the Strong’s code as well as the etymology of the word (and the meaning of the name of the person or place), and a definition of the term; paraphrased verses and other N.T. references are provided, enabling the reader to understand the context in which the term is used.

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    • Tabernaculo Guia Ilustrada – (Spanish)


      Using dozens of full-color illustrations plus six uniquely designed clear plastic overlays, Illustrated Guide to the Tabernacle allows readers to “see inside” the Old Testament tabernacle in the Wilderness of Sinai to better understand the purpose of its important events and elaborate furnishings (Ark of the Covenant, Table of Showbread, etc.). This movable tent was the place where God met with His people and is important because it shows: God’s desire to live among His people God’s original design for the world God’s plan to fix a broken creation Insight into Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection How the significance and symbolism of the tabernacle find their ultimate fulfillment in Christ.

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    • How To Study The Bible


      The Bible is the Word of life. As such, studying the Bible is crucial to the life and growth of every believer. In this revised work, John MacArthur examines various Scripture passages in the Old and New Testament to answer both the “why” and the “how” questions of Bible study. How to Study the Bible can be used alongside or apart from the audio series available from Grace to You in either a personal or group study. Unique features: -Corresponds with the audio message series available from Grace to You -Features revised content and study questions -For personal or group study use

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    • How To Study The Bible Wall Chart Laminated


      How to Study the Bible wall chart
      Whether you are teaching people with no Bible experience or those who have been Christians a long time, this chart will provide an excellent introduction to studying the Bible.
      Your students will learn the basics of Bible study and develop the confidence to read it themselves.
      * Approaching the Bible “inductively”-asking “What does the Bible
      teach?” rather than “How do I prove my opinions by using the Bible?”
      * Bible passages and topics to study.
      * Applying the teachings of the Bible to everyday life.
      * Memorizing Scripture-12 key verses.
      * Using Bible dictionaries, concordances, and cross references

      Contirbutors: Bill Reynolds (“Mr. Bible”); Dr. Robert Cubillos; Carleen Shrag, Dr. Peter Loizeaux, Carolyn Loizeaux, Dan Mahaffie, Delores Withers, Dave Wilke.

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    • Complete Word Study Dictionary New Testament Scripture Reference Index (Annual)


      This volume is designed as a companion study aid to the COMPLETE WORD STUDY DICTIONARY: NEW TESTAMNENT. There is an index to every scripture reference listed in the Dictionary. Each reference is coded to Strong’s numbering system.

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    • Complete Word Study Dictionary Old Testament


      The AMG Word Study series helps pastors, students, and laypeople gain access to God’s Word in its original languages. Completing the series, this dictionary features entries that include Strong’s numbering; the Hebrew or Aramaic word and its English transliteration; concordance information that lists every occurrence within the Old Testament; a translational reference; and more!

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    • Complete Word Study Old Testament


      Studying Hebrew and Aramaic now takes one book, not your entire desktop! Every word in this Old Testament has its Strong’s number and a grammatical code printed above the English text. Strong’s Dictionary of the Hebrew Bible is included in the Study Helps section and gives detailed definitions of key words. Other helps include grammatical notations which explain the codes, and a translational reference index which links each English word of the KJV to all the Hebrew words it represents.

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    • Complete Word Study New Testament


      Now you can dig into the original language of the New Testament without becoming a Greek scholar! This enriching resource assigns a Strong’s reference number to every word in the KJV text, provides grammatical information about each word, and parses each verb.Strong’s Dictionary of the New Testament * Greek concordance * And more!

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