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    Bible Dictionaries

    • 9780310119517 Biblical Hebrew And Aramaic Dictionary

      Biblical Hebrew And Aramaic Dictionary


      Robert R. Duke’s Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary provides comprehensive dictionary entries for Hebrew and Aramaic words occurring 10 times or more for Hebrew words and 5 times or more for Aramaic words. Each entry provides a complete overview of the term and then helpfully ties the word’s meaning to references and examples from the Hebrew Bible, aiding vocabulary memorization. An essential reference tool, it includes:

      *All Hebrew words occurring 10 times or more
      *All Aramaic words occurring 5 times or more
      *Examples of the word’s usage in the Old Testament
      *Entries from several paleo-Hebrew texts, including the Dead Sea Scrolls

      The dictionary is an essential reference for beginning, intermediate, and advanced readers of biblical Hebrew.

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    • 9780801019333 Baker Expository Dictionary Of Biblical Words

      Baker Expository Dictionary Of Biblical Words


      One of the keys to effectively preaching and teaching God’s Word is a deep understanding of the meaning of biblical words in the original Hebrew and Greek. As the building blocks of language, words are the means we use to communicate with one another, and they’re also the means God has chosen for communicating with us, his people.

      To enrich your preaching, teaching, and personal study of God’s Word, this clear, accurate, and easy-to-use dictionary offers the most up-to-date evangelical biblical scholarship as well as fascinating, detailed explanations of biblical words. Whether you’re a pastor, a seminary student, or a lay student of the Bible, this expository dictionary offers a wealth of information about the original Hebrew and Greek words of Scripture.

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    • 9781535934718 Ultimate Bible Dictionary Revised And Expanded (Expanded)

      Ultimate Bible Dictionary Revised And Expanded (Expanded)


      The Ultimate Bible Dictionary is the perfect tool for those who are beginning to study the Bible. Carefully researched and accessible definitions are designed to provide a quick understanding of a term right up front and then, in many cases, go into more detail for those who want this level of description.

      The definitions are further enhanced by the large number of colorful maps, photos, and reconstructions of biblical objects placed on the same page spread as the definition they accompany. The optimal size of the Ultimate Bible Dictionary makes this resource easy-to-carry and easy-to-use in personal study or group activities.

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    • 9781617154287 AMGs Comprehensive Dictionary Of Old Testament Words

      AMGs Comprehensive Dictionary Of Old Testament Words


      AMG’s Comprehensive Dictionary of Old Testament Words was written to serve as a primary multi-functional reference tool for students of the Old Testament, those who teach the Word of God and all those who read it, with or without Hebrew knowledge. This dictionary takes into consideration the terms used by seven translations, among others, of the Bible: English Standard, J. N. Darby, King James, New American Standard Bible, New International Version (1984, 2011) and New King James Version. In AMG’s Comprehensive Dictionary of Old Testament Words, for the vast majority of cases, all the Biblical references for the entries of the terms listed are provided, thus allowing the work to also serve as a concordance. Part I contains definitions or cross-references for more than 8,000 English terms as well as definitions for approximately 8,600 Hebrew terms. For each English term listed in AMG’s Comprehensive Dictionary of Old Testament Words, the reader will find the corresponding Hebrew term or terms. As a general rule, each entry or subentry includes the transliteration of the Heberw word, the class of word, the Hebrew word, the Strong’s code, the etymology of the word and the meaning of the name of the person or place. It includes as well a definition of the term, paraphrased verses enabling the reader to understand the context in which the term is used, other Old Testament references and, when occasions arise, different Hebrew words found in other manuscripts.

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    • 9780805499353 Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary

      Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary


      For 25 years the Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary has been the go-to Bible reference resource for lay Bible students, teachers, pastors, academic courses, and libraries. Those who have used it have praised its comprehensiveness, conciseness, and clarity. Over 6,500 articles from Aaron to Zuzite are written so as to equip the reader for greater competence in understanding and interpreting the Scriptures. Each article is structured to begin with a concise definition followed by a thorough development of the topic. Some 700 full-color photos, maps, reconstructions, and charts enrich the experience of those who use the Dictionary for personal study, academic work, and preparation for teaching and preaching the Bible.

      Contemporary Bible readers are separated from the original documents by 2,000 to 3,500 years. Bridging this chasm requires linguistic, literary, geographical, historical, and cultural information that the Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary provides. This third edition of the Dictionary makes available up-to-date archaeological information that illuminates the biblical text.

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    • 9780899577319 Pequeno Diccionario Del Nuevo - (Spanish)

      Pequeno Diccionario Del Nuevo – (Spanish)


      Pequeno Diccionario del Nuevo Testamento is a concise dictionary of selected words and all names of persons and places found in the New Testament. It comprises approximately 1,530 entries and 1,640 definitions. This work is a translation and an adaptation in Spanish of a book published by the same author in French, the Petit Dictionnaire du Nouveau Testament in 1994.
      Part I includes the common names most likely to be of interest and to raise questions when reading the New Testament.
      Part II includes all names of persons and places found in the New Testament. When the original meaning of the name is known, it is indicated in brackets beside the name. The Spanish term is accompanied in brackets by the Greek word (in italics). For each word or name defined, all biblical references are given, or a large number of them if they are too numerous.Most common words and names of people and places found in the Pequeño Diccionario del Nuevo Testamento are those encountered in the Reina-Valera 1960 version of the Bible. Other usual terms found in other versions (such as Asamblea, Expiación, Gentiles) are cross-referenced to terms found in the Reina-Valera 1960 version.

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    • 9780899577401 AMGs Comprehensive Dictionary Of New Testament Words

      AMGs Comprehensive Dictionary Of New Testament Words


      AMG’s Comprehensive Dictionary of New Testament English and Greek Words covers the vast majority of common wordsand all the proper names of people andplaces found in the New Testament. It waswritten to serve as a primary referencetool for students of the New Testament,those who teach the Word of God and allthose who read it. This Dictionary takesinto consideration the terms used by sevenexcellent translations of the Bible: J. N.Darby, King James, New King James, NewInternational (1984, 2011), New AmericanStandard and English Standard versions.In this Dictionary, for the vast majority of cases, all the Biblical references for the entries of the terms listed are provided, thus allowing the work to also serve as a concordance. It contains definitions for approximately 97% of all New Testament Greek terms. The second part of the Dictionary is a glossary of all Greek terms, relating them to the entries of the corresponding English terms. Overall the Dictionary contains close to 8,000 English terms which are defined or are presented as cross-references, and more than 5,500 Greek terms.For each English term listed, the reader will find the corresponding Greek term or terms. As a general rule, each entry or subentry includes the transliteration of the Greek word, the class of word, the Greek word, the Strong’s code as well as the etymology of the word (and the meaning of the name of the person or place), and a definition of the term; paraphrased verses and other N.T. references are provided, enabling the reader to understand the context in which the term is used.

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    • 9780899577104 AMGs Annotated Strongs Dictionaries

      AMGs Annotated Strongs Dictionaries


      An easy way to gain access to God’s Word in its original languages—for pastors, students, and laypersons. Combining the meat of AMG’s word study materials with Strong’s Hebrew and Greek dictionaries, this handy reference tool features updated material; easy-to-read print; extended definitions; and the original numbering system from Strong’s. Includes each word’s derivation, history, exegetical commentary, synonyms, antonyms, and more.

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    • 9780802490667 New Ungers Bible Dictionary (Revised)

      New Ungers Bible Dictionary (Revised)


      Helping readers of Scripture for almost half a century, this updated resource is based on the NASB—and features more than 67,000 entries, detailed essays, new color photography, maps from The Moody Atlas of Bible Lands, dozens of charts, and more! Extensive cross-referencing allows use with all major translations. Approx. 1400 pages, hardcover from Moody.

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    • 9780899576640 Complete Word Study Dictionary New Testament Scripture Reference Index (Annual)

      Complete Word Study Dictionary New Testament Scripture Reference Index (Annual)


      This volume is designed as a companion study aid to the COMPLETE WORD STUDY DICTIONARY: NEW TESTAMNENT. There is an index to every scripture reference listed in the Dictionary. Each reference is coded to Strong’s numbering system.

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    • 9780899576671 Complete Word Study Dictionary Old Testament

      Complete Word Study Dictionary Old Testament


      The AMG Word Study series helps pastors, students, and laypeople gain access to God’s Word in its original languages. Completing the series, this dictionary features entries that include Strong’s numbering; the Hebrew or Aramaic word and its English transliteration; concordance information that lists every occurrence within the Old Testament; a translational reference; and more!

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