Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)
Showing all 34 resultsSorted by latest
Beyond The Salvation Wars
$21.99God has provided salvation, but when does it begin? What is required of us? Can we lose it? These and other disputed questions have divided Christians for centuries. Matthew W. Bates has already shown that the gospel is about King Jesus and that faith includes allegiance. In Beyond the Salvation Wars, he unpacks additional truths from the Bible and the early church to describe how salvation happens.
Bates offers a new model, encouraging Protestants and Catholics toward long-term unity. But his proposal contains strong medicine: it doesn’t sugarcoat current Protestant and Catholic errors but diagnoses with precision for the future health of the church.
By using accessible writing and stories, Bates shows what Scripture teaches about baptism, election, regeneration, assurance, and justification. A companion to his previous book, Gospel Allegiance: What Faith in Jesus Misses for Salvation in Christ, this book will appeal to those who want to discover core truths about how we are saved–for their personal journey as well as for final Christian unity. A discussion guide with questions for classes and groups will be available.
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Steadfast Love Of The Lord
$21.99A Clear, Biblical Picture of God’s Unconditional Love for His Children
Many believers know that “God is love.” But whether through cultural lies, false beliefs, or years of mulling over the tragedies of the world, it may be difficult to see the true, steadfast, and unchanging love of the Father. Thankfully the Bible offers a clear picture of what God’s love looks like and how, through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, believers experience his affection for themselves.
Taking an accessible approach to biblical theology, author Sam Storms explores Scripture to address what God’s love is and what it isn’t. Drawing insights from the Psalms and the life of Jesus, Storms covers God’s sovereignty and the saving power, longevity, and sin-killing nature of his love. The Steadfast Love of the Lord breaks down obstacles that prevent believers from accepting biblical truths and challenges the cultural lies that hinder them from accepting God’s vast and unfathomable love.
*Accessible: An introductory approach to biblical theology, this book is perfect for laypeople and thoughtful Christians
*Practical: Not only helps believers study the nature of God but helps them experience his affection for themselves
*Honest: From a biblical perspective, this book addresses the cultural lies of our age to explain what love is and what it isn’t
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Church In Dark Times
$19.99We expect evil to appear in obvious forms: malice, cruelty, and contempt. We also expect to find villains at the helm of evil movements and organizations, leaders with dark impulses and motivations. But all too often, malevolence is more subtle, hiding behind our own best intentions.
In The Church in Dark Times, cultural critic Mike Cosper unveils this dynamic in the growing crisis of abuse and other failures in modern evangelical churches. Drawing on the work of twentieth-century political theorist Hannah Arendt, Cosper explores what we can learn from her theory of the “banality of evil”–the thoughtlessness that allows ordinary people to become complicit in all manner of corruption. He uncovers the underlying causes of the breakdowns of the church and offers practices that foster healing and renewal.
This book will engage Christian leaders and all followers who want to better understand how church crises keep happening–and how we can resist them and move forward.
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Light Unapproachable : Divine Incomprehensibility And The Task Of Theology
$24.00How can finite creatures know an infinite God? How does limited knowledge impact what we can say of God?
Retrieving and constructing important insight from Scripture and key patristic, medieval, early modern, and modern theologians, Ronni Kurtz presents a rich analysis of the doctrine of divine incomprehensibility. Our theological language, says Kurtz, cannot capture the full mystery of God. However, our inability to see God in his totality should not lead us to despair. Through God’s gracious accommodation, we can learn to speak of God faithfully, truthfully, and prayerfully.
Kurtz’s dialogue with varying traditions to unpack divine accommodation reminds us that theologians in all ages have wrestled with what we can and cannot say of God.
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Non Prophets Guide To Heaven
$19.99Straightforward Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Heaven
How do we know who goes to heaven? Will we have bodies? Will we recognize other people, such as our friends and family? What does having a future in heaven mean for us while still here on earth?
In The Non-Prophet’s Guide(TM) to Heaven, author and illustrator Todd Hampson answers these questions and many more with lighthearted illustrations and faithful explorations of what Scripture reveals about heaven. As you embark on this spirited adventure, you will encounter:
*historical understandings of heaven and a deep dive into what the Bible really says
*an overview of what happens between now and eternity on a clear, informative timeline
*encouragement to deepen your faith in God’s promises and make today count more than ever!Packed with engaging infographics and bountiful insight, this inspiring resource will transform your understanding of heaven and the afterlife while energizing you to live more boldly in the present.
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Mere Christian Hermeneutics
$39.99Reading the Bible to the glory of God.
In 1952, C. S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity eloquently defined the essential tenets of the Christian faith. With the rise of fractured individualism that continues to split the church, this approach is more important now than ever before for biblical hermeneutics.
Many Christians wonder how to read the text of Scripture well, rightly, and faithfully. After all, developing a strong theory of interpretation has always been presented by two enormous challenges:
1. A variety of actual interpretations of the Bible, even within the context of a single community of believers.
2. The plurality of reading cultures–denominational, disciplinary, historical, and global interpretive communities–each with its own frame of reference.
In response, influential theologian Kevin J. Vanhoozer puts forth a “mere” Christian hermeneutic–essential principles for reading the Bible as Scripture everywhere, at all times, and by all Christians.To center his thought, Vanhoozer turns to the accounts of Jesus’ transfiguration–a key moment in the broader economy of God’s revelation–to suggest that spiritual or “figural” interpretation is not a denial or distortion of the literal sense but, rather, its glorification.
Irenic without resorting to bland ecumenical tolerance, Mere Christian Hermeneutics is a powerful and convincing call for both church and academy to develop reading cultures that enable and sustain the kind of unity and diversity that a “mere Christian hermeneutic” should call for and encourage.
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40 Questions About Suffering And Evil
$25.99Multifaceted answers to the multifaceted challenges of suffering and evil.
Both inside and outside the Christian faith, many difficult realities trouble human hearts and minds. By being equipped to answer questions about suffering and evil, Christians can persevere in faith, share their faith, and defend the faith when confronted with these inevitable challenges of living in a fallen world.
In 40 Questions About Suffering and Evil, Greg Welty shows the necessity of exploring our vocabulary around evil and suffering so we can clearly see and express the best questions.
Welty explores vital ideas, backgrounds, and issues, answering questions like these:
*What is the difference between Moral Evil and Natural Evil?
*What is the Bible’s role in helping us understand suffering and evil?
*Does God will all suffering and evil?
*How is the gospel relevant to counseling those who suffer?Welty provides biblically informed intellectual resources for answering significant questions about suffering and evil, exposing readers to a wide range of influential views articulated by Christians over the past two millennia.
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40 Questions About Pentecostalism
$23.99How to understand the beliefs and practices of Pentecostalism
At just over a century old, the Pentecostal Movement accounts for over 500 million believers worldwide and continues to grow. Still, confusion abounds over what Pentecostals believe and teach about the Holy Spirit, worship, salvation, healing, and much more.
In 40 Questions About Pentecostalism, Jonathan Black provides an accessible overview of the historical, theological, biblical, and experiential factors that make Pentecostalism a vibrant and worldwide Christian movement. He answers questions such as these:
*How did Pentecostalism begin?
*How are Charismatics different from Pentecostals?
*Do Pentecostals affirm the prosperity gospel?
*What is the Pentecostal doctrine of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?
*What do Pentecostals believe about healing?
*What ministries has Christ placed in his church according to Pentecostal theology?
*What is “speaking in tongues”?As with all the 40 Questions books, the question-andanswer format offers readers targeted guidance on the questions that matter most to them, and controversial issues are addressed with robust scholarship and in a spirit of grace.
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Joy Of The Trinity
$17.99It’s hard to know a God we don’t understand, and it’s hard to love a God we don’t know.
But our God wants to be known and loved, and He’s told us a lot about Himself in the pages of His Word-particularly that He is a “three-in-one” God. Although it is a crucial and classic Christian teaching, understanding the Trinity can be intimidating at first. But it doesn’t have to be!
Join bestselling author, Bible teacher, and podcaster Tara-Leigh Cobble as she walks you through the triune nature of God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. As you turn each page, you’ll discover a beautiful, foundational view of the Trinity that will not only inform how you relate to God but give you deeper intimacy and greater joy in knowing Him!
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Coming To Faith Through Dawkins
$21.99Richard Dawkins = Christian evangelist?
Editors Denis Alexander and Alister McGrath gather other intelligent minds from around the world to share their startling commonality: Richard Dawkins and his fellow New Atheists were instrumental in their conversions to Christianity.
Despite a wide range of backgrounds and cultures, all are united in the fact that they were first enthusiasts for the claims and writings of the New Atheists. But each became disillusioned by the arguments and conclusions of Dawkins, causing them to look deeper and with more objectivity at religious faith. The fallacies of Christianity Dawkins warns of simply don’t exist.
Spending time in this fascinating and powerful book is like being invited to the most interesting dinner party you’ve ever attended. Listen as twelve men and women from five different countries across a variety of professions–philosophers, artists, historians, engineers, scientists, and more–explain their journeys from atheism to faith. In the end, you may come away having reached the same conclusion: authentic Christian faith is in fact more intellectually convincing and rational than New Atheism.
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Set Adrift : Deconstructing What You Believe Without Sinking Your Faith
$19.99How to analyze and reevaluate your Christian beliefs and experiences in the church while keeping the core of your faith intact.
The number of Christians leaving the church today is significant. Many feel there is no place for them within the faith–they no longer feel at home in their church community or tradition. For various reasons, they are unsettled by the version of Christianity they’ve inherited.
Stripping away the nonessential aspects of Christianity, Sean McDowell and John Marriott will help you navigate the jarring questions and cultural challenges that lead many to walk away from the faith. You’ll come to recognize that there are other ways Christians throughout history have understood what faithfulness to Jesus looks like.
Each chapter provides practical advice on how to disassemble, rethink, and reassemble beliefs that are truly Christian and culturally and personally relevant. You’ll learn how you can continue to seek an authentic faith by:
*Establishing Jesus and his teachings as the foundation.
*Utilizing the creeds as boundary markers of what is essential.
*Seeing the entire Bible as a truthful revelation from God.
*Seeing Christianity as a historic and global tradition that encompasses diverse communities and viewpoints.The authors of this book can personally identify with the process of disillusionment that many young believers go through. They wrote Set Adrift as people who had to navigate their own way back through the fog of deconstruction. They wrote it to offer their own personal suggestions for what to do when you’re not sure what to believe anymore.
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Apostles Creed
$14.99We believe . . . an ancient creed is essential for today.
A. W. Tozer derived great personal satisfaction and help from the church creeds, and he used them as he preached and taught. This new book draws on four previously published essays and several articles that have never before been published in books.
Tozer brings the reader through the essential facets of the Christian faith through the Apostles’ Creed:
*God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit
*What it means that Jesus was Crucified, Resurrected, Ascended, and Returning
*How are we to understand The Communion of the Church, Forgiveness, and EternityBeginning with Why the Creeds are Still Important Today and ending with Connecting Our Creeds to Our Deeds, this book brings the reader into a rich experience of the Christian life. If you wish to study the classic truths of biblical doctrine and connect them to a vibrant spiritual life, join Tozer in a journey through The Apostles’ Creed.
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Human : Made And Remade In The Image Of God
$10.79Being human is complicated! Our bodies, intellects and emotions are all God-given gifts, but we so often find them in varying states of disorder. How then, can we become the full bearers of God’s image that we were made to be?
In response to this profound question, Ros Clarke helpfully outlines what the Bible has to say about the nature of humanity. Addressing our status as created beings; our purpose in God’s world; our nature as body and soul; and our fall away from God, Human unpacks questions around the issues of identity, sexuality and gender. It then turns to Christ’s example as the perfect human, and considers Jesus’ teaching about each of us being loved, valued and redeemed. A teaching that remains foundational for all discussions around important topics like inclusivity, disability and race.
Written with both humour and pastoral concern, and including a study guide to aid personal reflection and group discussion, this book will help you consider afresh what it means to be a human.
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Lords Supper : Our Promised Place Of Intimacy And Transformation With Jesus
$18.99From the very beginning, the Lord’s Supper has stood at the heart of Christian worship. But over the years we’ve trivialized it, squeezing it in between “real” worship. If Jesus lives in us, and the Holy Spirit is poured out on us, why do we need to eat bread and drink grape juice or wine? Does it really matter?
It does matter-and it’s life-changing, says leading Pentecostal theologian Jonathan Black. With warmth and depth, he explores not only how the table is still a powerful place of transformation and encounter with Jesus, but also how we can experience Christ’s promise of presence, glory, healing, forgiveness, victory, and intimacy when we answer His call to come to the table.
Whether you’re feeling the lack of His presence, are ashamed of sin in your life, or have never felt anything during Communion, Christ’s invitation to partake in His feast is your invitation to taste and see that the Lord is good.
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Broken Planet : If There’s A God, Then Why Are There Natural Disasters And
$10.04In Broken Planet, Dr Sharon Dirckx, scientist and apologist, offers a measured and thoughtful case for how there could be a God of love that allows natural disasters.
The question of suffering is one of the greatest hurdles to Christian faith. When believers respond to the question of why there is suffering in the world, they often turn to the free-will defence. This states that humans make choices for good or ill that can bring about suffering in the lives of others. However, that doesn’t explain why children die of cancer, or why the latest earthquakes, tsunamis or pandemics have been so destructive. These seem to happen not because of our choices, but in spite of them. So how do we make sense of these events?
Dr. Sharon Dirckx blends argument, science and first-person narrative in this unique book, weaving answers to real questions with compassion and empathy, while also acknowledging the element of mystery we will always live with while on earth.
Dr Dirckx addresses topics such as:
*If God exists, why would he make a world with earthquakes and tsunamis?
*Why is there so much suffering in a natural disaster?
*Are natural disasters God’s judgement?
*Is my illness a punishment from God?
*What kind of God would allow natural disasters and diseases?If you have ever struggled to reconcile the idea of a loving God with all the pain in our world, this book will encourage you that belief in such a God is not as unreasonable as it may seem. In fact, it may be where God is revealed most profoundly.
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What Every Christian Should Know
$22.97We live in a time when believing in anything or nothing is considered equally “truthful.” Many people don’t identify with a specific religion, preferring to think of themselves as “spiritual” to avoid seeming intolerant of other beliefs. This has led to some squishy ideas about right and wrong, as well as false teachings infiltrating our churches.
More than ever, we must stand firm on the clear teaching of God’s Word. In What Every Christian Should Know, Dr. Robert Jeffress equips you to understand ten core doctrines of Christianity so you can be confident that your faith is built on solid ground and stand strong against false teaching. Each chapter illuminates a core belief of the Christian faith, such as God’s Word, the Trinity, angels and demons, sin, salvation, future things, and more.
Nothing is more hopeful and beneficial in our trying times than good theology. With vivid illustrations, clear explanations, and practical applications for believers today, this book will help you ground your faith in capital T truth.
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Good And True Story
$19.99Young adults today want authentic answers to their soul-deep questions about God. They want meaningful ways to communicate those answers to others. Most of all, they want to know that they are living a life that matters.
In A Good and True Story, philosopher, apologist, and international speaker Paul Gould leads readers on an engaging journey through eleven clues that suggest Christianity is not only true but satisfies our deepest longings. This creative foray into the foundations of Christian truth explores the universe, morality, happiness, pain, beauty, and more for readers looking for culturally informed apologetics.
Ideal for college-age and twentysomething readers, small group leaders, and anyone interested in the intersection of faith, philosophy, and culture, A Good and True Story reminds readers that their search for identity and purpose is a gift from a loving and purposeful God.
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Counterfeit Kingdom : The Dangers Of New Revelation, New Prophets, And New
$17.99Is there a new reformation happening in the church? It depends on who you ask.
The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a popular and fast-growing new movement of Christians who emphasize signs and wonders, and teach that God is giving new revelation through new apostles and prophets. But is this biblical Christianity?
In Test the Spirits, apologists and NAR experts Holly Pivec and Doug Geivett show how the NAR’s key tenets distort the gospel, twist the Scriptures, are influenced by New Age practices, and lead faithful Christians to shipwreck their faith. They also offer practical suggestions for readers who are already influenced by the NAR, who are curious about it, or who have friends or family members who have been swept up by the movement.
What used to be on the fringes of the church is now mainstream, and many are being influenced by it unaware. This book is a wake-up call.
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Truth Changes Everything
$19.00America has passed a tipping point. A majority of Americans now say that truth is up to the individual and that ultimate truth cannot be known. Learning to “speak our own truths” was supposed to lead to dignity and harmony. Instead, our society struggles with unprecedented levels of social conflict, purposelessness, and loss of identity. And still, the “Truth versus truths” tension continues to grow.
Is all hope lost? In this inspiring book, Dr. Jeff Myers tells the fascinating stories of Jesus-followers who lived for Truth and transformed their world in times of crisis. These inspiring figures led the way in human dignity, science, art, medicine, education, politics, justice, and even the idea of meaningful work.
No matter what is going on around us, the truth is worth fighting for. If you long for a positive, restorative role in our own chaotic era, it’s time to discover how truth changes everything.
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Person Of Interest
$19.99Dateline featured cold-case detective and best-selling author J. Warner Wallace investigates Jesus, the most significant person in history, like one of his “missing body, cold-cases,” demonstrating why Jesus still matters today, even in a world that is skeptical of the Bible.
Detective J. Warner Wallace listened to a pastor talk about Jesus and wondered why anyone would think Jesus was a person of interest.
Wallace was skeptical of the Bible, but he’d investigated several “no-body, missing person” cases in which there was no crime scene, no physical evidence, and no victim’s body. He successfully identified and convicted the killers in these cases, even without evidence from the scene.
Could the historical life and actions of Jesus be investigated in the same way? Could the truth about Jesus be uncovered even without a body or a crime scene? In Person of Interest, Wallace describes his own personal investigative journey from atheism to Christianity, as he employs a unique investigative strategy to confirm the historicity and deity of Jesus–without relying on the New Testament manuscripts.
Imagining a scenario in which every New Testament document has been destroyed, Wallace carefully sifts through the evidence from history alone to reconstruct the identity of Jesus as the world’s most important person of interest.
Person of Interest will:
*Invite readers into the life of a cold-case detective as he uncovers the truth about Jesus, using the same approach he also employs to solve a real murder case*Teach readers how to become good detectives, using an innovative and unique “‘fuse’ and ‘fallout'” investigative strategy they can also use to examine other claims of history
*Show how Jesus changed the world and why He still matters today
*Help readers to explore common objections to Christianity
Creative, compelling, and unique in its approach, Person of Interest will strengthen the faith of believers, while engaging those who are skeptical and distrusting of the New Testament.
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Chosen By God (Revised)
$15.99Chosen by God by Dr. R. C. Sproul is a contemporary classic on predestination, a doctrine that isn’t just for Calvinists. It is a doctrine for all biblical Christians. In this updated and expanded edition of Chosen by God, Sproul shows that the doctrine of predestination doesn’t create a whimsical or spiteful picture of God, but rather paints a portrait of a loving God who provides redemption for radically corrupt humans.
We choose God because he has opened our eyes to see his beauty; we love him because he first loved us. There is mystery in God’s ways, but not contradiction.Add to cart1 in stock
Challenging Conversations : A Practical Guide To Discuss Controversial Topi
$16.99When was the last time you had an honest, heartfelt, yet kind and productive conversation with someone about depression, mental illness, substance abuse, pornography, premarital sex, racism, divorce, abortion, LGBTQ issues, or church scandals? Our tendency is either to avoid talking about such volatile topics at all–even with other Christians–or to go on the attack, causing rifts that do nothing to encourage further discussion or growth.
If you’re tired of avoiding tough conversations, if you want to be a light in a dark world but you’re not sure how, Challenging Conversations is the book you’ve been waiting for. With straightforward answers to some of the most challenging moral issues disrupting the church, this book will help you build your confidence using three simple steps to becoming a conversant Christian. Each chapter begins with a true story, clarifies misconceptions and misunderstandings about the subject, and equips you to build rapport, ask the right questions, find points of agreement, and take the next fruitful step in the relationship. Because even if we disagree on a moral issue, that shouldn’t make us mortal enemies.
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Ascension Of Christ
$12.79The Ascension is essential to the gospel
The good news of Jesus includes his life, death, resurrection, and future return–but what about his ascension? Though often neglected or misunderstood, the ascension is integral to the gospel.
In The Ascension of Christ, Patrick Schreiner argues that Jesus’ work would be incomplete without his ascent to God’s right hand. Not only a key moment in the gospel story, Jesus’ ascension was necessary for his present ministry in and through the church. Schreiner argues that Jesus’ residence in heaven marks a turning point in his three-fold offices of prophet, priest, and king. As prophet, Jesus builds the church and its witness. As priest, he intercedes before the Father. As king, he rules over all.
A full appreciation of the ascension is essential for understanding the Bible, Christian doctrine, and Christ’s ongoing work in the world.
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40 Questions About Heaven And Hell
$27.99Biblical answers to the most frequently asked questions about the afterlife! In 40 Questions About Heaven and Hell, Alan Gomes surveys the Old and New Testaments to paint a comprehensive picture of the afterlife. The question-and-answer format makes it easy to find answers to specific questions on heaven, hell, the intermediate state, the final judgment, and life in eternity. Readers will find solid answers to many vital questions:
* What should we conclude about those who claim to have seen heaven or hell?
* Is it possible for us to communicate with the dead?
* Is there such a place as purgatory?
* What will our resurrected bodies be like?
* What will we do in the eternal state?
* Will there be animals in the eternal state?
* What is hell like?
* How can a God of love send people to an eternal hell?
* Did Jesus “descend into hell” like the Apostles’ Creed says?Study notes point to additional resources for learning, and reflection questions at the end of each chapter make the book ideal for small group studies.
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Secret Battle Of Ideas About God
$17.99A virus has been spreading across America, but many are unaware of its existence and of the potential fallout. Chances are you’ve already been infected without even realizing it. The virus contains dangerous ideas–worldviews that seek to destroy Jesus and biblical living.
According to a recent Barna study, only 3 percent of American evangelicals have an authentic biblical worldview. Dr. Jeff Myers shines a light on the bad ideas infecting Christians. Tackling some of the largest questions that trouble humanity, Dr. Myers explains how secularism, Marxism, Islam, new spirituality, and postmodernism, attempt to answer them; and he strengthens Christians how to understand what they believe, why they believe it, and how to defend against the idea viruses of today.
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All Things New
$9.97New York Times bestselling author John Eldredge offers readers a breathtaking look into God’s promise for a new heaven and a new earth.
This revolutionary book about our future is based on the simple idea that, according to the Bible, heaven is not our eternal home–the New Earth is. As Jesus says in the gospel of Matthew, the next chapter of our story begins with “the renewal of all things,” by which he means the earth we love in all its beauty, our own selves, and the things that make for a rich life: music, art, food, laughter and all that we hold dear. Everything shall be renewed “when the world is made new.”
More than anything else, how you envision your future shapes your current experience. If you knew that God was going to restore your life and everything you love any day; if you believed a great and glorious goodness was coming to you–not in a vague heaven but right here on this earth–you would have a hope to see you through anything, an anchor for your soul, “an unbreakable spiritual lifeline, reaching past all appearances right to the very presence of God” (Hebrews 6:19).
Most Christians (most people for that matter) fail to look forward to their future because their view of heaven is vague, religious, and frankly boring. Hope begins when we understand that for the believer nothing is lost. Heaven is not a life in the clouds; it is not endless harp-strumming or worship-singing. Rather, the life we long for, the paradise Adam and Eve knew, is precisely the life that is coming to us. And that life is coming soon.
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Resurrection And You (Reprinted)
$3.99SKU (ISBN): 9780801019548ISBN10: 0801019540Josh McDowell | Sean McDowellBinding: Mass MarketPublished: January 2017Publisher: Baker Publishing Group
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Divine Conspiracy Continued
$14.99In this sequel to his spiritual classic The Divine Conspiracy, the late Dallas Willard, along with theologian Gary Black Jr., fulfills his revolutionary vision of how the kingdom of God is made real on earth
In The Divine Conspiracy, Dallas Willard critiqued the church’s obsessive focus on “sin management” and revolutionized how we understand Christian discipleship, revealing what it meant to “apprentice ourselves” to Jesus to truly fulfill his message that the “kingdom of God has come.”
In The Divine Conspiracy Continued, the last book he was actively working on before his death, Willard along with theologian Gary Black Jr., lays out the next stage in God’s plan for a new generation of disciples, including pastors and lay leaders, who can transform the world from the inside out. God does not call Christians to protect themselves from the world, Willard reminds us; he calls them to embrace it, to lead and serve.
Throughout his life, Willard was the teacher other leaders looked to for guidance and understanding. This remarkable volume continues his ground-breaking message, and is sure to become a cherished fount of wisdom and a new blueprint for how God’s revolution can continue into the twenty-first century.
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Gospel : How The Church Portrays The Beauty Of Christ
$14.99The gospel is the greatest message of all time addressing the greatest need of all people. However, the good news about Jesus does more than just promise eternal life to all who believe. In the latest addition to the 9Marks: Building Healthy Churches series, pastor Ray Ortlund explains the gospel’s power to transform individuals from the inside out and create beautiful human relationships. This short book helps readers experience the power of God as they are encouraged to trust in Christ and allow him to transform their beliefs, perspectives, and practices. For everyone who wants to be true to the Bible and honest with themselves, this book offers a practical guide to the fundamental teachings of the gospel and how they affect our relationships with others.
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Letters From A Skeptic
$17.99Greg Boyd longed for his father Edward to know Christ. But as a former atheist turned believer, Greg understood Ed’s reservations. So he offered a unique invitation: His father could write Greg with any questions on Christianity, and he would in turn deliver a thoughtful response. What began as an intimate correspondence between father and son soon captivated seekers everywhere.
This book presents a profound defense of the Christian faith. Filled with intelligent questions often asked by new and non-believers along with insightful practical answers, each letter addresses provocative issues that get right to the heart of Christianity.Add to cart1 in stock
Essential Doctrine Made Easy Pamphlet
$4.99This handy pamphlet is perfect for anyone who wants to know the basic doctrines of the Christian faith. These key beliefs of Christianity are embraced by Christians around the world. Today’s churches are filled with people who are passionate about being Christians, but who may not know what exactly they believe. The author is Dr. Norman Geisler, Professor of Theology and Apologetics and co-founder of Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte, NC. For more info, go to
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Children Of Light Vs Children Of Darkness
$19.99SKU (ISBN): 9781414107325ISBN10: 1414107323John YatesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2006Publisher: Pleasant Word
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Knowing God (Anniversary)
$20.00Preface (1993)
Preface (1973)I. KNOW THE LORD
1. The Study Of God
2. The People Who Know Their God
3. Knowing And Being Known
4. The Only True God
5. God Incarnate
6. He Shall TestifyII. BEHOLD YOUR GOD!
7. God Unchanging
8. The Majesty Of God
9. God Only Wise
10. God’s Wisdom And Ours
11. Thy Word Is Truth
12. The Love Of God
13. The Grace Of God
14. God The Judge
15. The Wrath Of God
16. Goodness And Severity
17. The Jealous GodIII. IF GOD BE FOR US…
18. The Heart Of The Gospel
19. Sons Of God
20. Thou Our Guide
21. These Inward Trials
22. The Adequacy Of GodIndex Of Biblical Passages P. 281
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Over the past twenty years J. 1. Packer’s classic has revealed to over a million Christians around the world the wonder, the glory and the joy of knowing God. This new edition is Americanized and completely retypeset with a new preface by the author. Now more than ever, next to Scripture, this could be the most significant book you will read this year … or next.Add to cart1 in stock
Major Bible Themes (Revised)
$29.9952 Chapters
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In an age characterized by skepticism and ignorance of the Holy Scriptures, this timely volume clearly sets forth the biblical truths and teachings that long have been cherished by Christians. Virtually a classic for this century, MAJOR BIBLE THEMES includes chapters on doctrines that merit particular attention in the contemporary religious scene, such as the Holy Spirit, the nature of the church, and the second coming of Christ.Designed for group and individual study, for pastors, laymen, and students, MAJOR BIBLE THEMES is an indispensable tool, providing the biblical basis for fifty-two doctrines, complete with topical and Scripture indexes. Questions for discussion and review follow each chapter.
Whether your purpose is to explore Bible doctrines as a new Christian, to erase confusion stemming from conflicting views in the contemporary church, or to establish a stronger basis for witnessing to your beliefs, MAJOR BIBLE THEMES is essential for study and reference.
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