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    Ann Wilson

    • 9781664287143 Gods Rainbows Are Forever

      Gods Rainbows Are Forever


      We read in the book of Genesis that God made a covenant with Noah. He promised never to destroy all flesh again with a worldwide flood. God put the rainbow in the clouds as a reminder that He would never flood the whole earth again because of the promise He made to Noah. In the current day and age, a lot of children don’t even know where the rainbow came from. A lot of adults don’t know what the rainbow represents. I felt I should write this book so the eyes of many children would be opened to the biblical truths about God’s rainbow. As parents, we need to fill our children with the Word of God-the only thing that can give our children life everlasting. What a beautiful gift God gave us when He provided us with the covenant of the rainbow! Every once in a while, the Lord will bless us with a little bit of heaven when He puts His rainbow in the clouds. Author: Ann Wilson Illustrator: Pam Day

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    • 9781512736427 Wrap You Up In Jesus Name

      Wrap You Up In Jesus Name


      When you are young and first start raising your children there are so many questions and worries. I hope this book will be a guideline to help you get in the word of God and know what he wants us to do while we are raising our children. We have to do our part praying, reading the bible and teaching them right from wrong. But the hardest part is learning to say “Ok Lord, I know they belong to you, I have to trust you to do the rest.” Just remember what the bible says in John 15;7, “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you”

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