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Showing 301–350 of 396 results

  • Loneliness Solution


    Statistics show that, despite our connected world–and partly because of it–we are lonelier than ever. Social media tricks us into thinking that we are engaged in genuine friendships, except we never quite get beyond that feeling of being outside someone else’s life and looking in every so often at what they choose to show the world. Instead of intimacy we get little more than what amounts to digital small talk. But there is a solution.

    With plenty of good humor and practical advice, Jack Eason invites you to discover the benefits of doing life together with other brothers and sisters in Christ. Grounding his message in Scripture, Eason helps you:
    – learn the obstacles to real community
    – reimagine what real friendship looks like
    – discover a place of true belonging
    – and more

    If you’re tired of feeling lonely, this encouraging and community-building book is just what you need.

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  • All Flame : Entering Into The Life Of The Father, Son, And Holy Spirit


    Imagine your heart catching flame like a burning bush in a desert. Imagine that flame coursing through your veins and infusing every cell in your body with eternal energy. Imagine the God who lit up the eyes of Mother Teresa, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Rich Mullins lighting up your life. Andrew Arndt reintroduces us to God in three Persons-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You’ll discover how this God of the Bible is already in touch with your life, and that touch has the capacity to do great things for, in, and through you. Christianity will never be boring again. Most books that engage the life of the Trinity are written at an academic level, focusing on fine points of theological distinction. Andrew writes in a way that is both mystical and missional: The Father, Son, and Spirit are at work in you in unseen ways, and yet their work in you will emanate from you to transform the world for the better. This is an energizing take on a key concept of the faith.

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  • Treasure That Lasts


    We are surrounded by the temptation to glorify ourselves. We post carefully curated selfies on Instagram, chase money and pleasure, and live the “image is everything” lifestyle. We’ve created a culture of envy, emptiness, and depression. Even the church has bought into worldly values of wealth and status. God put us on this earth not to seek our own glory but to shine the light of his glory on a dying world.

    Through the life of Moses, pastor and author Michael Youssef shows us how to store up treasure that lasts by living for God’s glory. Moses turned his back on privilege, pleasure, and power to invest in treasure that lasts–the treasure of God’s glory. His goal must be our goal as well.

    Experience the rich life God intended for you. If you’re not sure you’ve truly surrendered your whole life to God, let Treasure That Lasts be the flame that lights the way to reliance on him.

    This book includes a chapter-by-chapter guide for group discussion or individual study.

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  • Sit Walk Stand


    Sit, Walk, Stand is an inspiring look at Ephesians, opening our eyes to the central issues of our faith. It describes the process of Christian living and maturity in three words. These three key words clearly show us the way to victory in this life and for eternity. Sit: Our position in Christ; Walk: Our life in the world; Stand: Our attitude toward the Enemy. Study guide included. An invaluable tool for the growing disciple.

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  • Enjoy Today Own Tomorrow


    Want to know how to live your dreams? Discover how to reconnect, realign, and reactivate with the ultimate power source.

    Broken, disappointed, lifeless? What if one second, one minute, or one hour could give you the power you needed to win at life every day, no matter what you were facing?

    How is that possible? Enjoy Today, Own Tomorrow will show you how to start winning in life by spending literally seconds each day discovering God’s power. As you extend the process, you’ll find the joy and hope you need for today. As you reconnect, realign, and reactivate you’ll discover the power to walk confidently into tomorrow and to live your dreams!

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  • Forgiving My Father Forgiving Myself


    When we live with unresolved anger or hurt, the result is nearly always bitterness, broken relationships, and unhealthy behaviors. Unforgiveness not only sabotages our interactions with those around us, it impedes our own spiritual growth and inner peace. And it can happen to anyone.

    In her most vulnerable writing yet, Ruth Graham reveals how a visit to Angola Prison inspired her to release the unforgiveness lurking in her own heart–toward others, herself, and even her heavenly Father and her earthly father, evangelist Billy Graham. In this encouraging book, she weaves her own personal experiences with biblical examples to explore what holds us back from forgiving others and ourselves–and what we gain when we finally discover the power to forgive. Along the way, she guides us into our own deeply personal experiences of forgiveness that will penetrate our protective walls and unleash true transformation in our lives.

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  • This Thing Called Christianity


    Bestselling author and speaker Jefferson Bethke tears back the worn canvas of religiosity, lets an unsalvageable, phony frame of distractions fall away, and unfolds for the reader the breathtaking mystery, meaning, worth, and value of the Christian faith.

    Based on his bestselling book It’s Not What You Think, Jefferson Bethke takes you on a journey from the creation of the universe in Genesis to the great feast of celebration in Revelation. Reexamining Christianity from the very beginning as revealed in the Bible, Bethke discovers a story far more beautiful and compelling than the one most Christians are telling today. Instead of rescuing us from the world, God wants us to be part of his plan to restore the world. The story of Christianity is, therefore, about becoming more alive and more fully human by following the one human who was also God in flesh, Jesus.

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  • Victory Over The Darkness (Revised)


    “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32 niv).

    It’s Jesus’s promise to you–the promise that you will live triumphantly. But what keeps you from really walking in the joy of the Lord? The powers of darkness attack us daily. But, as Dr. Neil Anderson shows in Victory Over the Darkness, you can have the power to conquer them by knowing who you are in Christ. In this book, you will learn how to:
    * realize the power of your identity in Christ
    * find freedom from the burdens of your past
    * stand against the spiritual forces of this world
    * win the battle for your mind
    * become the victorious person you want to be
    * discover the truth about God’s view of you

    Victory Over the Darkness spells out practical ways to experience Christian growth based on Christ’s promise. Learn to apply the truths of Scripture as a base from which to renew your mind and become the person Christ empowers you to be.

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  • Disciple Making Culture



    Church leaders who focus on programs, strategy, and curriculum can easily miss what ties them all together: culture. Cultivating culture is the difference between churches who flourish and those who flounder at disciple-making. Leaders must cultivate a healthy disciple-making culture. But how?

    Author Brandon Guindon’s book Disciple-Making Culture provides a how-to guide for cultivating a healthy disciple-making culture throughout your church. He walks readers through key components of healthy culture, which he has uncovered over the course of his more than twenty years of disciple-making in various contexts. Using time-tested principles, he answers a challenging question: “How do we actually live out the Great Commission-as a church?”

    Learn a relational method for making disciples at your church that is built upon how Jesus and the early church made disciples. Gain the tools needed to transform your church’s culture. Walk away with a reproducible model that’s been successfully implemented by thriving disciple-making churches around the world. Allow the pages of Scripture to become not only words-but also real-life experiences.

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  • Truth About Us


    What would happen if you admitted you weren’t a good person?

    It’s a seemingly crazy question. From priests to prisoners, nearly everyone thinks they’re morally better than average. Why change our minds? Why admit the truth about ourselves?

    In his conversational, fun-to-read, and delightfully self-effacing style, Brant Hansen shows us why we should fight our drive to be self-righteous: it’s breathtakingly freeing. What’s more, just admitting that we’re profoundly biased toward ourselves and want desperately to preserve our “rightness” at all costs even helps us think better, make better decisions, be better listeners, and improve our relationships with God and others.

    Hansen draws from biblical insight and the work of everyone from esteemed social psychologists to comedians to make his point: the sooner we get over ourselves, give up the “I’m good” internal dialogue, and admit the truth, the sooner we can live a more lighthearted, fruitful, fun-loving life.

    This book is about the freedom of childlike humility.

    After all, as Hansen writes, the humble life is truly your best one.

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  • Living The Resurrection


    Christ’s friends were utterly transformed by His resurrection. Their friendship, their work, and even their meals together took on a new meaning and purpose. The same can happen to us today.

    Eugene Peterson, beloved pastor, scholar, and translator of The Message, takes you back to Jesus’ time so you can experience the Resurrection through the eyes of biblical witnesses. You’ll be a participant in the story, so its meaning and wonder can enliven your soul as never before.

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  • Heart Of Darkness


    Sense and Sensibility. Frankenstein. The Scarlet Letter. You’re familiar with these pillars of classic literature. You may even be able to rattle off a few quotes, but do you really know how to read them? Do you know how to read them as a Christian?

    Through this beautifully designed series, bestselling author, literature professor, and avid reader Karen Swallow Prior will guide you through a selection of classics. She will not only navigate you through the pitfalls that trap readers today, but show you how to read them in light of the gospel, and to the glory of God.

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  • New Life In Christ


    The single most important event in a person’s life is the new birth. Yet, this is also one of the most neglected doctrines in the church. Many Christians would be hard-pressed to describe exactly what the new birth is, let alone what it means to the rest of their walk with God. What happens when we are born again? Does everything in our lives change immediately? Is it just a kind of spiritual do-over, a chance to get it right this time? What happens when we fail? Does it mean we weren’t really born again to begin with?

    With a pastor’s heart and a professor’s insight, Steven Lawson carefully examines the encounter between Jesus and Nicodemus found in John 3 to uncover the nature of this spiritual rebirth. He shows you the necessity of the new birth, how God changes our hearts through it, and what follows after, from baptism and involvement in a local church to handling doubts and setbacks. This book is perfect for believers who want to understand what happened when they believed and for non-Christians who are curious about what a new life in Christ is all about.

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  • Sacred Chase : Moving From Proximity To Intimacy With God


    There is nothing more important in this life or the one to come than an intimate connection with Jesus. Unfortunately, we have thousands of voices distracting us, and all too often we listen to them. We confuse proximity to God with intimacy with God and are content with a Christian-branded life yet miss out on what we were created for: knowing God intimately.

    Sharing the touching story of a demon-possessed man who had every reason to run the other way when he encountered Jesus, Heath Adamson shows us how spiritual hunger can overcome our hopelessness, our shame, and our excuses. He encourages us to pursue God regardless of where we’ve been or where we are, seeing our salvation as a doorway. Once we walk through it, we can discover the love of God in a tangible way.

    This book is for anyone who longs for a deeper connection to God, who has felt far from peace and hope, and who needs the assurance that God is both interested in who they are and accepts them.

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  • Made To Move Mountains


    Life is an incredible journey with ups and downs. We soar, struggle, scale and stumble, and often stand at the edge of cliffs, afraid to step into the unknown, unsure of where we will land. But instead of running away, we are called by God to stand firm, muster up what faith we can, and take a step. Because we were made to move mountains.

    In this inspiring book, Kristen Welch calls you to step out in faith and climb the mountain in front of you–not because you are good enough or adequate or able, but because God makes a way where there is no way. With heartbreaking and hopeful personal stories, Scripture, and questions for contemplation, she draws you out of fear and into a holy confidence, showing you that the mountain in your path was put there on purpose, so that you could exercise–and grow–your faith.

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  • Jesus Over Everything


    As Christian women, we desire to put Jesus first. We want to prioritize him above all, knowing instinctively that when we do, everything else in our lives will fall into alignment. Yet life feels complicated, and the demands of our daily lives leave our priorities out of order and our hearts longing for more.

    Author, speaker, and Bible teacher Lisa Whittle is passionate about helping people pursue Jesus for life, grow deep roots of faith, and walk strong in a world that so often seems to have gone crazy. In Jesus Over Everything, Lisa shares eight statements of choice to help us grow in our understanding of what it means to put Jesus first amid the craziness our days bring, including choices such as:
    *commitment over mood,
    *steady over hype,
    *holiness over freedom,
    *service over spotlight,
    *and more.

    Jesus Over Everything is a practical, compelling picture of what we crave yet struggle to define as we seek to give God his rightful place in our everyday lives.

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  • Secrets Of The Happy Soul


    How do some people do it? They rise above the circumstances and distractions of life and remain consistently happy. Even in tough times they have a quiet sense of peace about them. Examining the Bible and her own life, Katie Orr has discovered that deep happiness and satisfaction are only possible when we are rooted in God and pursuing his good and specific purpose for each of us.

    Secrets of the Happy Soul is your invitation into a deeper, more fruitful relationship with God and his Word. As Katie walks you through key teachings from the book of Psalms, you will recognize how the world’s definition of happiness pales compared to the daily delights God has in store for you. Draw closer to him, and your soul will go from lonely to connected, from overwhelmed to level and led, from aimless to commissioned and unique. God doesn’t promise a storm-free life, but he is the anchor every happy soul needs.

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  • Holy Guacamole : A Glorious Discovery Of Your Undeniable Worth


    Have you ever felt on the edge, alone, down and out, or maybe wondered what in the world God can do with someone like you?

    Sometimes you wake up feeling less than great about your life. Or your relationships. Or your job. Or your whatever.

    Sometimes you even feel pushed to the side, put on the shelf, overlooked, and not particularly important to, well, anything.

    Sometimes, you feel even less important. . . than a side of rice and beans. (You know, kind of like that stuff served on the side that no one really asked for?)

    What if you found out you were something more like tableside guacamole–that fancy kind they wheel up to the table and make right on the spot?

    What if you were made on purpose, for a purpose that can release God’s glorious colors and flavors in the world?

    You didn’t arrive here by accident, nor have you been served up as an unwanted side dish. The God of creation has created you, and He isn’t waiting for you to become some better version of yourself so He can finally love you. . .or use you. . .or delight in you.

    Generously seasoned with humor and empathy, with stories of triumph, failure, heartbreak, and redemption, Holy Guacamole will connect your heart to the unchanging truths of God’s Word and the unfailing power of God’s call to live a life full of His love for you and for the world.

    God longs to reveal to you all the ways you are His beautiful, flavorful, colorful creation. Let Him show you all the ways you are Holy Guacamole–His masterpiece, His signature offering to a world in need of His love.

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  • God Me And The Enemy


    Spiritual warfare–the battle in the unseen realm–affects believers more than we realize. The enemy works relentlessly to undermine our faith and discourage us from advancing. Ellel Ministries founder Peter Horrobin teaches principles that have helped believers all over the world walk in the freedom they long for. And it begins with knowing all three “players” in this contest of wills: God, me, and the enemy.

    In this essential book, Horrobin lays a foundation for victorious spiritual warfare through an exploration of God, mankind, and the unseen realm. He equips the saints for battle, helping us accomplish mighty works for the kingdom of God.

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  • Gospel According To Satan


    From a “unique and distinctive” (Kyle Idleman) writer who “make[s] us appreciate the greatness and grandeur of the gospel” (J. I. Packer) comes a warning about how the “father of lies” attempts to mislead us, packaging destructive ideas in the guise of spiritual truth.

    Not every lie sounds untrue. Some just sound right. And some are repeated so often that they virtually become “common knowledge.” This is what makes lies about God so dangerous. So we have to ask, what might God’s enemy want us to believe to lead us astray? And would we even see it happening?

    Award-winning writer and pastor Jared C. Wilson brings us this compelling and enlightening exploration of the popular and oftentimes pleasing ways spiritual darkness masquerades as light. With sharp insight, warm humor, and a shepherd’s heart, Jared Wilson examines eight lines popular with too many Christians–eight lies the enemy wants us to believe–and provides eight lines of counterattack to help us regain our footing. Wilson names the lies– including “God Just Wants You to Be Happy,” “You Only Live Once,” and “Let Go and Let God,”–and then reveals why they appeal to us, shows how they harm us, and provides ways to counteract them. We can renounce Satan’s counterfeit gospel, but first we must see it for what it is. Jared Wilson shows us how.

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  • Practical Guide To Culture


    We don’t have to lose the next generation to culture. In this practical guide, John Stonestreet and Brett Kunkle explore questions including:
    *What unseen undercurrents are shaping twenty-first-century youth culture?
    *Why do so many kids struggle with identity?
    *How do we talk to kids about same-sex marriage and transgenderism?
    *How can leaders steer kids away from substance abuse and other addictions?
    *How can we ground students in the biblical story and empower them to change the world?

    With biblical clarity, this is the practical go-to manual to equip kids to rise above the culture.

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  • Students Guide To Culture


    The student edition of the popular A Practical Guide to Culture by John Stonestreet and Brett Kunkle delivers a hopeful message to readers ages 15-25 who live every day with increasing cultural pressure. These young people struggle to navigate contemporary challenges to their Christian faith and values, but will be encouraged to emerge as leaders.

    In A Student’s Guide to Culture, Stonestreet and Kunkle write in a highly relational style, sharing insight and experience. Jumping off from the original version, this guide includes all-new discussion questions and stories that remind young readers that they can live differently and be a light in a culture that sometimes feels overwhelming.

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  • What If Its True


    Years ago novelist Charles Martin opened his Bible and began to wrestle with a few fundamental questions. He asked, “What if every single word of Scripture is absolutely true and I can trust it? How do I respond? Something in me should change, but what? How?” This book is the result of that exploration.

    With the depth, sensitivity, and emotion that has made his novels beloved to millions, Charles ignites our imaginations as to what the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ mean to us today. Charles asks, “What if dead and crucified Jesus came back to life by the power of the Holy Spirit and is alive today? Right now. What if that same Jesus, the One who walked out of the tomb shining like the sun, holding the keys of death and hades, is alive in me? I write fiction for a living, and that’s either the craziest thing I’ve ever heard or it’s the most important word ever spoken. You and I have a King who did the unthinkable.”

    The answers that his writer’s imagination illuminates for us will change the way we think about the gospel and the way we live because of it.

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  • Values Of Jesus


    In a world of increasing moral relativism, there is one set of values that has not changed. In The Values of Jesus, pastor and storyteller David Crosby takes a look at the teachings of Jesus and shows us how to align our life’s values with what God holds important. What we value dictates how we spend our time, money, and energy and can distract us from our purpose or propel us toward a Christlike view in areas such as: love, family, money, relationships, traditions, institutions, and more.

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  • Platinum Faith


    Platinum – A gorgeous metal with amazing qualities inspires faith

    Platinum, known as a “magic metal” is valuable, rare, unreactive, and highly useful in many ways. In Platinum Faith: Live Brilliant, Be Resilient, and Know Your Worth Michelle Medlock Adams and Bethany Jett, best-selling authors and inspirational speakers, examine the unique properties of Platinum and how readers can be inspired by those properties to improve their walk of faith.

    Properties Explored Include:
    *Valuable: Realize our importance to the Father and His Kingdom in order to accomplish all that God has called us to do.
    *Rare: It is difficult and therefore, rare, to live our lives believing God, trusting His plan, and walking in faith every day.
    *Unreactive: Choose to not react to the negativity in life, but only to the life-giving Word of God.
    *Useful: Each of us in the Body of Christ have different purposes and strengths-all of us are important and useful to the Kingdom.

    That is Platinum Faith.

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  • Overcomer : 8 Ways To Live A Life Of Unstoppable Strength, Unmovable Faith,


    If you’ve had enough of living in defeat, it is time to find renewed strength and claim the promises of God’s Word to overcome life’s greatest threats.

    We live in a time of deep uncertainty. And yet the Bible promises we were created to enjoy lives of freedom, even in times when the world around us seems filled with darkness. We were created to be overcomers, conquering the greatest obstacles in our lives.

    In Overcomer, beloved teacher David Jeremiah offers his insights on one of the most quoted but least understood passages of the Bible: the apostle Paul’s admonition to the Ephesians to take up the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). With his signature depth, wisdom, and compassion, Dr. Jeremiah explores the powerful relevance of spiritual armor as a critical tool each day as we confront the specific challenges in our lives and of our time.

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  • Girl Be Brave


    You were always meant to be brave.

    When Cheryl Hale discovered a note from her grandmother, written to her mother in a family Bible, ending with the phrase “girl be brave,” she found the inspiration she needed to push through her fear and chart a course for her life.

    In Girl Be Brave: 100 Days to Chart Your Course, the 100 reflections inspired by Cheryl’s grandmother’s note encourage readers to embrace the plan God has for them, face their fears, and discover that they are braver than they ever thought possible.

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  • Counting Stars In An Empty Sky


    Bible teacher and host of Leading The Way unpacks Abraham’s story to reveal God’s faithfulness, bringing hope and understanding during difficult times and helping us to trust in God’s promises today.

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  • Putting Jesus On Display With Love And Power


    How do we overcome the fear of failure and rejection while demonstrating the good news of the Gospel? Offering practical insights through true, personal stories, Pastor Brian Blount helps believers stand on a firm biblical foundation in order to engage in the ministry of Jesus every day and live boldly as you partake in the lifestyle of everyday evangelism!

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  • Opposite Life : Unlocking The Mysteries Of God’s Upside-Down Kingdom


    Discover the secret to living a powerful and abundant life through the upside-down kingdom of God.

    In our constant search for a life filled with blessing and abundance, we often follow our human instinct, and then wonder why we come up short. God always has a better idea. And it most often requires us to move in the opposite direction.

    In The Opposite Life, pastor and author Alex Seeley explains the secret to living a powerful and abundant life through the upside-down kingdom of God. Each chapter unpacks the opposite-life principles that begin with our way of thinking and yield miraculous results. They include:
    *death vs. life
    *fear vs. faith
    *last vs. first
    *love vs. hate
    *worry vs. worship
    *give vs. receive
    *impossible vs. possible

    We all want the blessed life but sometimes go about it in the wrong way. God’s promises are conditional. He says follow Me, and I will change your weakness into strength, your foolishness into wisdom, and your nothing into everything.

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  • God Of Comfort


    SKU (ISBN): 9780310453949ISBN10: 0310453941Produced by: ZondervanBinding: Cloth TextPublished: August 2019Publisher: Zondervan

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  • What Made Jesus Mad


    Tim Harlow, senior pastor of Parkview Christian Church, helps Christians rediscover the passionate savior of the Bible who is still relevant today.

    For years Christians have asked, “What would Jesus do?” But what if we asked a better, more illuminating question: “What made Jesus mad?”

    As much as we love a gentle, sweet image of Jesus, that picture isn’t complete. Jesus got deeply angry at times. That shouldn’t surprise us–but who he was mad at, and why, might. Jesus was most angry with people whose attitudes got in the way of his purpose: to seek and to save the lost, to unite us with God’s amazing love. So, when he saw hypocrisy, greed, judging, and lack of mercy coming from the hearts of people who supposedly followed God and as a result pushed people away from him, Jesus went into orbit. Do we feel the same way?

    Whatever the problem–tolerating injustice, shunning sinners, or ignoring the least among us–What Made Jesus Mad? opens our eyes to the issues that most angered Jesus and that should anger Christians as we align our hearts with his and get back to actually following the Savior.

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  • Soul Set Free


    Just because you know and have experienced grace does not mean you fully understand it.

    This book will help you experience the freedom found in knowing just how fully God is committed to loving YOU.

    Rediscover the missing piece in what today’s Christians believe about the Christian life. As lead Pastor of one of America’s biggest churches, John Lindell went on a personal quest for answers and discovered the true meaning behind God’s grace, and when he came to see the full revelation of God’s commitment to us, it changed his life forever.

    In Soul Set Free, Lindell invites you on a life-changing journey through the Book of Romans. Learn to no longer view the gospel as anything less than a truth that sets your soul free.

    The good news of the gospel can be summed up in three parts: Christ died for our sins, we are forgiven through faith in Christ, and heaven is our reward upon death. However, none of these parts cover what transpired when we were saved.

    The gospel is even better than what we believe. It brings joy but it’s even better. It’s forgiveness of sins but it’s even better. It’s God sending His only Son but it’s even better.

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  • Hope For Hard Times


    We’ve all been there. Rock bottom. The end of our rope. The last straw. During hard times, it often seems like the only option is to throw in the towel. In Hope for Hard Times, author Magrey deVega examines the lives of the great biblical prophets Elijah and Elisha and reveals a consistent message in their stories: Don’t give up, and don’t lose hope. Trust that God will help you find a way. When you look closely at the accounts of Elijah and Elisha from 1 Kings 17 to 2 Kings 8, you will find amazing stories of God’s provision. God provides for Elijah, as he faces down opposition in a mountaintop showdown and when he feels alone and ready to give up while hiding in a cave listening for God’s still, small voice. God provides for Elisha, when he brings healing to Naaman and when he is surrounded by enemies and praying for spiritual eyes to be opened to hope. There is hope for you in hard times. Your story of hurt, heartache, and hopelessness has been heard, and God has a message for you. Read these stories, pray through them, and listen as you receive encouragement and guidance for whatever you are facing today. Open your eyes, and open your hands. For just like ravens at the Brook Cherith, God is with you, giving you everything you need. Components for this 4-session study will include a book, leader guide, and four streaming videos available online featuring Magrey outlining each topic in an accessible and engaging way. Sessions Include: When the Odds Seem Against You (1 Kings 17 and 18) When You Feel Down and Out (1 Kings 18-21) When Life Takes a Turn (2 Kings 2) When All Seems Lost (2 Kings 4-8)

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  • Growing Spiritual Grit


    It’s time to get gritty! If comfort isn’t your top priority, and safety isn’t your goal, keep reading because it’s time to get gritty. Spiritually gritty. Spiritual grit is what keeps some people following Jesus no matter how difficult the path. It’s rare, powerful, and transformative. And it’s exactly what Jesus is looking to build in you. These 52 devotions will help; they’ll propel you into the risk of relying on Jesus, and encourage you with stories of how others have gotten gritty in their own lives. Ditch the comfort zone, welcome challenge, and start growing your grit now.

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  • Yes No And Maybe


    Sometimes when life feels routine, women succumb to the weariness of every unfulfilled dream and unanswered prayer. In Yes, No, & Maybe, Wendy Pope invites readers to discover anew the call to live the life Jesus died to give-the immeasurably more life. Along the way, they’ll discover three words that can revitalize their relationship with Christ: yes, no, and maybe.

    As Pope writes, a woman’s heartfelt:
    – Yes cultivates trust with God.
    – No invites revelation into who God designed her to be.
    – Maybe welcomes the freedom to confidently love, give, and serve in God’s kingdom.

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  • 10 Keys To Spiritual Growth Pamphlet


    Followers of Christ want to grow spiritually, but aren’t always sure how to get started. This slimline pamphlet offers 10 ways to grow your faith and recognize the Holy Spirit’s work in your life. Packed with simple summaries and practical applications, Rose’s 10 Keys to Spiritual Growth covers essential discipleship topics in an easy-to-understand way, making it perfect for individual or small group use.

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  • Battlefield Of The Mind For Teens (Revised)


    An updated edition of BATTLEFIELD OF THE MIND FOR TEENS, based on Joyce Meyer’s most popular book of all time, takes on relevant issues and offers powerful spiritual reinforcement.

    Ninety-nine percent of high-school students suffer from stress. Not only school stress, teens are faced with new dangers of the online world, pressure from media, and more access than ever before to news of troubling world events and the economic struggle their generation may face in adulthood.

    In this newly revised edition, Joyce Meyer offers hope and healthy perspective for teens. They will learn how to draw upon God’s wisdom and love for them to overcome the stress, fear, and negative thoughts they experience. God will help teens win the battles of their minds and their lives. And when they uncover His amazing plan for them, the future can only look bright.

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  • Holy In The Moment


    Enjoying life (zoe) in Christ comes in the choices we make moment-by-moment. Ginger Harrington invites women to discover how intentional choices made in the moment can become holy habits. With a refreshing perspective, she shows that holiness isn’t a rigid standard to keep but a gift to receive through a vital relationship with God, who makes us whole. Holy in the Moment explores the practical power of choices to grow in holiness without the pressure of perfectionism. Through gentle encouragement, biblical insights, and applicable ideas learn to discern feelings and overcome distractions and shame, adapt God’s equation for obedience, live a praying life, discover methods for practicing holiness in parenting and the importance of rest, embrace biblical love and forgiveness, and understand how work becomes holy. Re-energize faith with simple choices to love God, embrace truth, and enjoy every moment of life with practical ways to be holy by choosing to trust God, rely on his wisdom, and live from his resources.

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  • Discipleship Gospel : What Jesus Preached We Must Follow



    Many today preach a gospel that makes converts, but not disciples. This is the result of “non-discipleship gospels,” which exclude the necessity to follow Jesus from their message. The Discipleship Gospel challenges the church today with a fresh reading of Jesus’ gospel-one that we must learn to preach again.

    “The gospel you preach determines the disciples you make,” the authors write. Bill Hull and Ben Sobels use key biblical texts to describe why discipleship is not just an add-on to the gospel, but an essential part of it. The authors define seven essential elements of Jesus’ gospel and why you must include each one in your gospel if you want to make disciples, not just converts. In this book, they help you clarify your understanding of the gospel, learn how to contextualize your message, and create a plan to make disciples who embrace the full gospel-in your church and beyond.

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  • Path Of Compassion


    Written by a seasoned pastoral counselor, The Path to Compassion explores engaging our heartfelt empathy effectively into an attitude of love and acts of kindness. The books helps persons of faith to learn the dynamics of compassion as they grow into their deepest and most caring selves. It is based on the foundational truths of the scriptures to love God “with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind” – and to love “your neighbor as yourself.” In three sections, Greer explores the loving compassion of the heart, soul, and mind. The Path to Compassion delves into how we mature into ever-deepening levels of grace, making us more available with spiritual and emotional intimacy.

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  • Forgiveness : Finding Peace Through Letting Go


    If your enemies are starving, feed them some bread; if they are thirsty, give them water to drink. Proverbs 24:17 (CEB) There is nothing more crippling than holding on to anger. Anger, more than any other emotion, has the power to consume all aspects of our lives, distort our sense of purpose, and destroy our relationship with God. In the passionate and life-changing book Forgiveness: Finding Peace Though Letting Go, bestselling author Adam Hamilton brings the same insight that he applied in the bestseller “Why?” to the challenge of forgiveness. Hamilton argues that revelation comes when we realize that forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves rather than to someone else. He also contends that only when we learn to forgive others and ourselves can we truly receive forgiveness from God. “Adam Hamilton not only reminds us about the importance of reconnecting the broken pieces of our lives, but shows how the process of grace and forgiveness is possibly our most complete picture of God.” –Shane Stanford, author of Making Life Matter: Embracing the Joy in the Everyday “The heartbeat of the gospel is grace. With practical insight, Hamilton makes grace understandable–both for seeking and for granting forgiveness. I highly recommend this book.” –Melody Carlson, author of Healing Waters: A Bible Study on Forgiveness, Grace, and Second Chances “Adam Hamilton’s book offers clear guidance for believers struggling with the practical application of our biblical imperative to forgive. It is a must-read for both Christian counselors and every person who has something or someone to forgive.” –Jennifer Cisney Ellers, author of The First 48 Hours: Spiritual Caregivers as First Responders “Deeply rooted in the Bible’s testimony about God’s extravagant mercy, this fine little book explores the Christian call to practice both repentance and forgiveness in the image of God. Straightforward and practical, Hamilton vividly sketches the habits of the heart that discipleship requires in our daily relationships with spouses and intimate life partners, family members, friends and strangers.” –Patricia Beattie Jung, Professor of Christian Ethics, Saint Paul School of Theology

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  • Why : Making Sense Of Gods Will


    Where is God when tragedy and suffering strike? When the ground shakes, and a poor nation’s economy is destroyed; when the waters rise, washing away a community’s hopes and dreams; when a child suffers neglect and abuse; when violence tears apart nations; where is God; If God is all powerful, and if each one of us is a beloved child of God, then how can God allow tragedy and suffering to infest his creation? In Why?, best-selling author Adam Hamilton brings fresh insight to the age-old question of how to understand the will of God. Rejecting simplistic answers and unexamined assumptions, he lays out core ideas for comprehending God’s plan for the world, including: God will not take away our free will, even when we use it to grieve him. God will never abandon us, especially in the midst of our suffering. While God is not the author of suffering, God will bring blessing out of tragedy.

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  • Help How Do I Know Gods Will


    The secret to knowing God’s will… …is knowing God. When it comes to making big decisions in life, all of us want to know God’s direction. But what happens when we pray and don’t hear an answer or the path seems confusing and overwhelming? Help! How Do I Know God’s Will? is a portable, practical book that offers creative, real-life suggestions for discerning God’s will and remaining open when his answers are different from what we might expect. You will… – Be relieved to discover you’re not the only one who struggles with confusion and doubt. – Find increased confidence in decision-making as you discover God’s heart and learn to listen for his voice. – Be encouraged as you see your prayers for guidance answered in both expected and unexpected ways. – Discover practical ideas for discerning God’s will when faced with big decisions.Easy to gift!Help! How Do I Know God’s Will? is part of a new Jesus-centered series of practical guides that make natural gifts for adults and teens wanting to grow in their relationship with Jesus. Collect and share the whole set!”

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  • Notes From Jesus


    Jesus is the stuff best friends are made of–especially if you’re a kid!

    He’s always up for hearing how the day went, listening to worries, and laughing at silly jokes. And he wants to share about himself, too, as best friends do.

    Notes From Jesus are his messages to new friends. Each playfully illustrated note includes:
    * Answers to common faith questions kids ask, like “”What happens when I mess up?”” and “Is it okay to pray with my eyes open?””
    * An inspirational Bible verse for kids to tuck away in their hearts
    * Doable, kid-sized ideas for readers to become even better friends with Jesus

    Each note reminds kids that Jesus enjoys their company, and he wants a lifelong friendship that deepens with each new conversation.

    This is the perfect gift for kids just starting a relationship with Jesus…for young families joining a church…or as a meaningful birthday, holiday, or Christmas gift!

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  • Boundaries Updated And Expanded Edition (Expanded)


    This New York Times bestselling and award-winning book helps readers set healthy boundaries in order to be the loving people God created, and now offers a whole new chapter.

    Are you in control of your life?

    Christians often focus so much on being loving and giving that they forget their own limits and limitations. Have you ever found yourself wondering: Can I set limits and still be a loving person? How do I answer someone who wants my time, love, energy, or money? Why do I feel guilty when I consider setting boundaries?

    In this Gold Medallion Award-winning book and New York Times bestseller, Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend give you biblically based answers to these and other tough questions, and show you how to set healthy boundaries with your parents, spouses, children, friends, coworkers, and even with yourself. This updated and expanded edition specifically addresses boundaries in the digital age, online dating, single parenting, and the workplace.

    Boundaries are personal property lines that define who you are and who you are not, and influence all areas of your life – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.

    Unpacking ten laws of boundaries, Drs. Cloud and Townsend show you how to bring new health to your relationships. You’ll discover firsthand how sound boundaries give you the freedom to walk as the loving, giving, fulfilled individual God created you to be.

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  • Presence Of God


    Honor, glorify, and love God by learning to dwell in His presence.

    R. T. Kendall invites you to discover what it means to be in the presence of God. In this fresh, new look at God’s presence, Kendall explores everything from the omnipresence of God to the tangible manifestation of His presence.

    You will discover why God might at times withhold a sense of His presence. And at other times you might experience an acute sense of awe or reverence of God that drives you to your knees in prayer, leads you into spontaneous worship of Him, or brings about healing and other miracles.

    Kendall teaches you how to develop a sensitivity to His presence so your love for Him and relationship with Him will deepen and grow.

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  • Magnificent Story : Uncovering A Gospel Of Beauty Goodness And Truth


    We are story-making people. We love reading stories*and we love hearing the personal stories of others. We need stories, or narratives, to make sense of our world. And those stories shape our lives. What is the story you have been told about the gospel?

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  • Unhurried Leader : The Lasting Fruit Of Daily Influence


    What does it look like to let Jesus set the pace for your leadership? Through biblical illustrations, personal examples, and on-the-ground leadership wisdom, Alan Fadling guides you into a new view of kingdom leadership. You might just find that the whole of your life is transformed into a more livable and more fruitful pace.

    What does grace-paced leadership look like? Spiritual mentor. Pastor. Executive director. Parent. Professor. Spouse. We have many roles and relationships. And in the midst of all we do, we’re tempted to frantically take control of situations in hopes of making good things happen. Alan Fadling, author of An Unhurried Life, writes: “That kind of unholy hurry may make me look busy, but too often it keeps me from actually being fruitful in the ways Jesus wants me to be. Jesus modeled grace-paced leadership. To learn that we begin not with leading, but with following.” In these pages Alan Fadling unfolds what it means for leaders to let Jesus set the pace. Through biblical illustrations, personal examples, and on-the-ground leadership wisdom, this book will guide you into a new view of kingdom leadership. Along the way you just might find that the whole of your life has been transformed into a more livable and more fruitful pace.

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  • Battlefield Of The Mind Spiritual Growth Series


    Worry, doubt, confusion, depression, anger and feelings of condemnation: all are attacks on the mind. If readers suffer from negative thoughts, they can take heart! Joyce Meyer has helped millions win these all-important battles. In her most popular bestseller ever, the beloved author and minister shows readers how to transform their lives by changing their minds.

    Readers will learn to deal with thousands of thoughts they may think every day and how to focus the mind the way God thinks. She shares personal stories, biblical truth, and encouragement to help readers think with purpose, win the battles of their minds, and begin a joy-filled life.

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