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A. W. Tozer

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  • Pursuit Of Christian Maturity


    In today’s world of shallow pursuits, surface-level social media, and frivolous vanities, too many Christians are distracted from what really counts: a passionate pursuit of Christ. Because of that, the enemy controls us, keeping us and the Church at large from being everything God wants us to be.

    In this never-before-published compilation of teachings, A.W. Tozer dives deep into a favorite topic: growing in Christ. With passion and biblical wisdom he equips you to:

    *ignite a true desire for Christ
    *overcome hindrances to your Christian development
    *implement life-giving disciplines
    *grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ

    The deeper you mature in Christ, the less this shallow world can ensnare you. And the more you–and the Church–will truly flourish.

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  • Pursuing God : 366 Daily Devotions


    The Pursuing God Saddle Tan Faux Leather Devotional is a compilation of 366 daily readings from the heart and mind of Dr. A.W. Tozer. The selections have been gleaned from his taped sermons, with additional excerpts from his published books and his incisive editorials. His helpful personal illustrations, testimonies, and spiritual concerns have been scattered throughout these pages, all glorifying the Person of Jesus Christ, our Savior and LORD. In this collection, Tozer calls readers to reflect on God’s Word, consider who God is, and turn to Him in prayer.

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  • Devil Shall Not Prevail


    Learn to Recognize and Resist the Enemy’s Tactics

    The devil is real, and his strategies are hidden in plain sight. He’s created an atmosphere of distraction and temptation all around us, so that when you pick up your phone, turn on your television, or walk out your door, you’re bombarded with images and messages that glorify evil and demean what is good.

    In this never-before-published compilation of teachings, A.W. Tozer offers piercing insight and practical application to help you make God-honoring, life-giving decisions in a culture that prizes what is evil. You will learn how to:

    * recognize the tactics of the enemy
    * resist temptation
    * walk closely and confidently with God

    The influence of this world is great, but we serve a God greater still. Here is the wisdom and biblical insight you need to resist the devil and stand firm on holy ground.

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  • Apostles Creed


    We believe . . . an ancient creed is essential for today.

    A. W. Tozer derived great personal satisfaction and help from the church creeds, and he used them as he preached and taught. This new book draws on four previously published essays and several articles that have never before been published in books.

    Tozer brings the reader through the essential facets of the Christian faith through the Apostles’ Creed:

    *God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit
    *What it means that Jesus was Crucified, Resurrected, Ascended, and Returning
    *How are we to understand The Communion of the Church, Forgiveness, and Eternity

    Beginning with Why the Creeds are Still Important Today and ending with Connecting Our Creeds to Our Deeds, this book brings the reader into a rich experience of the Christian life. If you wish to study the classic truths of biblical doctrine and connect them to a vibrant spiritual life, join Tozer in a journey through The Apostles’ Creed.

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  • Toward A More Perfect Faith


    There has hardly ever been in my ministry a series of sermons to which I have given more time, more pain and more prayer than I did to this series from Philippians 3.

    A. W. Tozer called these sermons the most important he ever preached. Looking closely at Philippians 3, he describes the Christian as a modern-day Lazarus who hears the call to arise–but can’t escape the grave clothes. In this new series of sermon transcriptions, Tozer shows us how to live with freedom.

    Toward a Deeper Faith gives us Tozer’s sermons on:

    *Considering Perfection in the Christian Life
    *Four Kinds of Christians
    *Discovering the Loveliness of Jesus Christ
    *The Will of God and Its Relationship to Our Cross
    *The Obstacle of Self Trust
    *Living in His Righteousness . . . and more.

    We are heirs to the King, and Tozer wants us to reclaim our heritage. Return again and again to Tozer’s twelve sermons that will bring you into a deeper life of love and maturity in Jesus Christ.

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  • Going Higher With God In Prayer


    It’s been said that not knowing how to pray is one of the great obstacles in a Christian’s life. A.W. Tozer pointed out that the church’s greatest curse is unanswered prayer, and that we do not seem bothered by that. Many just don’t understand what answered prayer is all about. Tozer outlines this as only he can, describing the conditions that lend themselves to God’s response as well as those conditions that lead to his remaining silent.

    Ultimately, Tozer challenges you to ask: Are my prayers more powerful and effective today than they were a year ago? The book opens with Jacob’s Ladder, with the theme centering on ascending into God’s presence. What better place to begin dialoging with God! Only he can teach us what is on his heart, what is his will, and what our part in it could be. Deep inspiration and elevated understanding await readers in this new book, masterfully compiled by James L. Snyder.

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  • Oracion – (Spanish)


    Una coleccion de reflexiones de A. W. Tozer sobre la oracion.

    Oracion combina los mejores escritos de Tozer sobre la oracion en un solo volumen. Tozer estaba cautivado por la gran maravilla de Dios y consideraba la oracion como el medio principal para llegar a su presencia. Pero si nuestra vida cotidiana esta llena de la esterilidad de las ocupaciones y no hay una urgencia seria de orar, perdemos la maravilla de ser conformados a la imagen de Cristo y de conocer a nuestro Dios mas intimamente: la verdadera vida cristiana.

    Prayer combines the best of Tozer on prayer into one volume. Tozer was captured by the great wonder of God, and he regarded prayer as the primary means of coming into His presence. But if our everyday life is filled with the barrenness of busyness and there is no serious urgency to pray, we forfeit the wonder of being conformed to the image of Christ and knowing our God more intimately–the true Christian life.

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  • Jesus – (Spanish)


    Un llamado a reconocer a Cristo por quien es El y a someterse diariamente a El como Seor y Salvador.

    Jesus: La Vida y Ministerio de Dios Hijo presenta selecciones de los escritos de Tozer sobre el Dios-Hombre, Jesucristo. El autor sigue la cronologia de la vida terrenal de Cristo y explora temas clasicos de la cristologia, permitiendo a los lectores a comprender y apreciar mejor la persona y la obra de Jesus.

    Proponerse estudiar a Cristo, significa contemplar su esplendor lo mejor posible. Jesus: La Vida y Ministerio de Dios Hijo nos permite lograr un aprecio renovado al Salvador del mundo y de la palabra escrita para glorificar su nombre.

    A call to recognize Christ for who he is and to daily submit to Him as Lord and Savior.

    Jesus: The Life and Ministry of God the Son features selections from Tozer’s writings on the God-man, Jesus Christ. It follows the chronology of Christ’s earthly life and explores classic themes of Christology, helping readers better comprehend and appreciate Jesus’ person and work.

    When you set out to study Christ, you want to behold His splendor the best you can. Jesus: The Life and Ministry of God the Son allows the reader to appreciate anew the Savior of the world and the power of the written word to glorify His name.

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  • From The Grave


    Meditations on Lent, from one of the church’s greatest English writers

    From the Grave is a collection of 40 daily readings from the beloved 20th-century pastor and writer A. W. Tozer (1887-1963). Gleaned from his transcribed sermons, editorials, and published books, each moving reflection has been carefully selected for the season of Lent.

    The purpose of Lent is to prepare us for commemorating Jesus’s self-sacrifice, and to help us experience concretely the journey from death to new life. In that spirit, From the Grave was compiled to aid your conformity to Christ by addressing themes like:
    *Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection
    *Mortification of the flesh
    *Self-denial and cross-bearing
    *New life in Christ
    *Christian obedience and resurrection hope

    Each day features a brief reading and one or more passages of Scripture for meditation. As you move through each day, may your heart and your will journey from the garden to the grave to light of day. Reflecting on the self-sacrificial work of Christ, may you offer your own life as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable, worshipful and pleasing, and with reverence and gratitude in your heart to God.

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  • Pursuit Of God


    The Pursuit of God; The Human Thirst for the Divine by A.W. Tozer is the beloved, timeless, classic, work on man’s desire to continually draw closer to God.

    Whether you are thirsting for more of God or do not yet know of the “mighty longing after God” that so consumed A.W. Tozer’s life and ministry, The Pursuit of God will draw you into a deep, abiding relationship with the One who nourishes the soul.

    This is the spiritual masterpiece that exposes the roadblocks that keep us from fully knowing God.

    It also reveals our responsibility of the pursuit and ultimately leads us into the very presence of God Himself.

    In the middle of day-to-day life, have you somehow forgotten that Christianity is a living, vibrant relationship with a personal God? Tozer reminds you, and challenges you to renew your relationship with the loving God. In each of 10 chapters, he explains one aspect of waiting on God, and ends with a prayer.

    This book is clearly the number one best seller of all of A.W. Tozer books and is called “one of the all-time most inspirational books” by a panel of Christian magazine writers.

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  • Pursuit Of God (Reprinted)


    The Pursuit of God is the enduring Christian classic written by renowned pastor and theologian A. W. Tozer. More than 65 years later, the words Tozer penned on a train from Illinois to Texas echo across the decades to resonate with power in the heart of anyone longing for a deeper experience with God. This devotional masterpiece is at once thought-provoking and spirit-enlivening, an invitation to think deeply about your faith even as you come alive to God’s presence surrounding, sustaining and–yes–pursuing you. “This book is a modest attempt,” Tozer wrote, “to aid God’s children so to find Him.” If you are hungry, The Pursuit of God will lead you to the only One who can satisfy the soul.

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