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Allegorical Fiction

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  • Torre Oscura Y Otras Historias – (Spanish)


    Publicado por primera vez en el idioma espaol, La Torre oscura revela otro lado de la mente creativa de Lewis y su fascinacion por la realidad y la espiritualidad.

    Este libro imprescindible de C. S. Lewis es una coleccion de relatos futuristas publicada postumamente. En las obras se recoge su permanente fascinacion por la realidad y la espiritualidad. Muchas de ellas estan inacabadas, pero contienen una gran sabiduria sobre la naturaleza de la realidad. Esta coleccion de ficcion futurista incluye una impresionante historia de ciencia ficcion escrita al principio de su carrera en la que los intelectuales de Cambridge son testigos de la ruptura del espacio-tiempo a traves de un “cronoscopio”, un telescopio que mira no solo a otro mundo, sino a otro tiempo.

    Tan poderosa, inventiva y profunda como sus obras teologicas y filosoficas, La torre oscura es una lectura ideal para los fanaticos de J. R. R. Tolkien, el viejo amigo y colega de Lewis.

    The Dark Tower

    Published for the first time in Spanish, The Dark Tower reveals another side of Lewis’ creative mind and his fascination with reality and spirituality.

    This signature book is a repackaged edition of the futuristic collection of short stories by C.S. Lewis published after his death. The works include his longtime fascination with reality and spirituality. Many pieces are unfinished yet provide great wisdom about the nature of reality. This collection of futuristic fiction includes a breathtaking science fiction story written early in his career in which Cambridge intellectuals witness the breach of space-time through a chronoscope–a telescope that looks not just into another world, but into another time.

    As powerful, inventive, and profound as his theological and philosophical works, The Dark Tower is an ideal read for fans of J. R. R. R. Tolkien, Lewis’s longtime friend and colleague.

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  • Diablo Propone Unbrindis – (Spanish)


    La unica secuela oficial, escrita por el propio Lewis, de la siempre popular Cartas del diablo, publicada junto con otros ensayos breves.

    Uno de los libros mas populares que jamas haya salido de la pluma de C. S. Lewis fue escrito en nombre del diablo, un demonio mayor, experimentado en el arte de atraer a sus “pacientes” en la tierra a su propia condenacion al servicio de “nuestro padre abajo” y capacitar a otros para que hagan lo mismo.

    La correspondencia del diablo con su sobrino, un aprendiz de diablo, llego a manos de Lewis, dijo, por una ruta que no quiso revelar, y muchos lectores han terminado la coleccion anhelando mas de las ideas que obtuvieron de su sabiduria.

    Para gran resistencia de Lewis, este discurso de despues de la cena, dado por el diablo a una clase de demonios que se graduaban en una universidad en el infierno, salio a la luz unos aos despues de la publicacion de las cartas originales. Ahora, 80 aos despues, el discurso se reproduce en su totalidad una vez mas, junto con una breve coleccion de otras obras menos conocidas pero perennes de Lewis.

    Mucha gente se habra olvidado de la unica “secuela” oficial que existe de “el diablo”, el 80 aniversario de la publicacion de “El diablo” es la oportunidad perfecta para traer esto de vuelta. Este volumen incluye tambien siete brillantes ensayos de Lewis, incluido el famoso El peso de la gloria.

    Screwtape Proposes a Toast

    The only official sequel, penned by Lewis himself, to the ever-popular ‘Screwtape Letters” – published alongside other short essays.

    One of the most popular books ever to come from the pen of C.S. Lewis was written in the name of Screwtape, a senior devil, experienced in the art of luring his “patients” on earth to their own damnation in service of “our father below” – and training others to do the same.

    Screwtape’s correspondence with his nephew, an apprentice devil, came into Lewis’s hands, he said, by a route he would not disclose, and many a reader has finished the collection longing for more of the insights they gained from its wisdom.

    Much to Lewis’s resistance, this after-dinner speech, given by Screwtape to a graduating class of demons at a college in hell, came to light a few years after the publication of the original letters. Now 80 years later, the speech is reproduced in full once more, along with a short collection of Lewis’s other lesser-known, but perennial works.

    Many people will have forgotten about the only official “sequel” th

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  • Pilgrims Progress : A Poetic Retelling Of John Bunyan’s Classic Tale


    This fresh retelling of John Bunyan’s bestseller features kid-friendly language in verse form, coupled with colorful illustrations. Young readers ages eight and up will be inspired and captivated by this classic Christian allegory.

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  • Book Of Mysteries


    Jonathan Cahn, who caused a national and international stir with the New York Times best seller The Harbinger and then The Mystery of the Shemitah, now brings us a treasure chest, which contains some of the greatest mysteries of all time. The reader will discover life-transforming secrets, mind-blowing realities, and heart-changing revelations in such mysteries as The Face in the Waters, The Leper King, The Land of Gezarah, The Secret of the Third Prince, The House of Spirits, The Mystery of the Rains, How to Alter Your Past, The Second Scroll, The Similitude, The Mystery of the Eighth Day, and much more. The Book of Mysteries takes the readers on a journey of divine revelation through ancient scriptures, the laws of creation, the deep of God’s Word, the hidden streams of history, the most important keys of spiritual truth, end-time mysteries, and the secrets of life.

    The Book of Mysteries opens up with a traveler and his encounter with a man known only as “the teacher.” The teacher takes him on an odyssey through desert mountains, valleys, gardens and plains, encounters with nomadic tent dwellers, caverns and ancient ruins, chambers of scrolls and vessels, and more. The reader is taken along to partake in the journey and in all the teachings and revelations. The traveler keeps a journal, in which he writes down each of the mysteries given to him by the teacher in his one-year odyssey–365 different mysteries–one for each day of the year. Thus, on top of everything else, The Book of Mysteries is also a daily devotional unlike any other. And each mystery contains a special mission for each day of the year, a mission that takes the revelation and applies it to reality for a life-changing journey.

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  • Pilgrims Progress : Journey To Heaven (DVD)


    Praised as “powerful” and “life-changing”, this modern adaptation of John Bunyan’s classic is a film you won’t want to miss! Follow Christian in his allegorical journey from the City of Destruction to the gates of heaven and be encouraged in your own walk with the King of kings.

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  • Battle Of Trickum County

    Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $3.99.

    SKU (ISBN): 9780784719107ISBN10: 0784719101Kersten HamiltonBinding: PerfectPublished: September 2007Caleb Pascal And The Peculiar People # 3Publisher: Christian Standard Media LLC

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  • Redeeming Love : A Novel (Anniversary)


    Can God’s Love Save Anyone? Bestselling author Francine Rivers skillfully retells the biblical love story of Gomer and Hosea in a tale set against the exciting backdrop of the California Gold Rush. The heroine, Angel, is a young woman who was sold into prostitution as a child. Michael Hosea is a godly man sent into Angel’s life to draw her into the Savior’s redeeming love. This remarkable novel has sold over half a million copies and is among the top twenty on the ECPA fiction bestsellers list for four years running. Now complete with a Bible study section and available in a fresh, compelling cover!

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  • Chronicles Of Narnia Set


    Set Includes:
    1. The Magician’s Nephew
    2. The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe
    3. The Horse And His Boy
    4. Prince Caspian
    5. The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
    6. The Silver Chair
    7. The Last Battle

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